

109 Uppsatser om Kenya - Sida 1 av 8

Mode i Kenya ? En studie om Kenya som marknad för inhemska modevarumärken

The fashion industry in Kenya is slowly growing. The middleclass is getting bigger and theinterest for fashion among these consumers is increasing. One major problem for the growthof the industry is the extensive second hand trade, which has given several problematicaffects. The textile production has almost disappeared, the western influences are evident andthe consumer?s price sensitivity is prominent.The aim of this thesis is, by conducting a field study; to qualitative examine how to develop astrong domestic fashion brand on the Kenyan market and to give a foundation for a brandingstrategy for people involved within fashion in Kenya.

"I slutet av varje dag förstår alla elever matematiken" : En kvalitativ studie om matematiklärares syn på barn i behov av särskilt stöd i Kenya

The purpose of the study was to find out how teachers in a school in Kenya conducted the education of mathematics in standard 4-6. The focus was how the teachers worked with children in need of special support in mathematics.To find out the purpose a case study was made with two interviews and seven observations with four teachers on a rural school in Kenya. The following issues were: Which standards were there in the classrooms during lessons in mathematics in Kenya? How did the teachers express the view of children in need of special support? The main conclusion was that different teachers teaching in mathematics looked the same.The teacher was standing in front of the blackboard where the teaching occurred and the pupils were sitting lined up in their benches. The teaching of the pupils was about repetition and imitates the teacher and mostly filling the gap that the teacher made them say.

Brittisk bekämpning av Mau Mau : hade fransk upprorsbekämpningsteori fungerat?

Mau Mau var en illegal upprorsmakande organisation i Kenya, sprungen ur det Afrika främjande partiet Kenya African Union under mitten av 1900-talet då Kenya var en brittisk koloni. Mau Maus anhängare kom från den etniskt Kenyanska folkgruppen kikuyu som medelst våld ville uppnå målet att skapa ett kikuyukontrollerat Kenya fritt från vita européer. Britternas svar på Mau Mau blev upprorsbekämpning vilken av britterna anses lyckad och präglades av deportering av civila. Undersökningen besvarar frågan huruvida Galulas teori om upprorsbekämpning hade varit tillämpbar på konflikten i Kenya genom en fallstudie på britternas agerande utifrån Galulas teori. För att identifiera likheter och skillnader mellan empiri och teori används textanalys samt Gordon McCormicks Magiska Diamant som ett analys- och operationaliseringsverktyg.

Det riktiga Kenya och orientaliska Tunisien : En diskursanalys av Lonely Planets guideböcker om Tunisien och Kenya

Presentations of Oriental people as subordinated the West and their ideals was one way for Europeans to expand and keep control over their colonies in Africa during the nineteenth- and twentieth centuries. France and Great Britain controlled their colonies in different ways which has led to diverse legacies. Today, tourism is a source of revenue for former colonies, such as Tunisia and Kenya, and tourism also helps to spread knowledge and images of distant countries. A guidebook is one way that knowledge of other countries and people are spread to travelers. During history, images of distant people were based on a colonial discourse in which the west was seen as superior; but is that still the case? The purpose of this paper was to analyze how Tunisia and Kenya are presented in the Lonely Planet guide to Tunisia and the Lonely Planet guide to Kenya to investigate if they are constructed through a colonial discourse, and to see if there are any dissimilarities on how they are presented.

Mediernas konstruktion av en politisk händelse En kritisk diskursanalys av två svenska morgontidningars medierapportering av oroligheterna till följd av presidentvalet i Kenya

News value is an essential part of which event media chooses to report about. Political events consider to bee news with potentional large value. Media has an enormous power and possibility to create news and construct there own reality and where the readers is given a false expression of what really happened. Today the media must show profit and that indirect affects how the media choose to describe political events. In the Kenya case is it therefore possible to draw the conclusion that the two news paper has different construction of the political event in Kenya.

Go Down Arts Centre : Nairobi, Kenya

The Go Down Arts Centre is a proposal for a new building to an existing organisation in Nairobi, Kenya. The proposal relates to the scale of the city by making a statement on a future urban path, and by welcoming the city in to the building. The proposal houses both activities affiliated to Go Down, such as studios and rehersal rooms, as well as opportunities for the visitor to meet and interact with the culture produced at Go Down, both in formal and informal settings. The building is closed to its surroundings, apart from a grand entrance towards the urban path. There, the city passes through the building to an inner courtyard, where the communication to all the rooms and activities takes place.

Blyga pojkar och starka flickor : En studie om genus och jämställdhet i den kenyanska skolan

The aim of this study is to examine how two Kenyan school's approaches gender roles, by what the curriculum says and by how the teachers way of teaching are effecting the creation of gender roles. The aim is further to find out what the Kenyan school settings are, according to gender and equality, and how these are implemented in practice. This was examined through interviews at two local schools in Kenya, with five practicing teachers from grade one through grade six. This work compares the respondents' answers to the research that is related to the topic. Because of lack in the research about Kenya, the research has been based on mostly Swedish investigations.

Hur skiljer sig kunskapssynen och examinationer i Kenya och Sverige?

This paper is about how the perception of knowledge and examinations differs in two different countries, Sweden and Kenya. The purpose of the paper is to examine similarities and differences in the two countries school systems, and to study the teachers? role in students? development. In the literature study I find out what different authors explains different types of knowledge and how important the teachers? role is for students? development.

Hur förhåller sig kenyanska lärare till föreställningen om barn som besatta av demoner? : Hur några lärare i Kenya resonerar kring barn i behov av särskilt stöd

The purpose of the study is to find out how some teachers in Kenya reason about children in need of special support. To undertake the study the following question are used:How do some teachers in Kenya reason about children in need of special support?The study has been made with qualitative interviews in Kenya. A total of four teachers at primary school level have been interviewed. The decision to do qualitative interviews is made by the opportunity to get as comprehensive answers as possible from the respondents' reason about children in need of special support.Three different kinds of special education perspectives have been used in this study.

Civilsamhällets roll i den Kenyanska demokratiseringsprocessen : The role of civil society in the Kenyan democratization process

The intention with the research was to investigate the role of civil society in the Kenyan democratization process. The research intends thus to analyze (1) the role of civil society in Kenya's transition to democracy (1990- 2002), and (2) the role of civil society in the further democratization process (2002- 2013).The results of the research demonstrates that the role of civil society played a crucial role in Kenya?s transition to democracy given that civil society provided with a multiparty- system in 1991. In addition, civil society endowed with education for citizens in order to attain constitutional reforms. As a result, Kenya accomplished a transition to democracy in 2002.

Mul- och klövsjuka - ett problem i Kenya

Mul- och klövsjuka (MKS) är en av världens mest smittsamma djursjukdomar som leder till stora produktionsbortfall och stort djurlidande. Sjukdomen drabbar både vilda och domesticerade klövbärande djur. Orsaken är ett virus, som det finns sju olika serotyper av. Stora delar av västvärlden är fria från MKS, medan det i Kenya och hela östra Afrika sker flera utbrott varje år. Hur problemet behandlas skiljer sig därmed kraftig mellan Sverige och Kenya.

Alla är individer? men ändå bundna till sitt kön : En ?cross-culture? studie med kenyanska och svenska lärare om medvetenhet och förhållningssätt till jämställdhet

This "cross-culture" study deals entirely on awareness and attitudes among Kenyan andSwedish teachers in terms of gender equality. Parts of this study were conducted in Kenya,where I spent a month living and visited a school in a multi-million city. There, I conductedsemi-structured interviews with teachers and gathered material for my thesis. The purpose ofthis study is to see how teachers in Kenya relate to gender and then compare this withSwedish teachers. The study also includes a review of national policy documents for schoolregarding gender equality.

Försvarad eller försvagad demokrati? : En intervjustudie om hur globaliseringen har påverkat demokratin i Kenya.

The main purpose of the examination research project is to analyze and describe how democracy and globalization is understood when they are integrated in the developing country of Kenya. This has been reflected by interviewing Kenyan teachers in history and government, to receive their view on globalization and its affects on democracy. Another purpose is to discuss this in didactic terms as a way to see how it can be practically used for upper-secondary schoolteachers in the subjects of civics and social studies. The procedure of the project and the method of use are interviews that have been analyzed in all with theoretical perspectives. My queries to be answered for the research are:1.

Lek som verktyg för lärande : Pedagogers användande av och syn på lek i en förskola i Kenya

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur pedagoger i Kenya använder lek i sin undervisning samt deras syn på användandet av lek i undervisningen. Vi använde oss av observationer och intervjuer för att få svar på våra frågeställningar.  Observationerna gjordes av en pedagogs arbetssätt för att ta del av hennes olika undervisningssätt. Därefter gjorde vi intervjuer med pedagoger för att ta reda på deras tankar och åsikter kring lek i undervisningen. Vårt resultat visade att pedagogerna använde sig av lek i undervisningen med en variation av olika estetiska undervisningssätt. Bland annat gestaltning, sång och rörelse, variation av röstlägen samt bearbetning av olika begrepp under observationerna.

Economic impact of fertilizers and improved seeds among smallholder farming systems in Central and Western Kenya

In Kenya, many families subsist on agriculture and of the country's around 40 million residents 70% work in the agricultural sector. 50 % of the country's gross domestic production (GDP) comes from farming, and thus the country is largely dependent on income from this sector. Kenya's population has tripled in recent decades, which have led to that food availability is a growing problem. To ensure food security, it is important that the return from crops increases. The aim of this study is to evaluate what impact the use of fertilizers and improved seeds has for farmer?s economic situation and income generation.

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