1414 Uppsatser om Kemi och biologi Department of Physics - Sida 22 av 95
Kartläggning av kvinnors amningsupplevelser på BB : -en enkätundersökning
Previous research and patient complaints to the Swedish Patient Support Committee shows that there is a lack of substance in the patient-nurse relationship. This may suggest that it can be difficult for health care to live up to health-care law which requires it to be of good quality, based on dignity and respect and designed so that the patient is an active participant and can make their own decisions when it comes to their health care. For a better understanding of what a dignified patient-nurse relationship is, this study aims to clarify what the patient values as good patient-nurse relationship and describe how they have experienced the patient-nurse relationship during their stay at an emergency care department. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, where the population consisted of patients who were cared for at an emergency care department in the County of Västmanland, Sweden during 2007. The sample consisted of 93 patients which were asked to answer a questionnaire.
Upplevelser av bannerreklam på en nischad hemsida
Title: Experiences of Banner advertisement on a specialized homepage Author: Marcus Westerberg Supervisor: Marie Hemming Department: Department of Business Administration, IEM Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, FEC 007 Purpose: Create a understanding for how the users on Internet pages experience the occurrence and the shape of the banners. Method: Methods used are quantitative and qualitative, and the facts and figures are based on a pop up inquiry and some telephoneinterviews. I elected pop up inquiry and telephoneinterview as my data collection. My inquiry had a high grade of standardization and the interviews had a low grade of standardization. Result: On the basis of the question of issue I have drawn the conclusion that the users feels that it is important with information in all advertising.
Hästkastanjsköldlusen Pulvinaria regalis : biologi och utbredning i södra Sverige 2013
Pulvinaria regalis Canard, hästkastanjsköldlusen, är sedan 2006 en ny skadegörare i Sverige och kan beskrivas som en invasionsart. Angreppen av P. regalis kan uteslutande ses i urbana miljöer nära vägar och bebyggelse på trädstammar av flera olika slags stadsträd. Insekten är polyfag och har därmed ett brett värdväxtspektra. Dock ses de största angreppen oftast på lind, lönn och hästkastanj.
Hästkastanjsköldlusen orsakar med honans äggsäckar vita fula fläckar på trädens stammar och nedre grenverk.
Kulturarv, efterfrågan och musikalisk mångfald En fallstudie kring bibliotekariers och användares uppfattningar om musikbibliotekets uppdrag och roll
The main purpose with this Master's thesis has been to through a case study investigate and analyze the music library activity at the Public Library in Lund, in order to find out according to which ideas and principals this activity is run by. It also discusses how you at the music department handle your task as intermediary of music and how well this coincides with the users expectations. To give the research more depth a special analysis has been made, assuming the perspective of the B&I-researcher Sanna Taljas' three perspectives regarding the music department. She identifies three perspectives in maintaining a music library, which she calls the general education, alternative and demand repertoire.The examination is based on an empirical research, where five librarians were interviewed and fifty users have responded to a survey, but the essay also includes a literary study carried out to explore which ideas there are regarding the music department's missions and roles in the existing literature.Librarians and the user's opinions coincide quite well. What distinguish the most are the opinions surrounding the competency of the music library.
Faktorer som påverkar lärare vid utformningen av
Syftet med vår undersökning var att beskriva vilka faktorer som påverkar lärare vid utformningen av undervisningen. För att ta reda på detta använde vi oss av kvalitativa intervjuer. Undersökningen genomfördes vårterminen 2005 på tre olika skolor i Norrbotten. Samtliga lärare i vår studie undervisade i ämnet kemi på gymnasienivå. Genom vår undersökning kunde vi urskilja ett antal faktorer som har betydelse för hur lärarna utformar sin undervisning.
Nya metoder för vibrationsmätning på vindkraftverk
This project has revolved around finding better ways of overseeing vibrations of the gearbox at a wind power station. The gearbox has been a huge problem at the stations located at Gässlingen and the sooner the warning of an incoming breakdown is at hand the more money you can save from preparations. The work has been carried out together with Askalon AB in cooperation with consults from ÅF. Askalon is a company with a department focused on overseeing vibrations and it is in collaboration with that department the work has been carried out. During this work, new positions for the sensors and new methods of gathering and analyzing data have been worked out. This was then implemented at a wind power station to be tried out on site.
Införsel av visuell styrning och taktad produktion : Skapa medvetenhet bland medarbetare
This master?s thesis was written on the behalf of Saba Frukt och Grönt AB inHelsingborg and is the final part of the Master program in MechanicalEngineering at Halmstad University.The main task was to introduce visual control and increase the rate of concept intwo of the departments of the company. The goal is to come up withimplementation proposals, and if possible to implement one in the near future.The author attacks the problem by using the Six Sigma DMAIC-methodology as itis a clear and structured approach. As a complement Lean-inspired tools are used.After compiling the results from the interviews and benchmarking somesuggestions are made. These are reviewed with stakeholders and a discussion ofhow to go on further was held.
Ekosystemtjänster i grundskolan : En studie utifrån kunskapsemfaser
För att belysa värdeförlusten som utarmandet av ekosystem leder till och poängtera vårt beroende av naturen har begreppet ekosystemtjänster tagits i bruk. Ekosystemtjänster är samlingsnamnet på allt det vi får från naturen, så som syre, fibrer, rent vatten och naturupplevelser. I de nya kurspla-nerna i biologi (Skolverket, 2011a) tas ekosystemtjänster upp som centralt innehåll. Denna studie har till syfte att belysa hur lärare i årskurs 4-6 tolkar begreppet ekosystemtjänster i relation till sin undervisning, samt att undersöka vilka kunskapsemfaser lärarna ger uttryck för. Med kunskapsemfaser menas uppfattningar om varför vi undervisar om något.Data samlades in via semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra lärare som undervisar i biologi i årskurs 4-6 på olika skolor.
Korruption och politisk stabilitet : En studie om incitament till mutor och bestickning
För att belysa värdeförlusten som utarmandet av ekosystem leder till och poängtera vårt beroende av naturen har begreppet ekosystemtjänster tagits i bruk. Ekosystemtjänster är samlingsnamnet på allt det vi får från naturen, så som syre, fibrer, rent vatten och naturupplevelser. I de nya kurspla-nerna i biologi (Skolverket, 2011a) tas ekosystemtjänster upp som centralt innehåll. Denna studie har till syfte att belysa hur lärare i årskurs 4-6 tolkar begreppet ekosystemtjänster i relation till sin undervisning, samt att undersöka vilka kunskapsemfaser lärarna ger uttryck för. Med kunskapsemfaser menas uppfattningar om varför vi undervisar om något.Data samlades in via semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra lärare som undervisar i biologi i årskurs 4-6 på olika skolor.
Upplevelser av bannerreklam på en nischad hemsida
Title: Experiences of Banner advertisement on a specialized homepage
Author: Marcus Westerberg
Supervisor: Marie Hemming
Department: Department of Business Administration, IEM
Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, FEC 007
Purpose: Create a understanding for how the users on Internet pages experience
the occurrence and the shape of the banners.
Method: Methods used are quantitative and qualitative, and the facts and
figures are based on a pop up inquiry and some telephoneinterviews. I elected
pop up inquiry and telephoneinterview as my data collection. My inquiry had a
high grade of standardization and the interviews had a low grade of
Result: On the basis of the question of issue I have drawn the conclusion that
the users feels that it is important with information in all advertising. It is
also important for the users to create a value around the product. The users do
not have the time to figure out the message behind advertising, the want simple
and massive information about the product/service.
Att bli värdigt bemött : En tvärsnittstudie om bemötande på akutvårdsavdelningar ur patientens perspektiv
Previous research and patient complaints to the Swedish Patient Support Committee shows that there is a lack of substance in the patient-nurse relationship. This may suggest that it can be difficult for health care to live up to health-care law which requires it to be of good quality, based on dignity and respect and designed so that the patient is an active participant and can make their own decisions when it comes to their health care. For a better understanding of what a dignified patient-nurse relationship is, this study aims to clarify what the patient values as good patient-nurse relationship and describe how they have experienced the patient-nurse relationship during their stay at an emergency care department. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, where the population consisted of patients who were cared for at an emergency care department in the County of Västmanland, Sweden during 2007. The sample consisted of 93 patients which were asked to answer a questionnaire.
Analys av Svartlut med Aktiv Akustisk Spektrometri : Analysis of Black Liquor with Active Acoustic Spectrometry
Vid kemisk massatillverkning finns behov av mättekniker som möjliggör ytterligare optimering av processen. Möjligheten att analysera svartlut med hjälp av aktiv akustisk spektrometri utreddes genom att ett online instrument konstruerdes och installerdes på ett pappersbruk. Analyser med multivariata metoder utfördes på resultaten. På grund av yttre omständigheter försenades arbetet, och ett tillräckligt dataunderlag för en definitiv slutsats erhölls ej. En rad vidare arbeten föreslås..
Arbetstillfredsställelse : En jämförelse mellan kvinnliga och manliga industriarbetare på två avdelningar
The purpose of the present quantitative study was to examine gender differences inperceived job satisfaction in two departments, with different work patterns, in a Swedishmanufacturing industry. The questionnaire contained 30 statements and five backgroundquestions. The questionnaire was designed in combination of Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS),Work demands, Social support, Control and Competence (ASK), Questionnaire forPsychological and Social factors at Work (QPS Nordic) and Minnesota SatisfactionQuestionnaire (MSQ). Job satisfaction was measured based on the categories influence atwork, leadership, employee influence, work requirements and the physical environment. Theresults of the present study showed an interaction of gender and department where the femaleindustrial workers, who worked with more monotonous and standardized work tasks, valuedall of the categories of job satisfaction the lowest, except for the category employee impact.The results are believed to depend on that the women in the department had greater demandsfor variety in the work..
Utveckling av metod för retrospektiv bestämning av absorberad dos i korall medelst elektronspinnresonans
This diploma work was performed at the department for radiation physics at the Health University in Linköping. Its aim was to develop a method to retrospectively quantify the absorbed dose in coral. Coral is a material which suites well as a retrospective dosimeter because when exposed to radioactivity its induced free radicals are stable in time. The number of radicals is proportional to the accumulated dose so the dose can be calculated by quantifying the radicals. Therefore, coral can tell us something about the past environment and also be used in dating purposes.A young, modern coral from the Red Sea was studied and also a fossil one which I was given from the Natural History Museum in Stockholm.
Outsourcing : Påverkande faktorer i strategiska beslut
Rapportens huvudfokus handlar om ifall det är möjligt att skapa mjuka kroppar med hjälp av många små fasta kroppar. Det kollas även ifall det går att ge ett realistiskt beteende vid kollision med dessa. Biblioteken som har används för att testa detta är Microsoft XNA och fysikmotorn Farseer Physics.Spelet som byggdes är ett 2D plattform spel där spelaren spelar en boll som kan hoppa på vattendroppar och löv som båda är mjuka kroppar. Vattendroppen är uppbyggd av små hårda kroppar medan lövet är en större hård kropp som med hjälp av en Distance Joint kan vrida på sig vid kollision.Det går att göra en mjuk kropp med realistiska kollisioner men fysik motorn som används i detta fallet ger vissa restriktioner..