
Nya metoder för vibrationsmätning på vindkraftverk

This project has revolved around finding better ways of overseeing vibrations of the gearbox at a wind power station. The gearbox has been a huge problem at the stations located at Gässlingen and the sooner the warning of an incoming breakdown is at hand the more money you can save from preparations. The work has been carried out together with Askalon AB in cooperation with consults from ÅF. Askalon is a company with a department focused on overseeing vibrations and it is in collaboration with that department the work has been carried out. During this work, new positions for the sensors and new methods of gathering and analyzing data have been worked out. This was then implemented at a wind power station to be tried out on site. The measurement has been overseen online via remote control and the results have been analyzed in a program called AMS Suite: Machinery Health Manager. The new type of measurement shows that some kind of damage has been done to a specific part of the gearbox and that there is a risk it might escalate. However the measurement used today has not yet alarmed and therefor the conclusion made from this is that the project has been successful. Therefor it is time to refresh the overseeing of vibrations.


Fredrik Andrée

Lärosäte och institution

Karlstads universitet/Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013)


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