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Upplevelser av att möta patienter med självskadebeteende i vården ? ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv : En litteraturstudie
Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how nurses experience meeting patients with self-injurious behavior in health care and the factors that influence nurses' attitudes towards this particularly group of patients. The literature study also contains a review of the articles included datacollection method. Method: A descriptive literature review of quantitative and qualitative articles published between 2004 and 2014. The articles were sought in the databases PubMed and PsycINFO. The result of the present literaturestudy was based on 11 articles.Result:The nurses experiences were mainly positive, however, the results also shows that they feel antipathy, negative emotions, inadequacy and obstacles in the care of patients with self-injurious behavior.
Gör mig delaktig och hjälp mig lära. : Delaktighetens betydelse vid stomiträning för personers lärande - En fenomenografisk studie.
Tidigare studier visar att delaktighet är en förutsättning för lärande. Det finns olika sätt att främja delaktighet men mest framträdande är inverkan av personal och individuell anpassning. Syftet med denna studie var att identifiera och beskriva olika sätt som personer som fått en stomi uppfattar egen delaktighet under stomiträning på sjukhus. Syftet kunde besvaras med hjälp av intervjuer med öppna frågor och fenomenografisk analys av insamlat data. Elva personer som har fått stomi och stomitränat intervjuades.
Hur lät Jenny Lind, Christina Nilsson och Signe Hebbe? : En studie av sångskolor och röstideal under 1800-talet
AbstractElisabeth Hellström: Hur lät Jenny Lind, Christina Nilsson och Signe Hebbe? En studie av sångskolor och röstideal under 1800-talet. Uppsala universitet: Institutionen för musikvetenskap, uppsats för 60 p, 2007.The aim of this essay is to, with starting point in the Garcia- and Lamperti-schools, describe the voice ideals of the 19th century, and how it may have sounded. To exemplify the last-mentioned I have studied the voices of the three singers Jenny Lind, Christina Nilsson and Signe Hebbe (there are no recordings of any of them).The essay contains two major parts. In the first I describe the technique of the Garcia- and Lamperti-schools and their views on registers, vibrato and messa di voce, ending with a summarizing analysis of the 19th century vocal ideals.
Musik och Motorik : En intervjustudie om lärares uppfattningar om musik och motorik i brassundervisning på kulturskolan
Studien syftar till att ta reda på hur musiklärare ser på motoriska problem, hur informerade de är om elevers svårigheter och hur de hanterar eventuella motoriska problem som kan uppstå i instrumentalundervisningen. I bakgrundskapitlet presenteras motoriska aspekter, samt tidigare forskning och studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter.Den forskningsmetod som använts i studien är den kvalitativa intervjun. Jag har intervjuat fyra lärare som arbetar med brasselever. Intervjuerna transkriberades, bearbetades och analyserades och de svar som framkommit utgör studiens resultat. I resultatet beskrivs hur lärarna får reda på motoriska problem och hur de hanterar dem.
Varför är det ont om specialisternär det är gott om läkare? : - en studie om policyprocesser i svenska landsting
This essay examines the policy process of specialist medical training in three Swedish counties. The essay will first describe the policy process. Secondly the politicians parti-cipating in the process is examined. Thirdly, it is tested whether it is possible to analyze the policy process based on Ostrom's theories of cooperation around a common pool resource. In this case, the common pool resource is specialized medical practitioners skills that the Swedish county councils must collaborate on to competence should be sufficient for the county council needs, something that is not the case today.One conclusion of the study is that the health care law is not clear enough when it comes to who is responsible for providing a sufficient number of specialists.
Pedagogers arbete med språkstimulering i förskolan. : En fallstudie.
The purpose of this essay is to describe how preschool teachers think about language stimulation and how they work with it when it comes to small children in preschool. My research questions were:? What kind of methods do the preschool teachers use? And what kind of work procedure do they have?? Is there any difference in the work procedure when it comes to daily routines and playtime?? How do the preschool teachers describe their work procedure with language stimulation?To be able to reach my purpose and answer my questions, I decided to make a case study. I have made observations of the preschool teachers and how they work and I have made interviews. The material that I have used, beside observations and interviews, is literature that is about earlier research about this matter.The result of the study shows that the preschool teachers considers their work with language stimulation as part of everything they do.
?Man vill ju bli berörd?: En studie av sjuksköterskestudenters läsning av skönlitteratur och biografier
This Master?s thesis is connected to an interdisciplinary field between humanities and health care; ?humanistic medicine? or ?humanistic nursing?. The object of the investigation is nursing students? experiences of reading fiction and autobiographies as course literature. In semi-structured interviews a group of students talk about their reading.
Starta lärprocesser genom : En möjlighet för finansiärer att lära av utvecklingsprojekt
ABSTRACTThis paper aims to shed light to what extent a financier have learnt about sustainableorganizational change, through development projects taking part in the Swedish knowledgeFoundations program, ICT in Teacher?s training. Some questions asked were: Has theSwedish Knowledge Foundation learnt by researchers? and self evaluation?s ?stirring up? ofongoing projects? What type of learning process has been going on? Has new, mutual,knowledge been constructed or has already existing knowledge been transferred?The study consists of one participating observation and three interviews. They showhow the financed projects have been ?stirred up? so that a developmental learning process hasstarted within their organization.
"Avslagsbeslut" : En enkätundersökning om hot och våld bland anställda vid Migrationsverkets förvarsenhet
Threats and violence, or the risk of being subjected to threats and violence in the workplace, is a major health and safety problems that exists in many professions. To be exposed to threats and violence can have serious consequences for the employee's health but also for the organization in question. The aims of this study was to investigate the prevalence of threats and violence at the Swedish Migration Board detention, and to examine whether there were health problems among employees who may be exposed to threats and violence. A web-based questionnaire was answered by 29 employees (response rate = 51 percent). The results showed that more employees had been exposed to verbal threats (66 percent), compared to physical violence (10 percent), and they showed a greater tendency to report physical violence, as opposed to verbal threats.
Behörighetskrav inför gymnasial yrkesutbildning - vem innesluts och vem utesluts?
Behörighetskrav införgymnasial yrkesutbildning -vem innesluts och vem utesluts?Kjell LundbergSammanfattningBakgrunden till mitt valda ämne är att jag arbetar på ett fordonstekniskt PRIV program. Eleversom går detta program har inte blivit antagna till ett nationellt program på grund av behörighetskraveni Lpf-94. Flera av dessa elever skulle klara karaktärsämnena på ett nationellt program,men skulle ha stora svårigheter i kärnämnena, även med extra hjälp.De läroplansutredningar och behörighetskrav som jag har studerat är för: 1955 års yrkesskolreform,Lgy-70, Lpf-94 och SOU 2008:27 Framtidsvägen ? en reformerad gymnasieskola (förslagtill gymnasiereform GY-10).Syftet med studien:? Hur ser behörighetskraven till yrkesutbildning ut i de olika läroplanerna?? Vad är tankarna bakom läroplanerna?? Hur kan kraven i utredningarna till läroplanerna ses i ljuset av perspektiv på kunskap?Metoden jag har använt mig av är en dokumentstudie och kunskapsbegreppet används somteoretiskt perspektiv.Studien börjar med en historisk utblick på yrkesutbildningar.
Yrkeskunskap på Barn- och fritidsprogrammet : Yrkeslärares och handledares reflektioner kring elevers utveckling av yrkeskunskaper
AbstractThe aim for this study is to establish how teachers and supervisors at the Child and Recreation Programme interpret the concept ?vocational knowledge?. It is also about how they substantially can see that the pupils are developing vocational knowledge, during their work placement training. The aim of this thesis is to create a base for teachers to work with continuing development in teaching practice. The empirical part of this study is based on interviews. Interviews were analyzed in three categories: definition of vocational knowledge, substantially developing in vocational knowledge and success factors. The result shows that knowing how and knowing why is salient in vocational knowledge.
Läsinlärning för elever som har svenska som andraspråk : Olika metoder
In school there are many pupils with Swedish as their second language and these pupils often have less basic condition compared with pupils with Swedish as their mother tongue and the most common root cause is lack of language knowledge, also the time spent in Sweden matters.I have trough questionnaires and literature studies investigated if there, for pupils with Swedish as their second language, is an easier way to figure out how to read and write in Swedish using fiction literature as learning material compared with ordinary ways.In the questionnaires that I performed participated a number of teachers that teach Swedish as a second language. These teachers all work in schools with a big share of pupils with Swedish as a second language.I also tried to evaluate if there was a difference between teachers with a graduation in Swedish as second language compared with these who don?t have a graduate but still work with these pupils.The result shows that I discovered that only the graduated teachers have used fiction literature as a learning material in the daily work and have experienced good results from the pupils, they also knew why they used fiction literarture for reading and writing training.As a teacher it is very important to have the knowledge regarding children that have Swedish as a second language, to be able to support them in a correct way.Despite the pupil can?t speak or read the new language, it has feelings and knowledge about the circumstances that they can?t express.The teachers mission is to knew and have understanding for these circumstances.Keywords: Pupils with Swedish as second language, learning to read and write, fiction literarture, school..
Det nya verktyget : En undersökning av förskollärares upplevelser med surfplattan
The aim of this thesis is to study preschool-teachers? experiences from using the computertablet as a tool for learning and teaching, in order to gain knowledge of how the integrationalprocess of information and communications technology (ICT) in preschool has progressedsince its instatement. The background that caused interest to make this study was the rapidprogression of the use of ICT-tools in childrens? everyday lives and the troubles that havesurrounded the process of integrating these tools into preschool-practices. The theoreticalbasis for the analysis of the research lies within the socio-cultural perspective.
Sjuknärvaro i Skandinavien
Background: Research on presenteeism has been performed mainly during the last 15 years, where several consequences on health such as cardiovascular disease and mortality have been identified. Studies have shown a relation between sickness absenteeism and presenteeism, where presenteeism could lead to long-term sickness absence. Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate work-related and personal causes of sickness presenteeism. The study also aimed to identify the overall prevalence of sickness presence in Scandinavia, including potential occupational sectors with higher prevalence. Method: The study was literature based and consisted of 15 peer-reviewed scientific articles that were found by a systematic search in PubMed and Scopus.
Omhändertagande samt bemötande av suicidnära och självskadande patienter i det akuta skedet i somatisk vård : En litteraturstudie
The aim of this literature review was to elucidate how suicidal and self-harming patients should be treated and cared for, mainly in the acute phase in somatic care. Searches were conducted in databases with relevant keywords. Qualitative and quantitative articles were included, would not be more than 20 years, be written in Swedish or English, and match the aim of the study. Results showed that nurses and patients felt that the treatment would be respectful, non-judgmental and characterized by active listening and clear communication. Poor care was described as disrespect and lack of understanding.