5007 Uppsatser om Internet of Things - Sida 19 av 334
Byggandet av kundrelationer med hjälp av Internet: en fallstudie om resebyråer
The purpose of this thesis was to find out how travel agencies work with relationships to their customers on the Internet. A case study with two companies was conducted, Ticket and Resia. In all four interviews were done, two in every company that served as basis for our conclusions. The study showed that it is important for travel agencies and other types of companies to create awareness of their web site in as many ways as possible and make it easy for the customer to find the web site. The contents on the web site have to be of current interest, it should be well structured and the usage of the web site should be easy.
Gott och blandat ska det vara! : En studie om mångfald och dess effekter i arbetslivet
While designing an intranet for people with mobile work there are things you have to consider. This thesis is aim to bring understanding to the difficulties involved in these kinds of situations. Our focus is to develop ideas that motivate the assistants to use the intranet. We have looked into the profession of personal assistants and wish to highlight their problems to access the intranet. And we will as well demonstrate their needs for communication.
Mash It Up! : En studie av musikfestivalers digitala marknadsföring och dess framtidsutsikter
The purpose of this study is to analyze and understand how music festivals in Sweden are marketed today and the changes that will and may occur in the future. Music festivals are a common phenomenon in Sweden today and since most of them only are arranged once a year it gives the marketing of them a special character. Therefore I find it interesting to look at how the development of the Internet will change the marketing of music festivals. This study is based on a qualitative method where I have performed eight interviews with people who have given me their thoughts about this subject. The gathered material and my conclusions of this study are presented in chapter 4 and 5 and for further knowledge about this I recommend you to take a closer look at those chapters..
Kostråd på internet : En tva?rsnittsstudie bland unga vuxna
AimThe study aims were to identify young adults? sources of nutritional advice on the Internet and how they perceive the credibility of these. The study also aimed at exploring young adults' knowledge of national recommendations issued by the National Food Agency.MethodA web-based survey was distributed on the social media platform Facebook. The questionnaire contained a total of 14 questions regarding online nutritional advice and its credibility. Finally, it requested the respondent's knowledge and credibility of the national nutritional recommendations.
Fastighetsmäklartjänster på nätet : en fallstudie av Adirekta, A-mäklarna och HemOnline
To purchase a house or an apartment is often one of the major personal financial commitments for a person. In 2005, 84% of the homeowners sold their homes using a estate agency. During 2006 several new opportunities appeared on the market, giving the homeowners more of a choice in what way to sell their homes. Media describes the alternatives in general ?as the agents on the Internet?.
I-mobbning i Östersund : En kvantitativ studie om en ny typ av mobbning
Internet är idag en del av ungdomars vardag. Denna relativt nya och okontrollerade miljö skapar nya möjligheter och dimensioner för mobbning. Detta arbete avser att undersöka utbredningen av mobbning via Internet (I-mobbning) bland ungdomar i Östersund. En enkät utarbetades och besvarades av 240 gymnasieelever i årskurs ett på Jämtlands Gymnasium i Östersund. Resultatet visar att under årskurs nio har var tionde elev upplevt sig mobbad via Internet.Det är män som I-mobbar i högre grad och kvinnor som drabbas i större utsträckning.
Det papperslösa frukostbordet - En undersökning om den tryckta dagstidningens framtid
As revenues from newspaper advertising plummet and their readers loyalty erode, the need to understand newspapers' changing environment and the actors involved in this change is growing in importance. Evidence is the entire industry is entering into a restructuring phase and that this restructuring is driven by the rapid consumer adaption of internet media.In this thesis I elaborate on "how the Internet is affecting the conditions for value creation in printed newspapers" and "how the Internet is affecting the conditions for other actors involved in the printed newspaper's value creation". These two questions land us in the bigger question of "Does the Internet act as a compliment or a substitute to the printed newspaper ".To answer these questions the printed newspaper is represented as the actor in the middle of content producers, advertisers and consumers. It is in its role as a means of distribution and as a co-ordinating force that we study the value creation of the printed newspaper. The empirical base of this thesis is a qualitative participant observation where the author during a period of time interacted and collected data from the open discussion in blogs by several of the industry's top influentials combined with material from seminars and reports on the current state of media.
DET ÄR MITT LIV! DET HÄR BEHÖVER JAG - vägen ut ur missbruk ur ett brukarperspektiv
The purpose of this essay was to investigate which factors the individuals found important in the process of becoming a person with a drug-free life. The framing of the questions we had were to get the experiences, thoughts and wishes of the drug users. The survey was based on thematised qualitative interviews and focused in the personal stories of the interviewees. We interviewed four women and five men, all of which had several years of drug-abuse behind them. We found similarities and patterns and we could identify that the three most important things was the own motivation, will and that the drug-abuser had the possibility to change their social network and had the ability to find other important things in life..
Nätdroger - Utmaningar för myndigheter, enskilt och inom ramen för samverkan
The aim of this study was to examine how the new established phenomenon of ?Internet drugs? causes challenges to organizations, both individually and in relation to collaboration. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with representatives from three organizations - one youth police unit, one medical addiction centre and four units working within social services. The theoretical approach that was used is theory about human service organizations, theory about collaboration and new institutional organizational theory. A conclusion is that the current drug classification is problematic and mainly challenging for the organizations that focus on prevention work and early interventions.
En hemtjänstgrupp fast i en negativ spiral?
Abstract We have chosen to figure out why a majority in a home-help service group in west of Sweden is, or has been sick-listed. The purpose with our work has been to investigate our area to be able to come up with different factors which can have contributed to the high numbers of this particular group. We have worked with qualitative method and conversation-interviews to be able to answer our purpose at the best way. We had separate interviews with the ten employees at their work and these interviews we chose to record with a computer. The result we got were that the group had existed for about four years and since then, they have had several different directors.
Socialtjänsten 2.0 : En kvantitativ enka?tstudie om insta?llningen till socialra?dgivning pa? internet bland studenter pa? Linko?pings Universitet
Internet blir en allt sto?rre del av samha?llet da? fler tja?nster digitaliseras fo?r att underla?tta vardagen. Dock ligger det sociala arbetet efter. Av de utbud som idag erbjuder socialra?dgivning och socialt sto?d pa? internet a?r den sto?rsta andelen ideella verksamheter, medan de professionella verksamheterna a?r begra?nsade.
Internethandel och alternativa försäljningskanaler
Nutidens varuhandel uppkom under 1800-talets senare hälft. Utvecklingen har nu kommit så långt att konsumenterna genom Internet har fått en ny kanal för inköp. De traditionella köparna och säljarna använde tre kanaler för försäljning. Dessa tre kanaler är personlig försäljning, försäljning via post (postorder) och försäljning via telefon. Internet är den fjärde kanalen för försäljning.
Elektroniska signaturer- säker identifiering?
Problem:I dag finns det ett stort behov av säkra identifierings metoder på Internet. Traditionellt sätt är en handskriven namnteckning en form av identifiering och vad som behövs är en elektronisk motsvarighet. Hypotes: "Elektroniska signaturer leder till ökad integritet och säkerhet vid identifiering på Internet" Syfte: Målet och syftet med denna uppsats är att studera och analysera huruvida elektroniska signaturer kommer att bidra till ökad integritet och säkerhet vid identifiering på Internet. Slutsats:Genom att jämföra praktiska erfarenheter (fallstudie) och teoretiska kriterier kunde vi analysera oss fram till att vår hypotes är sann..
Aktiv design av internetbaserade självhjälpstjänster - gentemot spelberoende. Att påverka en individs förhållningssätt mot sitt spelande
Technological developments have affected many different areas. Something that has undergone major changes in this respect is gambling. Because of technology, the accessibility to games has never been greater. Using smartphones, tablets and online casinos makes it possible to play virtually any time of day no matter where you are. This development has caused that more people, got stuck in a gambling addiction which have become an increasing problem in the last decade.
Den hårfina gränsen : Diskussioner om kvinnors orakade armhålor på internetforumet Flashback
The purpose of this study is to examine discussions on the Swedish internet forum ?Flashback? regarding female body hair and the cultural norms that surround it. The discussion is centered around a broadcasted event in which a woman?s hairy armpit was incidentally shown, with a lot of viral hate as a result. Our purpose with this study is to get a deeper insight into viral hate towards women who challenge gender norms.