6019 Uppsatser om Internal motivation - Sida 7 av 402
Den interna marknadsföringens påverkan på tjänstekvaliteten: en fallstudie av två säsongsbaserade hotell
The purpose of this thesis was to study how internal marketing affects service quality in the tourism industry. It was decided to conduct a case study on two hotels with summer seasonal employees. Pite Havsbad and Strand Hotell Borgholm were chosen as study objects. The case was based on interviews with the hotel manager at Pite Havsbad and the vice president at Strand Hotell Borgholm, who coordinates the internal marketing at the companies. The findings were that seasonal employees do not affect service quality much.
Motivation : Lärares uppfattningar om elevers motivation
Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka lärares uppfattningar om elevers motivation i skolan ochlärarnas strategier för att stärka elevmotivationen. Studiens frågeställningar var hur uppfattarlärare begreppet motivation? Vilka faktorer påverkar enligt lärarna elevers motivation? Hurarbetar lärarna för att motivera eleverna? Metoden som tillämpades var en kvalitativ intervju mednio stycken lärare, som var strukturerad efter tre stycken teman: motivation, lärares roll förelevernas motivation och motivationsarbete. Utifrån frågeställningarna sammanfattas studienmed att motivation är ett svårdefinierat begrepp, som anses stå i relation till andra begrepp såsom vilja, drivkraft, intresse och glädje. Motivation är viktig för elever, eftersom det driver demframåt i deras utveckling och stimulerar deras lärande.
CSR, det har jag aldrig hört talats om! : En studie om anställdas förhållningssätt till CSR
Title: Communicate ? to provide an opportunity Authors: Ida Eriksson & Petra LindbergTutor: Johan Grinbergs, Mälardalen UniversityExaminer: Cecilia LindhSubject: Bachelor's essay, Business AdministrationKeywords: communication, internal communication, channels, communication models, communication theory, information, organizationPurposeThe idea of this study was to describe how ABB Sweden?s internal communication and information appeared in Västerås. The aim is also to see what tools and channels they use to communicate information internally and see how employees perceive them in Västerås.MethodWe have read literature in form of books and articles that discuss theories on the subject communication including internal communication, channels and tools. Interviews were conducted with employees of ABB and were to serve as the basis for our empirical work. A survey by the Communication Center was made in the spring 2010 and was also the basis for our empirical work.ConclusionsThe communication has been increasingly from one-to two-way communication. To get a functioning organization, it is required that the internal communication in the first place will work.
Intern kontroll i praktiken : en fallstudie
Motivation a?r viktigt i alla organisationen och i alla yrkesroller. En bransch med mycket differentierade yrkesgrupper a?r revisionsbranschen och det kan vara problematiskt att motivera alla olika yrkesgrupper med ett och samma incitamentsystem. Da? motivation enligt tidigare forskning anses fo?ra?ndras o?ver tid a?r det viktigt fo?r fo?retagsledningen i ett fo?retag att kontinuerligt arbeta med incitamentsystemens utformning (Adair, 2006, s.95).
Mer än en snygg skylt på fasaden : Svenska lärosätens varumärkesarbete
Title: Management control of facility efficiency in municipalities - A case study of Halmstad municipalityLevel: BachelorSeminar date: 2012-05-31Authors: Markus Nilsson & Sara MattssonAdvisor: Sven-Ola CarlssonKey words: Control management in municipality, facility efficiency, management by objectives, internal rents and incentivesBackground: The public sector owns and manages a large property portfolio and in the municipalities, the properties are always a big cost item. Because of the outside world changes and the public interest, the properties should be used as efficiently as possible.Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe how control management of facilities looks like a municipality. The paper also seeks to explain how employees work to make the facilities more efficient in a municipality.Methodology: The authors use a qualitative method with open interviews.Theoretical perspectives: The choice of theory was made with the field of management control and facility efficiency in mind. The theory therefore includes management by objectives, internal rents and reward systems, motivation and communication within organizations.Empirical foundation: The organization has undergone a reorganization 2010/2011. There are no clear incentives to reduce facility costs.
Kommunicera - Att förmedla en möjlighet : En studie av den interna kommunikationen på ABB Sverige i Västerås
Title: Communicate ? to provide an opportunity Authors: Ida Eriksson & Petra LindbergTutor: Johan Grinbergs, Mälardalen UniversityExaminer: Cecilia LindhSubject: Bachelor's essay, Business AdministrationKeywords: communication, internal communication, channels, communication models, communication theory, information, organizationPurposeThe idea of this study was to describe how ABB Sweden?s internal communication and information appeared in Västerås. The aim is also to see what tools and channels they use to communicate information internally and see how employees perceive them in Västerås.MethodWe have read literature in form of books and articles that discuss theories on the subject communication including internal communication, channels and tools. Interviews were conducted with employees of ABB and were to serve as the basis for our empirical work. A survey by the Communication Center was made in the spring 2010 and was also the basis for our empirical work.ConclusionsThe communication has been increasingly from one-to two-way communication. To get a functioning organization, it is required that the internal communication in the first place will work.
Ledarskap och Motivation : Transaktionell och Transformativ ledarskap inom högskola och vård.
Medarbetarnas motivation är avgörande för att uppnå organisationens mål. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka av de två ledarskapsstilarna (transformativa och transnationella) som har mest påverkan på medarbetarnas motivation. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av 40 personer. Resultaten visade att både transformativa och transaktionella ledarskapsstilarna är nödvändiga på medarbetarnas motivation. Det specifika resultatet visade att den transformativa ledarskapsstilen hade en högre effekt på medarbetarnas motivation. Resultatet av studien kommer att vara till nytta för att bättre förstå hur medarbetarna motiveras..
Det finns mycket forskning som visar att motivation påverkar människan i organisationen. Motivation delas upp i inre och yttre motivation. Inre motivation är då individen har ett genuint intresse för något. Yttre motivation är då individen drivs av någon extern belöning. Såväl psykologiska som ekonomiska och sociala förklaringar har getts till varför det är viktigt med motiverade anställda och hur motivation kan skapas.
Babels torn återuppstår : Den interna kommunikationens påverkan i agila projektteam.
Internal communication is an important factor in organisations today. For many system development teams it?s critical that the communication works well. Without communication, success would be impossible. This study aims to highlight the effect communication has on the members of agile project teams.
Intern marknadsföring i turistföretag
The purpose of this thesis was to study managers in the tourism market who works with internal marketing towards their personnel. A case study with two tourism providers, Hotel La-ponia and Mix Ranch, was performed. The cases were based on personal interviews with the hotel manager at Hotel Laponia and with the owner of Mix Ranch. The research questions were based on why tourist providers use internal marketing and how tourist providers use internal marketing. The findings were that it was regarded as very important to have moti-vated, satisfied, and properly trained personnel in this business because they are the ones who have direct communication with the clients and they are an important issue to help the com-pany to success.
Motivation : En studie om lärares och elevers syn på motivation i skolan
I vårt examensarbete undersöker vi olika typer av motivation. Vårt syfte med arbetet var att undersöka lärares syn motivation samt elevers egen motivation i skolan. De frågeställningar vi utgick från var: 1. Vilken typ av motivation har elever i år 4 och år 5? 2.
Verksamhetsstyrning fo?r lokaleffektivisering inom kommunal verksamhet : ? En fallstudie av Halmstad kommun
Title: Management control of facility efficiency in municipalities - A case study of Halmstad municipalityLevel: BachelorSeminar date: 2012-05-31Authors: Markus Nilsson & Sara MattssonAdvisor: Sven-Ola CarlssonKey words: Control management in municipality, facility efficiency, management by objectives, internal rents and incentivesBackground: The public sector owns and manages a large property portfolio and in the municipalities, the properties are always a big cost item. Because of the outside world changes and the public interest, the properties should be used as efficiently as possible.Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe how control management of facilities looks like a municipality. The paper also seeks to explain how employees work to make the facilities more efficient in a municipality.Methodology: The authors use a qualitative method with open interviews.Theoretical perspectives: The choice of theory was made with the field of management control and facility efficiency in mind. The theory therefore includes management by objectives, internal rents and reward systems, motivation and communication within organizations.Empirical foundation: The organization has undergone a reorganization 2010/2011. There are no clear incentives to reduce facility costs.
Postanställdas konstruktioner av arbetsmotivation: En jämförande studie mellan postsorterare, lagledare och brevbärare
In order to broaden the understanding of work motivation the aim of the study was to compare how three different teams within the same organization constructed motivation. The three teams consisted of post sorters, team leaders and mailmen. Three focus group interviews were conducted with three men and eight women. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed with QSR NUD*IST. The result showed both similarities and differences in the construction of work motivation in the three teams.
Sociala medier som kommunikationsverktyg : En fallstudie om hur sociala medier påverkar företagskulturen
Title: Social media as a communication tool - A case study on social media influencecorporate cultureLevel: Final assignment for Bachelor degree in Business and EconomicsAuthor: Jessika Klintsbacka & Oskar BergeSupervisor: Pär Vilhelmsson, Ernst Hollander & Maria Fregidou-MalamaDate: 2014-06-13Purpose of Study: The aim of this study is to inquire into Swedish companies internalcommunication, their approach to social media as an internal communications tool, and if itaffects the corporate culture.Method: The study is a multiple case study with a qualitative research design. The study'sinterview questions were designed by a operationalization of based on theory in the areas ofinternal communication, corporate culture and social media. The interviews took place inApril 2014. The interviews were recorded and then analyzed to bring out the similarities anddifferences between the companies.Results & Conclusion: The study shows that Swedish companies corporate cultures haveconnections with internal communication, and implementation of social media as acommunications tool. The study found that connections to companies with a comprehensiveone-way positive consider social media as alternative communication tool to strengthen theunity and community within the company.Suggestion for further research: One of the study's three companies is owner-led and thiscompany showed a high level of corporate culture.
Människan som resurs
In the recent years auditing scandals all around the world, deficient internal control has attracted a lot of attention. This has contributed to further requirements on insight and internal control. Those scandals have seriously damaged the auditor?s profession and contributed to a reduced trust among the public. Therefore an extensive work to recover and stringed the trust was started all around the world.