6019 Uppsatser om Internal motivation - Sida 6 av 402
Internal Quality Audits as an Improvement Tool
A large proportion of businesses around the world is today ISO 9001 certified and is consequently conducting internal audits on a regular basis. It has however not been possible to conclude that internal audits always add value to the organisation, despite the large utilisation of this tool. Some authors, e.g. Alic & Rusjan (2010) and Wealleans (2000), mean that there are possibilities that internal audits may be used as a value-adding improvement tool. This has led to the emergence of this master?s thesis.The purpose of the case study was therefore formulated to examine how internal quality audits can be made more effective and used as an improvement tool.
Extern eller Intern motivation - Vad motiverar PwC:s revisorsassistenter?
Motivation a?r viktigt i alla organisationen och i alla yrkesroller. En bransch med mycket differentierade yrkesgrupper a?r revisionsbranschen och det kan vara problematiskt att motivera alla olika yrkesgrupper med ett och samma incitamentsystem. Da? motivation enligt tidigare forskning anses fo?ra?ndras o?ver tid a?r det viktigt fo?r fo?retagsledningen i ett fo?retag att kontinuerligt arbeta med incitamentsystemens utformning (Adair, 2006, s.95).
Gymnasielärarnas upplevelser av egen och elevernas motivation
Syftet med fokusgruppstudien var att undersöka gymnasielärares upplevelser av den egna motivation samt att ta reda på vilka faktorer de anser påverkar elevernas motivation i undervisning och lärande. Resultaten visade, i enlighet med tidigare forskning, att de främsta motivationsskapande faktorerna för eleverna är en god relation mellan lärare och elev, att eleverna får möjlighet att vara delaktiga i undervisningen samt möjlighet till olika val i undervisningen. Lärarnas egen motivation visades öka av att undervisa och av möten med eleverna. Motivationen minskade dock av otrygg arbetsmiljö, otrygga arbetsförhållanden och arbetsuppgifter som inte har med undervisning att göra. Lärarna upplevde att deras egen motivation och engagemang i arbetet påverkade elevernas motivation och engagemang..
Interna informationsresurser ? Fallstudie av en statlig myndighet
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study the relations between internal information and the principal business objectives in a knowledge organization. The questions are: how does the organization behave to its internal information resources, how is the information management related to the principal objectives and strategies, what information policy does the organization develop, and how is the management experienced by the employees. The purpose was to study the supply and management of information designed for internal use and the study was carried out with qualitative, semi-structured interviews to get a picture of the internal information management. The informants were mostly key persons with deep knowledge of internal information.
Främjandet av expansivt lärande i samband med en organisationsförändring : En studie med utgångspunkt i Engeströms teori
In connection with that the last few decades have been characterized by major changes where also the rate of change has increased, changes in organizations has become a natural part of today's organizational activities. Every change involves a learning challenge and because of that every change is unique, its output is unclear. However, there is much research that highlights various factors critical to creating an effective change, among others internal communication.The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Engeström's theory can be applied to a completed organizational change and see whether an expansive learning has been promoted in connection with this. This is accomplished through interviews with six employees, all working in one of Sweden's leading property companies. Engeström's theory of expansive learning is applied in order to analyze whether learning is promoted in connection with the organizational change.The result of the study shows that Engeström's theory can be applied to a completed organizational change in order to analyze whether an expansive learning has been promoted in connection with this.
Motivation, kunskapssyn och ledarskap - en studie av fem svensklärares syn på motivation
Syftet med följande arbete är att undersöka vilken syn fem gymnasielärare i svenska
har på motivation och vad de gör för att skapa motivation hos sina elever. Detta ställs
sedan i relation till ledarskap och kunskapssyn för att se om det finns ett samband
mellan dessa och hur läraren motiverar eleven.
Inledningsvis ger arbetet en översikt av tidigare forskning av motivation samt
motivation i relation till kunskapssyn och ledarskap. Kvalitativa intervjuer användes för
att uppnå syftet.
Resultatet presenterar hur respondenterna anser att de motiverar sina elever.
Samtliga nämner verklighetsförankring, intresse och relationsskapande. Resultatet
tyder även på en relation mellan hur respondenten ser på motivation med dess
kunskapssyn och ledarskap..
Styrning via internkommunikation : trendsnack eller en bortglömd självklarhet...?
In regards to a request placed by the manager of Måltidsservice I Sollentuna Kommun, we have agreed to investigate the internal communication within the organization. The purpose of the essay is to describe the necessity of internal communication within the organization and to identify its strengths and weaknesses.It?s of the utmost importance that the internal communication is under constant care. It contributes to creating fellowship and to motivate people to greater achievements. At the end of the day it?s the managers responsibility to create a well-developed internal communication.
Internal Communication Approach : En empirisk undersökning av de interna kommunikationskanalerna på ICA Butiksadministration
Title: Internal Communication Approach ? A study of the internal communication-channels of the ICA Administration. Background: The ICA Administration is in the process of generating an organizational change with the purpose of improving their external communication. The internal communication, on the other hand, has been put aside and is missing guidelines at the present. Since the ICA Administration does not know how the staff uses the internal communication-channels they cannot optimize nor develop them. As the literature shows, it is important to choose the channel that is most appropriate for the type of information that it is meant to communicate. Choosing the wrong channel, or using it wrongly, can bring problems consisting of the staff experiencing to receive less information than needed in their daily work. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore and describe the internal communication between the employees of the ICA Administration from the existing communication-channels and their usage. Method: Through the initial interviews with the staff, the internal communication-channels of the ICA Administration were determined.
Brytningstid i Internkommunikationen? : vilken roll har Intranät och e-post i organisationers kommunikation?
Having a functioning internal communication is necessary for the survival and existence of every company. Traditional communication channels are for example meetings, noteboards and personnel newspapers. During the last ten years we have witnessed an explosion of new channels, who are based on information technology. IT is a natural part in new IT-companies, like Framfab and Icon Medialab, but what role does IT have in a large, manufacturing company with a long history? The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how IT has influenced the internal communication in a company.
Message sent : - SUDD AB:s interna kommunikation i den digitala tidsåldern -
AbstractTitle: Message sent ? SUDD AB:s internal communication in the digital age (Message sent ? SUDD AB:s interna kommunikation i den digitala tidsåldern)Number of pages: 40 (44 including enclosures)Author: Lea KaufmannTuthor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: HT 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: Analyze whether a small long distance company such as SUDD AB can obtain a well-functioned internal communication by using new communication technologies.Material/Method: The analysis is based on qualitative interviews with SUDD AB:s complete staff.Main results: Proven that internal communication is a complicated and very important process also within a small company. New communication channels do not necessarily guarantee an uncomplicated and efficient internal communication but the need to collaborate with old-fashioned channels persists.Keywords: communication, information, channels, effects, content, effectiveness.
E-post och internkommunikation : en studie av upplevelser kring användandet av ny kommunikationsteknik
Purpose/aim: To investigate individual experiences of how a new communication technology, e-mail, influences a) the structure of the internal communication ? does it for example make networking any easier? ? and b) the form of the persons everyday language.Material/method: A theoretical framework gathered through a literature study and empirical data gathered through interviews with two persons.Main results: Differences and similarities exist between the experiences studied in this paper. The most unexpected result is that the system of e-mail does not seem to be able to create new channels of communication. If anything, it reinforces the structure that already exist. An aspect of decisive importance is the original rules and norms concerning internal communication within the organization..
Myten om moroten : - Om motivation i bemanningsbranschen
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the consultants' approach to the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in temporary work agencies. We examined the motivation of three temporary work agencies to see if there are any differences in how they motivate their consultants. The intrinsic motivation comes from the own spontaneous interest while the extrinsic is related to the surrounding circumstances.We created a survey with 42 questions for the consultants, concerning motivation in order to understand their attitudes to the phenomenon of motivation.The following issues are addressed in our study:- What are consultant?s experiences of motivation in the temporary work agencies and are there any background factors that may impact?- Are there any differences in how consultants in the three different temporary work agencies are experiencing motivation?As analytical tools, we used concepts and theories of the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation based on Self-Determination theory.The results of this study showed no distinct differences between the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of all consultants, but in general the intrinsic motivation was experienced slightly higher rated. The consultants appeared to be aware of what was expected of them and communication was valued fairly well.
Kravbalansering i produktutvecklingsprocesser: Kritisk granskning av en beslutsmodell för produktutveckling
The object for this study is a company developing and manufacturing vehicles for heavy transportation. The company distributes their products on a global market. Therefore the company is required to have efficient internal production development processes in order to successfully beat the competition. The purpose of this master thesis is to study how this particular company intends to implement their standardized theoretical product development process within their organization and how well it is done. We intend to identify and specify if the process has any unexploited capacity.
Intranät : En teoriprövande studie tillämpad hos Sydved AB
During twelve weeks of practice experience at the company Sydved AB, I received the mission to develop a structure for the company?s internal communication. A part of this mission was to find out what the company?s employees thought of Sydveds internal communication and the most important; Sydveds intranet called ?Outlook?. Due to Sydveds plans of developing the intranet I designed and accomplished an inquiry-study to find out about the employee?s opinions on the company´s internal communication and in particular their intranet.The answers I want from this study are if I shaped the inquiry-study correctly the first time.
Ansvar för redovisningskonsulten
Motivation a?r viktigt i alla organisationen och i alla yrkesroller. En bransch med mycket differentierade yrkesgrupper a?r revisionsbranschen och det kan vara problematiskt att motivera alla olika yrkesgrupper med ett och samma incitamentsystem. Da? motivation enligt tidigare forskning anses fo?ra?ndras o?ver tid a?r det viktigt fo?r fo?retagsledningen i ett fo?retag att kontinuerligt arbeta med incitamentsystemens utformning (Adair, 2006, s.95).