

17811 Uppsatser om Information transfer. - Sida 43 av 1188

Cyber Medicine: An Ethical Evaluation

It is self evident that our society is an information one. This is true from the things we see around us.The world is now a global village.It just take seconds for communication to be established from one part of the globe to another.What a tremendous achievement for information technology.Among the recent developments of information technology is the scientific wizardary of cyber medicine.The internet has definitely revolutionalised the healthcare industry. Many people in developed countries of the world seek medical information, advice or even buy drugs via the internet.So many websites rise every now and then claiming to provide various medical assistance to patients. But the application of information technology to medicine poses some ethical problems today. It is because of this that cyber medicine attracts my attention in this research.With this research, I hope to offer some recommendations for a morally acceptable cyber medicine .This will help to some extent in solving this all important problem ofcyber medicine for the good of the health care industry and the society at large..

IT-tjänstefiering inom industrin : En studie om hur IT är värdeskapande vid tillverkningsindustrins övergång mot tjänsteorienterade affärsmodeller

The manufactory industry, due to decline in profit margins, is seeking new business opportunities by moving towards servitization and value-adding services in after-sales. We have therefore conducted a case study to investigate a manufacturing company in their current transformation towards servitization. By studying the management perspective, we aimed to understand how Information Technology, by adding value, could play a role in the transformation process. This study shows that information technology can take an integrating role, by supporting new value-adding services to provider and customer, as well as a co-creating role, where both provider and customer benefits by learning from each other, in the changing work process initiated by new services. The study has also shown that Information Technology, together with organization, information and people, are crucial components in the manufactory industry?s transformation towards servitization.  Furthermore, the study has also shown that the value chain has the potential to drastically change due to the value-adding that the information technology brings to the progress of servitization..

Känslomässigt stöd och information till närstående då anhörig drabbats av cancer ? Litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Cirka 50 000 svenskar insjuknar årligen i cancer. Cancerbeskedet påverkar såväl den sjukdomsdrabbade som de närstående. Därför är det viktigt att tillräckligt känslomässigt stöd och information ges även till de närstående. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att belysa närståendes behov av information och känslomässigt stöd då anhörig drabbats av cancer. Metod: Studien bygger på fem artiklar med kvalitativ forskningsansats och två artiklar med kvantitativ forskningsansats.

Tvätta sig - varför då? Patientens upplevelse av information om preoperativa duschar

ABSTRACTIntroduction: Scientists have over the last centuries realized that presurgical reduction of bacterial skin flora decreases the surgical site infections. Sponges, showers and washing with Chlorhexidine is today a standard procedure. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to describe the patient?s experience of the information given to them about the preoperative showers with hibiscrub. Method: Semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data, and content analysis was used to analys the data.

Informationsöverflödets dystopi : En intertextuell diskursanalys från Future Shock till The Shallows

Today it is common to state that we are living in an information overloaded society. But there are many different definitions of what can be said to constitute Information Overload and there is a lack of substantial research on the subject. Conclusions in the available literature on Information Overload are often drawn on anecdotal evidence and carries a dramatized picture of the causes and effects of the phenomenon.With the tools of discursive analysis this two years master?s thesis explores how the phenomenon Information Overload is portrayed in six popular science books that deals with the subject: Alvin Toffler (1970) Future Shock, Orrin Klapp (1986) Overload and Boredom, Richard Wurman (1989) Information Anixety, Andrew Keen (2007) The cult of the amateur, Maggie Jackson (2008), Distracted and Nicholas Carr (2010) The Shallows. The result of the analysis shows that there is a common discourse of how the subject of Information Overload is represented, which stretches in and between the books intertextually.

Från förskola till förskoleklass : Kommunikation vid övergång

Syftet med studien är att studera vilka uppfattningar som pedagoger i förskola och pedagoger i förskoleklass har kring överlämning av information. Undersökningen fokuserar på hur pedagogerna uppfattar att de arbetar med detta och hur de ser på kommunikationen mellan varandra. Även vilken information som de anser är relevant att ge vidare och varför information ska ges vidare där både fördelar och nackdelar tas upp. Sju kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes i Västernorrlands län, i två olika kommuner. Fyra av intervjuerna skedde med förskolepedagoger och tre med förskoleklasspedagoger.

Modellering av Panna 5 Mälarenergi AB : utveckling av en beräkningsmodell med simuleringsverktyget IPSEpro

Heat and power stations are often in need of optimizations. A simulation model is a tool for findingways to optimize the plant. The scope of this diploma work is to develop a simulation model ofBoiler 5 at Mälarenergi AB. Boiler 5 is a circulated fluidized bed boiler that was taken into service inyear 2001. Among the included parts in the boiler are cyclone, convection part andINTREX-chambers.

?Jag tänker inte sitta hemma och sticka? ? En studie av sex nyblivna pensionärers informationsbehov och biblioteksvanor.

This study is about information needs and library habits among newly retired people. The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the affective and cognitive needs that come with retirement. In what way do the information needs of this group change due to retirement? In order to answer this question we make use of two theoretical models; Role theory and Wilson?s model of information needs. When it comes to library habits, we use Andersson and Skot-Hansens model to examine how newly retired people use the library now and how they could use it on basis of their needs in their new role.

Bankers identifieringsmetoder : Nu och i framtiden

Keywords: ID-method, internet, security, digitzing, bank Background: The digitizing of our society continues to grow and more parts of our lives is spent on the internet. The banks are one of the institutions that is at the forefront of this development since they established themselves on a early basis. The banks meeting points have since this establishment moved from the regular bank office out on the internet. A problem that has occurred during this transfer is the possibility to positive ID a customer in a virtual world. It is essential to offer the customer methods to identify themselves that are both safe and easy to use.

Betydelsen av sjuksköterskans information för att underlätta cancerpatientens bemästrande

Individanpassad information är viktigt för att främja patientens bemästrande avsin situation. Det är också en förutsättning för att patienten ska kunna hävda sinrätt till självbestämmande, autonomiprincipen.SyfteAktuell uppsats syftade till att belysa betydelsen av sjuksköterskans informationtill cancerpatienter i öppenvård. Vidare om given information påverkadepatientens förmåga att bemästra sin situation.MetodLitteraturstudie gjord utifrån 10 artiklar funna via sökning i CINAHL ochPubMed.ResultatPatienten vill ha information om sjukdomen, behandlingen och dess biverkningarsamt framtiden. Detta minskar patientens oro och känslor av negativitet ochhjälper därigenom individen att bemästra sin situation. Sjuksköterskan måste varauppmärksam på informationssökningsbeteendet hos varje enskild patient.DiskussionInformation är viktigt för att öka patientens självkänsla och kontroll över sinsituation.

Patienters uppfattning om den information och det stöd de fått och behöver för att hantera sin psoriasis

Background: One of the healthcare tasks is to inform and support patients. Information and support is very important for the management of the disease in patients with psoriasis. Healthcare often focuses on the medical aspects and can easily forget about the individual behind the disease.Aim: To explore what kind of information and support patients with psoriasis receive and need to manage their skin disease.Method: Quantitative study with descriptive design and qualitative elements by analysis of the questionnaire with open questions. The study included 22 participants.Findings: The majority of participants responded that they had received information about various therapies, medications and generally about psoriasis. The information participants most often responded they needed, was essentially continuous information and updates on treatments and knowledge about psoriasis according to medical science.

Upplevelser av information givna av distriktssköterska till personer med dubbeldiagnos diabetes mellitus typ 2 och KOL

Diabetes mellitus type 2 and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) are two of the most common diseases in the world and the amount are increasing. The treatments of these diseases are self care and a change of lifestyle. For this to be successful there is a need for the person to have knowledge about the diseases and a motivation for making changes in his or her lifestyle. Most of this information is given by the district nurse at the health centre. It is important to get a better knowledge of these persons experiences and how they used the information given to them.

Behov av information och emotionellt stöd hos kvinnor vid nydiagnostiserad bröstcancer : - En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är en av de vanligaste cancersjukdomarna hos kvinnor. Behandlingen av bröstcancerpatienter var mer likartad förr men idag är den mer varierande. Vid bröstcancerdiagnos utlöses en livskris och patienten hamnar i chocktillstånd. Enligt Cullberg (2003) påbörjar detta en process bestående av fyra olika faser: chockfasen, reaktionsfasen, bearbetningsfasen och nyorienteringsfasen. Att få diagnosen innebär en stor omställning i kvinnornas liv och de har alla olika behov av information och emotionellt stöd under hela sjukdomsförloppet.

Patienters upplevelser av ett akutmottagningsbesök

The pressure is getting tougher on Accident and Emergency departments. Therefore it is crucial to study how the patient?s perceive their visit to the Emergency department. Knowledge about this enables improvement of routines, patient participation and patient safety. The purpose of the study was to investigate patient?s experiences of their visit at the Emergency department.A descriptive design was used.

Familjehemsutredningar : Socialtjänstens arbete med privata aktörer

This essay deals with the social services cooperation with the private sector relating to foster care. The aim was to examine whether and what the causes may be that the social service transfer tasks of authority to private actors. Furthermore, we have examined and discussed if such a working procedure can lead to consequences for the individual child and how / if the children's legal security is affected. Survey methodology is qualitative in nature where we conducted semi-structured interviews with three persons who work in different ways to be involved in work with a foster family. We have also made use of questionnaires sent to social workers around the country.The result has been interpreted on the basis inter alia, legal texts, legislative history, and two theories which have their origin in organization theory.

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