

17811 Uppsatser om Information transfer. - Sida 42 av 1188

Gör om, gör rätt! Om judikalisering och migrationsdomstolens tillkomst

This thesis examines the reasons behind the Swedish migration policy reform which led to a replacement of the Aliens Appeal Board by the Migration Court. This introduced a two-party procedure, oral hearings and enhanced transparency. It was designed to guarantee the rule of law and to thwart political arbitrariness.The transfer of power from representative institutions to judiciaries is referred to as judicialization, and the Migration Courts may be considered a typical example of this phenomenon. However, this can be questioned. The straggling nature of the term implies everything and anything unless cautiously defined.

Digitala kartor för webben : En turistguide i 2D- och 3D

The city of Kalmar has a desire that their 3D maps of the city should come to a greater use and get residents more involved in Kalmar city. The purpose of this report is to show one way to work with these 3D maps when it comes to presenting information about Kalmar for its residents and tourists in a specific area.  The report also includes information about advantages and disadvantages with the use of 2D and 3D maps in different environments. Various reports and other sources indicate an interest in 3D and a use for this, but even that 2D is still seen as a natural way to read a map. By collecting information from relevant literature, interviews and user testing, the group has obtained sufficient background information to present the results of a web site, where the visitor can navigate in both 2D and 3D in a specific area of Kalmar. User tests and surveys have been conducted in two rounds and the web site has been revised after their results..

Utvärdering av den information och utbildning patienter som nyligen genomgått en stomioperation får från stomiterapeut

The study aimed to evaluate the information and training the stoma therapist at Uppsala University Hospital has given to patients who have recently undergone stoma surgery. The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study using qualitative and quantitative design. A total of 22 patients who completely or partially took care of their stomas and recently had undergone stoma surgery participated by answering a questionnaire. At discharge most of them experienced they were relatively well-informed but they wanted more information. Before the revisit they weren?t especially safe or comfortable.

Informationskompetens - färdighet eller insikt? En jämförelse mellan två modeller över begreppet informationskompetens

This Master's thesis in library and information science aims to shed light on the concept of information literacy in higher education, particularly as manifested in two dissertations on the subject. Two models of information literacy are compared: Christina Doyle's list of ten attributes for students to master and Christine Bruce's seven conceptions of information literacy. The cognitive-behaviourist tradition in Doyle's study and the alternative, phenomenographic approach in Bruce's research are compared and commented. The taxonomies and internal relationship between separate components in the two models are investigated, as well as the ways the models relate to each other. The respective views of knowledge and learning are described.

Att arbeta som man blivit lärd : En studie om ledares möjligheter att använda lärande från ledarskapsutbildning i sitt dagliga arbete

Studien syftar till att bidra med kunskaper om ledares upplevelser av att överföra lärande från ledarskapsutbildningar till det dagliga arbetet, men också att bidra till en ökad förståelse för vilka organisatoriska faktorer som kan förklara dessa upplevelser, och vilken påverkan dessa faktorer har på lärandeöverföringen. Åtta stycken undersökningspersoner har intervjuats. Intervjudata har analyserats och diskuterats kvalitativt i relation till teorier och forskning inom lärandeöverföring. Ledarna upplever generellt det som svårt att konkret beskriva hur och när lärandet utövas i arbetsvardagen, brist på handlings- och interaktionsutrymme, liksom brist på intresse, återkoppling och stöd från främst överordnade. Generellt upplevs att lärd kompetens, självförtroende och drivkraft att använda det ledarskap som lärts avtar.

Striving for innovation; working in CFT - a case study of Audi

The purpose of this thesis is to study and determine how working in cross functional teams can generate value in an effort to facilitate innovation. An inductive scientific perspective is chosen as the research approach. A single case is investigated with the theoretical framework based on Resource Based View, Intellectual Capital, Innovation theory and theories concerning Cross Functional Teams. The empirical material has been collected through primary data; surveys, interviews and secondary data; literature, websites and further complementary data. The practice of using Cross Functional Teams will enhance organizational learning, knowledge transfer, increase communication and innovation, which in turn will increase the speed and performance of the new product development process.

Nyhetsverkstans informationsbehov : en domänanalys av Gefle Dagblad

This two years master?s thesis consists of a domain analysis on the local Swedish newspaper Gefle Dagblad (GD). The domain analysis was developed by the Danish library and information scientist Birger Hjørland. The purpose of this theory is to understand the information behavior of individuals by studying the social and collec-tive context which surrounds this person. According to Hjørland, four different areas need to be studied in order to analyze a domain.

Kunskapsöverföring mellan byggprojekt: en jämförande studie av traditionella projekt och partneringprojekt

Kunskapsöverföring har visat sig vara problematiskt i projektorganisationer på grund av projektens tydliga avgränsningar. Byggbranschen är en projektorganiserad bransch som av olika anledningar har problem med kunskapsöverföring mellan projekt. Vi finner det därför intressant att undersöka kunskapsöverföring mellan projekt i byggbranschen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva hur faktorer gällande kultur och struktur påverkar kunskapsöverföring mellan projekt i byggföretag samt om och hur dessa faktorer skiljer sig mellan traditionella projekt och partneringprojekt. För att uppfylla syftet och besvara forskningsfrågorna har en fallstudie med personliga intervjuer genomförts vid byggföretaget NCC i Luleå.

Informationsfrihet och IT-användning i demokratifrämjande syfte

The potential of information technology as a means to invigorate democratic practise is constantly under discussion. Regardless of the differing opinions as to the most suitable way to utilise IT, there are certain democratic core values that have to be considered. One of these is freedom of information, defined by us as the right of every citizen to seek, obtain and express information. The aim of this study is to explore whether the use of IT as a means to enhance democracy can strengthen the citizens right to freedom of information. As an instrument for analysis we use an article by Jan van Dijk, professor of communication science.

Förra säsongen, hur gjorde vi då? : en studie om hur ett säsongsbaserat företag tar tillvara på anställdas kunskap och blir en lärande organisation

The purpose of this study is to describe if and how a seasonal based company named SkiStar, learns through the exchange of experience and knowledge. We have analyzed gathered qualitative and empirical data to explore this subject. We conducted three semi-structured group interviews with employees from the SkiStarshop division. They described their routines and procedures in SkiStarshop. The collected data was processed and analyzed through our theoretical framework.

Utanför 50-skyltarna Turisters informationssökning

This essay focuses on tourists' information seeking. The main focus was to examine whether there is a connection between how the informants in different tourist styles the different tourist styles are presented by Eva Wolf as the tourist of recreation, action, culture, compromise, and individualism seek information to their forthcoming vacation. The result was reached through a qualitative method, where ten informants with various tourist roles were interviewed separately. The informants were chosen by personal contacts. In addition to these interviews, three representatives from the tourist industry were contacted and interviewed by e-mail.

Att vara närstående till en person som drabbats av stroke: Hur erfar närstående information om den anhöriges sjukdom, vård och behandling

I Sverige insjuknar varje år minst 25-30 000 människor i stroke. Risken att drabbas ökar med starkt stigande ålder. De flesta som drabbas är över 65 år. Människor som drabbats av stroke vårdas allt kortare tid på akutsjukvård vilket kan innebära att närstående får ta ett större ansvar efter utskrivning. Flera studier visar att informationsbehovet kring stroke är stort, men de flesta studier bygger på vad den drabbade behöver för information.

Strukturerad- kontra beteendeintervju : Skillnad i mängd och kvalitet på den information som erhålls vid anställningsintervjuer

According to Barclay (2001), behavioral interviews yield higher quality information, than other interview techniques. This study focused on whether the quality and quantity of information differ between structured interview and behavioral interviewing. Two headhunters held 16 job interviews with the two techniques, 9 behavioral interviews and 7 structured interviews. Both headhunters and candidates have evaluated the interviews quantitatively. Initial and concluding interviews have, as well, been held with the headhunters.  No definitive answers were found in the quantitative analysis, but the qualitative results suggest that behavioral interviews give, because of the headhunters opinions, more and higher quality information.

Information och interaktion. En studie av högstadieelevers informationssökning och informationsanvändning.

The aim of this master thesis is to examine information seeking andinformation use among high school pupils in two Norwegian highschools. The main research question focuses on different kinds ofinteraction or lack of interaction in the pupils? information seeking andinformation use.The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on a socioculturalperspective which allows for a specific focus of various forms ofinteraction. I investigate interaction in relation to concepts such associal practices, previous experiences and meaning making. Theempirical material consists of data from a large scale questionnaire (n=217) and in-depth interviews with six pupils.The results show that these pupils are used to interact with digital tools.The pupils trust printed sources more than digital ones, but at the sametime they prefer digital sources since these are easier to handle, it isquicker to locate information and this is easier to understand.

Ökad användning av Storumans kommuns GIS

Genom att skaffa och införa ett geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) kan en organisation utnyttja sin geografiska information på ett bättre sätt och både effektivisera arbetet och skapa bättre beslutsunderlag. En utmaning vid införandet är att sprida användningen av systemet. Storumans kommun har införskaffat ett GIS men inte börjat använda det fullt ut utan har stannat i införandets första fas vilket har gjort att de inte kunnat tillgodogöra sig de fördelar systemet kan ge. Syftet med detta arbete är att öka kommunens användning av deras GIS-program Solen genom att uppdatera programmet med geografisk information som kan användas i förvaltningarnas verksamhet.Genom en fokusgrupp, intervjuer och observationer har jag kommit fram till vilken geografisk information som kommunen behöver i systemet och därefter har jag lagt in den. Studiens slutsats konstaterar att användningen ökar med mer och uppdaterad information i GIS-programmet.

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