

1989 Uppsatser om Image retrieval - Sida 57 av 133

Art and Advertising

The thesis examined whether there is a distinct boundary between art and advertising. The collected data showed how art and advertising are linked to each other and also differ from each other, in particular through the latter half of the 1900?s. What was happening in society came to have great impact on what happened in art and advertising. In postwar Germany, capitalism realism evolved from the German pop art where the art was removed from the art gallery and placed on the streets where the people were, in an era that was characterized by a gap between the rich and the poor.

Analys av framtidens system för hantering av avloppsvatten och matavfall i Eskilstuna

Wastewater treatment is increasingly controlled by the Swedish environmental quality objectives, adopted by the Swedish parliament. There is a need for a sewage system that can fulfill stringent requirements concerning the environment, recycling and resource use and hygiene. Additional environmental aspects in recent years are the impact of climate change, new knowledge about the effects of pharmaceuticals in water, the need for improved wastewater treatment and increased recycling of nutrients to agriculture. This report has, from a future scenario of the year 2050, analyzed seven different systems for wastewater treatment and treatment of compostable biowaste from households in Eskilstuna. A future scenario was chosen based on that within a forty year period new challenges may arise which can result in higher demands on sewage treatment than those we see today. Another reason why the future scenario was established is that changes in wastewater treatment systems are slow to establish. The analysis is mainly focused on the economical aspects but environmental aspects such as emissions to receiving waters and potential recycling of plant nutrients has also been evaluated briefly.

Kroppsuppfattning hos värnpliktiga män

Body awareness is a term that refers to a person´s perception and knowledge about his or her body. It includes proportion, size, weight, contour and image of ones body. The Ben- Tovim Walker Body Attitudes Questionnaire (BAQ) contains 44 questions concerning the different aspects of body awareness: Feeling fat, Body disparagement, Strength and fitness, Salience of weight, Attractiveness and Lower body fatness. The purpose of this study was to investigate body awareness among men in military recruit training. BAQ was distributed to fifty recruits for military service in Boden.

Låna Dig Rik : om en marknadsföringskampanj för folkbiblioteken i tre regioner och dess mottagande i lokalpressen

The marketing campaign ?Låna dig rik? [Get rich by lending] involved 25 public libraries in three regions; Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. This paper examines 28 news-articles concerning this campaign, found in eight publications in the responding regions. The purpose of this is to determine to what extent the description of the campaign found therein responded to the intents of its founders and to what extent the public had a say in these articles. The result found indicates that the overall image of the campaign presented in the news-articles was well in correspondence with the intents of the campaign itself but that the public views where arguably absent..

Turismutveckling av en landsbygd : - En studie om landsbygders utvecklingspotential inom turismnäringen

AbstractThe tourism industry has evolved to a vital factor for destination development in rural areas. This study aims to see how the tourism industry can be seen as an opportunity for development in rural areas. To be able to develop, rural areas have to be restructured and this study presents the restructuring problems that rural areas usually face and how developing tourism can be seen as a solution to these problems. Five destinations of rural character have been investigated in this study in order to see how these restructuring problems are expressed and addressed through tourism. A key example has been used to provide a clearer image of how these problems and tourism are related to each other and how their interaction can create a positive development for rural areas in Sweden..

Omslagstrender - en studie av vad som höjer uppmärksamhetsvärdet hos tidskrifter

Through interviews, a questionnaire survey and an in­depth analysis of the Swedish magazines Veckorevyn and Magazine Café has a number of parameters been made visible. It was difficult to obtain an unambiguous result when the journal's target audience is crucial for the cover design. Nevertheless, we can generally say that the transparent varnish of covers, PMS colors and enclosing the journal in plastic do not increase the attention value, as this occurs in many magazines. Due to today's tough competition among journals, we believe that they will need to niche themselves much harder to survive. We also believe that the new, big trend is that more covers will become more plain and stylistically pure, with one big communicating image and fewer coverlines, as many covers were designed during the 1940s..

Varumärkesprofilering : En fallstudie gjord på varumärket Westra Wermlands Sparbank

Westra Wermlands Sparbank är en fristående Sparbank som är verksam i västra Värmland med huvudkontor i Arvika. Bankens affärsidé bygger på att vara lokala, finnas nära till hands för sina kunder och verka för bygden.För att kunna bedriva denna typ av enskild bankverksamhet behövs ändå en omfattande infrastruktur och produktsortiment. Att utveckla egna IT-system och exempelvis fonder är inte tänkbart då detta skulle bli alldeles för dyrt. Genom ett samarbete med storbanken Swedbank löses tidigare nämnda problem, men samarbetet genererar i ett annat problem, nämligen att Swedbank inverkar på Westra Wermlands Sparbanks varumärke och identitet.Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att få en djupare förståelse för varumärkeshanteringen hos Westra Wermlands Sparbank och att undersöka de effekter som uppkommer internt och externt vid ett företagssamarbete, som exempelvis det med Swedbank. För att få förståelse och kunskap inom ämnet har vi fördjupat oss i teorier kring varumärkets funktioner, brand equity, brand identity ? brand image samt kommunikation.

Utveckling av applikationsplattform för inbyggt system

In the current situation in the housing market and in particular the inner city much attention is directed towards achieved prices per square meter in sales. The indicator is as a principle an appropriate measure of the housing market?s health and development, and can to some extent be used to make approximations of the general economic health status of municipalities and counties. It occurs occasionally that questions about whether prices are based on fundamentals at all times.The thesis questions that very issue, not from a macro accompanying financial perspective but rather from a microeconomic perspective, where each tenant ownership in the study is a micro-object. Are the observed prices per square meter rational relative to housing cooperative?s assets or is there a lack in the observed prices anchoring the respective association's finances.

Bibliotekariens kunskap: en diskursanalys

This Master's thesis concerns the professional knowledge of the librarian. The image of this knowledge is regarded as constructed in a social context, which is why the discourse analytic approach is selected as method. The empirical material consists of two texts concerning the education of librarians. A theory of knowledge, emanating from Aristotle, is applied to the results to find examples of the forms of knowledge that are excluded from the discourse. A number of themes, or ways, in which it is possible to discuss the phenomenon of the librarian's knowledge, are identified in the texts.

Ledarskap - En studie om ledarskap inom hotellbranschen

Uppsatsens titel: Ledarskap – En studie om ledarskap inom hotellbranschen Universitet/institution: Lunds universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management/Retail, Turism, Hälsa och Hotell & Restaurang Kurs: Kandidatuppsats, VT 2007, SMT 302, 10 poäng Författare: Malmqvist, Britta; Mujcin, Amela; Pedersén, Åsa Handledare: Heide, Mats; Kruzela, Pavla Nyckelbegrepp: Ledarskap, Roller, Ledarskapsstil, Kontext, Kommunikation Problem: Forskningen kring ledarskap är omfattande och många forskare har kommit med förslag på definitioner och teorier men ingen har lyckats fullt ut. De få som existerar är generella och tillämpas oavsett kontext. Detta sker även inom hotellbranschen vilket vi inte anser ger en rättvisande bild av ledarskapet då det är en bransch som till stor del bygger på relationer, är dynamisk samt består av komplexa system. Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att beskriva hur ledarskap uppfattas och kommuniceras av ledare i en serviceverksamhet. Vi vill belysa ämnet för att öka intresset för fortsatt forskning inom området.

Den interaktiva IR-forskningens genomslag i söktjänsterna på webben

The theoretical focus in this master is information retrieval (IR), and especially the part of IR that includes interactivity. This research is by some researchers called IIR. Our principal aim was to examine if search engines on the WWW are taking advantage of research results from IIR research. A way to do this is to look at the application of special features, in this case query expansion (QE) and relevance feedback (RF). Both these methods aim for a better matching of documents and the searchers information need.

"Byt babyrösten mot dirty snack"

The overall aim of this study is to examine how Swedish women?s youth- magazines describes women. Through a social constructivist perspective, this essay particularly focuses on how the magazines deals with issues of gender and sexuality and what norms they reproduce. The magazine?s image of the young Swedish woman is a somewhat complex one, although one thing is strikingly clear: she is very different from men.

Den nakna sanningen? : Hur Nudie Jeans Co. kommunicerar sitt varumärke och hur konsumenter uppfattar det

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur Nudie Jeans kommunicerar sitt varumärke i olika kanaler, hur konsumenter uppfattar det, samt hur förhållandet mellan den kommunicerade och uppfattade bilden av varumärket ser ut. Teorierna utgår från ett varumärkesperspektiv med begrepp som identitet, image och kärnvärden. Även teorier rörande konsumentperspektiv innefattande aspekter som lojalitet, ansträngning och påverkan behandlas. Metoder som används i studien är dels text- och bildanalys av Nudie Jeans hemsida, intervju med sälj- och marknadschefen på Nudie Jeans samt en enkätundersökning, som besvarats av 177 konsumenter. Urvalet till enkäten är ett bekvämlighetsurval. Kommunikation från och om varumärket sker dels via hemsidan och dels hos distributörer, ofta i form av butikssäljare.

Svenska Mässan : en reflektion över Johan Helmich Romans liv och hur det svenska språket kommer till uttryck i Svenska Mässan

 An analysis in the work of Martin Kellermans comic ?Rocky? of the interaction between the male and female characters and of how each of their gender are portrayed. We are going to find out if it is probable for young adults to be affected by any eventual gender-stereotypes that we can find in ?Rocky? or if ?Rocky? consolidates a stereotypical image of men and women that young adults might have developed through different media. We conduct this analys by first reading through random seleceted ?Rocky? books and present some of the comic strips where men and women interact with each other or discuss the opposite sex..

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