

1876 Uppsatser om Image compression - Sida 60 av 126

Bilden av mannen i svensk kriminallitteratur

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the image of the man in Swedish crime fiction. Gender theory based uponRobert W. Connell theoretical framework which discusses masculinities in plural is used. The method used is idea analysis and my supply for analyse is constructed on thebasis of Connell?s four ideal types regarding masculinity.The material in the investigation comprises of five novels published in Sweden 2007.The investigation reveals the complexity in forming masculinities; traditional male values remain mostly intact, but at the same time men must deal with emotions andrelations with women in a world where the male norm often is questioned.

Unga mäns upplevelse av psykisk hälsa

Investigations concerning adolescent mental health shows a negative development. Many pre-vious studies have focused on young women's mental health. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate young men's (17-19 years) experience of their mental health. Qualitative interviews were used as a method. The participants were six young men who all go to high school in a major municipality in the county of Gävleborg.

Den kreativa staden: en fallstudie om en stads kreativa näringar

The purpose with this thesis was to describe the importance of the creative industries for a town. We thought that towns could design a strategy to attract creative industries and creative people to establish their business in the town. During the study some important topics, such as a town brand, a town image and a town identity has been identified as factors that can influence and attract people and creative industries. Towns can use these topics in their marketing of the town. The method that we used was a case study: we conducted interviews to collect information about the chosen case study, the town of Skellefteå.

Sekt eller ny religiös rörelse? : Bilden av nya religiösa rörelser i fyra läroböcker för religionskunskap på gymnasiet

Denna uppsats analyserar och diskutera läroboksbilden av nya religiösa rörelser i fya läroböcker för religionskunskap på gymnasiet. De generella frågorna som ställs är hur läroboksbilden ser ut och vad man kan säga om den i jömförelse med nu gällande läro- och kursplan.Analysen görs i två steg. Först analyseras texten enligt innehållsanalysen som den presenteras av Hellspong och Ledin. Sedan analyseras resultatet utifrån tidigare forskning.Slutsatserna av undersökningen är att läroböckerna skulle limma beskriva de nya religiösa rörelserna mer ingående och använda sig mindre av begreppet sekt eftersom det är negativt laddat. Man skulle också kunna lägga mer fokus på individen, för att få en mer nyanserad bild..

Integreras eller assimileras? : Socialarbetare och arbetsförmedlares syn på möjligheter och begränsningar för flyktingar att uppnå egen försörjning.

In this study we have investigated how care users in a nursing home experience their possibilities for influence and treatment from the staff. The study was conducted through focus group interviews with six participants who we met on four occasions. Questions the study departs from are: How do users experience their opportunity to influence? How do the users experience the treatment from the staff? The study has a qualitative approach and has been analyzed by means of symbolic interactionism, with an emphasis on the Self. Our results demonstrate that in situations of good treatment there is also a good influence.

Sveriges turismmarknadsföring : En fallstudie om bilden av Sverige internationellt

It today's global world we live in the media have started to examine businesses more and more. In addition consumers are expecting more from products, because they are well informed. This means that companies need to market themselves effectively, to convince and get across their message to their customers. Marketing is an extensive process in which different factors must be taken into account. A company must know what the coustomer needs in order to get through to them.

Nä?r ä?ldreomsorgen blev galleria och den ä?ldre kund : En kritisk diskursanalys av informationsbroschyrer om ä?ldreomsorg

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the views of the elderly and the caregivers that appear in brochures for the elderly and the discourses that can be found within. The data that the study is based on was collected and analysed using content analysis and Faircloughs (1992) critical discourse analysis. The theoretical frameworks that have been used are social constructionism, critical discourse analysis, assortment and protest, and New Public Management. The results showed two images of older people (I) the elderly as active and autonomous and (II) the elderly as passive and in need of help. The results also showed two pictures of the caregiver (III) the caregiver and NPM, and (IV), the non-profit care provider as a complement.

En dag i Ivan Denisovitjs liv : Mottagandet av Solzjenitsyns debutroman i svenska tidningar

 AbstractThe main purpose of the essay is to describe the reception of Alexander Solzhenitsyn?s debut novel One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962) in Swedish newspapers. The reception itself comprises the 1963?s Swedish reviewers opinions on the novel as to how it was controversial or not and the literary quality of the novel and Solzhenitsyn?s writing. In the analysis, seventeen reviews from seventeen different newspapers is included, studied and compared.

Nätverket som varumärke : En fallstudie av Glasriket

Destination branding is becoming increasingly acknowledged by regions working with tourism. Underlying is the fragmented web of actors in the supply chain of which the tourism product consists of. The main purpose of our thesis was, from a management perspective, to gain an understanding and describing how a network and the actors within it can build a consistent brand. We therefore chose to make a case study research on The Kingdom of Chrystal, or Glasriket, which is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Sweden. Our research is based on theoretical and empirical data.

I stort sett handlar det om likes : En studie i hur normer och beteendemönster ser ut och skapas för användandet av Instagram

Det här examensarbetet handlar om ungdomar 16-19 år gamla och deras relation till sociala medier och då med fotoappen Instagram i fokus. Den bygger på en undersökning i två delar; en intervjudel med informanter för att se hur instagramdiskursen ser ut, hur de använder sig av appen, tolkar och tänker och en observationsdel där jag tagit del av samma informanters bilder på Instagram. Jag tittar på hur användaren formas av Instagram och hur Instagram formas av användaren, på vilket sätt informanterna förhåller sig till bildtexter, hashtags och om intervjudelen skiljer sig från den observerande delen. Kan man finna en större och djupare mening med detta populärkulturella tidsfördriv där vi förväntas publicera vardagsbilder eller hur används det? Jag vill i den här studien kartlägga de normer som formar ungdomar 16-19 som använder sig av Instagram, de mönster som finns för användandet och se det ur Image ? Picturesynvinkel, där picture står för bilderna enskilt och image är helhetsbilden de ger tillsammans genom frågeställningen: Hur ser normer och mönster ut för användandet av Instagram bland gymnasieungdomar?Syftet med undersökningen är att bättre förstå vad vi gör med sociala medier och vad dem gör med oss.

The Beat Generation: Diskursanalys av identitetskonstruktionen bakom begreppet Beatnik i sex amerikanska tidskrifter 1957-1961

This masters thesis looks at the reception of the beat generation in six given American magazines spanning through the years 1957-1961. The study is basically one of literaty reception. The aim is to see how and if the institution of literature handed the beat generation an identity to go along with their arts. With the use of discourse analysis we have pointed out certain characteristics in the six articles that have been a part of building up an image of the beat generation as a whole. By dividing the result into the two categories social and literary practice we can clearer see what significants were used to create the beat generation.

Specialexponering av EMV - En pusselbit, till en mer lönsam butik

There is a tough competition in food-stores these days. Storeowners have been forced to try something new to attract customers. One way to accomplish that is to add private labels to the assortment. There are several benefits with these labels; its higher margins for this type of brand and the brand can also strengthen the stores image in the customers mind. When private labels first entered the market, the customer had a relatively low attitude towards the brands.

Musikens betydelse i TV-reklam : En analys av jingel, bekant och obekant musik

This essay examines the communication value of music in television advertising. It studies different forms of music and whether these forms contribute positively or negatively to how television advertising is perceived and remembered. The forms are jingle, familiar song and unfamiliar song. 100 high school students participated in the study through a questionnaire.                      The study shows that music is an important tool that complements television advertisings visual aspects. Music creates feelings, emphasizes aspects of the image and clarifies the advertised message.

I stundens hetta : En kvalitativ textanalys om gestaltningar av krisarbetare i samband med skogsbranden i Va?stmanland sommaren 2014

This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.

Renomméets inverkan på företag i kriser: en fallstudie

The purpose of this thesis was to illuminate and create a deeper understanding of a reputation?s value during crisis in business environment. We aimed to investigate how companies and organizations build up their reputation to prevent crises and how reputation affects the outcomes of a crisis. The theoretical section is based on various scientific articles. A case study was conducted based on interviews with two respondents from two different companies and organizations.

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