

1710 Uppsatser om IKEA FAMILY - Sida 8 av 114

Anhörigvårdares Upplevelser Av Sitt Vardagliga Arbete

The family and relatives caring of older people in Sweden lies on an old tradition. By legislation the responsibility for the older people has gone through a development from the family to the society. According to the new social service law (2000) it is not that clear that the utmost responsibility lies on the society. According to the social service law ( 5th chapter, 10 §) the municipality should ease things up by giving support and relief for relatives taking care of older people, prolonged ill and function disabled people. The purpose with the study was to examine how the family care givers are finding their everyday work and their experience of the support that the society is giving.

IKEA Foods hållbarhetsarbete -om och hur CSR-aktiviteter kan skapa kundvärde inom IKEA Food

Denna fallstudie tar upp enskilda kvinnors upplevelser i samband med mediala diskurser och identitet utifrån deras position som tidigare utsatta för direkt patriarkalt våld. Vissa diskursiva begrepp diskuteras, exempelvis ?offer?. Centralt för respondenterna är att inte identifiera sig med dessa termer. Våldserfarenheterna har påverkat samtliga respondenter och det präglar hur de förhåller sig till diskursiva termer.

Läsning i generationer ? En kvalitativ studie av en familjs läsvanor

The aim of this Master?s thesis was to investigate if one can identify a pattern in a family?s reading habits. Our empirical data was gathered in a survey distributed to a family in three generations, between the ages 15 to 82. The family was interviewed in a life time perspective, in a so called life story character. The questions addressed in this thesis concerned how the reading habits and the general attitude toward literature differ between generations in one family.

En studie om vad som motiverar expats att stanna i företag

A flat organisation makes a horizontal career development possible, which means that it is more important to develop an individual?s knowledge base than to gain a higher title. This leads to a personal development, which motivates expats to stay. Since the responsibility of the career development mostly lies on expats themselves, companies should create conditions that make individual, internal job search possible. Like in IKEA:s case, it can be done through a strong and prestige less company culture, that penetrates the whole company.

Grön vägg eller röd tråd? En studie av hur IKEA kommunicerar CSR internt

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur intern kommunikation används som strategiskt verktyg i norska IKEAs Corporate Social Responsibility arbete.Metod: I studien har kvalitativ metod tillämpats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom personliga intervjuer. Dels med personal som ansvarar för kommunikationen av CSR och dels med personal som har andra arbetsuppgifter, exempelvis försäljning och kassaarbete. Materialet har kompletterats med observationer på varuhuset och och studium av styrdokument.Slutsatser: Personalen är överlag positiv till IKEAs CSR-arbete men har olika attityder till CSR, alla håller inte med de ansvariga för CSR om att både samhället och IKEA tjänar på att IKEA tar ansvar. Den viktigaste informationskanalen för internkommunikation av CSR tycks vara event marketing och kampanjer.

Experiences and needs of family members in the end of life care at a nursinghome

Background: There might be a risk that family members experience limited possibilities to act, participate and influence the end of life care for the elderly in the nursing home. For family members it could be the first time they face death which can imply a lot of questions and existential needs. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the needs of family members in the patient terminal care in a nursing home. Research methods: The study implemented a qualitative approach and data was collected through four interviews and through a literature review were 17 articles were selected. The results were processed and analysed with a qualitative content analysis and two main categories, participation and assurance with subcategories were identified.

"När kommunen ska träda in" : En kvalitativ studie om biståndshandläggares implementering av anhörigstödet i socialpsykiatrin

The purpose of this study is to understand how street-level bureaucrats, working with clients with mental illness, are implementing their statutory obligation of support for family carers who are caring for or supporting relatives with mental illness. The study are based on vignettes and qualitative interviews with social workers in three different municipalities in southern Sweden. The questions of this study are:? How do the social workers communicate their statutory obligation of support to family carers?? How do the social workers distinguish the family carers?? How do the social workers distinguish the family carers who are in need of support? Metod: Vignettes and qualitative interviews has been used as methods to gather empirical data.Theory: Theories of street-level bureaucracy has been used as theory in the analyses of the empirical material.Results: The result of this study concludes that the social workers, in lack of policy introduction, communicate their obligation to support family carers within their discretion. The result shows that the majority of the municipalities do not have formalized support for family carers supporting relatives with mental illness. The study also concludes that the social workers have different understandings of which family carer who is a carer in need of support.

Välkommen till familjen! : En studie om effekten av en stark företagskulturs påverkan på medarbetarnas identitet

The purpose of this study is to examine in what way a strong corporate culture can have an effect on the ways that individuals perceive their own identity based on different social aspects, thereby meaning the influence of personalities in relation to the environment. In this essay I have used the theory of employer branding in an analysis of the corporate culture at Ikea Barkarby, with the purpose to answer the following questions: How does the relation between the employee and the corporate culture appear from an identity perspective, i.e can an individual?s identity be affected by the influence of a strong corporate culture? If the corporate culture has an influence on the individual?s identity, what rhetorical tools are part of this? How can the surrounding corporate cultures possibly influence the employee?s process of becoming a part of the corporate culture? The method of research that was used in this study is a framing analysis and a semistructured interview method. In the discussion of the influence of social environment on identity I have used the rhetorical term doxa. The material that was examined was an advertisement for employment from the Ikea Barkarby website as well as the response from my interviews of some of the employees.The result of the analysis shows that it is possible for an individual to negotiate with himself about his identity in relation to the actual situation and environment, meaning a possible transformation of the individual?s behavior in different social contexts, in this example the corporate culture at work.

Blomgren - en mönsterkollektion

This report is about the exam project; Blomgren- a collection ofpatterns. During eight weeks I have from the family Blomgren, whowas my grandfather?s family with siblings and parents, produced fivepatterns for textiles into interior and space. In addition to thefamily as an inspiration, I have taken into account of the collection?sname - as a word and the meaning of the word.

Fördelning av resultat på den svenska börsen

This paper replicates a test performed by Burgstahler and Dichev (1997), which identifies a kink in the frequency distribution of earnings for companies listed on American stock exchanges. Their claim, that the kink is evidence of earnings management, has however been dismissed as a methodical consequence. To address this concern, this paper not only replicates the test in general, but also performs tests on a split sample, where founding family-owned companies are separated from the others, since earlier research has shown that founding family ownership is correlated with less earnings management. The results are in line with the findings of Burgstahler and Dichev, with a significant kink in the frequency distribution in the general test. The findings also show that the significance of the kink increases in the non-family-owned sample, while it disappears in the family-owned sample.

Sektoröverskridande partnerskap : En studie av integreringsprocessen vid lokala och internationella samarbeten mellan företag och ideella organisationer

Många företag väljer att inleda samarbeten med ideella organisationer som en del av sitthållbarhetsarbete. Sektoröverskridande partnerskap kräver väl genomtänkta val gällandepartnerorganisation, målsättningar och utformning, och hur samarbetet ska implementeras iföretagets verksamhet. Dessa val utgör steg i en process som leder till att organisationenintegreras i företagets verksamhet.I denna uppsats utreds hur enskilda varuhus inom företaget IKEA arbetar för att integreraideella organisationer i sin verksamhet. IKEA:s svenska varuhus arbetar med samarbeten somstyrs centralt av företagets ledning och med lokala organisationer. I uppsatsen undersökslikheter och skillnader i integreringsprocessen mellan de två typerna av samarbeten.Frågorna undersöks genom intervjuer på tre IKEA-varuhus, en representant från IKEAgruppenoch en mindre dokumentstudie.

Hur integreras fosterhemsplacerade barn i fosterhem?

The purpose of this study is to better understand, from a foster parent perspective, how the integration process of the foster child is carried out in the foster family. The purpose is to identify the challenges and success factors in the process. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews with six foster families. The study?s theoretical framework is mostly based on system theory and also on the theory of ambivalence.The results show that most of our families considered five factors to be important in order to facilitate the integration process.

Inget är så svårt som man fruktar. Inget är så lätt som man tror. : En studie av ERP-implementering och dess inverkan på medarbetares motivation

ERP-implementeringar a?r ofta fo?rknippade med la?nga anpassningsperioder som tenderar att bli resurskra?vande. En bakgrund till den problematiken ligger i att medarbetarnas interaktion med systemet inte motsvarar den fo?rva?ntade interaktionen, vilket pa?verkar utfallet. Implemen- teringar som fa?r ett ova?ntat utfall leder ofta till missno?je bland medarbetarna.

Att leva som regnbågsfamilj : En kvalitativ studie om homosexuella föräldrars erfarenheter av att leva i ett heteronormativt samhälle

The thesis aims to study how rainbows families are being treated by the authorities and the surroundings. It focuses on how homosexual parents are met in society. Although, homosexuals have the legal right to have a family and enter into marriage, the social norms are still far behind and rainbows families are seen as ?the others? and abnormal.  Earlier researches have been studding how the authorities still assumes that every family are living in a heterosexual family constellation. By this assumption they exclude families who are not living in a heterosexual family.

Det är ett sätt att växa att känna sitt eget värde, att man faktiskt är värd något : En kvalitativ studie om familjehemmens uplevelser av uppdraget

The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge and a picture of how foster parents perceive their task, the role of the placed children and their biological parents.  Even how they perceived their family have been affected by the mandates removal. Consistently showed the most positive experiences with strong ties to the children placed. However, there are experiences of the need for additional guidance, support, education and contact with the client to enhance a sense of competence in the task and prevent collapse. Burnout experienced often based in the placed child's difficulties in integration.

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