

9410 Uppsatser om Human resource management (HRM) - Sida 13 av 628

OS i mänskliga rättigheter Sommarolympiaden i Peking 2008

The eighth of august the Olympic games in Beijing started. The chinese regime promised to improve the human rights situation in the country if awarded the Olympic games 2008. The decision to place the games in Beijing arouse severe critique and many questioned how the International Olympic Committe could place the games in a country that so obviously violate basic human rights.The main purpose of this essay has been to analyse what consequences the Olympic Games has given the human rights situation in China. In order to accomplish this I have studied some specific human rights, which I consider to be directly linked to the games. I found that the situation for these human rights has infact worsened since 2001 when China was awarded the games.

Kompetensutveckling, motivation och arbetstrivsel : Verktyg inom Human Resources för att behålla personal

Att byta jobb är kostsamt, både för individen och för företaget.Men vad är det som gör att man stannar på jobbet, är det kollegorna, lönen eller möjligheten till utveckling?Studien genomförs på en kommun, fiktivt döpt till Solrosen en organisation som är uppdelad på olika nämnder och aktiebolag. På tre olika organisationer inom Solrosens kommun har sammanlagt sju intervjuer genomförts. Fem av intervjuerna var med personer i ledarpositioner och två av dem var med medarbetare. Intervjuerna och studien har varit av en kvalitativ art.Syftet med uppsatsen är att visa hur man använder verktyg så som kompetensutveckling, se hur lärandet hos och utvecklingen av personalen på arbetsplatsen ser ut och se hur man hanterar den befintliga kompetensen.

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems as a Service: Hur genomförs en framgångsrik implementation?

Denna uppsats har sin utgångspunkt i den tekniska evolution som har skett i affärssystemens värld. Syftet var att undersöka och beskriva implementat-ionsfasen av ett Enterprise Resource Planning System som tillhandahålls som en tjänst via internet. Fokus var att identifiera framgångsfaktorer för implementationen med hjälp av ett fallstudiebaserat tillvägagångssätt där tonvikt legat på intervjuer och andrahandsmaterial. Undersökningen visade att bland annat valet av ett för organisationen passande system, en omfattande verksamhetsanalys, implementeringshjälp av konsulter samt anpassning av affärsprocesser är viktiga faktorer för en framgångsrik implementation. Därtill såg vi att en tydlig projektplan, en Project Champion och dedikerade resurser också var viktiga faktorer för framgång..

Medarbetarsamtal : Vilken funktion fyller de?

SAMMANFATTNING Examensarbete, Human Resource Management, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet, Organisation, VT2013.  Titel: ?Medarbetarsamtal ? vilken funktion fyller de?? Handledare: Kjell ArvidssonFörfattare: Josephine Berg, Magnus Ivarsson och Martina Jonsson Examinator: Mikael Lundgren Bakgrund: Att det hålls årliga medarbetarsamtal tillhör vanligheterna på de flesta företag, såväl inom privat som inom offentlig sektor. Men är det någon mening med att ha medarbetarsamtal? Vi undrar om de finns endast för att fylla ett ceremoniellt syfte, om det är något ledningen bestämt utan att förklara varför för de anställda? Syfte: Syftet med vår studie är att försöka ta reda på hur chefer och medarbetare upplever medarbetarsamtalför att se om dessa samtal fyller någon funktion eller om de existerar någon egentlig anledning. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte har ett induktivt angreppssätt med en kvalitativ metod valts som grund för uppsatsen.

Humankapitalets roll i kunskapsföretags förvärvsprocess

Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera ett antal kunskapsföretags värdering av humankapitalet vid tänkbara företagsförvärv. Syftet är även att beskriva Human Resources Due Diligence och diskutera om detta begrepp/förhållningssätt kan tillföra företagsvärdering något. Vi har använt oss av deduktiv metod för att dra våra slutsatser. Primärdatan har insamlats genom fallstudier, dessa fallstudierna har genomförts genom semistrukturerad intervjuform. Vi grundar vår uppsats på teorier kring kunskapsföretag, humankapital, förvärvsprocess samt begrepp som Due Diligence och Human Resources Due Diligence.

The Knowledge City Concept?The Ideal Conditions of a Knowledge City

The purpose of this thesis is to look into the knowledge city concept and the preferences and requirements of companies on such a city. Furthermore, suggestions of ideal conditions in a knowledge city are proposed. The thesis has been conducted through a qualitative approach where a deductive procedure has been implemented. In order to examine knowledge cities, Barcelona has sketchily been looked at as an early example of a knowledge city, whereas a more exhaustive observation of Copenhagen was conducted. Since the concept of knowledge cities is a rather new phenomenon, models from several disciplines constitute the theoretical framework.

Human Security in Serbia: A Case Study of the Economic and Personal Security of Internally Displaced Persons

The aim of this study was twofold; firstly it sought to describe the human security situation of Roma IDPs and IDPs living in collective centers, secondly it tried to create an understanding for how the human security situation can affect IDPs capabilities to develop. The findings of the study were mainly based on a field study conducted in Belgrade, Serbia for two months. The results of the study were that IDPs in collective centers have a poor human security situation regarding basic income, employment, adequate housing and experienced personal security. Roma IDPs suffer from the same insecurities, but in addition also has poor human security in basic education and personal safety. Their stagnant human security situation proved to be the result of the inability to help IDPs by the actors involved in the relief work.

Human Resource Business Partner - teori och verklighet

Synen på personalyrket har utvecklats under hundratalet år och HRM som fick sitt genombrott under 1980-talet är en av de senare epokerna. HRM innebar att personalarbetet fick en annan roll i den övergripande företagsstyrningen. Det betonades att personalarbetet skulle utgå ifrånföretagets strategi samtidigt som företagets affärsidé även skulle omvandlas till en motsvarande personalidé. Fokus förflyttades från att HR-ansvariga inom linjeverksamhetenutförde administrativa arbetsuppgifter till att istället ha en mer heltäckande förståelse avverksamheten med dess kunder, aktieägare, chefer och medarbetare.Hailey argumenterar att beskrivningarna av HRM fallerar att spegla den komplexitet och detdjup som HR-rollerna innefattar. Det finns även röster som hävdar att HR-avdelningenhuvudsakligen kritiserats för bristande koppling till företagets dagliga och långsiktiga behovsnarare än för sina roller och sitt ansvar.

Mysteriet med de spridda människobenen på Ajvide, Gotland : en studie om olika gravskick samt begravningsritualer under neolitikum

This essay includes an osteological analysis on the 1122 scattered human remains from The Pitted Ware culture site at Ajvide, Gotland. The scattered human remains have been found in the cultural layers, during archeological excavations at Ajvide between the years 1983-1987 and 1992-2009, where a burial ground was discovered. During the excavations, 85 skeletons graves were found, with complete and incomplete skeletons of 87 individuals. But aside from the graves, scattered human bones were discovered at The Pitted Ware culture site. One of the aims of the essay was to examine the bone material of the scattered human remains, and to determine whether this could possibly be a different type of burial custom than the skeletons graves.

Sudokulo?sare: Ja?mfo?relse av ko?rtider fo?r backtracking och ma?nskliga strategier

Sudoku solvers are a widely researched topic among mathematicians and computer scientists. This report investigates the differences in execution time and time complexity between backtracking and human strategies for classes with 17-21 clues. Backtracking is compared to our implementation of human strategies with test data that contains 99 Sudoku puzzles for each class. The study shows that the execution time and time complexity is improved for human strategies compared to backtracking for each class. The conclusion shows that it is always favorable to implement the human strategies investigated in the report. .

Time efficiency in a product development process

Purpose: We wish to gain a deep knowledge about product development processes in relation to the aspect of time in companies in highly technological and rapidly changing markets. The purpose is to establish how organizations better can employ time as a resource to make the product development process more efficient. Conclusions: Information we gathered from theory and primary data show that information flow, synchronization and time profit when seeing time in three dimensions are factors which should be reflected in the architecture of a product development process. To illustrate our findings, we decided to create a model..

Diskursanalys på den Etiopiska regeringens nationala handlingsplan om bekämpning av ökenspridning

In this paper discourse analysis on the Ethiopian National Action Program (NAP) to combat desertification is made. The aim is to describe how the overall image/picture of desertification, its causes, and effects and of possible solutions are presented in the NAP. The result of this analysis shows that the main cause of desertification is human activities mainly due to the poorly developed socio-economic situation in the dryland areas. It is indicated that an excessive dependency of the rural population on the natural resources, particularly land, is the major cause of land degradation and this deterioration of land is said to have been caused by the rapid population growth, overgrazing, forest clearing as well as past government and institutional failures. In addition it is indicated that the effect of desertification usually involves ecological changes that sap land of its ability to sustain agriculture and human habitation, therefore the most serious threat to human welfare.

En laptop till varje elev : en studie om gymnasieskolans satsning på datorer i undervisningen

The aim of this study is to highlight the computer as a learning resource in the education and give us knowledge about how the students uses the computer in year one in a selected High School where one computer per student were introduced in autumn 2011. The aim is also to contribute to the discussion about how the computer can become a natural learning resource for all students in all subjects, including the students in need of special support.How are the High School students using the computer?Are there differences in computer use, whether the student is in academic or vocational program?Are there differences in computer use between boys and girls?Do the student experience that the digital competence is increasing together with if they experience the computer as aid?In what degree do the teachers encourage the students to use the computer?How much do the students use the computer to learn mathematic?The study is based on a survey of all students in year one in a municipal High School.The result of the study is showing that the students first of all use the computer to play music, surf the Internet and to be logged in on social media (eg. Facebook). The students have learned to use the computer for the tasks they need, although the teachers don?t encourage the students to use the computer in any higher means, not in mathematics and not in other subjects.

Ett planeringsverktyg för TV-postproduktion

This report describes the process of outlining a design proposal for a resource planning tool for TV post-production. A feasibility study in form of a participant observation has been carried out on-site, which has resulted in a requirement specification. Based on the requirement specification, mockups have been created to illustrate the functions and features that a final planning tool should have. In addition to developing a design proposal, an evaluation of the existing resource planning tool Ganttic has been conducted. Ganttic has been reviewed based on how well it meets the list of requirements.

Interaktiva, digitala lärresurser : Med underhållning kommer motivation

Earlier research has shown that combining education with entertainment can improve students motivation in school. With this study we aim to learn more about interactive digital learning resources and how they should be designed to entertain and thereby contribute to motivation. We have identified aspects of educational games that also could be considered when developing interactive digital learning resources, to make them more entertaining and motivating. We have chosen to study and evaluate an interactive digital learning resource called ?Grasp the Disaster?, a fictional online adventure created for students in the ages between 13-15.

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