

9410 Uppsatser om Human resource management (HRM) - Sida 12 av 628

Access to the market - a question of collaboration?

When contemplating entering an alliance the rationale behind the decision should differ depending on the size of the companies involved as well as on other important factors. The important factors influencing the decision are related to the resource pooling potential of the alliance, the power structure along with the business network the companies are a part of. The analysis has shown proof of a need for cooperation if one wish to succeed in the telecommunication industry and it has also determined which resources that are deemed to be most important to get in touch with, for our study object, to facilitate its access to the market. Those resources are defined as a direct channel to the customer, funds/capital and the access to relevant business networks. To get in touch with these lacking resources, three alternative approaches has been proposed; all of them involving a strategic alliance decision.

Utomhuspedagogik : Tvång eller tillgång

This paper is a study about outdoor education in pre- school. The main purpose is to look over if outdoor education in pre- school is a restraint or a resource. The study is based on two questionnaires, one to personnel in pre- school and one to parents who have children in pre- school. The study showed that outdoor education is mostly viewed to be a resource but there can be some problems in how to use it. Time, planning and knowledge were problems that were often mentioned by teachers.

Skärvstenshögar med människoben i norra Mälarområdet

Mounds of fire-cracked stones is a typical Bronze Age monument for the region around lake Mälaren. They are usually, because of their content, interpreted as piles of rubbish. But as they often have kerbs, are situated on cemeteries and sometimes contain human bones, the traditional interpretation is not fully satisfactory.The main focus of this essay is on the mounds of fire-cracked stones which contain human bones in the region north of lake Mälaren. With a detailed study of these, and a comparison with those without human bones, my aim is to get closer to an explanation why the human bones were deposited. The essay consist of a comp­ilation  of 98 excavated mounds and a database with various information gathered from excavation reports and archive documents.With different kinds of osteological aspects taken in consideration, the study shows that human bones have been found in about a third of the mounds.

Education as a Human Right: Paulo Freire Case in the Point

The purpose of this paper is to understand why education is a human right. I will look at works by the late Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator. Paulo Freire worked for many years on developing a pedagogy to promote humanity. His goal was to demonstrate that a literate person will ultimately live a better life because she will be free from oppression and domination.I chose to study Paulo Freire as a tool in proving why education is a human right because throughout his work he demonstrated the need for people to be literate in order for them to be considered ?truly human?.

Märkta medarbetare - En studie om internt varumärke

Through this study we want to enlighten how different companies work with their internal branding and how well they succeed in this process. We also want to examine if there are any differences in this work depending on the companies market position. Following question is used to investigate this process;- In what way and how well are companies working, depending on market position to implement and maintain their work with the internal brand?For the study a theoretical model was created based on our existing theory. The model contains three main variables; create, communicate and uphold; i.e.

Mjuka Värden - Det humana kapitalet.

The purpose of this essay is to analyse and evaluate human relations within organisations in purpose to achieve higher productivity. Both research objects gained interest in this essay due to how their own result should be effected and their own values but the writers also detected a little curiosity on how the competition handled these questions. The essay have progressed in the following steps: first the authors have tried to find a problem definition and a scientific ground to work from. After that an extensive literature study were done to be followed by an mapping of apparition on the human relations on Scania motorverkstads logistics department and Volvo Logistics by interviews of the people in charge in these organisations. To see whether there was a unanimous line of thoughts between the management and the employees the authors made questionnaires to the different department.

Upplevelsen av HRM praxis i Skövde kommun : Medarbetares handlingsmönster utifrån ett psykologiskt kontrakt

Den innevarande studien utforskar hur enhetschefer och avdelningschefer i Skövde kommun upplever sin arbetssituation utifrån personalchefens arbete med Human resource management (HRM) praxis. Fokus är att utifrån upplevelsen undersöka vilka indikatorer som föreligger för ett psykologiskt kontrakt och hur det kan inverka på medarbetarnas beteende. Teorin om mentala schemata applicerades slutligen på resultatet och illustrerades i en överskådlig modell av forskningsområdet. Utifrån en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod har HRM praxis i Guest modell av HRM (1997) format forskningsprocessen. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes på ett urval av nio respondenter.

Hur tolkar eleverna handlingen i en visad film?

Föreliggande studie bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer av fem pedagoger. Genom att intervjua pedagoger med utbildning i Human Dynamics, undersöker jag hur pedagoger arbetar praktisk med Human Dynamics med fokus på inlärningsprocessen. Jag undersöker även likheter och skillnader mellan Human Dynamics och Dunn och Dunns lärstilsmodell..

Söka, sovra, läsa, lära : om ett gymnasiebibliotek som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel

This is a thesis about an upper secondary  school library and its role as a pedagogkal resour­ce. My purpose has been to find out about the views and experiences of the staff at the school library and twelve teachers at the upper secondary school  conceming the school library as a pedagogical resource. Fourteen  qualitative interviews have been accomplished, twelve  with teachers and the rest with the staff of the school library. All the interviewees seem to think that their school library has an important function as a pedagogical resource and both the librarian and the teachers have given me some examples of occasions when the library has been used as a pedagogkal resource. This school library is mostly used as a complement to other pedagogical resources but for some longer projects with an investigative character it could sometimes be used as the main source according to the answers in these fourteen  interviews..

Human Dynamics : Gynnar förhållningssättet elever med koncentrationssvårigheter?

Examensarbetet ger läsaren en inblick i förhållningssättet och verktyget Human Dynamics. I arbetet jämförs annan forsknings syn på en gynnsam lärandemiljö för barn med koncentrationssvårigheter med Human Dynamics teori.Syftet har varit att undersöka om förhållningssättet är fördelaktigt för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter.Undersökningen, som är baserad på intervjuer med kvalitativ inriktning, visar exempel på hur pedagoger använder verktyget i praktiken samt hur de uppfattar barn med koncentrationssvårigheter och deras behov. Respondenterna är positiva till Human Dynamics och menar att förståelsen för olikheter och insikter om sig själv har hjälpt dem att se olika individers behov på ett annat sätt än tidigare.Slutsatsen är att Human Dynamics teori är förenlig med annan forskning och gynnsam för alla individer, men kunskapen löser inte alla svårigheter utan specialpedagogiska åtgärder är nödvändiga i vissa fall..

Learning by doing - En studie om hur små managementkonsultfirmor arbetar med kunskap

Management consulting firms are an important part of the knowledge economy and they capitalize on the analytical ability and knowledge of their employees. Much research have been made on large consulting firms and their management of knowledge, but little is known about how small consultancies manage their knowledge. Even less is known about the management of knowledge in small consultancies specialized in change management. These firms rely solely on senior consultants and focus on the human aspect of organizational development. This thesis aims to show how these firms manage their knowledge and also provide an understanding of why.

Upplevelser kring strategiskt personalarbete och den upplevda kopplingen till arbetsgivarvarumärket

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att bidra till en bättre förståelse för anställdas upplevelser av Strategic Human Resource Management, och organisationens arbetsgivarvarumärke. Studien genomförs på en organisation inom den offentliga sektorn. Metoden för datainsamling för denna studie är dokument samt semistrukturerade intervjuer med chefer och medarbetare. Resultatet visar på att medarbetarnas upplevelser gällande de strategiska aktiviteterna kopplade till HR är positiva samt att de bidrar till organisationens attraktionskraft som arbetsgivare. Teoretiska implikationer för denna studie är att den visar på anställdas upplevelser kring strategiska aktiviteter samt deras upplevelser kring kopplingarna mellan SHRM och organisationens attraktionskraft som arbetsgivare.

Att arbeta med Employer Branding och sociala medier. : En kvalitativ studie om hur industriföretag arbetar för att bli en attraktiv arbetsgivare.

Industribranschen har idag vissa problem med att attrahera kompetent arbetskraft. Arbetet med att bygga ett starkt Employer Brand har därför blivit allt viktigare. Användandet av sociala medier har ökat och detta skapar nya möjligheter för företag att marknadsföra sig. Frågan är dock om företagen använder denna möjlighet i sitt arbete med Employer Branding. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur industriföretag arbetar med Employer Branding genom sociala medier.

Intellectual capital in Handelsbanken and SEB - an explorative study of the two banks with emphazis on Handelsbanken

Uppsatsen handlar om hur det intellektuella kapitalet i de två bankerna Handelsbanken och SEB skiljer sig åt. Vi försöker också se hur skillnader i resultat och utveckling för Handelsbanken går att förklara med hjälp av det intellektuella kapitalet. Uppsatsen är av utforskande karaktär med tyngdpunkt på Handelsbanken men med SEB som jämförande faktor..

Störningar inom kontrollzon

This paper is partially a literature study of human error and interruptions and partially an investigation of pilots and Air Traffic Control. The aim of the investigation was to find out where interruptions occur and how to reduce or eliminate them. The objective of this paper was to investigate what type of interruptions pilots and ATC deals with and during which phases they occur. The paper has revealed that private pilots causes more interruptions for ATC personnel than commercial pilots. The cause for this is probably the less experienced private pilot and the fact that Swedish is used before English by private pilots in communication with ATC.

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