

121 Uppsatser om Guiding - Sida 3 av 9

Begravningen och Luther ? en studie av Luthers spår i Svenska kyrkans begravningsritualer

This study is a reception analysis regarding the theology of Martin Luther, specifically in the areas of eschatology and anthropology, in to the funeral practices of the Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan).The main theme in the anthropology of Martin Luther is that of the freedom of all men and women. The price that we have to ?pay? for this freedom is that we need to act as humble servants to all other persons.The eschatological view of Martin Luther tells us that the only condition we need to fulfill in order to be admitted into God?s kingdom is faith alone.The Church of Sweden and their views on anthropology and eschatology are inspired by the writings of Martin Luther as it proclaims itself to be of evangelical Lutheran denomination, but it has incorporated other views as well over time.The conclusions of the study is that the principals Guiding funeral practices, including eulogies held by priests during the funeral services, are in fact influenced by the anthropological and eschatological views of Martin Luther, and the study concludes that the theology of Martin Luther is a very good stand point for the Church of Sweden to stay relevant in today?s society..

Synsätt på barn och barnboken. Vilka signaler har barnbiblioteken fått under 1900-talet?

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine what intentions handbooks, laws and regulations have had about children and childrens literature, as we think that they can serve as Guiding principles for childrens libraries in Sweden. The questions are: what signals have the childrens libraries got from the documents concerning the view of children and childrens literature during the 20th century? What has the social opinion about children been during the 20th century? How have children been seen during the 20th century? The method we used is a qualitative source analysis of mention above documents seen from a hermeneutical point of view. This analysis is woven together with the social opinion on children during the 20th century. Our results show that the aim of childrens literature before 1945 was a pedagogic and moral one.

Etik för revisorer : Den etiska resonemangsförmågan hos studenter

In recent years the interest for ethics has increased exponentially. It has become more and more common with the ethic rules and Guiding of principles within the business world, both in companies and in different professional groups. Auditors face difficulties and have to deal with different ethical problems where ethics and morality is taken up. It is important that accountants can react in a legal and correct manner. To become an accountant a person should have gone through college or university where the schools have some responsibility to provide the student with basic ethics course for a accounting education.The main aim with our paper is based on the theories of Lawrence Kohlberg about ethical development investigation potential differences in the ethical reasoning among student who are in first or last year of the studies with orientation in accounting.

Komvuxstuderande söker information i en skoluppgift

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to analyse how adult students in Swedish adult education seek information for school tasks. The focus is on how they use the public library and electronic information sources and their reflection on information and sources in this process. Also of interest in the study is the help they receive from staff in the public library and their teacher. Methods used in collecting and analysing data for this study were of qualitative nature.

SAB-systemets utveckling 1985-1997

The aim of this Master's thesis is to compare the 6th and the 7th editions of the classification scheme of the Swedish classification system (SAB) to reveal which principles are used concerning the development of this system during the period 1985-1997. Guiding questions are: What kind of changes has been conducted? How do these changes relate to development of other general classification schemes and to theories concerning revision work? The results of the analysis show that possibilities to use synthesis have increased by an extension of use of geographic and chronological subdivisions. The classification scheme has also been easier to use by elimination of parallel subdivisions and regularization of the scheme. To maintain stability revision is performed on selected subclasses.

The petrol station ? a hot spot along the road

The increased travelling of today makes nodes along travelling routes more and more important. This is very much the case of petrol stations. They constitute important nodes in the road network, filling up thirsty fuel tanks and hungry stomachs, Guiding road users and providing vehicle-services. In this thesis the role of the petrol station for road users was investigated in order to find out if the petrol station was a potential hot spot. We performed an ethnographic field study at a petrol station and found that a great number of visitor activities took place at the petrol station.

Makt och moral - En studie i den klassiska realismen och amerikanska utrikespolitiska doktriner

This essay focuses on the theory of classical realism from two points of views. Realism is often told to be quite immoral and cynical and only interested in the power relations among nations. In the first part I am arguing that this picture is wrong and should be revised. By using the ethical theories of deontology and utilitarianism I am arguing that both these perspectives can be used to analyse classical realism. By defining a value that should be Guiding one can assert that realism is a good moral theory.

Barn läser faktaböcker: en studie om hur några barn använder och uppfattar faktaboken

The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate the notions and use of non fiction literature of children 9-11 years old. Moreover, this study tries to dissect the underlying concepts that exert influence over the target groups notions and use of non fiction literature. The method and empirical basis of this study is qualitative, with interviews of eight children within the target group. We use a theory of reading exchange to highlight the different areas of usability of non fiction for children. To emphasize how children use non fiction as representative for actual facts, or as non fiction with fictional content, we use a four-field correlation model.

Introduktionen - en interaktiv process : En kvalitativ studie av en introduktionsprocess för nyanställda på ett fastighetsbolag

The aim of this essay is to examine the experiences of an introduction process of newcomers through an integrative perspective, by two Guiding questions: How does the examined organization socialize newcomers? How is the organizational socialization experienced by the employees? Most Swedish corporations engage in some form of workplace introduction and this introduction should give the newcomer an understanding of his work and its relation to the organizations other business practices. Earlier studies have mostly focused on the effects of socialization tactics but few on the experience. This study, based on qualitative interviews with a regional manager, newcomers and established employees shows that the studied organization socializes its newcomers through many socialization tactics where the newcomers? personality and previous knowledge allows to direct the socialization process.

En anpassning till ett kyligare klimat? : en studie av orsaker till den förändrade synen på fornfynd i Riksantikvarieämbetets föreskrifter och allmänna råd avseende verkställigheten av 2 kap. 10?13 §§ lagen (1988:950) om kulturminnen m.m. år 2007

In the year 2007 the Swedish National Heritage Board released directions for how the contractarchaeology in Sweden should carry out their work. These directions stressed that a differentapproach to the archaeological finds should be used ? that would lead to a higher degree ofselection than before. The purpose of this essay is to find the reason why this change indirections occurred, and this is done by a study of the history of the rescue archaeology inSweden. The other purpose of this essay is to examine if the excavation strategies inarchaeological excavation reports from different times, correlates with the general Guidingprinciples for the contract archaeology in Sweden of that time.There are several reasons why the change in directions occurred, but it seems as the mainreasons are practical.

Att leva med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom, KOL. En litteraturstudie om patienters upplevelser av KOL och sjuksköterskans stödjande och vägledande roll.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can limit patients physical abilities and contribute to social isolation. The purpose of this literature study is to investigate men's and women's experiences of living with chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-ease, and the supporting and Guiding role of the nurse to an increased quality of life. 13 critical reviewed articles were used to find the answers to our questions. Quality rating forms were used in order to guarantee a good scientific quality. The results show that, it is of great importance for the COPD-patients well-being to experience social support from those around them, and to have a close relation-ship with their families and friends, in order to experience quality of life.

Handlingsfrihet i ekonomiskt bistånd: en studie om organiseringen och handläggandet av nyansökningar

The Swedish welfare organisation is built on the fact that the legislation gives the municipalities and social workers guidance and direction how to assess cases. Through out this the clients have right to be assessed both equally and individually. How is this done? The purpose of this paper was to examine the effect of the organisation referred to the social workers ability to discretion and the evaluation of the assessment in first time applications of social assistant cases. The purpose was also to look for variations in decisions and if these could be explained out of organisational and assessment effects.

En musikinspelning - En studie om musikproducenters syn på sitt samarbete med artister under musikinspelningar

I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur musikproducenter ser på sitt samarbete med musiker/artister under en musikproduktion. Metoden för undersökningen är en kvalitativ intervjustudie där tre etablerade svenska musikproducenter intervjuas. Resultaten visar att musikproducenterna lägger stor vikt vid sitt samarbete med artister. Några utav slutsatserna är att musikproducentyrket idag i Sverige handlar mycket om att kunna fatta beslut och agera som en musikalisk vägledare.A recording session - A study about music producers' way to look at their cooperation with artists during recording sessions. In this paper I will investigate how music producers look at their work with musicians/artists during a recording session.

Mellan råd och praktik ? en studie av åtta folkbiblioteks digitaliseringsprojekt

This master?s degree thesis stems from the new possibilities that digitization offers preserving and increased public accessibility of our cultural heritage, but also how a lack of co-ordination and standardization may result in short-term projects and lack of quality. The purpose of this thesis is to examine a selection of public libraries? digitization projects. The two questions posed are:How does a selection of public libraries conduct their digitization projects concerning a) goals and objectives, b) execution c) what resources they encompass?How well does their work agree with the recommendations that exists for goals, objectives and execution?To answer the questions interviews were conducted with persons in various ways involved with the digitization projects.

God man är som en spindel i nätet : En kvalitativ studie om gode mäns roll och deras relation till ensamkommande barn, ur gode mäns perspektiv

This study is about a guardian ad litem mission, role and relation to unaccompanied children. On the basis of qualitative interviews the study aims to understand the trustees? role and relation to unaccompanied children. We chose to interview nine trustees to achieve a better insight of the trustees roll. We analyzed the interviews and tried to gain a better knowledge about a guardian ad litem mission, role and relationship to unaccompanied children with role theory and concepts off pastoral power and trust.

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