

121 Uppsatser om Guiding - Sida 2 av 9

Isolera bakterien, inte patienten! En litteraturstudie om MRSA-bärarares upplevelser av isolerings- och barriärvård.

The purpose of the study is to investigate MRSA-positive individual´s perceptions of source isolation and barrier nursing, to find nursing inventions witch can provide these patients wellbeing. Eight scientific research reports have been examined, using the Guiding principles of Polit et al (2001). The result of the study shows the patients experiences of mentally health/illness, information and communication, physical restrictions and barrier nursing..

Självgående fordon hos Sandvik do Brasil

At the plant of Sandvik do Brasil in São Paulo there is a need for improving the transport of inserts between the plant building and the stock building. The idea is to install a system with an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) to take care of this transportation. The purpose of this report is to present which demands there are on the system and to find the best solution according to the demands.To conclude this work a study was made of the plant and the AGV technology was examined. Several providers of AGV solutions were contacted to get information about prices and detailed solutions.The conclusion was that the most suitable system for this application is a small unit load vehicle using inductive wire as Guiding system..

Samspelet mellan grafisk design och ljusdesign i utställningssalen "Vägen till det förflutna"

The purpose of this study was to develop recommendations for using more efficient lighting and better graphic design to create a more uniform structure in the exhibition hall ?Road to the past? in Jönköping County Museum by answering the following questions at issue:1) How are the objects in the exhibition hall ?Road to the past? exposed today?2) How can you use lighting and graphic design to create structure in the exhibition and strengthen the expression in the exhibition?Our work is based on observations and open group interviews. We observed the exhibition hall ?Road to the past? during day and evening. In the same hall, we observed a guided tour that we followed up with open group interviews.

Visuell Navigation : En studie om vägledande visuella element i spel

Visuella vägledande element kan höja eller sänka en spelupplevelse. Därför har vi gjort en studie kring hur man kan uppnå intuitiv visuell navigation med fyra beprövade visuella vägledande element, nämligen ljussättning, färgkulör, färgmättnad samt objektplacering. Dessa element har använts för att skapa ett visuellt språk i en bana som vi har låtit ett antal respondenter spela och simultant kommentera. Resultaten har varit som väntat, att ljussättning fungerar som det starkast vägledande elementet, samt att respondenterna reagerade på, samt vägleddes av, nämnda element..

Implementeringsproblem i säkerhetsarbetet

Municipal safety work is an issue frequently discussed. The new legislation about accident prevention obeys the Swedish municipality to present an action program for accident prevention. In Borlänge municipality there has been no sanctioned proposal for a program. This report presents the problems found and gives proposals for improvements in the future safety work. The Guiding words should be unambiguousness, able to control and not too complicated.

Musik och rörelse som vägledningsmetod för ungdomar med ADHD/DAMP

Denna uppsats handlar om musik och rörelse skulle kunna vara en alternativ vägledningsmetod vid studievägledning för ungdomar med diagnosen ADHD/DAMP. Uppsatsskrivarnas huvudsyfte var att undersöka om musik och rörelse skulle kunna användas inom vägledning för att ge dessa ungdomar större möjligheter till ett mer kvalitativt underbyggt val till vidare studier. Undersökningen bygger på kvalitativa metoder genom intervjuer med studievägledare inom grundskola samt en aktiv studievägledare (verksam med ADHD-elever). Vi har också intervjuat en Tomatis terapeut (En metod som tränar hjärnan att prioritera, sortera och hantera sinnesintryck bättre) samt en användare av metoden. Resultaten vi kom fram till var att Tomatismetoden resulterade i stora förbättringar gällande koncentration och uppmärksamhet, samt att kvarvarande effekter bestod i minst sex månader.

Vision och Verklighet : I globala organisationer med fokus på operativa enheter

The purpose of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of how visions could be applied in subsidiaries and similar sub organisations of global enterprises. With increasing globalisation it becomes more difficult to work in accordance to same standards and towards a common and unifying interest. The study has a qualitative and deductive approach and is based on interviews with three global subsidiaries with some hundred people employed each.Conclusions are that the subsidiaries visions have to be based on a Guiding philosophy issued by their mother entities and it is the responsibility of the sub organisation to develop a tangible image with a local vision, mission and strategy with targets requiring feedback. Sustainable strategies cannot be issued without a vision describing where the organisation want be in the future. Otherwise they will not come very far until they have to make a restart with a new strategy and they will never be a market leader..

IKT som pedagogiskt verktyg : - en studie om lärares användning av IKT i undervisningen

 The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitude to and experience of information and communication technology (ICT) in teachers teaching and what motivates them. The study is qualitative and its research material is based on interviews. There are eight interviews and they where carried out at one school with a stated IT profile and at another school without a stated IT profile. The two schools are located in different municipalities, but both are secondary schools. The result shows that there are differences in attitude between the two schools. The school with a stated IT profile seems to have a more open mind of using ICT when teaching, but both schools sees the lack of availability as one of the main hindrance for using it. None of the participating teachers saw themselves as controlled to use ICT in their teaching.

Förskollärarens roll i barns lek : En studie om förskollärares syn på sitt deltagande i barns lek

The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about how teachers in preschool regard their participation in children's play. Through this study you will get an insight into how teachers' involvement affects children's learning. I have chosen to look at the study from a socio-cultural perspective.The study is based on qualitative interviews with four pre-school teachers.The result shows that teachers believe that it is important to attend in children's play to support, challenge and develop their play. One sees that teachers take different roles based on the needs of the children?s group, such as actively participate in the play, being a supportive teacher, serve as inspiration or to be an observer.

En analys av steg och konsekvenser vid införande av MVC

Abstract The purpose of this essay is to find difficulties and risks in the re-engineering process when restructuring to Model-View-Controller (MVC). A thoroughly theory study has been conducted to be able to understand the important steps in the re-engineering process. The methods and concepts of this essay are re-engineering, UML, system development life cycle, design patterns and MVC. The science approach used is design science where the artifact being developed are a set of models.In the analysis phase of the process the system is analyzed. The result of the analysis is notes of difficulties found and models showing the structure of the system.

Övergången till molntjänster : Vad man bör ha i åtanke

This study focus on organizations transfer to cloud computing. Today many companies are shifting their attention towards cloud computing and the possibilities that it offers, with more flexibility and lower costs. Different kinds of cloud services, both for use by the individual and the large enterprise, are getting more popular. More and more organizations therefore decide to do the move to the cloud. There are several different strategies and many pieces of advice for these organizations to follow, but there?s not much research that have been conducted on this subject.

The Key Success Factors of Grameen Bank - A Case Study of Strategic, Cultural and Structural Aspects

The thesis aims to analyze strategic, cultural and structural aspects of Grameen Bank and its micro-credit project, in order to identify key success factors. A case study was performed with an inductive and qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews. The data was collected by field observations and interviews on site in Dhaka, Bangladesh and surrounding areas.The main conclusion is that the critical success factor of Grameen Bank is the relationship focus, Guiding and aligning its strategy, culture and structure. Also, local offices have been observed to utilize practices not permitted by the bank?s management, ultimately increasing the organizational efficiency..

Handledande samtal i förskolan : -kompetensutveckling eller akut problemlösning?

Preschool is a place that is continually undergoing change at a rapid pace and developing the skills of our educators is essential for their ability to keep up with these changes. Guidance conversations can be used as a vital tool for the educators competence development.The purpose of this essay is to investigate how educators, special educators and preschool principals think and reason about the use of guidance conversations in preschool.A qualitative method has been used in the shape of interviews with educators, special educators and preschool principals working within different districts of a medium sized city in the south of Sweden.These interviews revealed that the use of guidance conversations is often controlled by specific needs and is used when a problem arises amongst the children. There are many expectations on the special educators role in these conversations, one of which is the role of conversation leader with the purpose of Guiding the conversation amongst involved parties and give them the tools they need to resolve problems by themselves instead of delivering packaged solutions..

Lärande enligt Montessori och Reggio Emilia : "Skillnader och likheter i syn på lärandet"

The aim of this graduate essay is to elucidate and compare the approach to learning that emerges in texts about the two educational practices Montessori and Reggio Emilia.The Guiding research questions in this study are:What do Montessori and Reggio Emilia that learning is about?The mean Montessori and Reggio Emilia that learning goes to?How do you describe the Montessori and Reggio Emilia justification why it is important to learn? Through a poststructural theoretical framework and text analysis the study focused on what has been written about learning in the traditions of Montessori and Reggio Emilia.The results of the study indicate that both Montessori and Reggio Emilia look at the child in a similar way in which the child have the desire to explore and learn. Both pedagogy traditions think that the child will develop into independent people who can change society in the future for the better and with a democratic basis.The study also reveals how the Swedish curriculum (Skolverket, 98/10) is inspired both by the Reggio Emilia and Montessori traditions through describing how preschool should stimulate and challenge the child's development and learning, utilize and strengthen the interests of children to learn to conquer new experiences, knowledge and skills..

Hur har införandet av automatiska mjölkningssystem påverkat juverhälsan hos mjölkkor och vilka riskfaktorer finns?

Today, there are more than 12 000-14 000 farms worldwide using an automatic milking system (AMS). Studies have shown that transition to AMS affects the udder health of cows adversely, recognized primarily as elevated somatic cell counts. There are several reasons for this, for example the greater variation in milking frequency seen in AMS. On one hand, short milking intervals may lead to bad teat condition of the cows due to the stress the milking procedure exposes the teats to. Too long milking intervals, on the other hand, seem to predispose for milk leakage, which is, in turn, a risk factor for the development of mastitis.

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