
Barn läser faktaböcker

en studie om hur några barn använder och uppfattar faktaboken

The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate the notions and use of non fiction literature of children 9-11 years old. Moreover, this study tries to dissect the underlying concepts that exert influence over the target groups notions and use of non fiction literature. The method and empirical basis of this study is qualitative, with interviews of eight children within the target group. We use a theory of reading exchange to highlight the different areas of usability of non fiction for children. To emphasize how children use non fiction as representative for actual facts, or as non fiction with fictional content, we use a four-field correlation model. To highlight what influences the childrens notions and use, we use a model containing family, society, and friends. Our conclusion is that childrens use of non fiction literature is varied. Their reading and use of non fiction is not only, like the common view express, related to finding information but also related to pleasure reading. We have also discovered that, the childrens use in some cases differ from their notions, which seem to lean towards the idea that the aim of non fiction is to fulfill a factual need. Through the childrens eyes, we see that parents, teachers, and librarians all affect childrens notions and use of non fiction. To possess the knowledge of childrens notions and how they use non fiction is relevant in guiding professionals in their work, especially when promoting reading among children.


Åsa Roswall Charlotta Westerberg

Lärosäte och institution

Högskolan i Borås/Institutionen Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap (BHS)


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