

121 Uppsatser om Guiding - Sida 4 av 9

Vilken ställning har dagens ungdomsbok? En studie om hur dagens ungdomslitteratur bemöts av sin målgrupp

The purpose of this study was to investigate young teenagers 13-16 reading habits and attitudes concerning todays modern teenage literature especially written for the young teenagers. The study also includes the readers apprehension of the literature and how the target group is reached. The study is based on results from questionnaires, interviews and by compiling summaries of literature relevant to this study. Earlier research has been compared with results from this study. Reflections made by teachers and librarians concerning the youths reading habits are an integral part of the study.

Ett nedslag i den svenska kriminalvården : Kronobergshäktet i ett institutionellt perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to examine to what extent there is a discrepancy between the formal Guiding documents and the employees experiences of the activity at Kronobergshäktet. Furthermore, is it possible that any discrepancy could be explained by institutional imbalance? My main theories are normative institutionalism and a modified type of institutional analysis. The model consists of three parts ?values (a common value-system), rules and practice (the unpredictable reality) and it assumes a reciprocal relationship between them.

Rumsligt koncept som sto?d fo?r rundvandringar : En studie av flo?den och processer pa? Alfa Laval i Eskilstuna

AbstractThis study deals with the tours carried out in the manufacturing sector, at Alfa Laval in Eskilstuna. A large number of visitors, from a variety of backgrounds, go there to see how the manufacturing of separators works. With visitors I refer to the company?s customers, suppliers, students, in- house trainee courses, managers and senior citizens groups.The study examines how these tours can be standardized using spatial design. The result shows the importance of working systematically with visualizing the work as well as the environment for optimizing the visitor's understanding.

Kinesisk klassifikation: daoistiska, konfucianska och maoistiska influenser i fem kinesiska klassifikationssystem

The aim of this thesis is to mediate to the reader an image of Chinese classification systems and in what way the methods of classification have progressed during time. The tradition of classification in China is very old and dates back more than two thousand years, but it wasnt until the downfall of the dynastic era in the beginning of the 20th century, that Chinese libraries and methods of classification were modernized. This thesis also identifies the development of Chinese librarianship which is of old age since Chinese literature stretches three thousand years back. The main question is in what way the values of three different philosophies are reflected in five classification systems compiled between 1953-1975. The three philosophies are Daoism, Confucianism and Maoism/Mao Zedong Thought.

Jämtländska pedagogers erfarenhet av att ta emot flyktingbarn i förskolan

In recent years, the demands for effectiveness and evidence in social work have increased in all work areas, including that of healthcare. This has sparked the discussion on concepts such as practical- and theoretical knowledge and their respective roles in social work. In the light of this, the purpose of this candidate thesis is to investigate healthcare social workers understanding of practical- and theoretical knowledge in the working process as well as their respective influence and importance. This candidate thesis is based on three interviews with social workers from different departments in Norrlands Universitetssjukhus in Umeå, Sweden. To provide range to the thesis, the interviewees were chosen from a purposeful sampling.

Prövning av ett praktiskt verktyg för att främja likabehandling i skolan

The purpose of this study was to examine the laws, govern documents and Guiding principals that are available for schools and their work regarding the work against discrimination, insulting and other forms of harassments, and then to form a method for the schools to implement this work in practice.The work to counteract discrimination, insult treatment and other forms of harassments should be done both in a short term and a long term. In this paper there is a presentation of a project, a set of lessons that was created and carried out as a trial. The project aims for conscious making among children and students in school regarding norm, deviation, discrimination and power and the fact that equal treatment is hard to achieve. The basic purpose behind the project is to offer a tool to schools and teachers so that they can decrease the possible gap between the laws and the practice of these laws by creating awareness among students and other teachers. The long term work for achieving equal treatment should be done on a political level.

Biblioteket för barn av vuxna : en undersökning av barnbibliotekariers förförståelse av barns förutsättningar

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the understanding of children's librari-ans regarding children's needs and preconditions in a library context and based on devel-opmental psychology and information seeking theories. The children's perspective is said to be the Guiding star in the children's library and the thesis also aims to study the chil-dren's perspective as defined by children's librarians.The master thesis is a qualitative study based on interviews with children's librarians working at major public libraries. Observations of the children's libraries in the study have to some extent been performed.The study reveals that children's librarians are fairly knowledgeable about children but do not to a full extent use that knowledge into adapting the library to children and their needs. The children are not contributing to the adaptation of the library to any extent as there are few routines for that matter. In society in general children are on a regular basis represented by adults and their perspective on children and children's needs, which may differ from the perspective children have on their own lives, and the same is applicable for the children's library.

Att skola mångfalden ? ett nationalistiskt försök : En analys av sverigedemokraternas diskurs om det goda samhället och den goda skolan kopplat till skolansvärdegrund

This essay attempts to examine the discourse of the Sweden democrats in relation to thevalue system of the Swedish national school.To analyse the political texts I use discourse analysis and especially the method and approachconducted by Judith Lee Bacchi. Bacchi focuses on the construction of a problem in variouspolitical discourses. When performing this kind of analysis the main question is (accordingto Bacchi): ?What is the problem represented to be??I find that the Sweden democrats construct the ?migration politics? and the ?multiculturalpolitics? that is Guiding the society as the cause of most problems in our society. To solvethe ?problems? they promote a nationalistic and a cultural racist discourse especiallypinpointing the ?Muslims? as being a problem.Since the Sweden democrats are striving to implement their discourse in the society andschool, and since their discourse already are reproduced by solar students in the classroom,I find it important to examine the essence of their particular discourse and contrast it withthe current value system of the Swedish schools.I don´t find the nationalistic and racist discourse of the Sweden democrats to correspond tothe value system of the Swedish school, mainly due to their strive to create alienation, andby labeling individuals in a reductive manner, instead of using apparent differences as asource for democratic discussions in the classroom.

Barnbiblioteksarbete ur ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this masters thesis is to investigate how childrens librarians deal with gender issues in their work when acquiring and mediating books to children, and how reviews in Bibliotekstjänsts Sambindning can be of help in this aspect. The thesis focuses on children between 6 and 12 years of age and their reading of fiction. Four interviews with childrens librarians and an examination of reviews in Sambindningen have been carried out. The reviews were examined both by finding out with what frequency gender issues are dealt with and by studying 20 childrens books from a gender perspective, comparing my judgement with the one they got in the reviews. The examination of Sambindningen showed that the reviews therein only sporadically bring up gender issues.

Porten till förståelse: svenska bibliotek och invandrare

The purpose of this paper was to investigate the special services for immigrants which are offered by Swedish libraries on their different levels regional, local and school as well as immigrants experiences of the library services and how these services and experiences conduct themselves to the development of the harmonic multicultural society. The methods used were interpreting reflexive interviews with immigrants and librarians. The Guiding theory in this study was a three-phase model by Gillis Herlitz according to which a newcomer goes through three stages in an adaptation period. Phase 1 is a positive honeymoon phase, that later is replaced by phase 2, a critical disappointment period, which then ideally should be resolved in phase 3, where the individual reaches a balancing stage of cultural adaptation. The results of my observations indicate that the performances of the different libraries seem to operate in a way that corresponds to the different phases in this model.

GODTROSFÖRVÄRV AV FRITIDSBÅTAR : En komparativ studie gällande köparens undersökningsplikt

 AbstractMedia has since a long time back been writing about extensive thievery of recreational boats and their engines. The value of the stolen goods is estimated to several hundreds of million Swedish crowns per year. The widespread stealing creates a secondary market where boats sometimes are sold by sellers that do not have the rights to sell the boat. This creates risk for the buyer who most often is a private person. A situation the buyer can face is that the boat was stolen and that the original owner can demand to get the boat or engine back.

Svensk strategisk kultur idag : neutralitet eller solidaritet?

This essay attempts to examine the discourse of the Sweden democrats in relation to thevalue system of the Swedish national school.To analyse the political texts I use discourse analysis and especially the method and approachconducted by Judith Lee Bacchi. Bacchi focuses on the construction of a problem in variouspolitical discourses. When performing this kind of analysis the main question is (accordingto Bacchi): ?What is the problem represented to be??I find that the Sweden democrats construct the ?migration politics? and the ?multiculturalpolitics? that is Guiding the society as the cause of most problems in our society. To solvethe ?problems? they promote a nationalistic and a cultural racist discourse especiallypinpointing the ?Muslims? as being a problem.Since the Sweden democrats are striving to implement their discourse in the society andschool, and since their discourse already are reproduced by solar students in the classroom,I find it important to examine the essence of their particular discourse and contrast it withthe current value system of the Swedish schools.I don´t find the nationalistic and racist discourse of the Sweden democrats to correspond tothe value system of the Swedish school, mainly due to their strive to create alienation, andby labeling individuals in a reductive manner, instead of using apparent differences as asource for democratic discussions in the classroom.

Från paradox till dilemma : Frantz Fanon om det språkliga våldet och den rasistiska retoriken

This paper aims to explore those yet relatively unexplored dimensions of Frantz Fanons (1925-1961) authorship. Fanon, known to the world as a theorist of violence and revolution, was one of the first to ever map the language of the colonizer. The language of the colonizer was, as Fanon would have it, imbued with different notions of time, constructions of historicity and ideological principles of individuality that would dehumanize the colonial subjects. In line with that the colonizer would also speak of the colonized people in what Fanon called zoological terms. From within those different notions emerged a racist rhetoric consistent of, to quote Richard Delgado, words that wounded.

Pedagogers uppfattningar om den fysiska miljön i förskolan : En intervjustudie med pedagoger från olika pedagogiska inriktningar

In recent years, the demands for effectiveness and evidence in social work have increased in all work areas, including that of healthcare. This has sparked the discussion on concepts such as practical- and theoretical knowledge and their respective roles in social work. In the light of this, the purpose of this candidate thesis is to investigate healthcare social workers understanding of practical- and theoretical knowledge in the working process as well as their respective influence and importance. This candidate thesis is based on three interviews with social workers from different departments in Norrlands Universitetssjukhus in Umeå, Sweden. To provide range to the thesis, the interviewees were chosen from a purposeful sampling.

Den politiska maktens bruk, missbruk och icke-bruk av historien : En analys av debatten om Sveriges och EU:s erkännande, samt Turkiets förnekande, av folkmordet på armenier, assyrier/syrianer/kaldéer,och pontiska greker 1915-1917

This essay is about use, misuse and non-use of history in politics. To recognize genocide is a use of history that has been established in politics, but also sparked debate. The position of non-use of history in international policy towards Turkey's denial policy has increasingly been replaced by recognition of genocide as a matter of making up with the story, moral consider, and where fundamental issues of culture, identity, history and morality has become Guiding element in the discourse behind European expansion and integration policies. A breakthrough for this change is due to the Cold War's end; since the 1980s it has become possible to realize the humanitarianism which has its roots in the Enlightenment humanism underlying the United Nations, and later the EU conventions on human rights and genocide conventions. A genocide concept has become an important discourse in world politics that puts moral pressure on states to act.

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