

743 Uppsatser om Gudsföreställning - Sida 34 av 50

Kan saffran f?rb?ttra HbA1c eller fasteglukos? En systematisk ?versikt bland vuxna diagnostiserade med Diabetes Mellitus typ 2.

Syfte: Syftet med denna ?versiktsartikel ?r att unders?ka det vetenskapliga underlaget kring om ett intag av saffran kan f?rb?ttra HbA1c eller fasteglukos hos vuxna personer ? 18 ?r diagnostiserade med Diabetes Mellitus typ 2, j?mf?rt med placebo. Metod: Litteraturs?kningen genomf?rdes i databaserna PubMed och Scopus. S?kningen gjordes den 240323 och innfattade ord som "saffron?,? crocus?, "diabetes mellitus, type 2" och ?random*?. Artikelselektionen utf?rdes systematiskt med hj?lp av en avgr?nsad fr?gest?llning samt inklusions- och exklusionkriterier, d?r inklusionskriterier var RCT-studier, gjorda p? vuxna personer diagnosticerade med Diabetes Mellitus typ 2 d?r interventionen skulle f? supplementering av saffran, och kontrollen skulle f? placebo.

Föräldrars upplevelse av vårdmiljön på en barn och ungdomsavdelning

Background: The parent has a natural presence in today?s child health care and hospital treatment. The transition from home to a care institution has an impact on the parent. Previous research shows that over time the conditions and the parent?s role in child and youth health care have changed extensively.

Införandet av bemanningsdirektivet på svensk arbetsmarknad : vad innebär det för arbetstagarna i branschen?

The essay shows that temporary agency employees work in a complex business. Both labor and management differs from other businesses in the Swedish labor market. Regarding the unemployment insurance, they have previously been separated from other businesses through legislation. Based on the essay question regarding workers protection has the statutory rights for employees been strengthened. This by the implementation of the directive on manning into Swedish law and now covers all workers in the business.

Revisor idag, redovisningskonsult imorgon : Har revisionen spelat ut sin roll i mindre företag?

In 2010 mandatory audit was revoked for small and medium sized companies in Sweden. At the same time the authorization for accounting consultants was established with the aim of raising the knowledge and status of the profession. Even though The Swedish Companies Registration Office has discovered more errors in the accounting after the mandatory audit was eliminated, it especially concerns those companies who does not have neither an auditor or an accounting consultant. One of the reasons often mentioned to be audited is the auditors role when it comes to lending decisions. Our empirical studie show that the auditors most important function, being unbiased, is not what is of greatest importance for the credit institutions.Instead it was professional skills, and for small and medium enterprises (SME) it was consulting they requested the most.


Bakgrund Arbetsterapi handlar om att m?jligg?ra aktiviteter f?r personer som de vill och beh?ver g?ra, p? det s?tt de ?nskar. Meningsfulla aktiviteter leder till en k?nsla av sammanhang, h?lsa och v?lm?ende. Vid sjukdomar kan engagemanget i aktivitet minska men kreativitet kan anv?ndas som ett v?rdefullt verktyg f?r att ?ka engagemanget igen.

Boklördag : Produktion och reproduktion av vithets- och mansnormen i Dagens Nyheters litteraturjournalistik

Denna framsta?llning utgo?r en studie av kulturdelens lo?rdagsbilaga i dagstidningen Dagens Nyheter. Uppsatsen har analyserat hur den vita och den manliga normen produceras och reproduceras dels i spra?kbruket i intervjuer med fo?rfattare, dels bland representerade fo?rfattare i Boklistorna. Syftet med uppsatsen a?r sa?ledes att ta reda pa? om och hur de maktfo?rha?llanden som ra?der inom ko?n och etnicitet i va?rt samha?lle synliggo?rs och fo?rsta?rks i tidningens litteraturbevakning.

Väljer man rätt? : en uppföljning av Svensk baskets regionsuttagningar

AimThe purpose with this study is to evaluate the selectationprocess and what happened with Swedish basketball players born 1986-89, that were selected to participate in Miki Herkel Cup (MHC), which is a camp for the 60 most talented players in Sweden.Metod  Together with the Swedish basketball federation, we decided to survey those who attended MHC as well as the players playing in the senior national team 2009.  The data collection has been made through a survey, with multiple choice questions in order to get as good as possible view of what factors that had influenced their development as basketball players. The survey was sent out to all players born 1986-89 that attended MHC and the senior national team of 2009. We used an electronic survey tool called questback which is an internetsurvey and sent out the survey to 320 players. To collect information we´ve searched within literature and databases.Result  18 % of the players answered the survey, which decreases the research validity.

Parametriserad 3D-modell av cyklon : Parametrisering av en 3D-modell av ett cyklonfilter i SolidWorks för snabb framtagning av nya konstruktioner till Outotec Skellefteå

This bachelor thesis project has been executed at Outotec Sweden AB in Skellefteå. Outotecs main business focus is selling mineral and metal processing technologies. A rest product from the metal process is particle-polluted gas and cyclone designs are today the most commonly used abatement device for particle control. A cyclone provides a simple design with high efficiency particle percolation by using air streams.The purpose of this work is to reduce the time it takes create new cyclone designs in Outotecs projects. An extensive construction work is needed for every new cyclone order due to new designs.

Traktkilars inverkan på hovens glukos- och laktatmetabolism :

The equine hoof is often manipulated in purpose to achieve a better stride or to reduce the weight on damaged tissue. The living tissue in the hoof can?t store energy as glycogen and is therefore depending on a continuous supply of glucose for its energy production. The purpose of the study was to determine if wedging (i.e. elevating) the heel could influence the hooves glucose and lactate consumption/production. Five standardbred horses were trained to trot on a treadmill without getting physical or mentally tired.

Nedskrivning av goodwill i svenska storbanker

Background: Sweden and the rest of the world went through the biggest financial crisis at the end of 2008 since the 1930s. The major Swedish banks have goodwill related to their acquisitions inside and outside Scandinavia. Swedbank, SEB and Nordea has acquired in the Baltic countries and Russia, however Handelsbanken has established itself in Great Britain. The crisis in the Baltic countries led that real wages fell, unemployment rose, real estate prices collapsed and the number of borrowers who had trouble repaying their loans increased rapidly. All this led to the problem of impairment of goodwill in the Swedish banks that had expanded rapidly in the Baltic countries.Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the application of IFRS 3 in Swedish banks before, during and after the financial crisis, and to investigate the low-downs in the four majorSwedish banks in 2006-2010.Completion: The study is primarily based on the case studies by the examination of the annual reports from all banks as well as evaluation of the interviews.The authors have chosen to makea strategic choice of a small number of cases through the concentration on the impairment of goodwill in the bank sector of Sweden.Results: The result of this study is that there are problems for banks in implementation of IFRS 3 in practice because of insufficient information in the banks' financial statements.Generous estimates used in the calculation of impairment testing.

Undersköterskans tysta revolution : en kvalitativ undersökning av hur två generationer undersköterskor upplever sitt arbete

The Swedish old-age care will in the near future face an extensive need to recruit enrolled nurses by virtues of the demographical development. The generation born in the 1940s will soon retire, and at the same time the rest of the population is growing older. One thing that becomes more important in how to draw more people to the old-age care, is to understand how the ones who allready work there experience their own worksituation.The purpose of this study was to find out how enrolled nurses from two different generations experienced their own occupational role and make similarities and differences between the two generations experiences visible. The topics of interest in our study are the respondents own thoughts about their education, their worksituation today, what they think of the future and how they believe others regard their work. To fulfill the purpose of our study we used qualitative interviews.

Sker rengöring av ögon, antenner och mun hos Odonata : Coenagrion larver med hjälp av borsten på framben och fötter?

Dragonflies are fascinating. The larvae stays larvae from a couple of weeks up to 5 years, it depends on the species (Hansen, 1981). The temperature, nourishment and time of the year also play a role for the growing factor for the larvae. Both Sahlén (1985) and Begon a.o (1990) say so. My report contains information about the branched setae on the front legs from the family damselflies (Zygoptera) and the species Coenagrion.

Livscykelanalys av en ekologisk bomullsskjorta - miljöpåverkan från vagga till grav

This study includes a life cycle assessment, LCA, on an ecological produced cotton shirt for the company Reflective Circle, which designs ethical and ecological clothes.Initially were cotton farming and textile production studied to gather basic knowledge about the processes. Since this shirt is being ecological produced in the whole production chain, we studied what an ecological production means, but also how a conventional production works. When this was done we could start to discuss the differences and similarities between the production of the shirt and general conventional production.When the LCA was first initiated, the main focus was on the green house gas emissions from the manure at the cultivation. Thereafter the process steps such as picking, ginning, carding, spinning, weaving and sewing were being studied. The picking is done by hand, but the rest of the processes are handed by machines which consumes energy.

Kommunikationsverksamhet i ett föränderligt samhälle : En studie om hur Gällivare kommun bör kommunicera med sin befolkning under samhällsomvandlingen

The purpose of this study is to analyze which communication strategies andinformation- and communication channels that Gällivare municipality should useunder the urban transformation to communicate with the citizens. The studyconcentrates on the age-groups 16 ? 24, 25 ? 44, 45 ? 64 and people that are 65 yearsand older. This selection has been made as a segmentation of the citizens and is oneof the essay questions which refers to study the channels that each age-groups prefer.The study is a quantitative one and is based on a questionnaire survey directed to thecitizens and it?s 85 people who participated.

Earnings Management och goodwillnedskrivningar. En studie om b?rsnoterade f?retag i Sverige under COVID-19

Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Earnings management kan v?cka fr?gor om trov?rdighet i den finansiella rapporteringen d? problematiken ligger i m?jligheten att vilseleda redovisningen. Anv?ndningen av ?big bath?-strategier och goodwillnedskrivningar kan skapa en snedvriden bild av f?retagens l?nsamhet genom att p?verka f?retagens redovisning. Utifr?n den unika ekonomiska situationen som COVID-19 utgjorde, samtidigt som regeringen tillhandah?ll omfattande krisst?d till f?retag, uppst?r nyfikenhet f?r hur f?retag kan ha hanterat sin redovisning, inklusive nedskrivningar av goodwill, under pandemin. I enlighet med IFRS ska f?retag genomf?ra ?rliga nedskrivningspr?vningar av goodwill, men p? grund av f?retagsledningens m?jlighet till diskretion?ra bed?mningar v?cks fr?gan om nedskrivningar av goodwill anv?nds som en form av earnings management i st?llet f?r att ?terspegla den korrekta bilden av f?retagens finansiella st?llning. Syfte: Syftet med studien ?r att studera omfattningen av nedskrivningar av goodwill bland b?rsnoterade f?retag i Sverige under COVID-19, samt om det finns tecken p? earnings management. Metod: Studien till?mpar en kvantitativ metod med deduktiv ansats.

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