

743 Uppsatser om Gudsföreställning - Sida 35 av 50

Den kommunala balansakten - En studie om anv?ndningen av artificiell intelligens och dess etiska aspekter inom Sveriges kommuner

Syfte: Denna uppsats riktar ljus p? anv?ndningen av AI i Sveriges kommuner. Uppsatsen ?mnar att unders?ka hur kommuner tolkar anv?ndningen av AI och dess etiska aspekter. Till f?ljd syftar uppsatsen att belysa hur kommuner hanterar AI och dess etiska aspekter f?r att synligg?ra utmaningar och m?jligheter som kommuner upplever vid inf?randet. Teori: Studien ?r f?rankrad i ?vers?ttningsteorin med hj?lp av studiens analysverktyg som avser id?modellen.

Patientupplevelser vid brachyterapi mot prostatacancer

Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.

Nya religiösa rörelser och synen på utbildning : en studie i hur medlemmar från nya religiösa rörelser uppfattar skola och undervisning

The previous research in the field of new religious movements has mostly focused on the spectacular parts where phenomena such as ?brainwashing? and the ?charismatic leader? have attracted both media and the scientific studies of religion. Professor Liselotte Frisks has done several enquiries about sects and new religious movements in Sweden. One of her main conclusions is that the relation between these new religious movements and the rest of society has changed; a relation that used to be characterized by conflicts and tension is now becoming more open as both parts are changing.This study does not focus on the spectacular parts. Instead I have studied something more common and general.

ARBETSRELATERAD STRESS HOS SJUKSK?TERSKOR En litteratur?versikt om stressfaktorer som p?verkar patients?kerheten

Bakgrund: Arbetsrelaterad stress bland sjuksk?terskor ?r ett v?xande problem och kan leda till utmattning hos sjuksk?terskorna samt p?verka v?rdkvaliteten och patients?kerheten negativt. En v?lfungerande arbetsmilj? ?r avg?rande f?r att s?kerst?lla b?de sjuksk?terskors v?lbefinnande och patients?kerheten. De teoretiska referensramarna KASAM (K?nsla Av Sammanhang) och s?ker v?rd bidrar till f?rst?elsen av hur sjuksk?terskors hantering av stress och deras inst?llning till arbetet p?verkar deras v?lbefinnande och prestationer.

Att nyttja marken 30 meter från järnvägen : hur platser, syften och miljö vävs samman

The purpose of this work is to raise ideas and interest for land that is very much forgotten,unused and neglected in terms of maintenance and usability. Railroads are often seen as adirty and loud intrusion in the landscape and therefore cities turn their backs on them. Theland around railroads is not considered useful despite its often central location and scrublandis common in these areas.The starting point of this work is the restrictions and possibilities linked to the land withinthe security distance 30 meters from the railroad center. Within this security distance thereare numerous limitations and regulations due to the nature of railroad use. These limitationsare counted for in the initial chapter and lay the foundation for the rest of the work.

Framtagande av kravspecifikation för standardsystem

There are several methods and models within the areas of software engineering on how to proceed during a software development process. For each of these methods and models there are benefits and drawbacks, depending on how you choose to look at them. A difference of principle between the different models is that they either advocate iterative development or not. In parts of software engineering one makes use of different methods depending on which is most fitting in a specific situation. There are several methods on how to recieve more qualitative data from the end-users during the requirement collection, but the reappearing pattern is still user centric participation, which means that the user participates more actively in part of or the entire development process.

Vuxna individers kännedom, upplevda följsamhet och attityder till Svenska livsmedelsverkets fem kostråd.

Bakgrund Svenska livsmedelsverket (SLV) har utarbetat fem kostra?d fo?r att fra?mja en ha?lsosam kostha?llning. Kostra?den innefattar rekommendationer ga?llande frukt och gro?nt, fullkorn, nyckelha?lsma?rkningen, fisk samt olja och flytande margarin. Tidigare underso?kningar tyder pa? att kostra?den inte fo?ljs i tillra?cklig utstra?ckning.Syfte Studiens syfte var att underso?ka vuxna individers ka?nnedom, upplevda fo?ljsamhet och attityder gentemot SLVs fem kostra?d.

Studie i exteriör belysning : med tillämpning på Bokenäs, Volvos fritids- och konferensby

When creating a good lighting design it is crucial to know how different types of lamps work. Knowing what kind of light they emit and in which situations they work well is also very important. In this master thesis I present different types of lamps and give an account of how light is spread through the different shapes of luminaires, reflectors, filters and so on. I write about how our eyes register radiation and connections between lighting and how it makes us experience space. Furthermore I deal with the effect of artificial light on living organisms and the environment. After the theoretical studies I deal with the places I have visited to study how different lamps and luminaires work and look like in existing lighting designs. These visits have also been inspirational to my lighting proposal for Bokenäs. Bokenäs is Volvo?s resort and conference center which is situated on the Swedish west coast.

Infectious bronchitis in Brazil : a minor field study in Bastos municipality, Sao Paulo

Infectious Bronchitis (IB) is a highly contagious viral respiratory and productiondepressant disease distributed world wide. The disease is caused by the InfectiousBronchitis Virus (IBV), a positive RNA strand Avian Coronavirus within thegenus Gammacoronavirus. Due to a combination of high mutation rate and atendency of recombination a constant emergence of new genotypes and serotypesis seen. In Brazil, a country with an extensive poultry production and majorproblems with disease control, the diversity of circulating strains are wide andoutbreaks of clinical disease despite intensive use of vaccines are common. Theaim of this study was to investigate the presence of IBV and to identify genotypesof isolated IBVs in a limited number of layer flocks in Bastos, São Paulo, as partof the screening for circulating genotypes in the country.

"Det är upplevelsen som är i fokus" : En studie i hur en Destinations-Marknadsfo?rings-Organisation kan fo?rsta? turistens fo?rva?ntningar och skapa den destinationsupplevelse som efterfra?gas.

Fra?gesta?llning: Hur kan DMOs arbeta fo?r att fo?rsta? turisternas fo?rva?ntningar info?r en destinationsupplevelse?Syfte: Syftet med underso?kningen a?r att skapa en fo?rsta?else fo?r turisternas fo?rva?ntningar, ba?de hur de skapas och hur de kan pa?verka turistens uppfattade destinationsupplevelse. Vi vill a?ven kunna fo?rklara hur turister kan delas in i olika ma?lgrupper baserat utifra?n vad de efterfra?gar av en destinationsupplevelse. Slutligen syftar underso?kningen till att kunna fo?rklara fo?r DMOs hur de kan arbeta med ha?nsyn till turisternas fo?rva?ntningar i framtida destinationsutveckling.Metod: Uppsatsen har haft en deduktiv ansats med ba?de ett sambandsbaserat och beskrivande syfte.

Överviktiga barn - Sjuksköterskors och föräldrars reflektioner : En litteraturstudie

Background: The prevalence of dementia increases both in Sweden and in the rest of the world. People with dementia often display some types of behavioral and psychological symptoms. These symptoms include, among other things, aggressiveness, inactivity, activity disturbance, anxiety, hallucinations and depression. The symptoms can create a negative impact of those with dementia, their caregivers and their next of kin. Aim: To describe the effect of non-pharmacological treatments have on the behavioral and psychological symptoms of people with dementia.

Social hållbarhet och attraktionsfaktorer i en urban kontext. Fallstudie över Malmös nya stadsdel Hyllie

Do new, attractive neighborhoods meet the requirements of being socially sustainable? This essay is based on the potential conflicts between the pursuit of social sustainability, while the theory of the creative class influence city planning. Social sustainability is difficult to measure, but implies broadly that everyone should have equal rights and opportunities. A city or region that aims to attract a certain type of people by providing what they ask for, might pay less attention and spend less resources on the rest of the population. Socially sustainable - for whom? The new district Hyllie in southern Malmö stands in focus, and the paper seeks to identify how different operators in Malmö defines the concept of social sustainability, how it is implemented in the design of Hyllie, and if any potential conflicts may arise.Interviews with the following informants; representants from the Office for City Planning in Malmö, the nonprofit organization Sustainable Development Skåne, the Commission for a Socially Sustainable Malmö and the company Skanska Öresund have constituted the main methodology, among with reading and analyzing existing documents and policies relating to the development of Hyllie.

Mundo mortus ses, sed Deo vivas? : en osteologisk studie med avsikt att bedöma klostret i Ny Varbergs karaktär

The main aim of this study is to determine whether the monastery in Ny Varberg has been used as a hospital during its active years. The second aim has been to investigate weather the buried individuals at the monastery at Ny Varberg exclusively are deceased monks. Only individuals from the monastery's active years has been included in this study. A total of 16 inhumated individuals was analysed. Both men, women and children was shown to be present, as well as wide spread of children and adults.

Prognos vid kirurgisk behandling av kolik : en studie över 249 hästar under perioden 2002 till 2005 försäkrade i Agria

In total 249 horses surgically treated for colic in Sweden during 2002 until 2005 were studied. The horses was identified by the animal insurance company Agria. Survival was studied with respect to age, gender, breed, diagnosis (small intestinal problems, caecal problems, large intestinal problems, incarceration in nephrosplenic ligament, unspecific colic and other colic problems) and treating hospital. Different survivals were calculated. For short-term survival proportions was used and for long-term it was done using Kaplan-Meier technique and log-rank testing.

Butikschefers strategier kring hälsa och hälsoperspektiv : En studie inriktad på godis och läsk

Summary                                                               Overweight and obesity in Sweden and in the rest of the industrialized world continues to increase. This results in increased costs both to society and the healthcare system. Part of this development is the increasing consumption of sugar and that is what should be restricted to tackle this growing social problem. Part of the increased consumption of sugar in Sweden was the launch of pick and mix ingrocery stores.  This study aims to examine how store managers look at their public health responsibilities, and investigate how managers of grocery stores think about health and health aspects in general and about the sugar consumption in particular. Semi-structured "face to face" interviews was used to collect data and seven grocery store managers participated in the study.

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