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Motivations- och prestationshöjande undervisning för elever med autismspektrumdiagnos : användning av digitala verktyg i elevgrupper med autism och utvecklingsstörning
This is a study about how different digital instruments can be used in education for pupils with autism and intellectual disability. The questions formulated to research this chosen area was: ?What does teachers think about digital instruments and interactive teaching materials when it comes to benefits and disadvantages in the classroom?, ?In what ways is digital instruments used as teaching materials in the specific school context? and ?From a perspective of teaching and learning, what kind of problems and opportunities can be gained from using digital instruments and teaching materials?. To gather this information interviews was done with three specialist pedagogues working with the chosen group of pupils at three different schools. The material shows that the specialist pedagogues have positive attitudes towards working with digital instruments in this specific group of students..
Der Wille zur Macht. En analys av den editionsteoretiska striden om Friedrich Nietzsches litterära kvarlåtenskap
In my thesis I examine the editorial theory and practice of the Nietzsche-Archives. At the center of the academic debate we find the posthumous edition Der Wille zur Macht, firstly published 1901 as Friedrich Nietzsches magnum opus. 1906 a new edition was published, which has been described by Nietzsche-scholars as canonical. The editors Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche and Heinrich Köselitz manipulated the literary remains of Friedrich Nietzsche. The Nietzsche-scholars interpret these textual corrections and interventions differently.
iPod - Var mans leksak? : Den sociala bakgrundens betydelse för användning av och attityd till Apples mp3-modell
AbstractPurpose/Aim: My study aims to analyse, using Pierre Bourdieu´s theory, whether the social background plays a significant part in the attitudes and use of Apples mp3-player iPod. The study also aims to determine whether it is possible to group the focus groups used in my study and iPod into Bourdieu´s model.Material/Method: The reference material used in this paper is mainly gathered from books concerning Pierre Bourdieu´s theories. I have also had four focus groups of two different characters, to study their attitudes towards Apples mp3-player iPod. I have then applied the results of the focus groups to Bourdieu´s theories and models concerning habitus, social fields, capital and lifestyles, and studied whether there are any divergences in attitudes between the groups.Main results: My findings are that the focus groups as well as iPod can be put into Bourdieu´s model. According to the responses from the people in the focus groups, the attitude and usage of iPod do not mirror people?s social class or background, which goes against Bourdieu´s? theory.
Om folkbibliotekariers yrkesidentitet i ett biblioteksutvecklingsprojekt
The purpose of the study was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.
Biblioteksforskning om skönlitteratur på folkbibliotek
The purpose of the study was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.
BUCO - avlastning och förvaring av småprylar i hallen
The goal has been to design a product for unloading and storing small gadgetsin the hallway. The aim has been to facilitate the search for importantsmall objects that people never seem to find when they need them the most.The aim has also been to provide a sense of relief when people enter theirhome, and they can empty their pockets on one spot in a very simple yet orderlymanner. The product would be able to sort out, and make the gadgetsaccessible, take as little space as possible, be easy to use and not be perceivedas heavy and clumsy. The work has been done with close involvement of afocus group consisting of 20 people of different ages and with different occupations.The behavior of the focus group has been observed and test modelshave played a crucial role in advancing the work troughout the project. Theresult is a series of storage products for the wall, of simple shapes which canbe combined together in different ways depending on hallway and the user?sindividual taste or preference..
Mediets Brödraskap : Manlig homosocial kultur i Playboy
Men?s magazines is a form of media that has been present and popular among men for decades and even centuries. In the beginning of 1990 the popularity for men?s magazines boosted as the new ideal man was presented. The new lad represented a new masculinity that was more honest about its ideals and point of views.
Jämlikhet, frihet och kulturell mångfald - en studie om normativa ideal och kulturella rättigheter i offentliga utredningar
To create fair conditions between the majority and minorities in a cultural diverse society poses a challenge for both the makers of government policy and the political theorist. The aim of this thesis is to examine the Swedish government official reports concerning integration and minority rights, with a special interest in values and cultural rights. As a methodological tool a theoretical model that classifies cultural rights is developed and the three normative doctrines lockean libertarianism, comprehensive liberalism and multiculturalism are distinguished from the discussion about how politics ought to be in a multicultural society. Through this perspective rights and values in the official reports are identified and analyzed. The result shows three different standpoints in the reports concerning which cultural minority group they are discussing.
Den fysiska miljöns betydelse i förskolan : Miljöns utformning och barns delaktighet
My intention with this paper was to investigate how the teachers in pre-school thinks about the physical environment in pre-school. Both the significance for the pedagogical activity and the children?s involvement in the design. I have done five interviews with pre-school teachers. The result shows that the pre-school teachers consider that the size of the premises and the availability to the material is important factors for children?s development and learning.
Ingen fara på taket : skolpersonal om anmälningsskyldighet
This is a study about how different digital instruments can be used in education for pupils with autism and intellectual disability. The questions formulated to research this chosen area was: ?What does teachers think about digital instruments and interactive teaching materials when it comes to benefits and disadvantages in the classroom?, ?In what ways is digital instruments used as teaching materials in the specific school context? and ?From a perspective of teaching and learning, what kind of problems and opportunities can be gained from using digital instruments and teaching materials?. To gather this information interviews was done with three specialist pedagogues working with the chosen group of pupils at three different schools. The material shows that the specialist pedagogues have positive attitudes towards working with digital instruments in this specific group of students..
Man blir lite taggad men också frustrerad : En explorativ studie av checkpoints i spelet A Story About My Uncle
In this study we pose the question if you through finding patterns in implementation of checkpoints can find ways to tailor the experience of the game A Story About My Uncle to hardcore gamers. To find out the answer we had hardcore players playing a modified level from the game A Story About My Uncle that was used as stimulus material for the following focus group interview. The analysis of the gathered material resulted in four patterns that can be used when implementing checkpoints to tailor the experience of the game A Story About My Uncle to hardcore gamers. Elements of checkpoints that our study showed to be important when it comes to how the game is experienced are density, placement and clearness..
Ungdomars medvetenhet om säkerhetsrisker med bankverktyg
According to Nosti (2012) banks target youths to find new customers by giving them special offers such as debit cards from a relatively early age. However, Moschis and Churchill (1979) point out that age can affect the level of knowledge in the consumer. Therefore, this essay focuses on youths as consumers. Specifically, youths? awareness of security risks in using bank tools such as debit cards or internet banks was studied.
Föräldrars erfarenheter av stöd i sin föräldraroll genom deltagande i syskoncirkel- en intervjustudie
Introduction When a child comes into a family changing conditions for the older sibling, who may feel left out. This can be a problem for parents who face new challenges towards the older sibling, which can lead to parents looking for advice and support. Parenting is an activity that strengthens the role of parents and provides information about children's health and social development. Purpose The purpose is to describe the parents' experiences of support in their parental role by participating in the sibling circle. Method Semi-structured focus group interview was conducted and qualitative content analysis was performed.
Djurskyddskontroll av reptiler och sällskapsfåglar. Kan djurskyddsinspektören göra en bra bedömning?
Reptiles and birds are animals that many people don?t have much experience of, so it can be difficult to do a proper animal protection assessment of these animals. It?s hard to determine if these animals is skinny, fat or in good shape, to do that it demands handling of the animal and not many inspectors that works with animal protection have experience of handling reptiles and birds. To see if a reptile or a bird is ill is difficult, when the bird or reptile looking sick it?s often too late to do something.
www.blocket.se is a sell and buy page on the internet there many animals switch owner.
Marknadsföringens anpassning till målgruppens karaktär : En kvalitativ fallstudie på Findus AB
The purpose with this project has been to investigate how a company`s marketing and product development can adapt to a specific target group..