3766 Uppsatser om Group weariness - Sida 32 av 252
Har ungdomsarbetslösheten påverkats av regeringens sänkning av arbetsgivaravgiften?
Sweden has for years been struggling with high youth unemployment. The problem is also a hot topic of discussion among experts and politicians, often leading to different proposals to solve the problem. The government chose in 2006 to do something about youth unemployment by lowering payroll taxes for employees up to 25 years. But many experts and studies show that the effects failed to materialize.This study will try to find out if the government subsidies have given any effect on the youth unenployment either by new jobs created or by movement in the labor force. I will use a regression model with an dependent, "difference in difference" variable where the change in the number of employed young people are compared to the change in the number of employed in the subsequent age group.The results show that subsidies are not given any positive effect on the youth employment rate in relation to the subsequent age group..
Den elektroniska marknadsplatsen som inköpsverktyg - En studie med fokus på Everfresh Group AB
Uppsatsens teoriavsnitt uppställer en referensram som i stora drag innefattar inköpsteori, relationsteori och teorier kring e handel. Uppsatsens empiri bygger främst på intervjuer med köparföretaget Everfresh Group AB, företaget som tillhandahåller e-marknadsplatsen Fruit Line AB och tre leverantörer. Den e-marknadsplats som fallföretaget implementerat misslyckades. Anledningarna till detta var flera. Bland annat är en orsak att komplexiteten av produkterna på denna marknad är för stor.
Nationellt varumärkesbyggande : En studie om hur Botswana kan använda sig av nationellt varumärkesbyggande i landets utvecklingsprocess
In this paper I study how the repeal of the Swedish wealth tax (1 of January 2007) has affected people´s labour supply behaviour. This particular issue is relevant because it may help us understand some of the effects of the earnings tax changes that have taken place in Sweden. Accoring to standard economic theory a repealed wealth tax is similar to an income effect for the persons who previously paid the tax. That means that they theoretically will want to consume more leisure, that is decrease their labour supply. The method I am using to test this hypothesis is a difference-in-difference approach where the treatment group consists of persons who previously paid the tax and the control group of comparable persons who did not pay the tax.
En homogen grupp är inte svaret på en lyckad klass : Pedagogers attityder till inkludering av särskolans elever i ordinare grundskola.
The aim of this study is to examine physical education teachers? and students? views on the thesis and its part in the physical teacher education program at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences.Does the view on the thesis differ between techers/students and the program with its curriculum and other policy documents?What does students/teachers value in a thesis?Does teachers/students have a mutual habitus concerning the thesis in the form of essay writing and how is this expressed?The study is based on a qualitative survey in which the respondents mainly answered open-ended questions with written answers. These answers have been categorized and analyzed with the aims of the study and the previous research in mind. The views on the purpose of the thesis differ, both within the group teachers/students and to a certain degree in relation to policy documents. The value of the thesis differs within the group.
Det ofria ordet
The purpose of the study was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.
Det för(s)könade biblioteket En diskursteoretisk läsning av biblioteket vid KVINFO
This thesis applies a discourse theoretical approach in order to examine in whatways and with what possible meanings the library at KVINFO participates in the overall gender discourse in society. This means that our reading takes place at a metatheoretical level, focussing on the library as a constructor of meaning in relation to society's gender discourse.Besides the actual reading, the thesis argues for the fruitfulness of using both a discourse theoretical and a feministic perspective in the field of Library and Information Science. By looking at libraries in general through a lens provided by these perspectives, libraries are staged as battlegrounds for competing discourses,that attempt to promote its particular knowledge claim on how reality should be perceived.The reading shows that it is possible to perceive the library at KVINFO as amaterial articulation that takes shape by and is part in a feministic counterdiscourse against the masculinistic hegemonic discourse, which throughout ?hisstory? has positioned women as ?the other?, and established men as the normative category in society, including the libraries. Through its practise KVINFO has contributed to a change in the collective identity ascribed to women.
Balanserad styrning: samspelskomplexiteten bland olika faktorer i The Nuance Group
Inom The Nuance Group, vilket är ett ledande globalt företag inom tax-free, finns det en finansiell syn på verksamheten som kan utvidgas till att bli mer konkurrenskraftig. Syftet med denna uppsats är att upptäcka och synliggöra faktorer och perspektiv i företaget som kan utvidga den traditionella finansiella styrningen och bidra till bättre verksamhet och balanserad styrning. Med hjälp av fyra perspektiv har vi belyst betydelsen av medarbetare, kunder och processer, som i samverkan med de finansiella aspekterna kan utgöra en del av företagets ekonomistyrning. Genom att bryta ner The Nuance Groups verksamhet i olika perspektiv skapas det mer fokus på särskilda fokusområden där företaget lättare kan se vilka områden som är viktiga för framgång. Utarbetningen av mål, mått och framgångsfaktorer inom varje perspektiv bidrar till fokusering inom perspektiven samtidigt som mellan dem skapas det förutsättningar för balans.
Parallellimport och utvecklingen av EG:s konkurrensrätt
Parallel imports often lead to lowered prices and is therefore regarded as good from a consumer's point of view. From a business'point of view this is not always the case. When do parallel imports occur? Is it possible to prevent parallel imports to protect an introduction of a product in another member state? The purpose of this thesis is to present situations where parallel imports occur and to see if it is compatible with competition law to prevent parallel imports. Furthermore I will analyse the future development after the group exemption of vertical restraints enters into force in June 2000.
Huvudhalscancer och livskvalitet : Patientens skattning av livskvalitet innan och efter strålbehandling
Introduction: Each year 1200-1300 patients are diagnosed with head neck cancer. Treatment that involves radiotherapy can cause severe side effects for example trismus that affects quality of life.Purpose: To study health-related quality of life in patients who have undergone radiation treatment for head and neck cancer and participated in a intervention group who received training intended to prevent trismus or in a control group who received standard treatment.Method: This is a prospective study in which data is collected from 66 patients participating in a randomized study aiming to evaluate a training program to prevent trismus. Thirty three participated in the intervention group and thirty three in the control group. Both patient groups assessed health related quality of life (HRQOL) with EORTC QLQ C30 and QLQ-H&N35, at start and end of the radiation treatment, and at 3 and 6-months after completing radiation treatment.Results: There is no difference between the intervention and control groups regarding symptoms, functional status and global health, except for intake of nutritional supplements. For both groups almost all scales measuring HRQOL deteriorated under the radiation treatment. However, 3 and 6 months after end of radiotherapy HRQOL had improved and had returned to the baseline values.
Föräldrars upplevelser av att förlora ett barn i cancer
It is not uncommon for math difficulties and reading difficulties to occur simultaneously. Despite this, math and reading difficulties are thought to have different cognitive profiles where math difficulties are linked to number sense; an innate ability to understand, approximate and manipulate both quantities and numerical information, whereas reading difficulties are linked to phonological ability; an innate ability to understand, create representations of and manipulate phonological information. A possible link between the difficulties is that phonological abilities also could affect mathematical ability. Support for this comes from studies where comorbid math and reading difficulties are associated with more severe difficulties in arithmetic ability compared to those with isolated math difficulties. The purpose of this study is to examine whether isolated math difficulties, isolated reading difficulties and comorbid math and reading difficulties can be linked to deficits in number sense, phonological ability or both of these, and whether comorbid math and reading difficulties differ in performance in mathematical tasks compared to isolated math difficulties for children in second grade.
Hur snabb tillit till ledare skapas i tillfälligt sammansatta grupper
Leaders in modern working life are confronted with frequent use of temporary groups. The purpose of this study was to examine possible reasons for swift trust towards leaders in temporary groups. The target group of the study was school employees. An opinion poll was carried out in the occupational group (n = 35) which made it possible to make statistical comparisons. The result showed that the following aspects were important for the development of swift trust in leaders: personal attributes, image related attributes, competence and experience, leadership and also social competence.
Scrummästarens roll som konflikthanterare : Konflikthantering i agila projekt
Companies show interest in agile methods, but this can be challenging since these methods to a certain degree stand against traditional project methods. If the use of agile methods increase it is of importance to clarify what mechanisms that are significant to a successful result. The aim of this study is to clarify the role of the scrum master regarding conflict management in agile groups. The goal of the study is to better prepare the ScrumMaster to be ready to help the group in a conflict situation. In this examination a qualitative method has been used where five scrum masters, active in agile projects, have been interviewed about their role in conflict management.
En studie av högskolebibliotekariers uppfattningar om distansstudenter som användargrupp
The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate how a group of academic librarians perceive distance learners as a user group. We have in our study been influenced by phenomenography, which is both a set of theoretical assumptions and a methodology. The theoretical frame of reference consists of Carol Kuhlthaus different levels of education and Michael Buckland´s information barriers. Using a qualitative method consisting of nine interviews with academic librarians and structural factor such as academic library policies, we have been able to conduct our study. The results of the study are presented in grouped categories of quotations that reflect various perceptions.
Så gör vi gott för Norrland - : En kvalitativ studie av Norrmejeriers visuella kommunikation
In a time where information overload is a fact, well formulated messages is required and communication is a big contributing element for building strong brands. In the north of Sweden, Norrmejerier is one of the big actors with dominance on the dairy factor market. Through making milk products that lands in the consumers refridgerators, they are not only working for economical interest but also for improving the nature of the north of Sweden. Through visual communication, Norrmejerier shows the consumers a beneficial view of the north of Sweden which corresponds to the populations own impression of their part of the country. This contributes to a feeling of belonging that makes strong and loyal consuments. The feeling of belonging is also reflected in Norrmejeriers commercial movies, that uses the consumers conscience to make costumers. By two group interviews and a semiotic analysis of Norrmejeriers commercial movies, this study aims to examine how Norrmejerier uses qualities of the north of Sweden when building their brand.
The behaviour of foals before and after weaning in group
Weaning is a standard procedure at most studs, and the methods of weaning varies greatly. The method used at the stud in this particular study is supposed to decrease stress. The purpose of the study was to compare the behaviour of foals in group before and after stepwise removal of their mares.
Standardbred foals with their mothers were kept in three different groups at pasture (12, 11 and 11 foals, respectively, mixed sexes). They had free access to silage and the foals were fed concentrate in a creep-feeding area. By the time the foals were 5 months old, the mares were stepwise removed from the pasture.