

1947 Uppsatser om Globalization Generation Y Advertising Messages Channels - Sida 19 av 130

Konstens influenser i dagens reklam : En kvalitativ studie av reklambilder och konstverk

AbstractTitle: Art influences in today´s advertisingimages ? A qualitative study of advertisingimages and work of artNumber of pages: 46Author: Sanna OlssonTutor: Else NygrenCourse: Media and Communication Science CPeriod: Autumn 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Uppsala UniversityPurpose: The purpose with this composition is to analyse how art has influenced todays advertising images, to see wich influences that can be descovered.Method/Material: Since this is an imageanalys the main material has been consisted of advertising images, a total of seven. In addition, art images have been used as comparative material. The advertising images have been strategically selected, however they are modern and aestetically appealing. A number of questions have been formulated wich is the basis of the analys.Main results: Primarily the study found that art has influenced today?s advertisingimages in different ways.

Drömmen om Paradiset : - En Multimodal Kritisk Diskursanalys av dokusåpan Paradise Hotel 2014

Previous research on Twitter use among nonprofit organizations has been centered on the US, thisessay Nonprofits on Twitter: a content analysis of Swedish nonprofits working for gender equalityseeks to expand that research to include nonprofit organizations operating in Sweden. By studying tenSwedish nonprofits all working to achieve gender equality this study can begin filling a gap in theexisting research. Focusing on both what kind of messages the organizations publish, and what kind ofmessages engage the organizations? followers. This is achieved by quantitative content analysis:categorizing messages into the categories Information, Community and Action, and measuring whichof these categories got the most shares, comments and likes.

Den uteblivna kommunikationen : - Som knäcker dig

Our study illustrates health communication in order to find out how widespread the knowledge is about osteoporosis and how to reach out with health information to the public. Our essay was conducted through quantitative surveys, which included 402 respondents. This in order to highlight the prevailing uncertainty about the public disorder osteoporosis, which is common in Sweden. We wish to examine trough which channels our respondents choose to collect their health information. The thesis framework includes theories such as McGuire?s ProcessingTheory, Agenda setting, Two-step hypothesis and Diffusion of innovation. Through these theories, we analyzed our empirical data that emerged. The results showed that our respondents had very low knowledge of osteoporosis, although theyshowed interest for health information. The results also showed that respondents were consistent intheir actions regarding which channels they came to turn to. They prefered their health informationfrom news papers and family, friends and work colleagues. When asked where they got their information from, the respondents answered mostly from family, friends and work colleagues, followed closely by newspapers. This shows that respondents are more receptive to informationfrom the channels of their own choice. The results also showed that the propensity to change behavior increases with the age of the respondents..

Generation Y:s värderingar och attityder kring framtidens chefsroll

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur Generation Y:s attityd och värderingar förhåller sig mot det ledarskap som bör tillämpas av framtida chefer. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ ansats i form av individuella intervjuer och en fokusgrupp, således har studien baserats på det empiriska material som insamlats från de fyra individuella intervjuerna och vår fokusgrupp som genomfördes. Det empiriska såväl som det teoretiska materialet har sammanställts i sitt respektive kapitel och därefter analyserats med utgångspunkt ur våra frågeställningar. Slutsatser: De senaste åren har det förekommit artiklar i fack- och dagspress om hur individer ur Generation Y ställt sig ovilliga till att acceptera chefsrollen. Vårt resultat visar att det finns ett genuint intresse för civilingenjörs- och civilekonomstudenter att faktiskt acceptera chefsrollen. Det är dock med krav på kontinuerlig feedback, coachning och möjligheten till att arbeta fritt och kreativt som gör att dessa individer är benägna att acceptera chefsrollen i företagen..

Attitudes towards the Region of Öresund among transnational work commuters

This study is concerned with the region of Öresund and the aspects of work commuting in particular. The purpose is to investigate attitudes and opinions towards the region among work commuters and then apply them to various theories relevant for the questioning, such as globalization, regionalization, ethnicity, nationalism, culture and identity. To investigate the attitudes towards the region we have done a number of interviews with commuters, using qualitative and semi-structured questions. The analysis is divided into three different parts; In Body and in Mind, Us and Them, the Future; and consists of a discussion of our informants? answers related to the theoretical aspects of the earlier mentioned theories.

Scenen är din: upplevelseproduktion som perspektiv vid kommunal rekrytering av unga medarbetare

I dagens upplevelsesamhälle sker en generationsväxling på svensk arbetsmarknad. En ny generation av unga medarbetare, som går under benämningen generation Y, ska ersätta 40-talisterna som går i pension. Arbetsgivare står inför en utmaning gällande rekrytering av dessa unga medarbetare som skiljer sig från tidigare generationer. (Fürth, 2008). De har växt upp i en tid då fokus har flyttats från materialistiska värden till emotionella sådana och där upplevelser har fått en ökad betydelse (Pine & Gilmore, 1999).

Skillnaden på ett uttalande och ett brev : - En textanalytisk studie av anklagelser och försvar under skandalen på Sheraton Stockholm Hotel

Previous research on Twitter use among nonprofit organizations has been centered on the US, thisessay Nonprofits on Twitter: a content analysis of Swedish nonprofits working for gender equalityseeks to expand that research to include nonprofit organizations operating in Sweden. By studying tenSwedish nonprofits all working to achieve gender equality this study can begin filling a gap in theexisting research. Focusing on both what kind of messages the organizations publish, and what kind ofmessages engage the organizations? followers. This is achieved by quantitative content analysis:categorizing messages into the categories Information, Community and Action, and measuring whichof these categories got the most shares, comments and likes.

Creation of a Pan-European Advertising: Myth or Reality?

In order to answer the question in the title, a cross-cultural analysis of two countries was done. Countries chosen were the Republic of Latvia and the Kingdom of Spain. The need for this research was suggested by increased cross-border business activities inside the European Union, and the lack of previous studies involving new Member States. The aim of the research was to see what environmental factors influence advertising adaptation in the European Union, as well as to evaluate the applicability of a standardisation approach. According to the theory, there are three external factors that influence the creation of a global advertising.

Nyckeln till visning - En kvantitativ studie av att sälja och bli såld på detaljbilder

Previous research in the field of consumer marketing has confirmed the positive effects of divergence on advertising efficiency. Despite the coherent evidence, some industries lag in the adoption of these findings, one of which is the Swedish real estate market. Divergence has not been elaborately investigated within said context and this paper addresses the need of actionable insights for housing advertising. Starting with the proven success of housing firm Fantastic Frank who work with detail photos in contrast to the common wide angle, this paper examines theoretical implications of detail photos' characteristics. Besides being divergent, detail photos are also ambiguous which renders access to effects related to visual perception.

Trafikinformation som når ut : En studie om nya kanaler för störningsinformation i trafiken

The Swedish traffic system is congested, especially in the urban areas; travellers face daily growing traffic jams and delays in public transport. In a congested traffic system, travellers need support to make smart and sustainable decisions and one such tool is traffic information.One issue today is that too few travellers use traffic information in support of their travel. Research shows that travellers would see great value in receiving the information; however current systems do not meet their requirements. This is a problem since the society would benefit greatly from a well functioning traffic information system.In this report, a number of channels that can be applicable for providing traffic information will be explored, with particular emphasis on interference information.The information channels are analyzed based upon the needs and requirements of the society and the traveller. The thesis of the report is: the more of these needs and requirements are met in a channel; the better is the channel to use for traffic information.

Politisk kommunikation i förändring? : En kvantitativ studie i Moderaterna och Socialdemokraternas försök till tvåvägskommunikation inför riksdagsvalet 2014

Previous research on Twitter use among nonprofit organizations has been centered on the US, thisessay Nonprofits on Twitter: a content analysis of Swedish nonprofits working for gender equalityseeks to expand that research to include nonprofit organizations operating in Sweden. By studying tenSwedish nonprofits all working to achieve gender equality this study can begin filling a gap in theexisting research. Focusing on both what kind of messages the organizations publish, and what kind ofmessages engage the organizations? followers. This is achieved by quantitative content analysis:categorizing messages into the categories Information, Community and Action, and measuring whichof these categories got the most shares, comments and likes.

Less is More - en studie om utformningen av inlägg på sociala medier

Theory has concluded that consumers evaluate advertising not only based on what the advertiser's message aims to communicate, but also how the message is communicated. As the most popular activity on the world's largest social media channels is to upload and share photos, it has become crucial for advertisers to define strategies that maximize the reach of photo posts. Two observed variations of images used in posts are graphical images and digital photographs. The aim of this study is to investigate which of these two strategies that generate most positive impact on the sender and its brand. 230 users of the Chinese Facebook and Twitter counterpart, Sina Weibo, were exposed to manipulated Sina Weibo posts after which they answered a survey.

Att blunda för annonser. En studie av konsumenters och annonsfinansierade företags uppfattningar om annonsblockering på webben

The majority of free content on the internet is financed by online advertising. A requirement for thismodel to work is that the visitors see the ads. The emergence of ad-blocking software has shifted thepower from the advertiser?s choice of publishing ads to the consumer?s choice of viewing ads. Weexamine the consumers? opinions regarding the use of ad-blocking software and compare them to theopinions of companies using online advertisement.

Think global, act local!? : Hur ett svenskt företag går till väga för att skapa ett enhetligt budskap i olika kulturer

An uncountable number of companies are present in foreign markets as a result of what we commonly choose to call globalization. This is especially true for Swedish companies traditionally operating on small markets. A company that is about to establish on a new market is faced not only with possibilities but also with challenges and risks. Researchers have found that companies that establish on foreign markets will have to deal with competitors on the national as well as on the global market, and therefore need consider how they globalize their brands. In addition to this, a brand can only reach international success if its message is coherent within and across every single market.

Lyxkonsumtion ur Generation Y:s perspektiv ? En studie kring attityder, värderingar och varumärkesuppfattningar

Intresset för lyxprodukter har ökat runt om i världen vilket också blivit allt mer framträdande i Sverige. Marknaden för lyxprodukter har de senaste åren förändrats och banat väg för en ny kategori av lyx tillgänglig för en globalt växande medelklass. Den nya kategorin benämns ofta som new luxury vilket innebär en åtkomlig kategori av statusgivande produkter som är lägre i pris än de traditionella lyxprodukterna. Allt fler lyxföretag väljer att expandera för att kunna nå en bredare kundbas och tillämpar därför produktlinjeutvidgning eller varumärkesutvidgning. En alltför omfattande expandering kan dock innebära risker eftersom den uppfattade exklusiviteten hos ett lyxföretag kan gå förlorad.

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