

1947 Uppsatser om Globalization Generation Y Advertising Messages Channels - Sida 18 av 130

Fjärde generationens krigföring : vetenskapen och propagandan

Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom att belysa teorin om ?Fourth Generation Warfare? (4GW) ur två perspektiv, dels vetenskap och dels propaganda, tydliggöra i vilken utsträckning 4GW kan förstås som ett arbete grundat på vetenskaplighet eller ett arbete som nyttjar propagandistiska tekniker i sitt budskap.Uppsatsen är utformad som en kvalitativ analys, med hjälp av definitioner på vetenskaplighet respektive propaganda, av de texter som William S. Lind skrivit i ämnet.Syftet med uppsatsen är inte att bevisa att begreppet 4GW är propaganda i ordets egentliga bemärkelse, utan endast att visa att de tekniker och argument som används av Lind är ovetenskapliga och har mer gemensamt med tekniker som används i propaganda än med vad som kan betecknas som vetenskaplighet.

Konsument Y ? Ungas konsumentbeteende i det nya decenniet

Företags behov av att särskilja sig på dagens marknad är idag större än någonsin. Detta då konkurrensen har ökat och därmed antalet valmöjligheter. Med dagens teknologi är det även möjligt att kopiera allt som ett ?lyckat? företag gör. Samtidigt har den digitala revolutionen bidragit till att konsumenter har vant sig vid att kunna få vad som helst, när som helst och var som helst.

Generation Y som investerare : en kvantitativ studie om hur generation Y:s karaktäristika påverkar deras investeringsbeteende

Nyanländande Generation Y håller på att positionera sig på arbetsmarknaden och omfattas av individer födda inom intervallet 1980 ? 1995. Det återfinns dessvärre ytterst lite forskning gällande generationens investeringsbeteende. Mestadels av tidigare forskning har hittills handlat om hur tidigare generationer, så som Baby Boomers och Generation X, tenderar att investera. Denna studie har därför försökt bidra till att fylla ut tomrummet i kunskapen beträffande Generation Y.Studien utreder investeringsbeteendet hos Generation Y genom att undersöka hur specifika karaktäristika påverkar deras sä?tt att investera.

Fråga en man istället : En kvantitativ studie om hur könsfördelningen ser ut i SVT 1 Rapport och TV4-Nyheterna.

The purpose of this study was to investigate if female and male reporters and interviewees get the same amount of time in the news feature in the Swedish news programs TV4-Nyheterna and SVT 1 Rapport. The aim of this study was also to investigate if there is a breakdown of the reporting lines between male and female reporters, that is, if they are reporting on various topics. In our study we also determined if the two television channels in any way are different when it comes to gender.Our main theory was that men are overrepresented both among reporters and interviewees and that they are dominant in both hard and soft news. We thought that SVT 1Rapport would have a better gender balance than TV4-Nyheterna because SVT 1 has been working on gender issues for a long time.We were using a quantitative content analysis to examine the 19:30 news on SVT 1 Rapport and 22:00 news on TV4-Nyheterna for two weeks in November 2010. We examined domestic and foreign news and determined how much time each sex got.

Producenternas möjligheter att kommunicera sitt varumärke

The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand how producerbrands are able to communicate their brand through today's marketing channels, also how development and changes that occur in the society can affect the producers communication abilities. We have seen a tendency that many retailers have created their own brands that are competing with the producers, this leads to the fact that producers in some cases are having trouble communicating their brand to the end-consumer. The fact that the producers marketing through retailers now is more limited than before, the producers now have to capture the consumers wants and needs through other channels.This essay is based on a qualitative method involving seven interviews. The persons that we've chosen to interview are carefully selected based on their specific knowledge about the subject in question..

Sociala medier ? strategier,möjligheter och risker

Social media, with its immense and continuous flow of information, has in recent years growntremendously in terms of users and content. This increase has led companies and organizations keen to be seen within these channels of communication, but do they always have a clear idea of how andwhy, and are they aware of the risks that are associated with it? Current research on social media is somewhat divided in two. The debate concerns, among other things, what value the information on social media has, and whether the media is really a good communication channel or not. This raises several questions, for example can a company really afford to remain outside of social media with allthe information it generates? This research aims at answering these questions in order to further understand how organizations discuss social media presence and strategies.

Effektiv intern kommunikation : En studie av kommunikation mellan värdar och värdledare i en idrottsförening

AbstractTitle: Effective internal communication ?A case study on communication between a manager and the employees in a sportsclub.Number of pages: 40, without enclosuresAuthor: Susan AnderssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Second term 2005University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: I aim to do a case study of a work situation, where there is no natural or direct form of feedback between the manager and the employees, and compare the purpose of the information efforts with how it is perceived by the employees.Material/Method: Qualitative research method, including an assembling method in the form of interviews, and a processing method of those interviews.Main results: All the used channels combined together (except one channel) seem to have created the right condition so that the content of the information can be perceived and used as the way it was supposed to, even though there?s no direct feedback of the information. The manager gets feedback indirectly and can therefore adapt the messages, or the information efforts, to the receivers.Keywords: Organizational communication, Internal communication, Information, Feedback..

Svensk dagstidningsbevakning av klimatförändringar : En flermetodsstudie med tyngdpunkt på aktörernas roll

Previous research on Twitter use among nonprofit organizations has been centered on the US, thisessay Nonprofits on Twitter: a content analysis of Swedish nonprofits working for gender equalityseeks to expand that research to include nonprofit organizations operating in Sweden. By studying tenSwedish nonprofits all working to achieve gender equality this study can begin filling a gap in theexisting research. Focusing on both what kind of messages the organizations publish, and what kind ofmessages engage the organizations? followers. This is achieved by quantitative content analysis:categorizing messages into the categories Information, Community and Action, and measuring whichof these categories got the most shares, comments and likes.

Politiskt kvitter : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av politisk kommunikation på Twitter

Previous research on Twitter use among nonprofit organizations has been centered on the US, thisessay Nonprofits on Twitter: a content analysis of Swedish nonprofits working for gender equalityseeks to expand that research to include nonprofit organizations operating in Sweden. By studying tenSwedish nonprofits all working to achieve gender equality this study can begin filling a gap in theexisting research. Focusing on both what kind of messages the organizations publish, and what kind ofmessages engage the organizations? followers. This is achieved by quantitative content analysis:categorizing messages into the categories Information, Community and Action, and measuring whichof these categories got the most shares, comments and likes.

Arbetsmotivation : En korrelation mellan Generation Y:s behov och organisationens behov

Bakgrund: Det har länge varit ett mål för forskare att ta reda på varför individer varierar i sin motivation att arbeta samt förstå hur individuella skillnader samverkar med organisatoriska faktorer att påverka individers tillfredställelse och motivation. Generation Y är den snabbast växande generationen i dagens organisationer och arbetsgivarna står inför den stora utmaningen att rekrytera och behålla dessa unga arbetstagare.Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är att förstå vad som motiverar Generation Y att stanna kvar på sin arbetsplats.Metod: Vår studie har baserats på en kvalitativ metod där vi använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det empiriska materialet består av femton intervjuer med studenter från högskolan i Gävle. Detta bidrog till att vi fick information om vad som motiverar dem till arbete och vilken påverkan organisationens mål och värderingar har på Generation Y:s arbetsinsats.Slutsats: Trots att intervjufrågorna till en början var öppna och fokuserade på motivationsbegreppet i allmänhet visade sig mål vara det mest återkommande nyckelordet. Detta tätt följt av utveckling, sociala relationer och feedback.

Möblering med Procedurell Generering : Furnishing with Procedural Generation

I spelutveckling finns det idag två sätt för utvecklare att skapa digitalt innehåll. Manuellt av personer som skapar allt innehåll för hand eller automatiskt av program där ekvationer istället beskriver innehållet och generera detta vid behov. Att låta ett program generera digitalt innehåll kallas Procedural Content Generation (PCG) och används i grafiska applikationer, dataspel, simulatorer och online-applikationer. I detta arbete, gjort för Linnéuniversitetet, utvecklas ett sätt att möblera ett virtuellt rum genom att bruka konceptet för PCG. Genereringsalgoritmen är regelbaserad och med denna lösning kan ett eller flera virtuella rum möbleras utan att innehållet i rummen behöver lagras. .

Produktplacering i tv : En studie om skillnaden mellan teori och praktik

Title: Communicate ? to provide an opportunity Authors: Ida Eriksson & Petra LindbergTutor: Johan Grinbergs, Mälardalen UniversityExaminer: Cecilia LindhSubject: Bachelor's essay, Business AdministrationKeywords: communication, internal communication, channels, communication models, communication theory, information, organizationPurposeThe idea of this study was to describe how ABB Sweden?s internal communication and information appeared in Västerås. The aim is also to see what tools and channels they use to communicate information internally and see how employees perceive them in Västerås.MethodWe have read literature in form of books and articles that discuss theories on the subject communication including internal communication, channels and tools. Interviews were conducted with employees of ABB and were to serve as the basis for our empirical work. A survey by the Communication Center was made in the spring 2010 and was also the basis for our empirical work.ConclusionsThe communication has been increasingly from one-to two-way communication. To get a functioning organization, it is required that the internal communication in the first place will work.

Grupphandledning  i socialt arbete: Upplevelser kring gruppformatet och dess effekter

Previous research on Twitter use among nonprofit organizations has been centered on the US, thisessay Nonprofits on Twitter: a content analysis of Swedish nonprofits working for gender equalityseeks to expand that research to include nonprofit organizations operating in Sweden. By studying tenSwedish nonprofits all working to achieve gender equality this study can begin filling a gap in theexisting research. Focusing on both what kind of messages the organizations publish, and what kind ofmessages engage the organizations? followers. This is achieved by quantitative content analysis:categorizing messages into the categories Information, Community and Action, and measuring whichof these categories got the most shares, comments and likes.

Representationen av genus : En semiotisk studie av Tom Fords Gucci kampanj 2003 samt Frida Gianninis Gucci kampanj 2013

Title: The representation of gender: A semiotic study of Tom Ford's Gucci campaign 2003 and Frida Gianninis Gucci Campaign 2013.Number of pages: 73 (79 including enclosures)Author: Sara AndréassonTutor: Anne-Marie Morhed Course: Media and Communication Studies D (2IV091) Period: VT 2013 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University.Purpose/ Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the representation of gender in advertising that has both men and women as the primary audience. The aim of the study was to investigate how Gucci has chosen to represent men and women in their advertising campaigns 2003 and 2013.Material/ Method: A semiotic analysis was performed by using three images from Gucci's spring/ summer campaign for Tom Ford in 2003, and three images from Gucci's spring/ summer campaign for Frida Giannini in 2013.Main result: The results showed that there was a clear difference between Ford and Gianninis ways of representing women and men in the two advertising campaigns. The women in Fords campaign 2003 are presented as sexual objects and represented by the male pornographic imagination and portrayed as sexual eye-catchers while the men are portrayed as addicted to sex. Frida Gianninis advertising images is a contrast of Ford pornographic portrayal of women. Giannini presents women as confident individuals while the man is represented as feminized and androgynous in his appearance. .

Generationsskifte : av familjeägda jord- och skogsbruksföretag

The aim of this thesis is to present, investigate and especially to analyse the legal rules that apply in the process of changing of the generation of the ownership of Swedish agriculture and forestry family business. The methods that this study include are: unplanned succession of ownership, i.e. inheritance, and planned succession of ownership, i.e. gift and purchase. The succession method that is the most cost efficient must be established in every single case depending on the situation of the current owners and the successors.

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