

3001 Uppsatser om Gender pattern - Sida 66 av 201

VD-karusellen : En eventstudie om en VD-avgångs påverkan på marknaden

The goal of this study is to examine how the market reacts when information about the exchange of a CEO becomes public. It also examines factors such as gender and whether the departure was voluntary or not, discerning if the market behaves differently concerning any of these aspects.To achieve this, the study was performed using an event study. The selection consisted of 48 companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, who had during the years 2005 to 2008 underwent a change in leading management. These units were submitted to hypothesis tests, to determine if an abnormal return was attained during the event window. The tests were performed on the units as a whole, and divided up after gender and whether the departure was voluntary or not.The results of the study show no statistically significant abnormal return caused by the announcement of a CEO exchange.

Gränserna mellan ornamentik och improvisation är flytande

The catchphrase this project has been; the boundaries between ornamentation and improvisation are fluid.My aim was to focus on my work process, giving me the space and time so develop my design further regarding shape, color and combination of different styles in patterns.This is an explorative project where patterns were created without a predetermined product of which the patterns would be applied. In a later stage the character of the pattern determined which product that would be most suitable for application.It resulted in a collection of patterns for wallpaper and clothing. The motives are foxes, geometrical shapes and squares from a notebook. These motives form an ornamental expression in the patterns with the purpose of embellishment and therefore increase the emotional value of the product..

Rock och roll : En studie av musikens roll i identitetsskapandet

The purpose of this thesis was to study the functions that music have in relation to the formation of identity, and research how this fits into the music subject in the school environment in Sweden. My questions were; (1) what role does music has in the formation of identity? (2) how does gender stereotyped musical identities take form? (3) what is the problems or risks with music education in relation to formation of identity? (4) how does the curriculum for the Swedish school relate to the functions that music have in relation to the formation of identity? I have done an analysis on three writers who focuses on theories about music in relation to the development of identity, to give perspective to the individual?s music reality. The first one is the Swedish musicology professor Börje Stålhammar, the second one is the Norwegian music therapist and professor Even Ruud, and the third one is the Brittish music senior master Nicola Dibben. I have compare their thoughts and found a great unanimity in many aspects.

Trädföryngring i låga gropar uppkomna vid brand i boreal naturskog :

This study was conducted in the "Kåtaberget" forest reserve in Västerbotten in the summer of 1999. In the summer of 1995, a prescribed burning was performed in the reserve. In some places where coarse dry woody debris (logs and stumps) was present, the fire consumed the wood, as well as parts of the humus layer, creating deep-burned patches. The low intensity ground fire also created dead woody debris by burning off living trees with open fire scars, as well as standing dead trees. In this study, the post-fire tree seedling establishment was examined, with special attention given to the former presence of woody debris. The study also includes a survey of the areal extent of deep-burned patches, as well as an examination of tree seedling establishment in these patches, compared to other burnt ground.

Riskbilder och kontroll av ungas IKT-användning: En fallstudie

The use of Internet by children and teenagers has become a special field of interest. Certain risks are associated with young peoples use of this media and national and international measures have been taken to assess and counter these risks.Library and informationscience have approached the subject of risks by looking at different software´s, so called Internet filters, that is used to control and censor the access to Internet based resources. In the USA, where public services and institutions that provide Internet resources to children and youth have started to require censorship of the Internet, a debate has arisen concerning the use of so called Internet filters.The theoretical basis of this master´s thesis is related to the conception of risk, gender and childhood. The focus of the paper lies on young peoples use of information and communication technology (ICT) and how risks associated with young peoples use of the Internet is constructed by different parties involved in supplying Internet resources. By means of a case study at a primary school in Skåne and at the company Netscan in Malmö.

Från husmor till yrkeskvinna : En kvalitativ analys av moderskap i magasinen Husmodern och Mama.

Our purpose with the study was to investigate how the image of a mother?s role is created by the magazines Mama and Husmodern. Mama is an existing magazine, but Husmodern ceased to exist in 1988. Both magazines focus on children, fashion and housework. We wanted to know what qualities you need to become a good or a bad mother.

Det är viktigt att eleverna känner igen sig i boken : Om normer kring kön och sexualitet i fem svenska barnböcker och urvalsprinciper i grundskolans tidigare år

The purpose of this study is to understand how the school manages to question norms, and in doing so might prevent its students from being subjected to discrimination and other degrading treatment. This has been done with a focus on how gender related norms are represented, reproduced and questioned in children?s fictional literature. Two methods have been used; a survey and an literary analysis. The survey was conducted on primary school teachers with the intent to collect information related to their thoughts when choosing books to use in their classrooms, and also to source commonly used fiction.

På (o)lika villkor? : En kvalitativ vinjettstudie om socialarbetares bedömning av föräldraförmåga inom den sociala barnavården utifrån ett genusperspektiv

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur socialarbetare på barn- och ungdomsavdelningen bedömer föräldrars omsorgsförmåga utifrån ett fiktivt fall. Vidare undersöks om det förekommer skillnader i bedömning angående föräldraförmågan utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Slutligen undersöks socialarbetares handlingsutrymme satt i relation till bedömningen. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ vinjettmetod som omfattar intervjuer med socialarbetare, där intervjuerna har utgått från konstruerade fallbeskrivningar, som är typiska för barnavårdsutredningar. Hälften av deltagarnas intervjuer utgår från en vinjett och hälften från en annan, men vinjetterna är detsamma förutom att föräldrarnas könstillhörighet är utbytta.

En kompis i brevlådan En kvantitativ studie om flickor och pojkar i Kamratposten under 1993 och 2013

Title: En kompis i brevlådan. En kvantitativ studie om flickor och pojkar i Kamratposten under 1993 och 2013Authors: Malin Magnusson & Malou TranlövSubject: Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of GothenburgTerm: Spring 2014Supervisor: Ulrika HedmanLanguage: SwedishKamratposten is a Swedish magazine for children aged 8-14. The target audience is both girls and boys. This makes it the only magazine on the Swedish market that aims to reach both sexes within this age group.Our main purpose with this study is to explore how girls and boys are portrayed in Kamratposten in 1993 and 2013. This was done using a quantitative methodology.

Fruar och fröknar i frikyrkan : en studie om framstående femtioåriga frikyrkotanter i Svenska Missionsförbundet under åren 1945 ? 1970

In the New Testament different pictures of a Christian woman are presented, not only thepicture of someone who is nursing and caring, but also the picture of someone who is learningand being educated.Women are put into systems of gender which form them, and throughout the years the pictureof women has been that they primarily should be caring and nursing, not learning.Both of these pictures exist within the Swedish Missionary Society, a society that has not hadany constitution to comply with until 1964, which meant that each person could make his owninterpretation of the Bible and its texts.This essay examines how fifty-year-old women are pictured within the Swedish MissionarySociety 1945-1970, assuming that women who want to serve Jesus have to be prepared togive up their traditional role of nursing and caring, and focus on learning instead.The research method is qualitative, and the written sources are from a regional Christianweekly publication. The essay does not present an unambiguous picture of fifty-year-oldnonconformist women, but the results show that they are not being related to children, that themajority has a higher education than elementary school, and that many of them are addressedto as ?Mrs?..

Personlig assistans ? ett ?krets?-lopp? - en intervjustudie om personlig assistans för personkretsarna 1 och 2 enlig LSS och LASS

This essay is about personal assistance for persons with considerable intellectual disabilities.The purpose with the study is: to examine personal assistance for individuals, who can`t speakfor themselves, to examine how the individuals can determine and get influence into theirassistance and how they can get help with it, to examine the role of an representative inrelation to the serviceuser´s assistance and examine if there are factors of gender in theinterviews.The chosen method is qualitative interviews.The interviews has been analysed through earlier research about personal assistance andtheoretical perspectives like: influence, integration and citizenship and discussed throughperspectives of social psychology.The main conclusions are: the influence the serviceusers can have is through persons whoknow them very well, the role of the representatives are indistinct, the serviceusers can´tdetermine their assistance themselves and need help with it from relatives, representatives,personal assistants and managers, the persons who know the serviceuser intimately are best totransform the needs to assistance. The factors of gender, are that there are more men aspersonal assistants than in the care of elderly, and the representatives are mostly men. Thepersonal assistants appreciates the time they have for the serviceuser, the work can be lonelyand demanding..

The movement of the rider?s hand related to the horse?s behaviour and the stride cycle

One way of signalling commands to the horse during riding is through applying tension on the reins to create bit pressure in the horse?s mouth (Terada et al., 2006; Clayton et al., 2011). The skilfulness of the rider in using the hands when applying bit pressure has consequences both for the horse?s performance and welfare (Manfredi et al., 2010). At the trot there are large vertical deviations of the horse?s body which the rider must adjust and adapt to (Terada et al., 2006) and an unsteady hand due to inability to follow the horse?s movement can be a source of discomfort and conflict behaviour in the horse (Heleski et al., 2009).

Att konstruera en frack : En kvalitativ studie om studentfrackens upplevda gränser

This explorative study focuses on young, university attending males (22-27 years) and their understanding and pratice of the classic tail coat. It is based on five qvalitatively interpreted interwievs with a total of six participants, and through open questions regarding individuality and identicalness, limits and possibilities and inclusion and exclusion, a masculininty of a less contemporary hue takes shape. These conversations have revealed the tail coats potential of respresenting a male stereotype that can set a foundational and minimal standard for inclusion. Above this layer these males can then manifest and negotiate their masculine position in a homosocial hierarchy which decides the amount of passage, privilieges and confirmation of self- worth received for the wearer. These negotiation is performed by value bearing symbols (such as medallions, cordons and the like) allowed by the wearer and by the actions that systematically ensure that the lines of the tail coat are watched and unbroken.

Liv och rörelse på nya Kungsgatan : Ett arbete om framkomligheten på Kungsgatan i Eskilstuna

This report is about how accessibility in Eskilstuna's central trade street Kungsgatan can be improved, based on my background as spatial configuration designer, and by Eskilstuna's residents' opinions. In this report I explain what methods I have used, and how I attained my results. The goal of this project was to create ideal accessibility in the central part of Kungsgatan in Eskilstuna. Since Fristadstorget was rebuilt, and since the city is growing in terms of housing and residents, accessibility will in the near future be even more limited for visitors than it is today. My design proposal is designed based on street conditions, residents' opinions and Eskilstuna's existing ideas..

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