

3001 Uppsatser om Gender pattern - Sida 65 av 201

Lika kön leka bäst? : en historiskt jämförande genusperspektivsanalys på skolan då och nu

Den här uppsatsen handlar om HTF:s och Sif:s arbete med jämställdhet och mångfald. Hur de som fackförbund är förebilder med möjlighet att påverka samhället. Uppsatsens syfte är att ur ett genusvetenskapligt perspektiv undersöka och ge exempel på hur förbunden arbetar med jämställdhet och mångfald, internt mot de anställda och externt mot medlemmar samt hur de hanterar sin roll som förebild. De frågor som jag ställt mig har varit följande; Vilka exempel på skillnader finns det mellan retorik och praktik? Hur formuleras syftet med arbetet? Vad står begreppen jämställdhet och mångfald för, vilka attityder och inställningar finns? Vilka exempel på olikheter finns det på förbundens sätt att arbeta med frågor om jämställdhet och mångfald? Uppsatsen är uppbyggd kring tanken om att organisationen och dess medlemmar interagerar och återskapar tankar om genus och mångfald.

Chick lit i litteraturundervisningen? : - om kritisk läsning inom svenskämnet på gymnasiet

I have with this thesis sought to understand how chick lit could be useful in the classroom in the teaching of Swedish B-course in high school. Based on the model of critical literacy I am arguing that this genre would help to meet the objectives of the policy documents which, among other things, are to critically examine and analyze various types of texts.I have found that some of these texts could be used for analyzing and critically examine the ideological dimensions of texts and cultural heritage by the model of critical literacy, and also as a counterweight to the more traditional teaching of the canonical literature as a literary historical stuff that students should learn. I have also wanted to create a basis for discussions about literature in the classroom based on the chick lit genre. To do this I have, based on three themes and questions from the model of critical literacy, tried to focus on issues that might emerge from the ideological analysis and critical review. The model aims to deconstruct norms of society, and in the work of chick lit, I wanted to show how you could deconstruct norms around gender..

Finns det ?ett gott myndighetsutövande? inom äldreomsorgen ? och påverkas biståndsbedömningen av omsorgsmottagarens kön?

Our aim with this essay is to examine if social work in the care of elderly tends to be salutogenetic or patogenetic oriented. A salutogenetic oriented activity means that the social workers focuses on the elderly peoples individual possibilities, and collaborate with the receiver of care in order to offer him or her aid and resources for meaningful living conditions. A patogenetic oriented activity on the other hand means that the social workers focuses on the elderly peoples most primary needs, their illnesses and to introduce adequate treatment. We also examine if social workers in the care of elderly tend to prefer male or female characteristic features in the receivers of care. Finally we wanted to find out if there were any gender distinctions, if the appraisal of aid were more affected by a male or female receiver of care.


Mental illness is today the leading cause of long-term sick leave and insomnia, anxiety, depression and burnout are among the most common conditions. The aim of the study was to investigate the stability of these conditions and how this is influenced by gender and age, as well as the extent to which these states are risk factors for each other. The participants were a random sample (n = 2336) from the general population in the age of 18-79 years. The results showed that stable illness was more common among women than men, and that stable illness decreased with aging. The stability itself was not affected by gender or age. Relations between the conditions were bidirectional and they constitute major risk factors for each other (odds ratios, OK = 2.37 to 6.46). The largest risk factor for a condition is, however, previous occurrence of the same problem. Previous burnout was found to be a significantly larger risk factor for future burnout than previous insomnia for future insomnia (OK = 9.63 and 5.74, respectively). The results suggest that insomnia, anxiety, depression and burnout, despite their differences, are similar regarding symptoms and underlying causes. The importance of early interventions to prevent comorbid conditions which are more complicated and more difficult to treat is emphasized..

Gymnasieungdomars känsla av sammanhang och fysisk aktivitet - finns det ett samband?: en kvantitativ studie

Background: Physical activity is important to sustain your health, but there are also other factors which can influence health. One of them is the degree of sense of coherence. Aim: The main purpose of this study was to examine if there existed a correlation between amount of physical activity and degree of sense of coherence (SOC) in adolescents in the northern parts of Sweden. This study also dealt with differences and similarities between and within the whole examination- group and subgroups. Methods: A SOC- questionnaire with 29 items, developed by Antonovsky, was used.

Användargränssnittets positiva effekter på minnet

Studies in the field of interaction design and the human memory claim there can be positive effects on the memory when information is presented for the user as a graphical pattern rather than a series of numbers. This thesis aims to influence designers to choose graphical patterns as an interface for information display. Low-fi and hi-fi prototypes of graphical patterns were constructed and tested in a variety of configurations by two users. The users showed differences in the ability to memorize a sequence of digits depending on how this sequence was presented. This study suggests that users are more easily able to recall information presented via a graphical user interface than when the same information is only presented digitally..

Snedrekrytering och mansdominans som organisationskulturellt fenomen

The purpose of this paper is to present a possible understanding of why the company Tekola is segregated according to sex. In accordance to this purpose, an understanding of how the segregation affects the employees in relation to power, values and possibilities is discussed. The theoretical understanding is that the organization of men and women within Tekola is done in close connection to creation of the meaning of gender in Tekola. This, in turn, affects and is affected by the recruitment to and within the company. Through the study of statistics from a survey, five interviews with employees and former employees and Tekolas? equality plan, we are able to see the possible existence of a glass ceiling, and a culture of homosociality, which affects the possibilities of women to enter the company and also to gain full entrance to power-positions in a negative way.

Gränsen mellan positiv särbehandling och diskriminering

Positive action is measures that usually constitute discrimination but which are justified when achieving the purpose of an effective equality between people of the society. Positive action regarding gender is regulated in primary law, secondary law and case law of the EU whereas positive action regarding other discrimination groups is regulated in secondary law and negligible regulated in case law.There is a boundary between positive action and discrimination. Primary law gives little guidance on determine that boundary. Secondary law provides more advanced guidelines of how to determining were the boundary is.When determining were the boundaries lays between positive action and discrimination the guidelines given by the European court of justice in case law can be used. The majority of these guidelines are focused on positive action regarding gender.

Svarstiden vid klinisk bedömning av högre språkliga förmågor hos vuxna

The aim of the present study was to investigate response time variations in tasks for assessment of high level language functions and how response time is related to education, age and gender. Response time is defined as the time to complete a task after it has been presented. 103 subjects, aged 20 to 80 years, were tested with the Assessment of Subtle Language Disorders, Sentence analysis and Morphological completion. The subtest Comprehension of ambiguous sentences showed the longest response time and Morphological completion the shortest. Correlations were found between increasing age and longer response time for Comprehension of metaphors and between education and response time for several subtests.

Språkmönster i elevtexter : En undersökning av elevtexter ur ett genusperspektiv

The aim with this study is to conduct a text analysis of 40 texts from www.skrivbanken.se . The texts were written by fifteen year old boys and girls in the school subject Swedish. The texts were analyzed from a gender perspective. The differences in contents, the use of concepts, attitudes towards the imposed information and formality were examined.. The theoretical background on expectations on gender roles was used to construct a framework for analyzing the text. The result shows that there were more differences between the individuals in every sex group rather than between the two groups.

Att möta sorg i arbetet : En kvantitativ enkätundersökning över begravningsrådgivare anslutna till SBF (Sveriges Begravningsbyråers Förbund).

This quantitative survey aims to highlight the impact of the meeting with the grief for customer advisers and representatives of funeral homes connected to the SBF (Sveriges Begravningsbyråers förbund). It also aims to demonstrate any differences between the sexes on this subject. Issues include: How does the person experience expectations and requirements in relation to their professional role? Does the person experience a personal impact due to the encounter with grief and death in their profession, in what way and to what extent? What consequences does the expectations, reactions and the possible impact result in for that person? What conditions does the person have to help cope with the professional role? Is there a gender difference in this experience? The theory base, which consists of theories taken from The Managed Heart: The commercialization of Human Feeling by Arlie Hochschild (2003) and descriptions taken from Yrke: begravningsentreprenör. Om utanförskap, döda kroppar, riter och professionalisering by Anna Davidsson Bremborg (2002), has been fundamental in both the preparatory work and the analysis.

'Vi' och 'dem' : -En diskursanalys av konstruktionen av gruppidentitet hos Moderaterna, Sverigedemokraterna och Vänsterpartiet

The aim of this essay is to show if and how group identities are being constructed in maindocuments from three political parties in the Swedish parliament, focusing on class, genderand ethnic identities. The three parties who?s documents are being analyzed are theModerate Party, the Sweden Democrats and the Left Party. The conclusion of the essay isthat the Moderate Party is so focused on the individual that they are not promoting groupidentity based on class, gender or ethnicity. The Sweden Democrats are mostly discussing,and therefore creating a discourse of, cultural identity, where Swedish, Nordic, Europeanand Western culture are being created as the ?us?, and others are being created as ?them?.They are also promoting difference between men and women, therefore dividing the sexesin groups.

Kvinna Och Kropp. Två hinder vid en hjärtinfarkt

Purpose: To describe the gender impact on the situation of women at the onset of myocardial infarction and describe why women wait to contact medical caregivers when showing symptoms of myocardial infarction. Method: Literature review with a descriptive design. Articles was retrieved from PudMed and Cinahl. Findings: Women are affected more than men of the so-called atypical symptoms of a heart attack. This means that they can not always relate the symptoms to a heart attack.

Man blir påverkad av sitt kön vare sig man vill eller inte : En kvalitativ studie om skillnader i män och kvinnors musikpreferenser

Music has always been an important form of communication and it can be found in many different contexts including aesthetical, cultural and emotional forms. In the globalized society of today music can be distributed fast through radio, TV, CD: s and the Internet. For many people consumption of music is an important part of the daily life and it can contribute to shape an individual?s attitudes and personality.The main purpose of this study is to find out whether there are any differences between men and women?s musical preferences. I will apply an explorative approach using qualitative interviews to describe what causes the differences.

"A huge, tenacious lie" : framställningen av makt i Helen Zahavis författarskap

This study concerns the complete oeuvre by the British author Helen Zahavi: Dirty Weekend (1991), True Romance (1994), and Donna and the Fatman (1998). Her novels are here read as a trilogy dealing with the dialectics of gender and violence in 20th century discourse, drawing on theories of how the construction of subjects is produced by power, of the relation between power and sexuality.The heroines of Zahavi?s novels try their best to move about in a world where their freedom of movement is limited to their female identity. In Dirty Weekend the protagonist tries to shoot her way out, claiming revenge on every man that is forcing himself upon her. She gains some freedom of movement by refusing subordination, but does not really change the order of power.

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