

1277 Uppsatser om Forest stewardship council - Sida 52 av 86

En väg till medborgarnära service och närdemokrati? Förklarande utvärdering av medborgarkontoren i Lunds kommun

Neighbourhood offices were established in the municipal of Lund by a decision in the municipal council 1999. During following years four offices opened in the surrounding villages; Veberöd, Genarp, Södra Sandby and Dalby. By using a goal oriented model and making interviews I study whether the offices reaches the goals of more effective service, developed IT-support, a stronger local democracy and a better feeling for service. The offices has improved the information to the citizens and efforts have been made to strengthen the local democracy but more complex matters can not be handled at the offices today, which is a disappointment for many involved.To explain the result of the evaluation I use Vedungs ?A general theory of public efforts result?.

Poker eller patiens? Multilaterala förhandlingar i Europaparlamentet; en explorativ studie av förhandlingskulturen i Europas folkvalda parlament.

Since the Maastricht Treaty the European Parliament has gained competence in the decision-making process and the Parliament is today one of two decision-making institution, next to the Ministers of Council. In this study the main focus has been to shed light over the negotiation culture within the European Parliament, which up till now has been a neglected research area. This is of great significance because the internal negotiations in the European Parliament decide the external negotiation position with the other institutions.After face-to-face interviews with MEP:s and assistants I have been able to identify certain characteristics to create an understanding of the negotiation culture in Europe's elected Parliament. The negotiations are oriented towards a problems-solving approach and the prevailing apprehension is consensus-based negotiations instead of the existence of political blocks. The committees are stronger than the European party groups, which further encourage negotiation.

?Whatever he discovers in creatures he guides to the Creator? : En studie om hur vi kan förstå St. Franciskus som miljömedveten, A study of how we can understand St. Francis as being environmentally conscious

This study investigated how we can understand St. Francis as environmentally conscious. The study also presents where those elements can be found in St. Francis own documents and from documents that describe St. Francis.

Från läsesällskap till stadsbibliotek: Skövdes bibliotekshistoria 1830-1940

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to describe the development of the most important libraries in Skövde, starting from 1830. We conclude our examination about 1940, when the municipal library has been active for almost ten years, and the libraries started by the temperance and working-class movements have been deposited at the municipal library. In order to explain this process we describe the development of the Swedish public library and its predecessors, such as reading societies and the popular national movements? libraries, as a background and comparison to the early libraries in Skövde.

Ekoturism i jordbrukslandskap - ett vinnande koncept? : en tvärvetenskaplig studie om kulturvärden och naturvärden på Sjögetorp

Ekoturism har utvecklats som ett alternativ till annan typ av turism, med inriktning på att undvika negativa effekter på lokala ekosystem. I Sverige finns ekoturism som bedrivs i relativt orörda naturmiljöer, men också ekoturism som bedrivs i miljöer som påverkats av människan på olika sätt och som rymmer både kulturvärden och naturvärden. På gården Sjögetorp i Östergötland bedrivs ekoturismverksamhet i familjeföretaget Urnatur. Mitt syfte med studien var att undersöka vilka kulturvärden och naturvärden som finns på gården idag, och hur dessa värden hänger ihop med ekoturismen. Jag genomförde en inventering av hela fastigheten där jag registrerade ägoslag och strukturer viktiga för kultur och naturvärden. För mer information om gårdens skötsel och ekoturismverksamheten intervjuade jag ägarna. Jag undersökte också historiskt kartmaterial för att kunna sätta gårdens skötsel idag i perspektiv till hur jordbrukslandskapet sett ut historiskt. I min inventering dokumenterade jag många olika typer av naturvärden, bland annat död ved i många former, hamlade träd, slåtterängar, betesängar och skog skött till förmån för lövträd. Kulturvärden som fanns var ofta kopplade till naturvärden, som till exempel slåtter, hamlade träd och skogsbete.

Samha?llsplanering med BREEAM Communities : Certifieringsverktygets pa?verkan med ha?nsyn till miljo?ma?ssig ha?llbarhet

I takt med urbanisering och samha?llstrender har utvecklingen och samha?llsplaneringen av sta?der blivit allt viktigare. BREEAM Communities a?r ett relativt nytt, brittiskt, certifieringssystem fo?r stadsdelar och fungerar som ett verktyg samt bedo?mningsunderlag fo?r samha?llsplanerare. Verktyget fungerar som ett systematiskt underlag fo?r att kunna bygga ha?llbara stadsdelar och tar sa?ledes ha?nsyn till alla tre dimensioner av ha?llbarhet; sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska.I Sverige har stadsdelscertifiering pa? senare a?r uppma?rksammats.

Strategisk/taktisk vägplan :

The purpose of this thesis was to create a strategic/tactical road access plan. This was done by designing an analytical method which gives the road manager a template to create long-term road access plans. The analytical method will help to identify and appraise roads to be upgraded and give information when it is time for building new roads. The study method involved developing an analytical method. The method was comprised of five main parts: the harvest plan, analysis of the road network, transport costs, quality and storage costs and finally, identification of investment alternatives.

Vem styr biblioteket? en undersökning av en kommuns folkbibliotek under en tioårsperiod

The main purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate to what extent municipal politicians govern a selected public library. This means to clarify who determines the direction of the library and its services and in what way. It also involves examining the relationship between library staff and local politicians in the decision-making process. Which decisions are made by the politicians and which are left to the employees? The study is based on an investigation of a public library in a municipality over a period of ten years the 1990s.

Hugo Chávez Venezuela - en demokrati i praktiken eller bara på pappret?

AbstractIn this bachelor thesis I discuss and analyse the current situation of the Venezuelan democracy. By using a theoretical framework based on the theory of horizontal accountability, I focus on the interaction between different institutions and branches within the state of Venezuela. The analysis focuses on the strenghts and flaws of the newly accepted constitution, and to what extent the institutions of checks and balances remain true to the laws and the constitution of 1999. My conclusions are that in terms of vertical accountability, the Chávez-regime acknowledges a wide popular support for their governmental actions. In contrast, the incumbent administration shows almost no respect for horizontal accountability.

IT som verktyg i behandling inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin

Information technology is increasingly used in healthcare. New methods, such as apps and computer programs and Internet-based treatments are introduced to treat various medical diagnoses. Increased demand for help in mental illness means that it is necessary to develop alternative assessment and treatments to traditional treatments that may be offered by primary care and specialist psychiatry. Government and Local Authorities and Regions (SKL) have agreed to support, and treatment on the web is part of that development. The work is all about, and how Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ( Bup ) , use psychological e- services, and apps for the treatment of adolescents and the types of psychological e-treatments for adolescents are available in Sweden today.  Methods used are interviews and literature studies, where I examined the use of computerized psychological treatments in Västernorrland and Stockholm County Council.

Orienterare, framtidens naturvårdare? : Inventering av markstörningar i samband med O-Ringen i Skåne 2014

As an increasingly rationalized forestry and agriculture have human interference in the form of tradition, grazing and use declined. There is a strong link between biodiversity and disturbance of the landscape. In sandy soils many insects and plants require exposed sand to survive while the disorder may contribute to seed dispersal in the woodlands. On behalf of O-Ringen Skåne 2014, a study of the interference from orienteering in sandy soil and the forest during competitions conducted. The aim is to clarify the interference of which orienteering runners contributes, through to inventory presence before and after the competitions in the bottom and field layer in three locations.

Kommunikationsstrategi för Renbruksplan : är det en fungerande modell för samebyarna vid samråd?

The reindeer planning system (Renbruksplanen, RBP) is a communication and planning tool designed for Sami groups. A key purpose of this is that it will act as a tool in consultation with other market players, including forestry. Sami groups have asked for a model of how this can be used in a flexible manner. With the Swedish Forest Agency as a project manager, a communication model for how to use the RBP has been designed. It consists of a number of points divided into ?before?, ?during? and ?after? the consultation.

Fördelning av ankomst- och avgångstider på flygplatser i Europeiska Unionen : Reglering av andrahandshandel - nu och i framtiden

In order to make take-off and landing procedures possible at an airport, an organized allo- cation of slots is necessary. How these slots shall be distributed among airlines is, at pre- sent, governed by the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EEC) No 95/93 of 18 Janu- ary 1993 on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports. It is important for the air- lines to be allocated a beneficial slot. Hence it is of great interest for the airlines to ex- change and transfer the allocated times among themselves, a form of secondary market. Whether such practices are allowed or not is not regulated by specific detail in the regula- tion, which leads to legal uncertainty.

Sundbybergs stadsbibliotek. PR-arbete under åren 1954-1964.

The purpose of this master's thesis is to describe the expansion of Sundbyberg public library during the decade 1954 to 1964. Our focus of interest is the library?s concentration on public relations in 1954.During the experimental year 1954 a public relations librarian, Bianca Bianchini, was employed. Her task was to introduce thelibrary to the citizens of Sundyberg who were not already using it. As a background to this concentration on public relations we also describe the early development of the public library in Sundbyberg.

Resolution 1325, lidandet i Liberia och kvinnors rättigheter

AbstractBetween 1989-1996 and 2000-2003 a civil war took place in Liberia. During the war many, many people were killed or were forced to flee. Another of the war's characteristics was the high number of women being sexually abused and beaten by the soldiers. The aim of this thesis is to analyze to what degree the peacekeeping personnel in Liberia, foremost staff working for the UN and agencies related to the UN, have implemented Resolution 1325 in their work. Resolution 1325 was adopted by the members of the United Nations Security Council in year 2000 and aims to increase the efforts made to secure women's rights and security in parts of the world where war and crisis prevail.

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