
Fördelning av ankomst- och avgångstider på flygplatser i Europeiska Unionen

Reglering av andrahandshandel - nu och i framtiden

In order to make take-off and landing procedures possible at an airport, an organized allo- cation of slots is necessary. How these slots shall be distributed among airlines is, at pre- sent, governed by the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EEC) No 95/93 of 18 Janu- ary 1993 on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports. It is important for the air- lines to be allocated a beneficial slot. Hence it is of great interest for the airlines to ex- change and transfer the allocated times among themselves, a form of secondary market. Whether such practices are allowed or not is not regulated by specific detail in the regula- tion, which leads to legal uncertainty. As a step in clarifying the Union's approach to the secondary market the commission presented an amendment suggestion, the so-called air- port package. The Airport package proposes an admissable secondary market.This essay is analyzing the impact of the current wording of the regulation, but also the im- pact made if accepting the airport package. The question that arises is which amendment contains the least disadvantages compared to most advantages. The conclusion of this es- say is that the current wording of the Regulation is unclear, as it opens up the possibility for abuse. The airport package leads to a great amount of freedom; that also opens up the pos- sibility for abuse. The proposal originally made by the commission, before the present wording of the Regulation, should be seen as the most suitable solution. 


Emmy Håkansson

Lärosäte och institution

Högskolan i Jönköping/IHH, Rättsvetenskap


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