

1277 Uppsatser om Forest stewardship council - Sida 53 av 86

Varför är det ont om specialisternär det är gott om läkare? : - en studie om policyprocesser i svenska landsting

This essay examines the policy process of specialist medical training in three Swedish counties. The essay will first describe the policy process. Secondly the politicians parti-cipating in the process is examined. Thirdly, it is tested whether it is possible to analyze the policy process based on Ostrom's theories of cooperation around a common pool resource. In this case, the common pool resource is specialized medical practitioners skills that the Swedish county councils must collaborate on to competence should be sufficient for the county council needs, something that is not the case today.One conclusion of the study is that the health care law is not clear enough when it comes to who is responsible for providing a sufficient number of specialists.

Vindfällning, tillväxt och plantuppslag i en 13-årig granskärm i Medelpad :

The interest for alternative forest regeneration methods increased significantly during the 1990´s after 50 years dominance of the clear-cutting system (Holgén & Hånell 2000). One reason for this was that clear-cutting was being more and more questioned by different envi-ronmental organizations and because the forest sector for economical reasons wanted to find cheaper ways to regenerate forests. In the beginning of the 1990´s two shelterwood experi-ments were established in a joint effort by Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA) and the Dept of Silviculture, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The experiments include various forms of cutting and shelterwood densities and represent productive spruce forests in central and north Sweden (Roggsjön in the province of Medelpad and Skikkis-jöberg in the province of Västerbotten, respectively ). The experiment next to Roggsjön has been reported earlier in three MSc theses, and is also the focus of this thesis.

''Jag lever i ett förhållande där min kvinna slår mig'' : en kvalitativ studie om kvinnors våld mot män i nära relationer

The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of women's violence against men in intimate relationships, get an idea of ??what forms of expression that this type of violence has and to highlight the men's experiences of violence.There is little scientific research in the field in Sweden. Crime Prevention Council has determined that eight percent of all complaints involving domestic violence in 2010, reported by men over 18 years. You can only speculate on how large number of unreported cases is among abused men. The international studies highlight that the abused men feel ashamed of having been subjected to violence by a female partner.I have been based this essay on two theoretical premises, Per Isdal theory of "violence perspective" and Elaine Bergqvist's definition of the suppression technique.The study was conducted through a qualitative content analysis.

Göteborgs gåtfulla madonna - Maria med Jesusbarnet och Johannes Döparen på Göteborgs konstmuseum. Ikonografi, tolkning och stilanalys

This essay presents an examination of some aspects of an anonymous Italian fifteenth centurypainting, the Madonna in Adoration of the Christ Child with the Young John the Baptist, in theGothenborg Art Museum. My first aim is to understand its symbolic and religious content, and theother is to make an attempt at an attribution, or at least put the work in a likely environment,temporally and geographically. To the first end I analyse the image using Panofsky?s three stagemethod, and then make an iterpretation using the ?period eye? concept of Baxandall, especially froma religious viewpoit. Secondly, I try to define the style of the work mainly by analysing selectedparameters from a large number of fifteenth century Italian pictures found in the photo archive ofthe Federico Zeri Foundation website on the internet.

Oljeanalyser i kvalitetssyfte

Detta arbete är utfört på uppdrag av Komatsu Forest i Umeå. Ett eventuellt problem som uppmärksammats vid företagets kvalitetsavdelning sedan länge är kiselhalten som syns i resultaten från skogsmaskinernas hydrauloljeanalyser. För att få en fördjupad kunskap om föroreningar i hydraulolja och bättre kunna utnyttja data från oljeanalyser, har underlag tagits fram för att bättre kunna avgöra om kiselhalt i hydraulolja är skadlig. Två målfrågor är: Vilket förhållande har kisel med andra tillgängliga faktorer som drifttid, grundämnen, syratal, vattenhalt och viskositet? Är kisel en tydlig indikator på inträngning av föroreningar från yttre miljö? Då hydrauloljans sammansättning förnyades har arbetets underlag fokuserats på analyser på den nya oljan.

Hyllie vattenpark : ett gestaltningsförslag

This project is focusing on a future park that will surround Hyllie water tower in the outskirts of Malmö. The water tower will be located in the central part of the new building area Hyllievång. The park will function as a town park with a special focus on water. The water council of the municipality, Va-verket, has for the last 7 years built up and been in charge for a pedagogical programme in the water tower, were schoolchildren come to learn about the cycle of water and how we use water in our daily life. In the park they want to build a new part that gives experience of water, as a compliment to the information in the tower. What will that park look like, and what shall it be constructed of? How do you bring water to the surface in a park? How can landscape architecture work to enhance the presence of water and make people more interested in water issues? In the search to find the answers to all my questions I have meet with people, read books and visited different places.

Föroreningar orsakade av stenar inblandade i barrmassaved

Holmen Skog AB is an important supplier of conifer pulpwood to the Iggesund Paperboard mill. After logging and transport to the landing by a forwarder, the wood is loaded on trucks for further transport, often by using separate loaders. During this handling process considerable amounts of stone material is sometimes mixed into the pulpwood and this causes problems for the industry. The aim of this study is to identify which part of the chain from forest to pulpmill, that contributes the most to this contamination. Sizes and total volumes of the contaminating stones were also investigated.

Att arbeta med rörelse i förskolan : Ett utvecklingsarbete

The purpose of my study is to explore which possibilities there are for movement activities and how to use those possibilities. From this study, I will help the pedagogues recognize how to work more or different with movement activities.I have used participant observations and interviews as methods for my study. I did this at one preschool, because it is a development-study. The observations lasted for two weeks and the interviews were made with the majority of the pedagogues at the preschool.  The results of my study showed that the preschool teachers think that movement activities are an important part of children?s lives.

Träning och manuell behandling för att minska impingementliknande symptom i skuldran hos idrottare? : En systematisk litteraturstudie

AimThe purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is scientific evidence that exercise and/or manual therapy can improve function, in terms of increased mobility and strength on shoulder impingement-like symptoms among athletes. Another aim is to investigate whether these interventions can reduce shoulder pain.MethodA systematic review was conducted in the databases PubMed, CINAHL, PEDro and Amed. A total of thirteen articles were selected for further review and compilation. They were then graded for level of evidence according to the PEDro scale and the Swedish Council on Technology Assessment (SBU).ResultsThe systematic review shows that there is strong scientific evidence that acupuncture and heat can reduce pain in athletes diagnosed with supraspinatus-tendiopathy. There is limited scientific evidence that exercise increases strength, limited scientific evidence that stretching increases mobility and insufficient scientific evidence that a combination of treatments, with both exercise and stretching, reduces pain and increases function in overhead athletes.ConclusionsExercise and manual therapy can reduce pain and/or improve function in terms of increased mobility and strength in athletes with shoulder impingement-like symptoms.

"Vart fjärde år är det val och då har du möjlighet att påverka" - En komparativ idéanalys över vilken demokratisyn som förmedlas utifrån Region Skånes och Stockholms läns landstings hemsidor.

This thesis examines the democracy theories that can be found in the internet websites of Region Skåne and Stockholm county council. Within the framework of deliberative democracy, participatory democracy and electoral democracy, the author tries to distinguish democratic aspects by empirically studying these websites and their communicative effect on the internet users.This research shows that Region Skåne is slightly better in implementing democratic aspects at their home page, which is probably due to an active work with these issues carried out by the politicians and the report on the democratic development from 2004. However, a great deal of work regarding democracy and the possibility of civic participation in the decision- making process is still to be done.The problems and challenges in using internet as a democratic tool shows that citizens run a risk of being neglected, due to their uneven participation in using internet in daily life. The conclusion of this thesis is that the politicians have to make an active choice in deciding to what extent the internet is allowed to be used when it comes to developing democracy. This work has to be done in cooperation with political scientists and IT experts, in order to assure a correct democratic model..

?H?LLBAR MIGRATION?? En kritisk diskursanalys av Europeiska unionens reglering av asylansvar

This bachelor?s thesis aims to examine how the ?New Pact on Migration and Asylum? construct the discourse on ?sustainable migration? and ?efficiency? in the European Union. The new jurisprudence concerning migration and asylum in the European Union seeks to establish a more ?fair, efficient and sustainable migration and asylum system?. To analyze the discourses, a critical discourse analysis is applied to the former asylum regulation, Dublin regulation III, a revised and withdrawn proposal, Dublin regulation IV, and future legislation.

Objektskoncentration vid slutavverkning

The study is made on behalf of SCA Skog Jämtlands förvaltning which is one of five administration units that SCA Skog consists of. The purpose of the study is to investigate which reduced expenses there are according to spatial concentration of cutting areas. By increasing the spatial concentration of cutting areas it will reduce the need of movements by trailer, also reduce the number of roads that you use during the activities. To be able to perform the study, access to a annual cuttings in nine years have been made available. From this volume new annual cuttings has been created but more concentrated. The two different results have been compared and the results show that concentration of cutting areas generates reduced need for trailer transports and less km road that has to be maintained. But then, if it´s practical viable can be discussed.

Implementering av miljökvalitetsmål : En analys kring miljömålsarbetet vid länsstyrelserna i Blekinge, Skåne och Örebro län

The works of an employee within an authority involves many laws and rules that have to be followed at the same time every case is unique and the resources are limited. This study wants to illustrate how national environmental goals are applied by länsstyrelserna in Sweden. How does the implementation of the environmental goals works by länsstyrelserna in Blekinge, Skåne and Örebro län? Which problems creates obstacles in the implementation of the environmental goals according to länsstyrelserna? What differs between länsstyrelserna in the implementation? Mainly it is the complexity of problems that will be illustrated here, which may result in different implementation sof the environmental goals by länsstyrelserna or that the environmentalgoals do not applys like intended. In this study sixteen national environmentalgoal are examined; ?fresh air?.

Hur kan det pedagogiska och det sociala klimatet förklara skolors förutsättningar för framtida effektivitetsutveckling? : En jämförande studie av två kommunala högstadieskolor

Pupil achievement and behaviour in schools was earlier seen as given by socioeconomic and biological factors. But since the late 1970s the school effectiveness research has come to give school factors a much greater role for pupils? attainments. Research has shown that schools´ pedagogical and social climate, which is to be seen as a complex product of deeply felt values and norms held by school principals and teachers and developed through practical actions, can explain variations in effectiveness between schools. Effectiveness is here to be seen as a higher mean cognitive and non cognitive student outcome than is expected with regard to initial attainment or family background.

USA: s militära intervention i Irak : En studie av hur Bushadministrationens agerande överensstämmer med FN stadgan

AbstractUniversity of Växjö, School of Social SciencesCourse: POC 536, Political Science 41-60Title: The U.S. military intervention in Iraq ? A study of how the intervention corresponds with the UN CharterAuthors: Andreas Malmgren & Johan SchneiderSupervisor: Lennart BergfeldtDate: 2006-09-26The aim of this essay is through a qualitative literature study examine the main arguments of the Bush administration to justify a military intervention in Iraq. The theories used to explain the actions of the U.S. are system level analysis, hegemonism and realism while the UN Charter will be applied as a normative theory.

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