

1753 Uppsatser om First-line managers - Sida 10 av 117

Kommunikativt handlande : En fallstudie om manlig och kvinnlig chefskommunikation

One can find it problematic to communicate in today?s information society and therefore has the importance of distributing information the right way grown. Managers possess the authority to control what information is to be distributed how and that has created a big need for managers to learn how to communicate. This study was conducted in hope of enlightening the phenomenon male and female management communication. We chose to do a case study on two managers on Solna Stad in Stockholm. One male and one female.

Motiv för daglig verksamhet : Ur några föreståndares perspektiv

This study aims to explore purposes of daily workshops for persons with disabilities. The method used was qualitative interviews. An inductive research strategy was used. Half-structured interviews with six managers of daily workshops were carried out, wherein they expressed their intentions with the daily workshops and the reasons for people to participate. The interviews were analysed with Antonovsky´s salutogenetic perspective, in which Sense of Coherence, SOC is a main concept, and with the normalisation principle.

Ledarskap inom fastighetsförvaltning : En kvalitativ studie av tre fastighetsförvaltarbolag

ABSTRACT Title:                                   Leadership within property managementCourse:                              Bachelor Dissertation - LeadershipAuthors:                            Isabell Andersson och Marlene LundqvistAdvisor:                             Ingemar WictorKeywords:                         Leadership, property managementProblem formulation:   How can managers within property management lead their employees to achieve company goals?Purpose:                           Our purpose was to identify similarities and differences between different property managers? way to lead their employees.Theoretical framework:    In our study, we have chosen to use the four basic theories which we found most relevant to the subject after studying literature in the field of leadership and leadership within property management. In the theoretical framework we discuss theories such as practical leadership, motivation and commitment, service quality and communication which are all important components for succeeding with an effective leadership according to O'Reilly et al. (2010).Methodology:                   We have conducted a qualitative study with an intensive format and a deductive approach. The empirical data were collected through six interviews in which we interviewed three managers and a member of each managers? staff within property management companies.Results:                             In our research we have reached the conclusion that all our respondent managers are working to motivate their employees and communicate with them in order to guide them towards the company goals.

Sociala behov och andra behov som är svårare att tillgodose inom äldreomsorgen : Förhållningssätt hos biståndshandläggare och enhetschefer

This study is based on the public eldercare assistances administrators and unit managers perspective. The purpose of this study is to describe and understand how the assistance administrator and unit manager approach elderly needs, who can be harder to accommodate as well as alternative providers that also can meet the needs of the elderly. It is important to gain more knowledge about how assistance administrators and unit managers look at these aspects, what their attitude and approach is towards them. This is important to learn more about because the assistance administrators and unit managers have discretion in their work and the power to change and affect the elderlys situation in a significant way. They decide on actions and design implementation to meet the needs of the elderly and enable them a reasonable standard of living.The choice of method used in this study was qualitative through semi-structured interviews, conducted with assistance officers and unit managers.

'Jag vill bli alldeles vansinnigt älskad' : en närläsning av Line Knutzons dramatik

This essay investigates the function of fictional space and thematics in Line Knutzon?s dramatic works.My main theoretical concept is thematic unity, factors that unite several plays by one author.I have found three major themes: the encounter, identity and childhood, which I study in five of Knutzon?s plays: The Splint In The Heart, The Latest Thing, First You?re Born, The Air Others Breathe and The Time Will Soon Come.I study three aspects of space: fictive space, where the play is set, the characters? inner space and exterior space, that which is outside fictive space: society. Fictive space is shown mainly via dialogue and context.It is evident that the themes, most clearly visible in the five chosen plays, are very important in Line Knutzon?s dramatic works. Most typical is the way she portrays childhood memories, in monologues showing that her characters exist in a ?hole?, in the void between childhood and adulthood.My investigation leads to the conclusion that Knutzon deals with existential matters: there is a kind of constant chaos, within her characters, expressed in actions and thoughts.

Westhelicopter AB Aircraft Technical Status Report

Westhelicopter INC. has an aviation workshop providing qualified helicopter maintenance in accordance with PART-145. Maintenance and administrative base is situated in Luleå at Kallax airport. The types that Westhelicopter INC are currently authorised to service are: Eurocopter AS 350 Base/Line Maintenance, Eurocopter EC 120 Base/Line Maintenance and Robinsson R44 Base/Line Maintenance. The thesis work has been to make new maintenance programme for Westhelicopter INC. This maintenance programme will be used to follow-up the time of the components, service bulletins and ADs.

Hälsoutbildningens påverkan på psykologiska resurser hos chefer och anställda

This study is a quantitative study designed to examine whether training in health issues may have contributed to the increase in head managers' psychological capital (PsyCap). Construction consists of the following components: self confidence, hope, optimism and resilience. A high PsyCap considered beneficial in organizational change and steer towards the positive development and helps individuals in stressful situations. The results show an increase of characteristics such as hope and optimism among managers (N = 15) who have undergone training in health issues compared with managers who have not undergone training. However, the tests show no significant difference in head managers' attitudes to health breaks, not the severity of granting health breaks in the groups as a result of training.

Elitfotbollsföreningars Organisation

The overarching purpose is to describe how elite soccer clubs choose to structure their sport oriented organization. This purpose leads us to questions and areas involving sport managers, casting, operational directions, education and goal setting in sport.The results in this thesis are based upon a qualitative investigation of sport managers in Swedish elite soccer clubs. To strengthen the reliability in our choice of method we will fortify it with theories that reflect methodical choice.Our conclusions in this thesis is that one can see a clear difference in how the clubs choose to structure the casting and operational directions within their organization. We have also noted that there is a clear distinguish between the levels of education amongst sport managers in Swedish elite soccer clubs..

Nyckelfaktorer vid exportetableringar i Tyskland : - En studie gjord på fyra norrländska företag

A common assumption in marketing is the wider variety of product a corporation has, the better for the consumer: more product - more choices. Companies often develop a line extension to broaden consumer range through product attributes including quality, function and design. These developed attributes within the product are not always optimal for the consumer. As a result, companies often become entangled in having a price higher than the cost and benefit of the products. This essay aims to analyze the consumer value of line extension products and how these evaluations relate to extended line product pricing.

Enhetschefernas roll i rehabiliteringsprocessen - Vilka möjligheter och hinder upplever de?

Abstract This paper seeks to answer how well the unit managers in a community live up to its responsibility for rehabilitation. What opportunities and obstacles center managers feel that they have in the rehabilitation process and their expertise in rehabilitation are adequate. The essay is based on qualitative, in which six interviews were conducted to help capture the Heads of Unit subjective experiences. Five of the respondents are heads of units in the elderly, and an interview with the rehabilitation coordinator of the municipality. Respondents' comments and relevant literature form the basis for this essay.

Intuition i beslutsfattande : En studie om det intuitiva beslutsfattandet och dess påverkande faktorer vid Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala

Managers operating within the dynamic society of today are said to rely on intuition when effective and quick decisions are to be made. This skill or phenomenon has aroused an interest within the academic world of management whom has explored intuition, its relation to decision making and its influencing factors, especially in the private sector. Intuitive decision making is however not isolated solely to this sector but also involved in decision making associated to the public sector. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is to investigate whether managers at the hospital Akademiska in Uppsala involve intuition in decision making and to what extent the factors time, amount of information, individual experience and decision complexity influence the intuition.The theoretical framework includes academic research regarding how intuition and rationality affect decisions, the concept of intuition and factors influencing the intuitiveness of decision making. Furthermore the theoretical discussion explores intuition connected to leadership, negative aspects of intuitive decisions and a comparison between different factors that separates public and private sector in terms of decision making.

Mindfulness - framtidens ledarskapsverktyg eller dagens managementfluga? En studie om mindfulness påverkan på chefers ledarskap

Today's society is characterized by constant changes. In order to adapt to the development, organizations must continuously come up with innovations and invest in new projects. As a result, the responsibility of organizations' leaders has increased. Parallel with this development, more and more firms incorporate mindfulness in the organizations, and many managers choose to practice mindfulness themselves. This case study is based on interviews with business leaders that have completed a course in mindfulness.

Stress is always present, Stress och coping hos personalen på en kvinnojour

The purpose of this study was to examine work related stressors and related coping strategies among case managers at a domestic violence shelter in the United States. We further wanted to examine whether locus of control among the participants could be related to work related stress and coping strategies. Qualitative interviews were performed with eight case managers to gain knowledge about the stressors and coping strategies they used by examining their thoughts, feelings and experiences. The result showed that the case managers experience a number of stressors in their work environment such as system problems (e.g., lack of re¬sources and time pressure) and emotional stress. Coping responses among the case managers included efforts to alter the problem, so called problem focused coping, efforts to control emo¬tions, so called emotions focused coping and social support from colleagues.

Vindfällning i naturliga och skapade bryn och kanter :

The aim of this work was to study if the edge of the forest is more resistant to heavy winds than the trees located further in from the edge, and how this edge effect changes between different types of tree species and site types. The data was collected from an electric power line going from the north to the south of Sweden. The mean value of the clearcutted area around the power line was 120 meters. The main direction of the storm in January 2005 was west-southwest and thus the power line was a perfect place for gathering a large data set. The main parameter studied was the damage frequency at the edge of the forest compared to the trees located further in from the edge (up to 100 m from the power line). Tree species mixture, soil moisture class, soil type, topography, stand height, stand height of the stand on the other side of the power line and wind exposition was estimated. The results showed a distinct edge effect. The edge of the forest had clearly lower damage frequency for all tree species. A marked difference was observed between tree species and damage frequency.

Stads- och kommunarkivariers informationsbeteende i yrkesutövandet

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how municipal archivists/records managers seek and use information in their daily worklife. Two mayor questions were addressed:1. What information resources and information channels do the respondents use in their daily worklife and which functions do these fulfil?2. How do the respondents experience their information seeking in relation to the work role and the tasks in the municipal organisation?A qualitative method with interviews was used.

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