

1753 Uppsatser om First-line managers - Sida 9 av 117

Den "perfekta" chefen; En studie om fem anställdas perspektiv på chefsrollen

Abstract Thou there are much written about management, are there, according to Mintzberg no simple definitions regarding how managers should operate towards other co-workers or employees. This essay outlines a perspective for study of managers, from an employees point of view. The study was preformed at one private company, and the empirical data was gathered from five employees. The methodological approach contained qualitative methods based on semi-structured interviews. By using this method, a deeper understanding regarding the questions was desired.

Bonussystem : En undersökning av Max Hamburgarerestauranger AB

Incentive programs are one of the most important strategies that a corporation has in order to achieve its major policies and goals. The purpose of this paper is to identify these goals and their function, so that we later can analyze the incentive system?s effectiveness. The paper?s focus is on Max Hamburgarerestauranger AB?s incentive system, that is directed to the managers of all of its restaurants.We had interviews with the CEO, as well as the head of the Economics Department of Max H.

Vem de vill att du ska vara : Enhetschefer om brukares önskemål gällande kön och etnicitet hos hemtjänstpersonal

The purpose of this study was to assess which basic principles collide when home care service users have requests about how their help is going to be performed. The requests involve gender and ethnicity of the personnel. The study is based on the experiences and reflections of the managers regarding this issue.As the study is focused on the reflections of the managers, I have used a qualitative research method based on interviews. I have also used two case examples as a compliment (vignettes).I was interested to explore how the managers reasoned and argued about gender and ethnicity of the personnel, and their importance in home care situations. I have investigated whether it is considered to be appropriate that the service users chose if a man or a woman helps them in intimate situations (such as showers), and if they are entitled to refuse to receive home care services from people with a different ethnic background.

Chefsroll och ledarskap inom socialt arbete : En kvalitativ studie om enhetschefers syn på att vara chef inom LSS-verksamheter

This study is based on interviews with five unit managers working in the functional disabilities business. The purpose of this paper is to examine how these unit managers see their roles and their leadership, and to give the reader an insight into what it might entail to be a manager in social work. Theories applied are the role theory and three leadership theories. The previous research this study made ??use of affects ?leadership in social work" and "manager's role and leadership style."Being a unit manager of the functional disabilities business means having a so-called middle management position, which entails expectations being directed upon them from various avenues.

Värdet av revision : En studie om faktorer som påverkar småföretags attityder till revision

Background: The statutory audit in Sweden was implemented in 1983 and the purpose was to improve the owners ability to control and to mitigate economic fraud. The present debate is concentrated about the high costs of audit in small companies. The major concern is whether the statutory audit should be mandatory for the smallest companies. Purpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to explain the value of auditing in small companies defined as 10/24-companies by identify and analyze possible factors that affects the attitudes towards auditing and reflects the value of a statutory audit. Research method: Our study is deductive and based on a quantitative research method which includes both a survey and the companies annual reports.

Mellanchefens dilemma : En fallstudie gjord på Skattekontoret i Örebro

In large organizations one can often find middle managers at several different levels within a company. Middle managers regularly experience their positions as complicated as they have both superiors as well as subordinates? to please. We have chosen to refer to this problem as ?the middle-management dilemma?.

Mätmetoder och nyckeltal: en kvalitativ studie om hur bibliotekschefer mäter bibliotek

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how managers in some public libraries are using performance measurements and to what extent decision making is based on the results. The main questions posed are:??What performance measurements and indicators are used in the libraries examined???What is the attitude towards performance measurements among library managers???How and to what extent are performance measurements and indicators used in the process of decision making???What improvement would library managers wish regarding the development of performance measurements in public libraries?The theory is based on a model of evaluation of the public sector in addition to general steps of evaluation of quality and performance measurement results. The investigation is based on qualitative interviews with seven managers of public libraries in Sweden.

Kontroll i fastighetsbranschen. En kvalitativ enfallsstudie om kvinnliga och manliga chefers upplevelser av kontroll p? arbetsplatsen

This essay aims to examine managers experiences of control at the workplace within the property sector, and how these experiences differ between female and male managers. This study is a qualitative single case study that intends to offer a deeper understanding of a unique case and uses an abductive method approach. The essay is based on two main theories, Foucault?s (2003) theory of control and the gender system of Hirdman (1988, 2001) and is supplemented by previous studies of the modern workplace. The study is based on eighteen semi-structured interviews that aims to capture the participants personal experiences regarding control at the modern workplace, and the norms, surveillance, hierarchies, and self-discipline that make up this control.

Peripherally inserted central catheter-PICC-line

PICC-line är en central venkateter som läggs in via en perifer kanyl i överarmen med hjälp utav ultraljud. Patienter som behöver intravenös behandling i mer än fem dagar är i behov av en central venkateter för att säkerställa tillförseln av dessa läkemedel. Inläggning är kostnads effektiv, den kräver ett minimum av resurser och görs utav picclinesjuksköterskor. Denna kvalitativa studie med semistruk-turerade frågor syftade till att ta del av patientens upplevelse av att få en PICC-line kateter inlagd. Kände patienten sig lugn under ingreppet, var han eller hon väl informerad och upplevde personen någon smärta? Tio intervjuer genomfördes och resultatet visade att informanterna kände sig lugna och att smärtan var låg.

Grundskollärare och psykosocial (o)hälsa : En kvalitativ fallstudie om relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv

Work environment has been an important part of the Swedish working life for a long time and with the help of the Working Environment Law the work environment is mandatory. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper insight into how the system of middle managers systematic work environment looks like. The question was: How do six middle managers perceive and deal with systematic work environment? A qualitative study was conducted with six middle managers from a global company. During the analysis, there were three main themes to be recognized (cooperation and support facilitates the work environment, problem with the systematic work and difficulties with staff) and six sub themes.

LUST ATT LEDA - kvinnligt ledarskap i kommunal äldreomsorgENJOYABLE LEADERSHIP - female leadership in municipal old-age care

This study is about female leadership. The purpose was to gain a better insight to qualities female managers in public sector assume they need to make an enjoyable leadership. We were also interested in finding out what they think is the joy and amusement in the leadership and how they consider responsibility and authority. We used a qualitative method interviewing female leaders at their work. In our analysis of the data we have looked for pattern and key words in a qualitative way.

Anst?lldas drivkrafter: Vad motiverar dem att stanna kvar inom F?rsvarsmakten och p?verkas detta av Nato?

This essay aims to examine managers experiences of control at the workplace within the property sector, and how these experiences differ between female and male managers. This study is a qualitative single case study that intends to offer a deeper understanding of a unique case and uses an abductive method approach. The essay is based on two main theories, Foucault?s (2003) theory of control and the gender system of Hirdman (1988, 2001) and is supplemented by previous studies of the modern workplace. The study is based on eighteen semi-structured interviews that aims to capture the participants personal experiences regarding control at the modern workplace, and the norms, surveillance, hierarchies, and self-discipline that make up this control.

Idén om en värdegrund inom äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie om hur enhetschefer och omsorgspersonal uppfattar en ny lag om värdegrund och dess implementering.

This study discloses home-care organizations in one municipality in Sweden and five units work with implementing the social services legislated value base for elderly people. The aim of this study is to gain an understanding of personnel and managers perception of the value base and its implementation in the practical work with the elderly. A qualitative method has been used to analyze the questions raised by the aim of this study. The empirical data was retrieved by semi-structured interviews with managers and their personnel in homecare service The empirical data was analyzed on the basis of the neo-institutional theory, Michael Lipsky?s theory concerning street-level bureaucrats and previous research regarding implementation of social policy and the practical home-care work.

Utveckling av förpackningssystem för torra insatsvaror i livsmedel

This project includes development of new packaging for dry spices and an investigation of how to automate the production line. The preliminary investigations show needs of an environmental friendly packaging possible to re-close. After screening for suitable materials three concepts were developed, a stand-up pouch, a plastic jar and a metal can. The pouch was excluded in a concept choosing process. In this process it was also decided to further develop the metal can concept.

En framgångsrik linjeutvidgning

The purpose of this thesis is to highlight the work with line extensions by companies in the media industry. To obtain this purpose a case study was performed to learn about Norrbottens Media?s actions regarding their new launch of the magazine Extra. Information was gathered through an interview and media observations and was analyzed and compared to previous studies on the subject. Results of this case study show that the main reasons for the company?s line extension were new trends on the market and that the company had unexploited recourses to make use of.

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