

365 Uppsatser om Ekonomilärare - Sida 16 av 25

Nyanl?nda ungdomars skrivutveckling i svenska som andraspr?k ? en unders?kning i relation till bed?mningsst?det Bygga svenska

I uppsatsen unders?ks vad som k?nnetecknar texter skrivna av nyanl?nda ungdomar inom spr?kintroduktion i relation till bed?mningsst?det Bygga svenska (BS). Utg?ngspunkten f?r analysen ?r elevernas skrivande i tv? genrer: ?tergivande och argumenterande. I dessa unders?ks grundl?ggande grammatisk spr?kbeh?rskning, utifr?n processbarhetsteorin, samt graden av skriftspr?klighet utifr?n f?rekomst av utbyggda nominalfraser och grammatiska metaforer (GM).

Undervisa genom att lyssna : Interaktion i klassrummet

Denna klassrumsstudie fokuserar hur matematiklÀrare lyssnar pÄ sina elever. TvÄ olika lÀrares lyss­nande har observerats i klassrummet. Interaktioner i klassrummet har spelats in, transkriberats och analyserats med fokus pÄ lÀrares lyssnande i en fenomenografisk ansats. Ambitionen Àr att försöka karaktÀrisera lÀrares lyssnande. Ett lyssnande ramverk som utformats av Davis (1997) och Yackel et al.

Möjlig kvittblivning och eftermarknad av ridbaneunderlag - topplager

The aim of this study is to find information about what to do when riding arena footings are worn-out. Especially, the surface layer of riding arena footings is very interesting because of its importance of giving grip in every step for the horse, as well as shock ab-sorption. Generally, surface layers are containing several different parts in order to achieve desirable properties. These different parts can consist of organic material or in-organic material (mostly gravel). Gravel and many other materials in the top-layer are environmental friendly, and therefore, easy to get rid of.

"HÀr hymlar vi inte om sÄnt" : Synen pÄ arbete och klass i Stig Sjödins Sotfragment och Jenny Wrangborgs KallskÀnken

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the public libraries work towards SFI (Swedish For Immigrants) based on the views of the overseeing librarians. To study this we have asked the following research questions:What distinguishes the public libraries? work towards SFI according to the responsible librarians? What distinguishes the communication between SFI teachers and the librarians according to the responsible librarians? What opinions are held by the librarians in regards to their work with SFI?We have used a semi structured interview method with seven librarians in charge of the activities with SFI at small and medium sized public libraries in a rural area of Sweden. The theoretical framework is composed of Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen?s model for analysis of the local public library profile and the authors? definition of collaboration.

Cisterciensklostrens odlingar i Sverige under medeltiden

The aim of this paperisto find out which plants the Cistercian monks might have cultivated in Sweden during the Middle Ages and which types of plants it would have been practical to grow inside or outside of the Cistercian monastery precinct. Archaeologicaland archaeobotanical studies have been consulted to find out which plants were available in Sweden during the Middle Ages. Examples, mainly from Scandinavia, but also from the continent, are used to show that the monasteries were large institutionsthat had to feed a large number of people and that there would not have been enough space to cultivate everything needed within the monastery precinct.Secondary sources have in the main been used to gather this information, except in the case of the Swedish monastery of Nydala where F-Topo, a database developed by the County Museum of Jönköping,has been used to analyse the amount of land and the types of properties owned by the monastery.The conclusion is that for practical reasons the monks would have cultivated plants that needed to be close at hand, that were rare or delicate, that could not be stored for long periods and that were used in small quantities within the monastery precinct. This would include medicinal plants, herbs for cooking and some vegetables like lettuce, spinach,and similar,that do not keep well. Most other items, grains, cabbages, root vegetables, peas and beans could equally well be cultivated outside the walls.

VideoförelÀsningar som resurs i matematikstudier : En undersökning om studenters anvÀndande av videoförelÀsningar pÄ KTH

De fo?rsta a?ren pa? civilingenjo?rsutbildningen besta?r till stor del av matematik och utgo?r en viktig grund fo?r kommande kurser i utbildningen. I en studie fra?n Sveriges Ingenjo?rer uppma?rksammas det dessva?rre att genomstro?mningen pa? de inledande matematikkurserna a?r relativt la?g. Samtidigt observeras det att anva?ndandet av internetbaserad undervisning, sa? som videofo?rela?sningar, o?kat markant bland ingenjo?rsstudenter de senaste a?ren.I denna studie underso?ker vi hur studenter pa? medieteknikprogrammet pa? Kungliga Tekniska Ho?gskolan anva?nder sig av videofo?rela?sningar i sina matematikstudier.

SjÀlvkÀnnedom kring sitt lÀrande : En intervjustudie med elever med specifika lÀs- och skrivsvÄrigheter/dyslexi

Syftet med studien a?r att belysa hur elever med specifika la?s- och skrivsva?righeter/dyslexi upplever sina mo?jligheter att utveckla en sja?lvka?nnedom kring sitt eget la?rande. Studien har genomfo?rts som en kvalitativ studie da?r totalt sex ungdomar fra?n tre olika skolor har intervjuats. Tre av dem a?r elever pa? ho?gstadiet och tre pa? gymnasiet.

Sömn, depressionssymtom, livskvalitet och Alzheimers sjukdom

Background: Sleep-disturbances in persons with AlzheimerÂŽs disease are prevalent. They are characterized as increased frequency and duration of awakenings, decreased slow-wave sleep, REM-sleep and increase of day-time napping. Depression and lower quality of life are associated with sleep-disturbances. Altogether a significant source of stress for caregivers and an important factor in institutionalization. Non-pharmacological treatment alternatives are rare.Method: Single-case A-B-C design, with non-concurrent multiple baselines, a pilotstudy.Aim: To explore if an educational program on sleep, sleep disturbances and behavioural change directed towards caregivers improved sleep, depression and quality of life in persons with AlzheimerÂŽs disease living at home.

Estetiska uttrycksformer : En underso?kning om fo?rekomsten av estetiska uttrycksformer i svenskla?rares undervisningsmaterial

Denna studie syftar till att underso?ka fo?rekomsten av estetiska uttrycksformer i ett urval av svenskla?rares undervisningsmaterial. Syftet a?r ocksa? att se i hur stor utstra?ckning som det estetiska fo?rekommer i relation till det som i uppsatsen bena?mns som det icke-estetiska, och vidare vill uppsatsen ocksa? underso?ka hur det estetiska skrivs fram och vilket va?rde det ges.Studien tar utga?ngspunkt fra?n John Deweys reformpedagogig, Gardners a?tta intelligenser samt Aristoteles kunskapsbegrepp techne och mimesis. Underso?kningen diskuteras utifra?n forskning som visar pa? kreativitetens och estetikens betydelse fo?r inla?rning i ljuset av forskning som talar om skolans tra?ningslogik och uppgiftskultur.Textanalys anva?nds som metodansats da?r 34 texter fra?n lektion.se analyserats.

Folkbiblioteket och SFI : En kvalitativ studie av folkbibliotekens verksamhet gentemot svenska för invandrare

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the public libraries work towards SFI (Swedish For Immigrants) based on the views of the overseeing librarians. To study this we have asked the following research questions:What distinguishes the public libraries? work towards SFI according to the responsible librarians? What distinguishes the communication between SFI teachers and the librarians according to the responsible librarians? What opinions are held by the librarians in regards to their work with SFI?We have used a semi structured interview method with seven librarians in charge of the activities with SFI at small and medium sized public libraries in a rural area of Sweden. The theoretical framework is composed of Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen?s model for analysis of the local public library profile and the authors? definition of collaboration.

Aha... Àr det sÄ de tÀnker! En studie av hur lÀrare i ett arbetslag förÀndras nÀr ett nytt koncept tas in i den naturvetenskapliga undervisningen

Detta Àr ett arbete som visar utvecklingen hos lÀrare i ett arbetslag som under tvÄ terminer har arbetet med temaenheter i NTA-projektet. NTA, Naturvetenskap och Teknik för Alla, Àr ett projekt som skall locka elever till ett naturvetenskapligt in-tresse. I projektet finns handledning till lÀraren och all materiel som behövs för arbete under tio veckor med en temaenhet. Syftet med arbetet Àr att undersöka vilka förÀndringar som sker inom ett arbetslag nÀr ett nytt koncept tas in i den naturvetenskapliga undervisning. Tidigare forskning visar att framtidens lÀrare mÄste vara flexibla och kunna planera undervisningen efter en mÄlstyrd lÀroplan.

Skadliga nollflödespunkter i Fortum VÀrmes fjÀrrvÀrmenÀt i Stockholm : En analys av dess förekomst och effekter

When several production units provide a district heating network, water is pumped from different directions. When the flows from the plants finally meet in the network, the water can be completely still. These places are called zero flow zones. In district heating networks with several plants, which also have different supply temperatures, large and frequent temperature fluctuations can occur when the zero flow zones move. This may cause wear on the pipes, a phenomenon called low cycle fatigue.For this reason it is important to examine where and when zero flow zones that cause temperature changes occur.

Aortic Body Tumors in Dogs

The purpose of this essay was to review the literature and describe the patophysiology, diagnosis, microscopic and macroscopic appearance of aortic body tumors in dogs. The tumors originate from the chemoreceptor organs situated at the base of the heart. The chemoreceptor organs are neuroendocrine cells responsible for surveillance of changes in e.g. the blood pH. Aortic body tumors are rare and represent 7 % of the total cases of primary cardiac tumors in canines.

"Om man inte gör det pÄ Facebook" : Ungdomars uppfattning om sociala medier som demokratiagent

The purpose of this essay is to explore how social media affect the political orientation and commitment of youths. Three scientific questions highlight the purpose from different angles. The didactic perspective is discussed in the initial and closing discussion, and is analyzed in the corresponding chapter. Two methods are involved in the study; one survey and one interview with a focus group. The survey had a total of 98 respondents from four different classes, all in the first grade of upper secondary school.

Det ligger en heteronormativ bok i din sÀng mamma! En intervjustudie av hur nÄgra kvinnor i samkönade relationer upplever informationssituationen rörande graviditet och förÀldraskap.

Studies of the information needs of library patrons are necessary in order for the library to serve the community. Alas, studies of non-heterosexual persons are rare in the field of Library and Information Science in Sweden. This study aims at examining the information situation of women in same-sexed parenthood by means of analysing their situation as norm-breaking. The study is done through examining the specific information needs of this group, how they seek and receive information, what barriers they encounter and what function the library has in this information situation. A queer theoretical approach to heteronormativity in combination with McKenzie?s two-dimensional model of information seeking is used to perform a qualitative analysis of the material.

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