

6087 Uppsatser om Earlier experience - Sida 17 av 406

Inkludering och integrering ur ett lärarperspektiv : Hur några lärare ser på inkludering och integrering och hur det fungerar i verksamheten

 This work is a study, conducted by interviews, of how teachers evaluate the concepts of inclusion and integration. The aim of this work is to obtain views on the possible differences between teachers' own definitions and the previous research definitions. The earlier published research which was read during this work, together with the three interviews which were conducted is the basis for the study. I've done three interviews in which two of the people interviewed are active teachers and the third who works as an assistant headmaster at a school located in a suburb of Stockholm. The interviewed teachers have been working for different periods in the school which gave me the opportunity to highlight differences between teachers definitions depending upon the experience they had.

Smarta telefoner -ett digitalt koppel? : En fallstudie om Information Overload i organisationer

In the digitized world many organizations experience a large flow of information. To sort and manage all the information can be difficult. Individuals may experience a phenomenon called ?Information Overload?, due to the fact that the information flow is too extensive. There are various reasons why individuals are affected by this phenomenon.

Det stormar i öster - en prognos över Turkiets EU-kandidatur

Turkey has taken part in regular negotiations to gain membership in the EU since 2005. At the same time is Turkey a candidate that stands out from those of earlier rounds of enlargement, and its possible membership got both supporters and critics amongst the Unions member countries. The aim of this thesis is to, trough a textual analysis, investigate the prospects and obstacles Turkeys candidature faces. The material consists of documents from a number of think tanks connected to the European Commission, as well as the Commissions own documents regarding Turkeys negotiations.A recurring picture is that Turkey is treated differently then earlier candidates, and that the Commission has a hard time keeping an unambiguous line in its negotiation frame. The material of the think tanks attributes the public opinions distrust of the member countries of EU as a hindrance, and Turkeys meddling in the conflict on Cyprus is problemized.

Spelar geografi roll? : En studie av Bolognaprocessen ur ett policy transferperspektiv

AbstractDoes Geography Matter? A Study of the Bologna Process from a Policy Transfer Perspective.Essay in Political Science (D-level) at Karlstad?s University by Beatrice Högå, Spring 2007Tutor: Susan MartonThe purpose of this essay is to generally see how theories of policy transfer can help us to better understand the process through which the Bologna Process is being spread throughout Europe, and to specially see if geographic placement, i.e. in the heart of Europe, plays a role in how well and how fast the Bologna Process is implemented.To be able to answer the purpose, I have used Evans and Davies theoretical model on policy transfer network to describe the Bologna Process. Furthermore, Sweden and France are the countries being examined when they differ on the independent variable. From there, I have applied an analytical tool, namely process tracing, to examine whether there are differences in the two countries? work with the implementation of the Bologna Process.I have designed six specific research questions:Have France performed more extensive work than Sweden when it comes to implement the two-cycle system?Have France performed this work earlier?Have France performed more extensive work than Sweden when it comes to recognize awards and periods of study?Have France performed this work earlier?Have France performed more extensive work than Sweden when it comes to quality assurance?Have France performed this work earlier?After applying the analytical tool to be able to answers these research questions, the answer to the general question Does geographic placement, i.e.

Har du tid att vänta

In today's society, more and more people traveling with transports such as trains and buses. With this type of travel it often exists waiting at stations that in many cases perceives as negative. Previous research demonstrates that distraction can get people to experience the waiting as less negative. This paper aims to examine how waiting can be affected by distraction, and if it is possible to use a second type of waiting as a distraction. The authors have chosen to focus on travelers who are waiting.

CMS och UX : tekniker för hur man utformar en god användarupplevelse

The purpouse of this study is to find out how and if a Content Managment System (CMS) can benefit from applied User Experience Design (UX). A work project has been executed where a client wanted the students to create a user friendly CMS for adding content to a global hotel review site. A prototype of a CMS was created based on literature studies about UX and CMS. The prototype of the user friendly CMS was then tested through user tests and interviews with key users. After input from the key users the prototype was changed until the users were satisfied with it..

Att göra de osynliga synligaEn studie om barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrarTo make the invisible ones visibleA study about children with psychical disturbed parents

Abstract The aim of this essay has been to deepen the knowledge of how professional social workers, therapists and almoners experience working with children who have psychical disturbed parents. By interviews we have examined the experiences of people who, through their work, comes in contact with children whose parents suffer from psychical disturbance. In our interviews we have concentrated on specific themes, such as working with these children, the situation these children are in, parenthood and cooperation with other actors in the field of action. Literature has earlier shown that children with psychical disturbed parents have been difficult to discover. This was confirmed in our study.

"Jag kände mig som en pilot" : ??????En studie om interaktionsstilarnas påverkan på spelupplevelsen

Today's technology offers a variety of opportunities to interact with the interactive systems. Human-Computer Interaction in the last decade is the area of research that has contributed the most to this development. But how is this interaction perceived? The user experience is something that is formed by the interaction between human and the computer interactive systems. The objective of this thesis is to investigate how the user experience differs depending on how one interacts with a game.

Känslomässiga utmaningar i socialt arbete ? vad betyder strategier och yrkeserfarenhet?

The aim of this study was to gain a greater understanding of what social workers perceive to be mentally demanding and emotionally challenging work, and which strategies they use to handle it. I chose to interview six social workers, three of them had long experience of social work, and three of them had worked for less than a year. The justification for this choice wasthat I wanted to interview people with different experience of social work over time, to be able to see possible differences in what was perceived as mentally demanding and emotionally challenging work, and how it was handled. The social workers were interviewed with a semi structured interview manual.The results showed that the organization of the social service is not fitted to the work that social workers execute. This means that what is perceived as mentally demanding and emotionally challenging work largely depends on this.

Spelarens Värld : en fenomenologisk studie av hur individer som spelar Counter-Strike upplever sin nutida värld

The purpose with this qualitative interview study was to try to describe, through a phenomenological viewpoint, the meaning that Counter-Strike players put on there contemporary world. We started to explore this Game World with field research studies on the world?s biggest Game exhibition Dreamhack in the city of Jönköping. This helped us to develop our main question for this study.The thirteen participants of the interview were selectively chosen from a Game Café in the city of Karlstad. They were interviewed with five questions that dealt with their experiences of playing Counter-Strike and their experience of time perception in their world.

Upplevelse av arbetsglädje och känsla av sammanhang - en enkätstudie bland anställda på en högskola

Man spends most part of the day at work and is therefore influenced by it?s ambience. That?s why it?s important that the environment at work is health promoting and can function as a supportive environment. The purpose of this study was to describe job satisfaction among employees and to analyse a possible connection between job satisfaction and employees experiences of SOC.

Hemlösa personers upplevelse av mötet med hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Homelessness is increasing, and health care is still difficult for many homeless people to achieve. If they get sick, it is both technically challenging to get a clinic they can go to, but also an economic problem because most of the homeless have no gainful employment. The fact that many homeless people experience bad attitudes of health care professionals is one reason why they don?t seek healthcare until an emergency arises. In the profession as a nurse, all people should be given equal treatment regardless of background.

De som slutade gå i skolan : en kvalitativ studie om hemmasittare

Hemmasittare is a new term for children and youths with a history of long term truancy. As the term indicates these youths spend most of their time in their homes. This often results in them being socially alienated and the loss of their earlier social network. The consequences of hemmasittande and social alienation are many and include not only a deficient social network but also psychological and physical problems. Research has shown that many of these problems follow on through into adult life.

Vuxenstuderande med funktionsnedsättning

More and more people in our society take part in adult education. In this study, eight students in adult education, the majority with a diagnosis such as ADHD and/or reading- and writing disorders/dyslexia,have been interviewed about their current study situation. The interviews have so party treated topics related to earlier schooling and the future. Earlier studies and available literature is to a large extent written from the perspective of children?s and adolescents? study situation and the question is if this is applicable to students in adult education.

Bemanningsanställda : Upplevelsen av arbetsklimatet hos kundföretag utifrån bemanningsanställdas perspektiv

This study examines how temporary agency workers experience the working climate in client firms, i.e. how their psychological climate is affected. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with temporary agency workers. The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge about the triangular relationship between the temporary worker, the temporary employment agency and the client firm. Another purpose is to describe how the temporary workers experience the working climate and how this experience is influenced by a number of circumstances. The research question this study aims to answer is How do temporary agency workers experience the working climate in client organisations? And What factors influence this experience? The conclusion of this study shows that the volun- tariness of the psychological contract positively influence the psychological climate, and also whether the temporary workers? expectations correspond to those of the client firm or not.

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