

6087 Uppsatser om Earlier experience - Sida 18 av 406

Var det bättre förr? : En kvantitativ jämförelse av elevtexter från 1985, 2005 och 2006

AbstractThis essay deals with young people?s written language. It is often said that the student?s ability to write is worse today compared to earlier generations. The written language is an important condition for knowledge, therefore it is of great importance that all students, after finished secondary- and upper secondary school, have acquired an adequate language which is suitable in the public room.The fact that young people?s language is worse than earlier generations is a constantly recurrent assertion and often debated in school.

Låt oss underhålla kunderna tillsammans! : Hur företag kan utnyttja partnership i sitt arbete medexperience marketing.

Titel: Låt oss underhålla kunderna tillsammans! ? Hur företag kan utnyttja partnerships i sittarbete med experience marketingFörfattare: Axel Bergström och Johan MalmstenHandledare: Christine TidåsenNivå: Kandidatuppsats, Marknadsföring 15 hp. VT 2011Nyckelord: Experience marketing, partnership, upplevelsemarknadsföring, brand advocateProblemformulering: Hur kan företag utnyttja partnership för att få ut mer av sitt arbete medexperience marketing?Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen var att förtydliga hur partnership kan utnyttjas i företags arbetemed experience marketing. Analysen kom fram till hur experience marketing kan utnyttjas påett mer fördelaktigt sätt med hjälp av partnership.

Bibliotekariers resonemang kring arbetet med läsecirklar sett ur ett professionsperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to examine what view librarians have on reading promotion for adults, in particular reading circles, and in which way Earlier experiences, education and competence form this view. To what extent, if any, do perceptions of professional identity influence the interest to carry out some kind of reading circles for adults?Our study is based on qualitative interviews with librarians, both those in charge of reading circles in libraries and those who are not. As theoretical starting point we have used Andrew Abbott's work on theory of professions and Jofrid Karner Smidt's thesis on literary preferences and different kinds of mediation of literature. For our analysis we will also use earlier studies on the subject to place our study in a wider context.Our conclusions show that the librarians in our study have an ambivalent view on their profession and professional identity.


The purpose of this paper was to examine how people experience the practice of Cannabis in daily life. The study was based on interviews with five individuals who have experience with cannabis use. They do not represent a bigger population only themselves. We chose these particular individuals because all of them began using cannabis at a young age- everyone before they were twenty. But they have been using cannabis because of different reasons.

Social interaktion : -en kvalitativ studie om vägledning mot arbetslivet

Using a qualitative research method to get the empiricism for analysis, we have analyzed advisors and job seekers experience of management meetings at the job center in Halmstad. We used a semi-structured interview form when we collected the empiricism from four advisors, four job seekers and one complementary actor in the form of a job coach, with a hermeneutic approach to interpreting the informants? subjective experience. We also chose to analyze our results using theories by Asplund, Von Wright, Mead, Scheff, Barth and MalténsThe results presented have shown that time is what they all described as lacking. It was found that the job seekers had a reasonable degree of common experience in both the management meetings and the working role of the advisors, while the advisors themselves were divided on how their role would be applied.

?One Direction is not a phase like any other fandom I've been in, they're like my life? : en analys av fandom som källa till helighet

The aim of this paper is to study whether the way directioners (One Direction fans) on Twitter express self-understandings denote fandom as a sacred experience. For this purpose, the data was analyzed in relation to Nicholas Jay Demerath III typology of the varieties of the sacred experience. The method used was discursive psychology. The data was analyzed by how the fans draw the line between ?us? and ?them?, when expressing their self-understandings and their position in relation to others. Five themes were identified: (1) positioning and demarcation for membership, (2) group identity, (3) conflict, (4) the norms for behavior, opinions and language and (5) the group?s role and function.

"Min dialekt är så yeee yeee wow" : En undersökning av gymnasieungdomars attityd till dialekter

The essay is about the concept of text in a wider perspective, what can be included in that, how it can be used and above all, why one might want to use it. The essay will also include what the term popular culture implies, and school?s attitude towards it, since some of the medias that are a part of the text in a wider perspective, many times fits the description ?popular culture?. Most of the earlier research show that the positive aspects of the use of text in a wider perspective as the same time as it attacks school because school is opposing the popular culture.       The essay consists of two parts and it begins with a theoretical part where I present existing research about the concept of text in a wider perspective and the research about popular culture.

Att skapa en multisensorisk sinnesupplevelse : En marknadsföringsstrategi för detaljhandelsföretag

Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera och diskutera varför och på vilka sätt ett detaljhandelsföretag bör erbjuda kunden en multisensorisk varumärkesupplevelse. Uppsatsen kommer att ge företag ökad förståelse för Sinnesmarknadsföring och vad det får för konsekvenser vid utformandet av servicelandskapet.Vi har använt oss av både en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ metod. Den kvantitativa metoden innebar ett experiment där vi undersökte doft- och ljudets påverkan på kundbeteendet. Experimentet utfördes på en utvald yta på EM Kalmar Severins i samband med den specifika produktgruppen soffa. Den kvalitativa undersökningen genomfördes med observationer, 15 kundintervjuer samt en intervju med varuhuschefen..

Att vara familjehemmets biologiska barn

The purpose with this study is to find out the experience of growing up in a family where the biological parents, has taken the assignment as family child caregiver?s. We have taken the help from the following question formulations to immerse ourselves in the subject. How do the biological children experience their relationship to their parents? How do the biological children experience their relationship to the children who are placed in their home? How do the biological children experience their participation in the family home? How do the biological children experience the need for support from outside the family? We have used a qualitative research method and interviewed six respondents with help from a semi-structured interview guide to get the respondents unique experiences told.

Raka rör, med värme och kärlek : en studie om samtalsstöd

Thee purpose of this study was to examine what helps in counseling against women victims of domestic violence, and how to identify empowerment in their experiences? It is a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews where the collected material is based on five interviews. The group we studied is victims of domestic violence who had taken part of counseling. The interviews were based on an interview guide that sought answers to women´s experience of counseling. The interviews were analyzed with the help of theories of support, domestic violence and empowerment.

Pantsättning och överlåtelse av bostadsrätt : En utredning kring brister, problem och lösningar

One fundamental principle in Swedish contract law is that passive acceptance does not constitute a binding acceptance of an offer. Still, business owners use the consumers unknowing of this, and form offers saying passivity will lead to a binding agreement. Business owners are thus trying to ?negatively bind? the consumer to agreements. There are rules prohibiting this kind of actions in the Swedish marketing law (MFL).In order to find out what constitutes this forbidden kind of agreement-entering according to the Swedish Market Court, an analysis of seven cases settled between 2002-2009 and concerning consumers in these situations, is made.

Landsbyggdens egnahem i Malmöhus Län 1905-1040. En studie av markförsäljningen till fastigheter som beviljades egnahemslån

During the period 1905 to 1940 it was possible to get a loan from the state to buy land and build a small farm or a house in rural areas. This loan act and its effects have been studied earlier in different ways, but never as a total study for a geographic region. The region Malmöhus Län has been chosen. The purpose of this paper is to study in which parts of the area loans were taken and who sold the land that was used for these purposes. Earlier studies have looked at a larger geographical area for some specific years.

Kvinnors upplevelse av planerad hemförlossning i Skandinavien : Women´s experience of planned home birth in the Scandinavian countries

Background: In Sweden and Norway planned home birth is not included in the health care system. In Denmark women with expected low risk birth have the right to choose home birth. Registrations of home births in the Nordic countries are not completed and women?s experiences of planned home birth in Scandinavian context are not earlier described.Objective: The aim of this study was to describe women?s experiences of planned home birth in the Scandinavian countries.Design: Inductive content analysis. Fifty-three Scandinavian women who have experienced planned home birth have replied an open question in a questionnaire.

Det ätstörda samhället och det sociala arbetet : En kvalitativ studie om ätstörningar ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv

The main domain in which eating disorders are defined is medical, whereas socio-cultural perspectives are less common. Because social workers seeks to explain different problems taking societal factors into account, we asked ourselves if social workers have a way of understanding eating disorders, that is different from a medical point of view. Two focus group interviews were conducted; the one composed by social workers with experience of working with eating disorders, and the other by social workers without that experience, which enabled comparisons. The interviews were analyzed using socio-cultural and feminist perspectives. The result showed that the social workers use socio-cultural perspectives in explaining eating disorders.

Barns upplevelse av dagkirurgi : Från ovisshet till lättnad med nyvunnen erfarenhet

Background: An increasing number of operations on children are performed as day surgery and this experience of health care may affect future hospital stays. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe children´s experiences in connection with day surgery. Method: Ten children aged six to fifteen who had gone through general anesthesia at examinations or surgery were interviewed and the content was analyzed by systematic text condensation. Result: The core category ?From uncertainty to relief with newly acquired experience? could summarize the result of this interview study.

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