
Inkludering och integrering ur ett lärarperspektiv

Hur några lärare ser på inkludering och integrering och hur det fungerar i verksamheten

 This work is a study, conducted by interviews, of how teachers evaluate the concepts of inclusion and integration. The aim of this work is to obtain views on the possible differences between teachers' own definitions and the previous research definitions. The earlier published research which was read during this work, together with the three interviews which were conducted is the basis for the study. I've done three interviews in which two of the people interviewed are active teachers and the third who works as an assistant headmaster at a school located in a suburb of Stockholm. The interviewed teachers have been working for different periods in the school which gave me the opportunity to highlight differences between teachers definitions depending upon the experience they had. The results of this study highlight that the school is aware of the importance the concepts of inclusion and integration have and also the importance of putting them into practice. The study also concludes that the definitions teachers have of inclusion and integration is not the same as described within the literature. In addition, some teachers feel uncomfortable with the subject and hence are not actively working with inclusion and integration 


Sofie Engwall

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Lärarutbildningen


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