

1483 Uppsatser om Digital plćnbok - Sida 49 av 99

Digital tentamen pÄ lÀsplattor

Syftet med detta projekt Àr att skapa en prototyp för ett digitalt tentamenssystem, dÀr studenterna skriver tentamen med hjÀlp av lÀsplattor, samt utvÀrdera vilka fördelar och nackdelar ett sÄdant system skulle kunna medföra.Huvudfokuset för detta projekt var att utveckla en prototyp för ett digitalt tentamenssystem med stöd för bland annat automatisk rÀttning, kompilering och automatisk evaluering av programsprÄksfrÄgor. Vi försöker samtidigt bibehÄlla de positiva aspekterna av ett analogt system, som till exempel möjlighet för bÄde lÀrare och elev att uttrycka sig genom frihandsritning.Denna studie har visat att det finns mÄnga fördelar för bÄde studenter och lÀrare med en övergÄng till ett digitalt tentamenssystem samt att man med smÄ medel kan skapa en fungerande prototyp av ett sÄdant system..

En studie om sociala medier och perception

Earlier studies and research on the subject of perception and social media during the working process resulted in a change of the problem. At first the focus of the study was to examine how social media affects the perception of a brand although later on the problem had to be developed to instead examine if social media reflects the perception of a brand. The purpose of this study is to figure out if social media reflects consumer?s perception of a brand. This will contribute to company?s knowledge on how important social media is in their branding and will give pointers on how many resources that is necessary to spend on branding in social media.

Matematik genom lek : en undersökning om barns matematikinlÀrning pÄ tvÄ förskolor

The purpose of this study is to investigate the children?s mathematics learning through play. The questions to be answered are: how can teachers facilitate children?s mathematics learning through play? How can play affect children?s math learning? Are the children aware of the role of play in their mathematics learning?My method is based on interviews and observations. My informants are three teachers who work in two different preschools.

Familjens bilbarnstol : "Double legged 360"

I detta examensarbete tas ett konstruktionsförslag fram pÄ en bilbarnstol vars syfte Àr att minska ergonomiska problem i samband med installation och anvÀndning. Det övergripande mÄlet Àr sÀkrare barntransporter. Inledningsvis studeras bilbarnstolar utifrÄn ett brett perspektiv. En sammanstÀllning av problemen bildar basen för det fortsatta konstruktionsarbetet. En marknadsundersökning genomförs för att kontrollera utbudet av bilbarnstolar i Sverige, vartefter koncept tas fram.

MönsterframstÀllning- en studie om processen frÄn idé till produkt

ABSTRACTMusic and differences in knowledge ? a study of music teachers experiences with differences in musical knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to, out of a music teacher?s perspective, see if the differences in music abilities between 7th grade students are at all, or in some ways connected to the previous schools they?ve attended. I will also research in what areas, in the subject of music, students are differing more, as well as less, in their knowledge. The analysis is based on interviews with six 7th grade music teachers working in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system.

En kommunal One Stop Shop: Kan en gemensam kundtjÀnst verka som motor för verksamhetsutveckling?

The aim of this study has been to examine if an implementation of a One Stop Shop in the public sector and its IT-support can serve as a motor for business development. By examine the relation between the One Stop Shop and the public administrations we have tried to answer this question. The municipality that we have examined underwent a big change, seven years ago, when they implemented a One Stop Shop including a IT-support called Flexite. But despite these seven years and the fact that Flexite has changed approach from a Case Management System to a Support System for Business Development the municipality have not adapted to this change. .

New Public Management i praktiken: En fallstudie i en av Stockholms stadsdelar

In the present thesis, we have studied the management control system in Enskede-Årsta-Vantör, one of Stockholm?s municipal districts, with focus on theories about New Public Management (NPM). When NPM was introduced, a number of complications arose. Some of these, along with the district?s solutions of the complications, are described and analyzed using e.g.

InstÀllning till och val av livsmedelsprodukter bland personer som Àr över 55 Är

Data retrieved from airborne laser scanning represents a new source of forest data. Today, the technology has matured so that it can function in an operational environment. The aim of this study was to compile areas of application of laserdata in forestry. Moreover to analyze costs and accessibility of laserdata. The goal was to provide private forest owners information to support assessments of possible benefits of laserdata.

Distansarbete och dess p?verkan p? organisationskultur

This thesis explores how remote work impacts organizational culture and identifies leadership strategies that can preserve and strengthen the culture in a remote work environment. By employing a theoretical framework related to organizational culture, remote work, and strategies, along with a methodology based on qualitative interviews, the study aims to fulfill its specified purpose. Theories such as Schein?s three levels of culture and McKinsey?s 7S Framework are applied to understand and analyze the collected empirical data. The empirical data, presented through four themes, is based on respondents? experiences and opinions regarding remote work can lead to reduced social interaction and sense of belonging, but strategic digital initiatives and adaptive leadership can help maintain organizational culture despite the lack of physical presence.

Bortom graven : En rumslig studie av Tjustbygdens rösen

Bronze Age cairns have been interpreted as everything from navigation marks to marking liminal places in the landscape. It has also been stated that the main purpose of their location is to be visible. This is something that has been taken for granted. The main problem is the cairns have been considered as a homogenous monument. With the help of digital methods like GIS it is possible to test this kind of questions in quantitative way.

Svensk kunskapsorganisationsforskning 1990-2002

The purpose of this study is to characterize the research in the field of Knowledge Organization, during the period of 1990-2002, focusing on the subject and the epistemology of these studies. The result shows that studies concerning representation, e.g. subjects such as classification, indexing and bibliographic description, are the most frequently researched areas throughout the period. Classification was more popular in the beginning of the period, but later bibliographic description, mostly with studies on metadata, became more visible, together with a growing interest in information retrieval. The theoretical discussions in the studies focused primarily on document analysis and the organization of digital documents.

En anvÀndbarhetsstudie av friendlyreader webb

Syftet med mitt examensarbete Àr att undersöka anvÀndbarheten i FriendlyReader Web. Programmet Àr en e-tjÀnst som underlÀttar förstÄelse och överblick av digital materialet som textdokument, PDF m.m. AnvÀndbarheten har att testas genom att mÀta ögonrörelser pÄ 10 dyslektiker och 20 icke-dyslektiker. Vid ögonrörelsemÀtningar fick anvÀndarna utföra tre olika uppgifter i FriendlyReader Web. AnvÀndarna fick ocksÄ ta fram en egen grÀnssnittprofil.

Simone de Beauvoirs feminism - De digitala spelen idag

Detta kandidatarbete utgÄr ifrÄn tvÄ stycken frÄgestÀllningar kopplade till feminism: ?Hur kan Simone de Beauvoirs feminism gestaltas i digitala spel?? och ?Vad finns det för typiska könsroller i dagens digitala spel??. För att svara pÄ dess frÄgestÀllningar studerade vi de Beauvoirs bok ?Det Andra Könet?, utförde spelanalyser samt delade ut skriftliga intervjuer till spelare. Resultaten blev en prototyp till ett digitalt spel vars handling Àr en direkt inspiration ifrÄn utvalda kapitel frÄn Simone De Beauvoirs bok ?Det Andra Könet?.

Bokningssystem för gemensamhetsresurser via TV

This thesis describes the process of developing a reservation system for common resources through a TV-interface. The system is developed in cooperation with the company Dreampark and is built to work in their platform for TV, Dreamgallery. The main goal was to develop a reservation system and to make it work with Dreamgallery, to develop a demonstration version of the system. The thesis describes the approach for developing an easy-to-use and customisable program and interface for making reservations. How this is inserted into an existing program in a suitable way.

Gymnastikens Hus : Ett referenskoncept för anpassade gymnastikhallar

PÄ Svenska Gymnastikförbundets begÀran har detta projekt gjorts som ett koncept för dem att ha som utgÄngspunkt i diskussioner med sÄvÀl föreningar som politiker i frÄgan om gymnastikens behov av anpassade idrottsanlÀggningar.En anvÀndarstudie av gymnastiken, samt flera discipliner, har gjorts och stÄtt som utgÄngspunkt för anlÀggningens utformning. DÀrtill har Àven en utvÀrdering av flertalet befintliga hallar som anvÀnds för gymnastik gjorts för att motivera beslut gÀllande anpassningar som lyfter anlÀggningens utförande i jÀmförelse.Arbetet kommer ge en skriftlig rapport och en digital modell av anlÀggningen. Modellen presenteras i form av ritningar och visualiseringar..

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