

11549 Uppsatser om Data validation - Sida 39 av 770

Segmenting online communities

Thesis purpose: The main purpose of this study is to empirically verify the applicability of Kozinets´ model on an interest, activity or lifestyle based online community, in order to develop an adaptive segmentation approach for segmenting online communities. Methodology: This research is deductive by nature, cross-sectional by design and undertakes a quantitative approach using self-completion questionnaire as a part of a web survey to collect the empirical data needed. Theoretical perspective: The main theories guiding our work and supporting the findings of this study include: market segmentation (descriptive and behavioural) and communities (consumer communities and online communities). Empirical data: A web survey with self-completion questionnaire used to gather empirical data from members of interest, activity or lifestyle based online communities. Conclusions: This study took the specific characteristics of online communities into more consideration than previous research and literature has done and also recognized that an adaptive segmentation approach is needed, depending on the communities of study.

Utlägg för annans räkning : Ersättning för utlägg vid representation inom svenska verksamheter

Background: According to us, obtaining reimbursement of expenses in connection with a representation is a ?forgotten? process, and we therefore find it interesting to look further into. In some cases we have not claimed for compensation since we consider the process as too complicated or that we lost the original receipt. Ernst & Young (2009) say in their research that within the financial management area, Swedish operations loses billions of Swedish crowns due to bad routines. Okada and Hoch (2004) mention that if time were not considered as a resource, time would not be a hinder.

Vilka spänningar kan uppstå mellan en yngre teamledare och äldre medarbetare och kan de hänföras till generations-/åldersskillnader? Hur påverkar dessa teamdynamiken?

Earlier research has shown that generational differences between younger-supervisors and older-workers may cause tensions that lead to team ineffectiveness. There is however still a lack of research in this area. This thesis presents possible tensions that might occur between a younger supervisor and an older worker due to their age and generational affiliation, and how these tensions affect the team dynamics. The empirical data collection was limited to the boundaries of the dental care industry where these generational/age differences between younger supervisor and older worker are common. The thesis looks at the tensions from a qualitative perspective and data was collected in the form of in-depth interviews with selected dentists and nurses.

Effekter av CI-Terapi hos patienter som drabbats av stroke

Varje år insjuknar 30.000 svenskar i stroke, av dessa avlider 10.000 personer. De som överlever behöver effektiv rehabilitering. CI-Terapi är en behandlingsform där den mindre påverkade extremiteten fixeras och den paretiska extremiteten tvingas till rörelse. Syftet med studien är att granska befintlig forskning angående CI-Terapins effekter på rörelseförmågan och beteendeförändringar hos individer som drabbats av stroke. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där data söktes på Cinhal, Pedro, Pubmed, Academic Search och Swemed.

Samverkan i Kronoberg : - ett lyckat samarbete?

Samverkan i Kronobergs län bedrivs mellan försäkringskassa och arbetsförmedling. Verksamheten innebär arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering för individer. Under 2007 presenterade länet ett mycket gott resultat för verksamheten och låg i topp jämfört med övriga län. Därav finns intresse att studera verksamheten. Studiens syfte är att beskriva det samverkansarbete som sker mellan myndigheterna i verksamheten Samverkan och att generera hypoteser som kan förklara de goda resultatsiffror Kronobergs län har presterat.

Kapsprickor och avverkningsaggregat

This study was made for the Swedish forest company Sveaskog because the sawmills they delivered timber to had noticed a high frequency of bucking splits in their products. Coworker Jim Edström at Sveaskog also wanted to know if there was a big difference between different felling heads. The purpose with this study has been to find out the amount of bucking splits and if there is any felling head brand that did a bigger damage that the others. The study was made in two steps, where the first part was a literary review to find out results and conclusions in earlier studies. The best measuring method to check bucking splits was the known ?trissmetoden?.

Ett kommunikationssystem för fiberoptisk överföring av bilddata förvärvad av en miniatyriserad undervattensfarkost

This report describes the development and implementation of a system for transmitting digital information at high speeds from a miniaturized submersible developed by the Ångström Space Technology Centre at Uppsala University. For instance, the vehicle shall transmit image data ? even stream live video - through an optical fibre to a monitor in a ground station. Hence, the system shall be used both to convert the image data to make it transmittable, and to recreate it at the receiver.The work includes a pre-study of the programming language and the technology used. A concept for the solution is presented together with main components later broken down into internal functions.

Effekt på mark och gröda av olika bearbetningssystem, med och utan CTF

Swedish agriculture has gone through big changes in the latest 60 years. The farm sizes have increased, which has led to raised tractor and machinery sizes and therefore increasing problems with soil compaction. A method to reduce these problems is to implement controlled traffic farming, CTF. All field operations are then concentrated to specific tracks by using GPS guidance. The aim of this work was to study how the tillage regime, with or without CTF, affects the soil, with the main focus on macroporosity. In Säby close to Uppsala, and Alnarp close to Malmö, randomized block trials has been carried out, and the data has mainly been taken from these trials.

Molekylär klassificering av tjocktarmscancer : PAM-klusteranalys för identifiering av undergrupper

The main objective of this study is to divide a number of colorectal cancer cases into subgroups based on their molecular features using cluster analysis. The data used is supplied by a research group at Pathology, the Department of Medical Biosciences, Umeå University, and consists, after some preparation, of 455 observations which is a larger data set than many similar studies. The molecular variables that the clustering is based on are CIMP (CpG Island Methylator Phenotype), MSI (Micro Satellite Instability), BRAF- and KRAS-mutations. These are categorical variables and consequently the clustering method used is PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) which is particularly useful with data on diverse variable level. The final analysis results in four subgroups that are represented by different combinations of attributes on the aforementioned variables.

Analys av prispåverkande faktorer på bostadsrättsmarknaden i Uppsala

AimThe purpose of this study is to analyze factors that affect the price on tenant-owner apartments in the central parts of Uppsala. Special attention is put on analyzing how the monthly fee and the location affect the price. The hypotheses are that the monthly fee and the distance to the central part of the city have a negative effect on the price. A number of additional price affecting factors was taken in consideration during this study.MethodThis study is mainly based on data supplied to us by Mäklarstatistik. The supplied data consists of information about tenant-owner apartment sales in Uppsala during a year under 2008 and 2009.

Relationen mellan Budget och Balanced Scorecard - Modellernas roll vad gäller strategiimplementering

Vad gäller relationen mellan budget och Balanced Scorecard har fyra dimensioner utkristalliserats. Dessa är den sekventiella-, kompletterande-, dominerande- och strategiska dimensionen. I stort kontrasterar WM-data Utilities och Lunds Energi företaget Alfa Laval i förhållande till relationen. I alla tre företagen kan observeras att både budget och Balanced Scorecard fungerar vad gäller strategiimplementering. Budgetens roll vad gäller strategiimplementering försvagas då modellen i huvudsak endast berör medarbetare i centrala positioner inom företagen.

Hur kommer de svenska biblioteken att påverkas av bytet till Dewey? : En undersökning av tre folkbibliotek och ett forskningsbibliotek.

This bachelor thesis is a study about the change of the classificationsystems in Swedish libraries. The empirical data was collected through four qualitative interviews with both research and public libraries. The data was analyzed by the use of organizational theory based upon Joacim Hanssons book Libraries and identity: the role of institutional self-image and identity in emergence of new types of libraries. The empirical result points to a major change in how libraries and librarians look and work with their collections, it can also be said that the librarians do not seem to think that the users will be affected at all.The analysis was based on these issues: What positive and negative effects introducing DDC will there be on research- reflective public libraries?What will be the effects on the librarysector introducing the new classification system DDC?What will be the effects on the users introducing the new classification system DDC? .

Val av finansieringsmetod vid företagsförvärv : En studie av onormal avkastning för det företag som lägger budet

Uppköp tillhör de största investeringar ett företag kan göra. Av denna anledning blir finansieringen av dessa uppköp av största vikt. Företaget har ett antal olika alternativ att välja mellan och denna uppsats studerar uppköp finansierade via aktier, kontanter, belåning samt balanserade vinstmedel. För att undersöka om dessa finansieringsmetoder tolkades olika av marknaden insamlades data rörande tidpunkter för uppköp samt aktiekurser för de företag som lägger budet. Därefter skattades marknadsmodellen utifrån dessa data.

Utvärdering av vibrationer inom vattenkrafts normer

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) proposes vibration standards for the evaluation for machine damage due to vibration in rotational machines, where some vibration parameters are given to measure the vibrationgrade. This work evaluates the relevance of the vibration standards in hydro plants that are proposed by the ISO, and also investigates if there are methods used in other countries could have greater importance. Through statistical analysis of collected data we got a better understanding of relation among different vibration parameters, and also the importance of correct choice of the parameters for the evaluation of vibration. We have found that the vibration standards available today in hydro plants are not reliable for the judgment of vibration?s grade.

Däck-mark Interaktion hos skogsmaskiner

The most predominant method for forest harvesting in Sweden is the cut-to-length method based on two-machines, a harvester that fells trees and cut them in a predefined length, and a forwarder which transports logs to a landing area for further transport to a processing facility. New machine solutions have to be much gentler to the ground than today?s machines. To be able to develop a forestry machine that preserves the terrain requires a proper understanding of the interaction between tire and soil.The goal of the project is to contribute to the existing knowledge of forest machine tire-soil interaction and to develop a tire-soil model that enables dynamic simulations of forest machines operating in rough terrain. The modeling has especially been focused on the interaction between tires and soft ground.A comparison of theoretical data of different WES-based terrain interaction models and a comparison test data from a full scale field test is presented.

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