
Utlägg för annans räkning

Ersättning för utlägg vid representation inom svenska verksamheter

Background: According to us, obtaining reimbursement of expenses in connection with a representation is a ?forgotten? process, and we therefore find it interesting to look further into. In some cases we have not claimed for compensation since we consider the process as too complicated or that we lost the original receipt. Ernst & Young (2009) say in their research that within the financial management area, Swedish operations loses billions of Swedish crowns due to bad routines. Okada and Hoch (2004) mention that if time were not considered as a resource, time would not be a hinder. Based on this, we find this subject interesting and will therefore look further into how Swedish operations experience this process, and whether it can become more efficient.Aim: The purpose of this study is to identify the internal process regarding reimbursement of expenses in connection with representation in 10 Swedish businesses and to highlight where in the process regarding reimbursement of expenses there are prerequisites for improvement.Method: The study can be described as positivistic and hermeneutic because the study uses a qualitative and quantitative method for the collection of empirical data. Furthermore, an inductive approach is used because no previous research on the subject has been found. Primary data were obtained through unstructured interviews, which then formed the basis for the structured interviews for further collection of primary data. Furthermore primary data was gathered through surveys to obtain additional useful data. Data collection was taken from those who have the actual outlay and those who administer the outlays, this to get a better overall picture of the process.Conclusion: We can in this study see three problems, 1) Complicated or tedious forms to fill in, 2) Manual work which results in duplication, 3) A tedious process where you need to keep track of your original receipt, forms that need to be printed out and filled in. Singh (2007) mentions that manual work in this kind of process is common, also, the manual work often results in invisible costs. In our study, five years later, we can also see that it is common with manual work. The forms are tedious and they also results in extra work. The operation, SP Foster, used company cards (credit cards) for outlays which resulted in less manual work and therefore they said that they had no problem with this process, this can therefore be seen as a suggestion for improvement. A tedious process and the fact that original receipt must be taken care of, 55 % of our respondents answered that they are not taking care of this right away, this can therefore have a negative impact on their work according to Tice and Baumeister (1997). A reason why operations still uses form to fill in, is that the original receipt need to be handed over. According to BFN (2012), this is not the case always, at some point you can take a digital photo of the receipt. This can therefore result in a less inefficient process.


Christoffer Landström Per Perjans

Lärosäte och institution

Högskolan i Gävle/Avdelningen för ekonomi


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