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Omkonstruktion av lastväxlare Livab
The degree project was made forZetterbergs Industri AB. The company is market leading in Europe in the heavyvehicle industry, designing and building body systems for trucks.In their line of products is the hook lift called Livab, a flexible and uniqueproduct. The hook lift is often demanded by customers because its special ability tobe able to operate in situations with low roof clearance. The main operation principleof the hook lift can be described as a truck stand, laid down.There are two main versions of the hook lift Livab, AL 26 and AL 32. These are ofdifferent load capacity, 17 and 25 metric tons of gross weight respectively.
Drömmar om Glas : En skildring av skapandeprocessen av en kulturell mötesplats
Introduction: How to implement and integrate cultural aspects in strategy making and planning in order for cities and regions to reap both social and economic benefits has been widely discussed in recent years. This method of working with culture, both as an economic, as well as an identity strengthening tool has come to be labeled as cultural planning. But in order for these ideas about cultural projects and institutions to become a reality, something has to be done. This is where the entrepreneur enters.The Glass Factory, a newly opened cultural establishment in the heart of the Glass Kingdom in Småland, Sweden, became the subject of empirical investigation for this paper. As this originally was an initiative from Emmaboda municipality the planning and start-up procedure could be viewed as a cultural planning process.
Förekomst av smak- och/eller luktförändringar vid antitumoral behandling med kemoterapi
Aim: The aim of present study was to determine the frequency of taste and smell disorders occuring in patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer. Methods: The study was of an empirical cross sectional quantitative descriptive design. During one month, consecutive cancer patients at outpatient units in two Swedish hospitals were asked to participate in the study by completing a questionnaire that had been developed previously for a similar study. All participants had undergone at least 1 cycle of intravenous chemotherapy or a minimum of seven days of oral chemotherapy. Results: A total of 102 patients completed the questionnaire.
Brown bear (Ursus arctos) den site concealment in relation to human activity in Scandinavia
As a hibernating species, the brown bear spend most of the winter months in a den as astrategy to avoid unfavorable conditions. The denning period is a vulnerable time for bears,making them unable to flee disturbances without losing valuable amounts of energy. Brownbears' wariness of humans and avoidance of anthropogenic disturbance often steer denningbears away from human infrastructure, and bears thereby avoid possible disturbance and itsassociated energetic costs. This study was carried out to test the hypothesis that bearsdenning closer to infrastructure select more covered den sites to compensate for the closedistance. Dens from 32 individuals were visited and analyzed in terms of sighting distance(a measurement for den horizontal cover) and habitat ruggedness, in relation to distances toinfrastructure.
Ett Radikalt Högerpopulistiskt Parti i Regeringen : En studie av FPÖ och dess valframgång i Österrike 1999
In this research paper I have interpreted and analysed how it is possible for a Radical Right Populist Party such as FPÖ (The Freedom Party) to obtain electoral success in the end of the last millennium. In 1999 they were elected into the national legislative parliament with 26.9% of the votes and participated in the Shüssel government from February 2000. I believe this is an extreme case study and my method is the so called Disciplined-configurative case study. I?ve conducted this study by using earlier published research and than dividing these old theories into to three analytical categories.
Datorstödd konstruktion och analys av skyddsbur : Hållfasthet och konstruktion
In motorsports competition, safety reasons require that the vehicle is equipped with some form of protective roll cage. The roll cage should withstand the forces involved in a collision to protect the driver and the co-driver from the vehicle body deformation. The roll cage also works to protect the vehicle from excessive deformations to more easily make any repairs afterwards. For the roll cage to be certified and approved for motorsports competition, it requires that the cage is built after one of the recommended options. One of those options is to design the roll cage like a cross-construction at the driver and co-driver doors.
Myten om mödomshinnan : tolkad genom Jungs arketypteori
This paper interprets the myth of the hymen through the archetypal theory of Carl Gustav Jung. Today it has been proven that there exists no hymen that breaks at a woman?s first intercourse. Nonetheless, the myth of the hymen lives on ? creating enormous consequences for girls and women.
Knowledge Management -lärprocesser över gränser
Background: To be better able to meet the new competition, companies are seeking new competitive advantages, wich is forcing them to review and, in time, change both working methods and corporate structures. This has led to an increased interest in the development of strategies within the field of Knowledge Management. Objective: The objective of this thesis is to improve understanding of how learning in a company occurs over internal boundaries and to investigate whether individuals need to be motivated in this regard. We also aim to give recommendations as to how this can be developed. Furthermore, we will work out a model that explains the learning process.
Marknaden för skogsvårdstjänster : en undersökning bland privata markägare inom en region i Värmland
This work broadly illuminates the conditions for increasing the commissions of forestry services within the whole, or parts of, the western regions of Stora Enso?s operating area. Through a questionnaire, a survey was made examining whether the owners of the forests themselves do the forestry on their woodlands. This foremost concerns the pre-commercial thinning, but also planting and soil scarification. The survey also shows who are buying the most part of their forestry services and who are carrying it out themselves.
I politik och praktik : En studie av kulturpolitikens inverkan på två kulturbärandeorganisationers retorik
Author: Niklas JohanssonDirector: Olle DuhlinTitle: In policy and practice ? a study of how the cultural policy have effected the language of two cultural institutions.Background: The swedish cultural policy?s raison d?être is to safeguard all the inhabitants right to experience culture. Since 1997 the development in the field has resulted in an economisation and commersialisation were the culture more commonly is looked upon as a mean of reaching a higher rate of employment or financial growth. The concept of cultural planning and new public management are today part of the cultural pollicy debate which in its turn has effected the goals and ways to evaluate fulfillment.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to show how the cultural policy in the swedish regions effect the language in the annual reports of the cultural institutions and how these documents have developed since 1997. This to further the knowledge of ho wchanges in the cultural policy effects the comunication of the cultural organisations.Method: This is a qulaitative study conducted in a inductivly.
Kadmium i skånska vattendrag : en metodstudie i föroreningsmodellering
Modelling of pollutants is commonly used in research and at departments working with environmental issues. The need to use large amounts of data when modelling creates the opportunity for more generalised models with lower data demands. Aggregating functions into coarser elements is a sort of generalisation of actual features in nature.A development of a method and a modelling tool called ?KadmiumKalkylatorn? has been performed to model cadmium pollution in rivers in Skåne, Sweden. The water runoff has been multiplied with cadmium standard concentrations based on membership in landuse classes.
Utvecklingsprojekt fo?r produktionsverktyg i kulturverksamhet : Database development in a cultural environment
Projektet visar hur man med relativt lite kunskap om programmering kan ta fram en lo?sning som ba?de a?r cross-platform och enkel att underha?lla och vidareutveckla med ytterligare funktioner i framtiden. Systemet a?r gjort i Filemaker Pro 13/14 som ocksa? a?r klienten fo?r Mac OS X och anva?nds fo?r mobila enheter via Filemaker Go 13/14.Personalen pa? kostymavdelningen pa? NorrlandsOperan har tidigare arbetat med en struktur da?r information och bilder kring produktionen sparats i olika Excel eller Word-dokument fo?r att sen sparas pa? en gemensam filserver. Detta arbetssa?tt skapar problem kring dokumentation, att hitta information och att jobba mobilt.Lo?sningen a?r framtagen fo?r att understo?dja personalen i deras arbete och fo?ljer en tydlig ordning med vilka objekt som a?r relaterade till vilka andra objekt.
Väljer man rätt? : en uppföljning av Svensk baskets regionsuttagningar
AimThe purpose with this study is to evaluate the selectationprocess and what happened with Swedish basketball players born 1986-89, that were selected to participate in Miki Herkel Cup (MHC), which is a camp for the 60 most talented players in Sweden.Metod Together with the Swedish basketball federation, we decided to survey those who attended MHC as well as the players playing in the senior national team 2009. The data collection has been made through a survey, with multiple choice questions in order to get as good as possible view of what factors that had influenced their development as basketball players. The survey was sent out to all players born 1986-89 that attended MHC and the senior national team of 2009. We used an electronic survey tool called questback which is an internetsurvey and sent out the survey to 320 players. To collect information we´ve searched within literature and databases.Result 18 % of the players answered the survey, which decreases the research validity.
Utvärdering av den information och utbildning patienter som nyligen genomgått en stomioperation får från stomiterapeut
The study aimed to evaluate the information and training the stoma therapist at Uppsala University Hospital has given to patients who have recently undergone stoma surgery. The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study using qualitative and quantitative design. A total of 22 patients who completely or partially took care of their stomas and recently had undergone stoma surgery participated by answering a questionnaire. At discharge most of them experienced they were relatively well-informed but they wanted more information. Before the revisit they weren?t especially safe or comfortable.
Positive human to cattle interactions and the possibilities to increase animal welfare, economy and safety for farmers
Cattle production systems are changing to bigger intensified systems with larger numbers of animals per farm and more free range systems while at the same time employing fewer people. Aversive handling has been known to affect cattle production negatively for many years, but lately scientists have started to focus more on what positive effects gentle handling and positive human-cattle interactions may have on beef and dairy production. Fear can cause high stress in production animals and this can contribute to not only reduced production within beef and dairy cattle, but also increased risks for accidents and decreased animal welfare. Therefore, by reducing the fear cattle experience of humans, it could be possible to increase production, decrease accidents and increase the welfare of the animals. Reducing the animals fear and stress can be done by simple means, such as walking and talking calmly around the cattle, associating humans to positive feelings (such as feed) and stroking the cattle?s body regions associated with social grooming.