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De olympiska vinterspelen i spalterna : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Sportbladets bevakning av OS i Sotji 2014.
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish newspaper Sportbladet watches over the Olympic games in Sotji, 2014. This study aims to find out why certain topics is more popular writing about and why others are not. The study also analyses the news distribution in terms of gender and nationalism.To find answers to this questions, a quantitative content analyses was used. The results is based on 220 texts collected from eleven days news reporting in Sportbladet. Ice hockey and cross-country skiing was, without a doubt, the most popular sports according to news, interest and reporting. These two sports occupied a great deal of space in the newspaper and also had most articles.Furthermore, this study shows the domination of men amongst news pages according to both space and frequency in Sportbladet during the Olympic games in Sotji. In spite of that fact, women was assigned more space in the news paper throughout the Olympic games compared to the daily reporting.
Matvanor bland 15-åriga pojkar och flickor i Uppsala län
Aim: To describe perceptions about written and verbal information regarding diet and physical activity in women with breast cancer and to study possible differences between ages and perception. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted and consisted of 57 women with breast cancer stages I-III who started adjuvant chemotherapy within a year (2007-2008). A questionnaire, regarding their perceptions about the written and verbal information they had received about diet and physical activity, was responded to three months following treatment completion. Between 67-93 % of the participants responded to the questions. The answers was analyzed with descriptive statistics and Mann Whitney U-test.
Motion och sömnkvalitet hos äldre personer i en kommun i sydöstra Sverige
Background: The population of the world is getting older and in the year of 2020, 1.2 billion people will be 60 years or older. A common health complaint affecting the quality of life in elderly persons are sleep difficulties. Physical activity is claimed to improve sleep quality and the maintenance of a normal circadian rhythm. Several studies have shown positive effects of physical activity on sleep quality, still the evidence of physical activity as sleep-promoter is insufficient. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate associations between physical activities and sleep quality in persons ?60 years of age.
Modellering av tvärsnitt i betongbro med avseende på egenskaper som platta och balk
Examensarbetet behandlar ett brotvärsnitt som inte entydigt kan betraktas som ett balktvärsnitt eller plattvärsnitt. Med de måttdefinitioner som används vid broprojektering ska en plattkonstruktion ha en bredd som är fem gånger höjden, annars ska konstruktionen ses som en balk där även balkens längd definieras att vara större än tre gånger höjden. Brotvärsnittet som studeras i detta examensarbete kan alltså definieras både som ett plattvärsnitt och som ett balktvärsnitt. Målet med arbetet är att undersöka om det är möjligt att finna en metod att konstruera denna typ av tvärsnitt som befinner sig i gränslandet mellan två definitioner. Skillnaderna mellan en plattas och en balks verkningssätt ligger i att plattan antas bära last i två riktningar medan en balk enbart bär last i en riktning.Examensarbetet är genomfört i sammarbete med WSP Bro- och vattenbyggnad i Örebro, som konstruerade en bro med just detta tvärsnitt.
Information till hjärtsviktspatienter under vårdtiden på sjukhus : En empirisk studie
Heart failure is the most common reason to hospitalization among persons over 65 years old. Self-care is an important part in the treatment of heart failure, but poor information and knowledge limits the ability of self-care and increases the risk of admission to hospital.The aim of the study was to investigate what information patients with heart failure describes that they receive from health care personal, how information is perceived, who provides the information, and on what occasions it is given. The aim was also to investigate whether patients' perception of knowledge about heart failure increased after hospitalization.The study is cross-sectional study with a descriptive design. A consecutive selection was used. A questionnaire was filled in by 28 participants.The study has shown that patients with heart failure largely experience information about heart failure inadequate.
Sortimentsinriktad avverkning
Forest enterprises have always searched for ways to improve efficiency. For the past few
years there has been an emphasis on stock-keeping levels. Increased demand for fresh
round timber and the need to decrease the amount of tied-up capital has made the forest
industry reduce its inventory levels. This has brought on a higher demand on the timber
supply from the forest management districts concerning both delivery in time and
assortment output. As a result, the flow of timber has fluctuated a lot with serious
consequence for the timber supply during 1994.
Utformning av kulvertgaller i lösdriftsstall med hela golv för mjölkkor :
The size of the Swedish dairy farms increases and also the demands for rational manage-ment of the herd without affecting the animal welfare enhance. One way to handle the manure in the cow shed alleys is to have automatic scrapers. In this system the scraper has to get rid of the manure somewhere. The most common way of doing that today is to let the scraper deliver the manure under some kind of gate or covering over the manure culvert. When the scraper goes under the gate or the covering there is a risk of squeezing animals and farmer.
Heltid - en möjlighet? : En studie av deltidsanställningar och personalkostnader i svenska kommuner
Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur andelen deltidsanställningar inom den kommunala verksamheten påverkar kommunernas personalkostnader. Flera regressionsmodeller har använts på ett material bestående av Sveriges samtliga kommuner mellan åren 1998 och 2006. Resultaten har visat att en kommun som minskar andelen deltidsanställda med tio procentenheter beräknas sänka sina personalkostnader med ca 1200 kr per kommuninvånare och år. Modellerna är signifikanta även när de kontrolleras för autokorrelation och relativt hårda antaganden om orsaksriktning och effektens fördröjning.Även deltidsanställningarnas inverkan på kvaliteten i den kommunala verksamheten har studerats. Trots svårigheterna att mäta kvalitet, tyder resultaten på att en minskning av andelen deltidsanställningar förväntas förbättra kvaliteten.Sammantaget visar resultaten att kommuner som erbjuder sina deltidsanställda möjlighet till heltidsanställning kan göra mindre ekonomiska vinster utan att försämra verksamhetens kvalitet.
Jag lever som jag vill, eller jag lever som jag lär? En enkätstudie med avseende att undersöka 15 åringars BMI, kost-motionsvanor samt socialisationens påverkan av dessa
The habits of living are seen as important factors for public health, and are related to the primary socialization. Exercise and food habits are two main factors for development of health or ill health and are both related to the overweight epidemic. The overweight increase among children and youth has been given particular attention. The aim of this study is to examine how 15 year olds Body Mass Index, food- and exercise habits are connected to each other and also how they are related to socialization. The study is a cross sectional survey among 208 pupils in ninth grade, Kristianstad.
Att undervisa enskilt och i grupp : Vilka egenskaper skiljer en grupplektion från en enskild lektion enligt åtta lärare?
Syftet med detta arbete var att få ökad förståelse för hur åtta specifika instrumentallärare utnyttjar möjligheterna och hanterar utmaningarna under lektioner i grupp och enskilt i cello- och blockflöjtsundervisning. Vi intervjuade åtta lärare (fyra cellolärare, tre blockflöjtslärare och en brasslärare) för att undersöka hur de uppfattade grupp- och enskild undervisning samt möjligheter och utmaningar med dessa undervisningsformer.Resultatet visar på att det är enklare att få en personlig kontakt under den enskilda lektionen och att lektionsinnehållet blir mer individuellt anpassat. Fokus på tekniken ses dock som både positivt och negativt. Relationen mellan läraren och eleven under den enskilda lektionen kan lätt bli osymmetrisk varför lärare bör försöka ?bjuda in? eleven att vara mer delaktig i diskussioner och planering.
Förfädernas berg? : en tolkning av fornborgen på Halleberg
The essay deals with the hill-fort on the mountain Halleberg, Sweden, its wall design, functionality, dating and its possible function as a central location and a place of worship of the ancestors.The Halleberg hill-fort consists of a 1500 meters long at times cohesive stonewalls which together blocked the mountain from its surroundings. Hallberg's natural vertical scree and cliffs along with the masonry blocked the whole mountain from the surroundings.The hill-forts, with few exceptions are largely not investigated archaeologically and its functionality and role in the ancient society is based on outdated research on the subject. The current archaeological interpretation is that hill-forts served as temporary defense in times of unrest or served as center of power for a social elite. The prevailing view in the archaeological sphere is that the hill-forts had a variety of functions and that its functionality and role in ancient society has varied.Halleberg´s strongest wall sections are at the mountain's south-eastern part where the natural driveway, Storgårdsklev is located. Along with the massive masonry of the walls in Bokedalen Storgårdsklev functioned as the hill-forts main entrance.
Den svenska nationella strategin för hållbar utveckling : En process av betydelse eller bara ett anonymt dokument?
AbstractAt the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 the nations stated that traditional environmental policies were not sufficient to handle the multidimensional challenges posed by sustainable development. Governments needed to broaden their political decision making procedures in order to coordinate and integrate environmental, social and economic policies. Therefore a new tool was introduced in Agenda 21, National Strategies for Sustainable Development (NSDS). The aim of an NSDS would be to bring together actors from all parts of society to jointly reach a consensus on how to work towards the vision of a sustainable society. An NSDS would be seen as a strategic tool to help focus national policies for SD.
Tritordeum : evaluation of a new food cereal
Tritordeum is the result of a cross between a wild barley (Hordeum chilense) and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum). Tritordeum have high viscosity and a nice yellow colour. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate Tritordeum lines HT 354, HT 361, HT 437, HT 2218 (JB3) and HT 1608 (JB1) for use as a new raw material within the food industry. Analyses made were on dietary fibre, fructan, ash, water content and colour. Compilation of data from analyses made for Agrasys an Agri-Food company in Barcelona having the commercial rights to Tritordeum, included Lutein and rheological properties.
Skolsköterskors användning av MI-metoden
AbstractMI stands for Motivational Interviewing, the Swedish translation of MI is Motiverande Samtal. Adolescence is a period in life when challenges are encountered and pivotal choices are being made. It is during this period adolescents form their lifestyle, which have an impact for their health for the rest of their life. MI has shown to be an effective and appropriate method for school nurses within school health care, to utilize in approaching by adolescents with risk behavior. This is because it gives adolescence to take responsibility and empowers them to make decisions regarding lifestyle-changes.
Skolskötersors användning av MI-metoden
AbstractMI stands for Motivational Interviewing, the Swedish translation of MI is Motiverande Samtal. Adolescence is a period in life when challenges are encountered and pivotal choices are being made. It is during this period adolescents form their lifestyle, which have an impact for their health for the rest of their life. MI has shown to be an effective and appropriate method for school nurses within school health care, to utilize in approaching by adolescents with risk behavior. This is because it gives adolescence to take responsibility and empowers them to make decisions regarding lifestyle-changes.