

9915 Uppsatser om Communication and competence development. - Sida 9 av 661


Competence Portals are software tools that are intended to make it easier for persons that have had no previous contact to find and contact each other. The portals can address areas ranging from finding an expert within an organisation to the marketing of the competence of a region or a research centre to other organisations. The purpose of the thesis is to examine the necessity of Competence Portals in research-intensive organisations. Important characteristics of the information in such portals have been identified and used as a basis for recommendations regarding how Competence Portals could be designed. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the task of finding a source of knowledge within an organisation.

Skola för en hållbar framtid : En kvalitativ undersökning om lärare och elevers tankar om hållbar utveckling

The purpose of this study is to find out teachers and students thoughts about sustainable development. Research shows that sustainable development should be a part of all education. When this is the case, the student´s will develop a competence to act in this matter. This is important so student´s encourages to act and make decisions based on knowledge about sustainable development. This field investigation is based on four interviews with teachers and eleven interviews with student´s. The result shows that the teachers has learned a lot about the concept, and in different ways realizated this in their teaching.

Offshoring to India ? the New Silicon Valley? ? a Research Study about Capgemini

The purpose with our study is to investigate why Capgemini adopts the Rightshore strategy, how they implement this strategy and how it affects Capgemini?s core competence. We also aim to look at how the company?s knowledge management is supporting the offshoring strategey, in addition to how Capgemini ?keeps control of? its core competence in following the trend of offshoring to India?.

Önskvärda Kompetenser i en förändrad Försvarsmakt

In the latest years the Swedish armed forces have gone from an armed force with conscripts to voluntary men and women. When the basic training is voluntarily may the question be if the new men and women have the same approach to Desirable competences and pedagogy that is used by their officers during their training. Desirable competences are a part of the model transformational leadership and are divided into task related competence, management competence, social competence and capacitate to cope with stress.To deal with this problem I have used questionnaires from conscripts and a new questionnaire made on voluntary recruits.I have compared the results in a case study method and it shows a positive progress from the recruits view how the officers use examples from the transformational leadership. The study shows that recruits want officers to make demands, motivate and inspire them. The recruits want to know the goal with the education and they want the officers to make demands on them..

Den dolda kompetensen : en longitudinell undersökning mellan åren 2007 - 2009  av fem gotländska småföretag

In this thesis we will discuss the importance of human resource development in smaller companies and if it will change from when the Swedish economy was in an economic boom and later on came to be in a recession. We choose to use a more qualitative approach for this research in order to conduct a more in-depth study of five smaller sized companies located on Gotland, Sweden. In order to limit our research we had as an ambition to answer these following questions:? What obstacles are there when it comes to human resource development and knowledge transference within smaller sized companies?? What can simplify or enable human resource development and knowledge transference within smaller sized companies?? Does the teaching process change to a more tacit human resource development between co-workers when there is less room for conventional human resource development?The result of the research came to show that the biggest barrier, when it comes to competence development within smaller companies, is time. However, our research also showed that a majority of the companies has changed from a more external educational plan to a more internal educational plan which focuses on keeping the human resource development within the company.

E-learning : en form för kompetensutveckling?

Titel: E-learning - en form för kompetensutveckling? Författare: Emely Andersson Helena Någård Handledare: Anders Nilsson Institution:Institutionen för Ekonomi och Management Blekinge Tekniska Högskolan Kurs: Magisterarbete i företagsekonomi, EFE 610 Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga de faktorer som ligger till grund vid valet av e-learning som kompetensutvecklingsform samt vilka olika verktyg av e-learning som finns. Metod: Insamlingen av data har skett genom både personliga intervjuer och e-mail intervjuer med företag som använder någon form av e-learning i sin verksamhet. Vi har också varit i kontakt med sakkunniga som har erfarenhet av e-learning för att få ett bredare perspektiv på området. Slutsats: Slutsatsen vi har dragit är att det beror på flera olika faktorer om e-learning passar in i företaget och varje företag måste utvärdera dessa faktorer.

Ligger grunden till problem inom projekt i initieringsfasen?

Project management has been a very popular way of conducting information system development in the past years. Among all major information system developing companies today, almost everyone work in some form of project management. Our objective with this study has been to find out if there are any problems that begin in the early part of the project. Problems that, if they aren?t solved directly, can become bigger problems later on in the project.

Beaktandet av regionala utvecklingsmål i kommunala översiktsplaner : - En studie av situationen i Västerbottens län

AbstractThis study aims to describe and analyze how the 15 municipalities of Västerbotten County consider regional targets of development in their comprehensive plans. The study also investigate if there´s any need of improvements for the consideration of regional targets in comprehensive planning.This paper is based on studies of comprehensive plans in Västerbotten County and on three interviews with employers of different municipalities in the county. An thematic analysis were used to analyze documents and interviews.The result shows that a new comprehensive plan generally takes more consideration to regional targets of development than older plans. The consideration varies a lot between the municipalities of Västerbotten County and it can be explained by many reasons. The informant?s points out that lack of resources- and competence plus a deficient dialog between municipalities and regional organizations are the mainly causes.Keywords; regional development, comprehensive planning, strategy for regional development, regional development program, land-use planning.

Arbetsmotivation och psykisk hälsa bland sjuksköterskor inom psykiatrin : En jämförande studie mellan yngre och äldre sjukksöterskor

Background: The relation between work motivation and well-being are relatively well theoretically entrenched, but few studies have been conducted on nurses within psychiatry. Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the differences in intrinsic work motivation (autonomy, competence, relatedness), mental health and burnout between young (?40 years) and older (>40 years) nurses employed in psychiatry. Method: The study was an observational study with a cross-sectional design and group comparisons, conducted as a survey. The sample constituted of 60 employed nurses.

Digitala kommunikationer mellan VIDA och deras leverantörer

The Swedish forest industry has put a lot of resources in the development of digital communications in hopes of improving collaboration with suppliers. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether VIDA would benefit from using digital communication with suppliers. The survey was conducted as a questionnaire study among the company?s staff and its suppliers. The result indicated needs and interests to use digital communications in both groups. Young suppliers and suppliers on a distance showed the most interest in using digital communication. In terms of using these digital communications, the staffs and suppliers were most interested in information regarding transaction and forestmanagement plans.

Kommunikation om kommunikation - medarbetares upplevelser av vad som påverkar kommunikationen mellan dem och deras chef

Our study aimed at gaining insight of co-workers experiences of different factors that affects the verbal communication and leads to dialogue and misunderstanding between co-workers and their managers. The empirical material was gained from semi-structured interviews with co-workers at various departments within the same organization. We used a hermeneutic interpretive approach and our data was analyzed concerning different factors affecting communication. The result has been interpreted using the theories of deliberative conversations and dialogue competence. We have also used Illeris theory of learning. The result shows a number of factors that affects communication between co-workers and managers.

Litteraturförmedling på folkbibliotek: Bibliotekariers tankar om kompetens och betydelsefulla egenskaper

This thesis deals with questions about competences and qualities that librarians inpublic libraries find that they need to be qualified suppliers of literature (books andmagazines).Our aim is to problematize the competence of the profession in relation to promotingliterature, knowledge in literature and reading habits. We want to know what librariansthemselves think about their own competences when it comes to supplying andpromoting literature. Does it have to be a leisure interest or do they get the possibility toread during working hours?What do librarians think it means to be a qualified promotor of literature and how dothey acquire the right competence? Do they believe that their competence correspondswith the occupational requirements? How much of their knowledge about literature andpromoting literature comes from personal interest and commitment?We primarily used the theories about competence by Per-Erik Ellström. One of thetheories is the one of implicit and explicit knowledge.

E-learning - en form för kompetensutveckling?

Titel: E-learning - en form för kompetensutveckling? Författare: Emely Andersson Helena Någård Handledare: Anders Nilsson Institution:Institutionen för Ekonomi och Management Blekinge Tekniska Högskolan Kurs: Magisterarbete i företagsekonomi, EFE 610 Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga de faktorer som ligger till grund vid valet av e-learning som kompetensutvecklingsform samt vilka olika verktyg av e-learning som finns. Metod: Insamlingen av data har skett genom både personliga intervjuer och e-mail intervjuer med företag som använder någon form av e-learning i sin verksamhet. Vi har också varit i kontakt med sakkunniga som har erfarenhet av e-learning för att få ett bredare perspektiv på området. Slutsats: Slutsatsen vi har dragit är att det beror på flera olika faktorer om e-learning passar in i företaget och varje företag måste utvärdera dessa faktorer. Genom att titta på olika företag har vi hittat vissa gemensamma faktorer hos dessa företag. Huvudfaktorerna som har störst betydelse för om e-learning passar in i företaget är personalen, kostnaderna och vilka kunskaper det är som skall förmedlas.

Mind-mindedness och kommunikativ utveckling : Samband mellan moderns mentaliseringsyttranden och barnets senare språkliga och kommunikativa utveckling

Mind-mindedness refers to the mother?s ability to treat her child as an individual with a mental life of his or her own. In the present study, the purpose is to investigate the relationship between the amount of mind-related comments the mother produces when the child is 9 months of age and the child?s development in language and communication at the age of 15 months. The hypothesis is that the amount of mind-related comments the mother produces has a positive affect on the child?s language abilities as well as his or her ability to initiate joint attention.

Utvärdering av AKKTIV KomIgång ? en studie av föräldrars och kursledares upplevelser av en kommunikationskurs

The aim of the study was to evaluate parents and course directors?experiences of the AKKTIV ComAlong-course (Augmentative and AlternativeCommunication ? Early Intervention). ComAlong targets parents of pre-schoolchildren with extensive communication difficulties and aims to give parentsknowledge about different aspects of communication, communication developmentand AAC. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Individualinterviews and pair-interviews with totally nine persons were performed and 54course questionnaires filled in by parents were evaluated.

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