

9915 Uppsatser om Communication and competence development. - Sida 10 av 661

Produktutveckling med hjälp och stöd för teknisk projektledning : - en kvalitativ studie av tre högteknologiska företag.

Due to an increasing global market with a growing competition and an escalating technologydevelopment the demands on companies today are increasing. To maximise the output fromtheir recourses they need to be more efficient. The research on product development and how toensure the efficiencies in the process are extensive and companies could by adapting andimplementing the result of this research use its benefits.This master thesis is made for Knightec AB with the aims that through interviews anddiscussions with three companies investigate, collate, justify and give proposals for productdevelopment process together with supporting methods and procedures for technical projectmanagement. Besides Knightec AB three other companies located in Sweden has beenparticipating in this study. Through semi structured interviews and discussions in focus groupsinformation from the three involved companies were obtained.

Employer branding i praktiken : - en fallstudie på ett tjänsteföretag

This essay ventilates the relatively new phenomenon employer branding. Due to societal changes, such as demographical and financial changes, the labour market in Sweden has changed. It is evident that an increasing number of organisations need to put more of an effort in their methods of attracting talent and retaining competence within the organisation. By a case study based on five interviews, the purpose of the study was to compare literature and practice to see how well they compare as well as how employer branding bring about different aspects of the effect. There was also an ambition to highlight aspects of employer branding considered important to have in mind when undertaking an employer branding exercise.

Backsourcing : om dess orsaker, syften och alternativ

This paper examines the reasons behind firms considering backsourcing. While firms experience problems with their outsourcing activities, backsourcing emerges as an alternative solution. Firms primarily take cost considerations into account when reconsidering their outsourcing practices, but this only scratches the surface. A deeper analysis is needed, since cost increases arise from issues such as quality defects and cooperation problems. Even though production costs are low, outsourcing always implies transaction costs.

Utvecklingssamtal - utifrån elevens perspektiv

My aim with this diploma work is to find out if the students consider development deliberations as a good forum in order to promote their knowledge development or not. I have also examined if the development deliberation is experienced as giving for the pupil or not, what I have been studying from the pupil's perspectives.MethodI have implemented three qualitative interviews with three students from class nine in a compulsory education that lies in Botkyrka municipality. There, I have also an implemented questionnaire survey with two half classes from same class.Materials To my study I have linked literature where research aims himself in on how teachers have worked with development deliberations in the school.Results Students that I have interviewed does consider development deliberations as a knowledgep romoting forum, but most as a forum for clear about study results. The students in the survey consider development deliberations as giving only when the result turns out to bee good.Importance for teachers As each development deliberation is unique, you can not come to a certain implication that all deliberations are experienced in the same way as the result shows. But that can last stakeholder for the teacher is to see how one development deliberation can to be experienced of several students.

Skolsköterskans arbete med fysisk aktivitet.

AbstractBackground: Becoming a parent to a child in need of Neonatal Intensive Care can be a traumatic experience. During a time when the parents may need support, guidance and a sense of control ? the family might need to relocate to a hospital away from home if the child needs highly specialized medical care at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the parents? experience of having to change neonatal care unit.

Kommunikation och samordning : En studie av internkommunikationen inom Region Värmland

This paper deals with the subject internal communication. We received this assignment from Region Värmland, an organization formed jointly by the 16 municipalities in the county of Värmland, to take responsibility for regional development, growth issues, culture and adult education in Värmland. The organization consists of a number of geographically dispersed units with specialized working areas. In this type of organization, there are high demands on internal communication as a tool to coordinate the organization?s different units and integrate their work, in order to reach the common goals.

Språk, utveckling och lärande : En diskursanalys av språkbegreppet i förskolans läroplan

The study´s purpose is to investigate the underlying norms of how the concepts of language development and learning, used in the preschool curriculum. Knowledge of the concepts underlying norms can help to make visible what approach preschool teacher is expected to have to children's language, in relation to development and learning. The results of the study may in turn provide a picture of societal norms on children in preschool and a deeper understanding of the importance of preschool to review and analyze the content of the curriculum, then it is not a foregone conclusion.Theoretical basis is curriculum theory, which involves studying curricula in order to create a knowledge of a society and its cultural, social and economic demands. Norman Faircloughs critical discourse analysis is used as a method, in order to achieve the study´s intention and answer the questions at issues in the study. The critical discourse analysis considers that the discourse is creating the social world through language.The results of the study show that there is a language in the curriculum as normatively may influence preschool teacher.

Delat Ledarskap- En fallstudie om ett delat produktansvar på ledarskapsnivå

Leadership is essential for every company. Its strength or weakness of direction, clarity, and evaluation affects success or failure of its organization. With the complex structure of the big and global companies today leadership is more challenging. The traditional view of leadership, with the single individual possessing all the competences and skills, is therefore being challenged by an alternative way of leadership, a shared leadership. Existing research on the subject is still scarce, which makes further studies in this field important.

"Man blir snabbt van vid det onormala" : Föräldrars upplevelse av att få byta neonatalvårdenhet

AbstractBackground: Becoming a parent to a child in need of Neonatal Intensive Care can be a traumatic experience. During a time when the parents may need support, guidance and a sense of control ? the family might need to relocate to a hospital away from home if the child needs highly specialized medical care at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the parents? experience of having to change neonatal care unit.

Upfattningar om skolans arbete med hälsa : en kvalitativ studie i årskurs 8

AbstractBackground: Becoming a parent to a child in need of Neonatal Intensive Care can be a traumatic experience. During a time when the parents may need support, guidance and a sense of control ? the family might need to relocate to a hospital away from home if the child needs highly specialized medical care at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the parents? experience of having to change neonatal care unit.

Frilekens betydelse för barn i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie av några pedagogers syn på den fria lekens betydelse för barns lärande

The aim of this study is to increase knowledge and understanding of free play or free fun time importance for children of age around five years in preschool, in order to promote children?s development and learning. The focus was on exploring and better understanding of teacher?s and educators? approach to the free fun play time as a tool in their educational work, and also about their own role in this context as well as analyzing of forms, rules and structures spontaneously created by groups of children having free play fun time. Another important moment of this study was to give more light on approaches to this issue in education theories by Piaget, Vygotsky and Freud among others.As to the practical experimental part of the study it has been performed at a preschool and kindergarten in a suburb at the outskirts of Stockholm, with four employed educators there and with groups of children of age around five.

Det virtuella kontoret : En litteraturstudie i möjligheter och utmaningar med att använda 3D kollaborativa virtuella miljöer inom distribuerad systemutveckling

Distributed system development is a common occurrence in today?s technological and global world. Because the consequences of its geographically distributed nature it creates barriers between people that affects their communication and collaboration efforts in the distributed context. Despite a lot of technological breakthroughs over the last decades and the occurrence of video-conference applications and other tools for communication and collaboration, cultural and geographical issues have so far not yet been completely resolved. In this study I have made a literature study over distributed system development to form a set of central factors that affects the distributed development process.

Analoga och digitala verktyg i svensk?mnets skrivundervisning

The purpose of this study is to investigate how twelve middle school teachers use educational tools and what influences their choice of educational tools in Swedish language writing instruction. To answer this purpose, three research questions were formulated: What does writing instruction look like for middle school students according to the teachers in the study? What influences teachers' choice and use of educational tools in writing instruction? What opportunities and challenges do teachers experience in Swedish language writing instruction when using different educational tools? Twelve teachers from variously sized municipalities and with different experiences participated in the study through purposive sampling and convenience sampling. The chosen method is qualitative semi-structured teacher interviews. To analyse the results, this study employs analytical tools from the sociocultural perspective, using concepts such as mediation, appropriation, the zone of proximal development, and scaffolding. The results show that both analogue and digital tools are used in the teachers' writing instruction. The choice of tools should be based on pedagogical considerations, with an emphasis on social interaction and collaboration during the learning process.

Övergången mellan studier och yrkesliv ? 94 biblioteks- och informationsvetares retrospektiva upplevelser

The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how the transfer from academic studies into professional life is experienced in retrospect by professional librarians. The aim is also to examine in which context the studies in library- and information science in Sweden has been formed. To attain the purpose of the thesis four main questions is being asked: In which context has LIS-studies from the period 1993-2007 been formed? Which competence does the professional librarian consider to be the most fundamental in professional life? Does the professional librarian experience that the knowledge attained from LIS-studies is sufficient for the actual tasks? Which are the differences between tasks at different types of libraries? The study is performed through a questionnaire survey in which 94 professional librarians express their experiences of their LIS-studies in retrospect.

"Jobba hårt, ge aldrig upp" : Svensk företagsetablering i Ryssland ur ett interkulturellt- och strategiskt perspektiv.

The world becomes more globalized for each year that passes by due to economical, political and technological processes. The globalization process leads to increased contacts with people from different cultures and therefore intercultural communication occurs.Intercultural and strategic communication is significant to accomplish successful establishments and effective communication for companies. The export from Sweden abroad increases every single year and today there are about 1500 Swedish companies around the world and 350 established in Russia. The purpose of this study has therefore been to analyze the factors that affect the establishments of Swedish companies in Russia.Material to our study has been collected through qualitative interviews and a seminar focusing on these questions. Our interviewees all have experiences on working with Russia, as most of the interviewees work for Swedish companies in Russia or are consults that help companies to succeed with their establishment.The material has been evaluated and analyzed in relation to our main theories in intercultural- and strategic communication using theorists and theories such as Hofstede and his five cultural dimensions, Goffman?s staging and Habermas communicative action theory.Our theories have been put in relation to our collected information and complemented by earlier research and the result indicates that you need intercultural competence to manage an establishment of a Swedish company and the strategic communication in Russia because of the intercultural differences that the respondents experience..

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