

6824 Uppsatser om Commercial vs. public service - Sida 1 av 455

Nyhetsradio : Om skillnaderna i korta riksnyhetssändningar mellan två kommersiella radiostationer och public serviceradion.

The purpose of this BA-thesis was to learn the differences in news broadcasts between one public service radio channel and two commercial radio channels. To do this we used a quantitative analysis method to examine the content of the news broadcasts and then we conducted in-depth interviews with several people working with the different radio channels using a qualitative research interview method to learn their views on news and news broadcasting.We measured the differences between the channels in six areas: subject, headline, news presentation, gender, advertising and sources.Our two main theories were normative theory and media logic.The results found that there were several major differences between the public service radio channel and the two commercial radio channels. Apart from several important differences in the six measured categories we also found that the sound and tone in the public service radio channel was very different from the two commercial radio channels.We also found the public service radio channels news broadcasts to be more serious than the two commercials ones?..

Public service vs Kommersiell TV. SVT, TV4-gruppen och MTG: En kvalitativ fallstudie om de ledande aktörerna på den svenska TV-marknaden och deras marknadsorientering.

The Swedish TV broadcasting market is constantly changing together with the players in it. The questionto be answered by this paper is how the players in the market handle these changes and to what extentthe players are changing the market. Also, are there any differences between the public service andcommercial players in this aspect? The purpose of this paper is to create a better understanding of theSwedish broadcasting market and its player's market orientation. Through case studies of the three mainbroadcasting companies, SVT, TV4-gruppen and MTG, the market is analyzed from their perspective.The conclusions from the analysis show that there are differences in the market orientation betweenpublic service and commercial players, where the commercial companies are more market driven..

Om politiken och publiken : en diskursteoretisk analys av politiken som reglerar inehållet i public service

The aim with this study is to identify and discuss discourses in public service policy documents to clarify that public service policy is political and not self-evident. The study's theoretical as well as methodological starting point is the discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe, which ontological position is that all meaning is constructed by discourses. In the studied material, two discourses have been identified in policy concerning the content in public service media. The responsibility-discourse construct meanings of what content the policy wants to see in public service media and in the quality-discourse meanings of how the content should be is constructed. Public service policy is consistent over the period that has been studied and the study shows that there is consensus in the parliament about the regulation of the content in public service media.

New public management från solidaritet till effektivitet

The public service within health and care has changed remarkably during the last 30 years. It has been inspired by management ideas from profit-making businesses. Those thoughts are an umbrella term called Nex public management. In what way has New public management influenced the public service in Sweden? Important concepts in the change of public service are quality, effektivity and goals.

Webbradion : ett nytt medium

The purpose of this essay is to study the role of web radio in Sweden. To fulfill the purpose we have done a case study of two Swedish radio stations: Sveriges Radio AB, which is a public service station, and a commercial station called Mix Megapol. By interviewing two persons from each station and analyzing the contents of their web sites, we have tried to see how the relationship between radio, Internet and web radio looks like. Thus, our method is qualitative. We have come to many conclusion of which some are: The new medium web radio borrows qualities from the traditional radio.

I en ny allmänhets tjänst : - En studie om Public Service i ett förändrat medielandskap

ABSTRACT Title: The new Public ServiceAuthors: Hanna Haeggström, Sara Marklund, Madeleine OlssonLevel: Bachelor thesis in Media and Communications Studies Supervisor: Olof HulténLocation: School of Communication and Design, University of Kalmar, spring 2008Language: SwedishNumber of pages: 55There is an ongoing change of the media industry where new types of media emerge as a result of technological advancements. The audience and their use of the media have changed where available range has expanded while the size of the audience has remained the same. For media companies this implies a fight for the audience, where the right approach is vital for keeping as well as attracting new customers. Public service is an issue under current debate and its future role in the media industry has been brought into question. This survey investigates the roll of public service in Scandinavia in a new and changing media industry and how they should act to be important for their audience.

?Förändringar är bra om det inte gäller en själv? : En komparativ studie av privata och public service TV-kanalers organisatoriska flexibilitet i Sverige och Polen

This Bachelor-paper is an investigation of organisational flexibility in Swedish andPolish television companies. The essay is based on four main questions which is thananalysed by looking at different categories that defines a flexible organisationalstructure.The questions are:? What is the internal and external perceived judgment about the TV-channelsorganisational flexibility?? What are the differences regarding Public service channels in Sweden andPoland as well as the differences between commercial channels?? What are the differences regarding public service- and commercial TVchannelsin Sweden as well as in Poland? Which of the companies are considered being the stronger and the weakest inan organisational flexibility point of view?In order to answer these questions have we used following main theories.? Readiness for business process reengineering - Abdolvand, N. & Albadvi, A.& Ferdowsi, Z (2008)? Decisionprocess - Jacobsen D.I.

Public Service Begreppets olika ideal och tolkningar

With this master thesis we wanted to find out in which way the concept of public service is connected to different perspectives, ideals, visions of the future and forms of organizations. The purpose with our thesis was to do an analysis of different concepts regarding to public service. To the analysis of concepts we used Swedish newspapers and analysed the issue of public service that had been discussed in articles written during the last five years. From this material and other papers about public service we developed a model of public service ideals. We wanted to find out what the different perspectives thought about the Swedish television and their commission.

Från apparat till App : Public service i ett förändrat medielandskap

This Bachelor thesis is a qualitative study of the public debate regarding the role of Public service in the media converged society today. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the public debate, that is the Swedish Public service television and people with broad representative knowledge about Public service, motivates a change of the function of the Swedish Public service television.Our issues are: What does the public debate say about the function of Swedish Public  service television in our society today and how is a change motivated in this debate? How does the public debate look upon today´s media convergence and the fragmentation of the audience which, according to Denis McQuail, is a consequence of this?The method of this thesis is a qualitative analysis and we have analyzed ten opinion articles and Swedish Public service television magazine ?DittSvt?. The theoretical background was obtained from Henry Jenkins and Håkan Hvitfelts theories and thoughts about mediaconvergence. We have supplemented this with Denis McQuails theory regarding the fragmentation of the audience.In this thesis, we see that the public debate is a lot about diversity in Swedish Public service television programming and that the democratic base is still very important.

Television i allmänhetens tjänst : en studie av public service-begreppet

Title: Television in the Service of the Public - a Study of the Public Service Concept(Television i allmänhetens tjänst - en studie av public service-begreppet).Author: Daniel FärnstrandAim: To describe the ideals, or principles, that the Public Service Ideology or concept of Pub­lic Service is based upon. The two main questions the paper aims to answer are thus:· Which principles should, according to the theoretical norm, guide Public Service activity?· Which principles guide Public Service television in Sweden today, according to the actual guidelines for the Public Service organization SVT? Method / Material: A study of relevant literature is carried out. Further, the actual guidelines for SVT are summarized. The normative guidelines are then also summarized, and a compari­son is made between this summary and the actual guidelines for SVT.Main results: Although a comprehensive definition is hard to find within the theoretical frame­work, a summary of the theoretical ideal is carried out.

When I grow up : En retorisk och semiotisk studie om ansvarsretorik hos Svenska Spel, angående minderåriga.

This essay is a qualitative study of the Swedish joint-stock company Svenska Spel AB?s television commercial from 2008. The commercial is called ?Spela lagom - When I grow up?, and is meant to serve as an informational commercial about being underaged in situations regarding gambling. Using semiotics and rhetoric?s, we are analyzing how elements seen in the commerical affects the rhetorical situation the clip is bound to; how the marketing is done to enhance Svenska Spel?s brand; and what strategies are used to make sure the public service announcements regarding persons involved with underage gambling gets acceptance.

Genom vilka strategier använder gamla medier de nya? : En kvalitativ studie om TV-aktörernas användande av sociala medier

Title: By what strategies is the old media using the new media? A qualitative essay on TV: s use on social mediaNumber of pages: 54Authors: Marie Magnusson och Sabina KarlssonTutor:  Karin FastCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Spring 2011University: Karlstad UniversityPurpose/Aim: Our purpose is to examine which strategies and why two TV-channels, SVT and TV4, are using social media. Our anticipated view is that SVT as a public service organization and TV4 as a commercial operator may have different motives with its use of social media.Material/Method: A qualitative method consisting of interviews by informants from SVT and TV4.Main results: Our result is that there isn?t any big difference between SVT and TV4 in the way they?re using social media. However, that SVT has to more specifically make sure no commercialism exists, while TV4 don?t have to think about it.Keywords: Social networking, convergence, commercialism, communication, Internet, public service, television..

Hur bra är ett program om ingen tittar? : En studie om hur produktionspersonal resonerar kring underhållningsprogram i Public Service- och kommersiella kanaler.

Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vilka hänsyn som måste tas när underhållningsprogram, bl.a. de som är baserade på utländska format, produceras för att visas i Public Service-kanaler.I studien, som ....

Kanal 1 i Kanal5? : En kvantitativ studie om studenters attityder gentemot att public service utför marknadskommunikation

In recent years, the digitalization and media convergence has increased, which has made the market for public service- medias more competitive. Perhaps this is why public service has chosen to communicate with recipients outside their own channels.The purpose of this quantitative study is to find out how students attitudes looks towards the fact that public service are performing marketing communication. To find out, we conducted a survey, as 256 students of Linnaeus University in Kalmar answered. Together with the study we have used different theoretical references in order to analyse the responses from the survey, and obtain our conclusions.By analysing the empirical material we came to the conclusion that the majority are in favour of public service performing communication outside its own channels. But we also noticed that the communication needs to be in a certain way for the students to be positive.

Public Service i framtiden : En kvalitativ studie om hur SVT förhåller sig till Public Service-idealet på webben

Public Service är ett svårdefinierat begrepp. De gamla idealen handlar mycket om enmedieideologi som baseras på etermediernas möjligheter och begränsningar, vilket har skapatsvårigheter när Public Service har letat sig ut på Internet. Kritik från bland annatbranschorganisationen Tidningsutgivarna ifrågasätter Public Service-företagens breddning påwebben. De anser att gränserna för vad Public Service-företagen får och inte får göra äralltför otydliga.Med hjälp av fyra kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer (tre personer från Sveriges Television samt enfrån Tidningsutgivarna), och med kvalitativa textanalyser av statliga propositioner ochutredningar angående Public Service-uppdraget undersöks hur Public Service-uppdraget ochdess medieföretag påverkas av medieutvecklingen.I uppsatsen jämförs resultaten med Anna Maria Jönssons tankar kring Public Service och denmedieideologiska inriktningen ?Social ansvarsideologi?.

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