

1423 Uppsatser om City visions - Sida 55 av 95

The Surveillance Camera Players : Ett konstnärligt motstånd mot övervakningssamhället

The purpose with this essay is to examine how arts and politics integrate to raise urgent messages and call upon social changes. Performance art as an artistic manifestation against the surveillance society has been studied to clarify this integration and through an empirical examination of the anarchistic performance group The Surveillance Camera Players. This group formed in New York City 1996 as a manifestation against the increased use of surveillance cameras in public places in Manhattan. Through performance in front of these cameras, The Surveillance Camera Players are able to express their protest against the surveillance society which, occurring to them, violates citizens constitutionally right to privacy. The development and signification of the surveillance society are examined through theoretical perspective by foremost Michel Foucault, but also by contemporary scientist in that field.

Mötesindustrin : Kongresser : samarbete, nätverk och värdeskapande

Background: The meeting industry has had undergone a extensive changes due to a number of factors. The globalization has meant that supply increases and congress organizers have more options to choose from. Development in communications, for instance internet, means that meetings can take place without a physical presence. Congress organizers as clients have also changes. Stockholm as position as a leading city to hold congresses in has also changed for the worse, in 2006 Stockholm dropped of the top-10 list.

Musiklärares möjligheter att uppfylla kraven i Lgr11 : En enkätstudie om musikämnets förutsättningar i år 4-6 i grundskolan

This study, a document analysis with a qualitative approach, explores children, under 18years, who have been subject to measures of child welfare in the city of Malmö during theyears 1935-1937. It also explores the school's role in this context. The questions that the studyis guided by is: How was children described in the Child Welfare documents in Malmö duringthe years 1935-1937? And what role did the school have in Child Welfare work and whatmotivated this? The theoretical approaches are Foucaults theories of power, control anddisciplining.It appears from the study that the school and child welfare authorities had a close cooperationwith the purpose to control the upbringing and disciplining of the children. It was through theupbringing that the deviant child would become a "normal", docile and good, industriouscitizen.

Healing, häxor och helhetstänkande. En studie av new age- litteraturens tillgänglighet på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this masters thesis is to find out if public libraries provide new age materials or not. My research is done using the point of view of the library users. Do they think libraries hold a sufficient amount of new age literature and do the users find this literature of good quality? To find an answer to this question, interviews have been made with a number of library users interested in new age related issues. Interviews have also been made with librarians, to get their point of view on this rather controversial subject.

Barns inflytande i förskolan : En studie om förskollärares uppfattningar gällande barns inflytande i förskolans rutinsituationer

The purpose with this degree thesis was to investigate the preschool teacher´s view onchildrens´s influence in preschool routine situations. The target group for this study ispreschool teacher´s that currently are working with children that are 1 ? 5 years of age. To manage to answer the aim of this study semi-structured interviews were conducted. I have performed interviews with five preschool teacher´s that currently work in a preschool that is situated in a medium sized city, in the county Värmland, Sweden.

Polstjärnan. Ett fastighetsutvecklingsprojekt

Efter att ha ägt fastigheterna benämnda som Polstjärnan, belägna i stadsdelen Lindholmen på Norra Älvstranden i Göteborg, under många år ställs Wallenstam nu vid ett vägskäl. Med byggnader som åldrats och ett område som utvecklas ifrån dem växte fastighetsutvecklingsprojektet Polstjärnan fram.Syftet med arbetet är således att utreda en framtida utvecklingsplan för fastigheterna som är väl förankrad i området Lindholmen och kvarteret Polstjärnegatan-Karlavagnsgatan. Till att börja med ville jag få en bild av Lindholmen ser ut och vad det finns för planer för fortsatt utveckling i området. Därför kontaktade jag Johan Altenius, planarkitekt på stadsbyggnadskontoret i Göteborg och Anna Eckerstig, byggprojekt och verksamhetsansvarig på Chalmers Fastigheter.För att sedan skapa en gällande utgångspunkt för arbetet har flera personer på Wallenstam intervjuats. I dessa intervjuer har de fått ge sin bild av fastigheterna, dess historik och tidigare tankar på vidare utveckling.

Social hållbarhet - En studie av begreppets innebörd i Malmö

Sustainable development is often pictured as containing of three interlinked dimensions- namely environmental, economic and social. ?Social sustainability? is a vague concept that is often thought of as highly context-dependent. This thesis sets out to investigate the meaning of ?social sustainability? in a given context.

"Frestande lockelser ..." : två svenska arkitekters möten med Pompeji 1843-44 1884

Ever since the remains of the ancient city of Pompei was rediscovered in the 18th century it became an important destination for artists and architects. The unique settings made it possible to study the greek and roman art and life which was considered important having knowledge about. As a complement to the architectural education at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm the students could gain funds to make a Grand Tour and visit Pompei.The aim in this study is to explain the study tours the architects made to Pompei by studying their experiences at the site. Fredrik Wilhelm Scholander and Isak Gustaf Clason serves as examples of two swedish architects visiting Pompei on such a tour. In the study I describe why and how these tours were made and why Pompei was an important destination.

Rosariet i Midskeppsparken, Lomma Hamn - från skiss till verklighet :

This master thesis is a story about the development of a rosary in Lomma hamn. During spring 2004 I attended a competition arranged by the municipality of Lomma and SLU Alnarp. The assignment was to design a rosary. The jury liked my ideas and invited me to proceed and develop them. The rosary in Lomma hamn was built in 2006. The Lomma hamn area is being developed as a new part of Lomma.

Samförståelse inom mjukvaruutveckling : Visioner, utvecklare och brukskvaliteter

Vi vill med den här uppsatsen undersöka om brukskvaliteter kan vara ett stöd vid mjukvaruutveckling, med fokus på dess kommunikativa egenskaper och hur de kan bidra till skapandet av samförståelse. Empirin för studien är hämtat från UIQ Technology i Ronneby som utvecklar en plattform för ?smart phones? och har ett starkt fokus på användbarhet.I denna uppsats beskriver vi deras arbete som två nivåer. Först ut är Vision vilket representerar dem som tar in kundens krav och skapar, eller formulerar, en vision utefter dessa. Därefter förs denna formulering ner till Utförande som står för dem som skapar den faktiska produkten.

U-137 svenskt politiskt och militärt agerande under kris

This bachelor thesis deal with the Soviet submarine U-137 and it's grounding inthe Swedish archipelago outside the city of Karlskrona and one of Sweden?slargest naval-bases. The actions that took place in October 1981 were specialbecause of the clear violation of Swedish territory. When the Swedish authoritieslater suspect nuclear armament onboard the crisis gets worse. In the thesis wehave examined the Swedish politicians and military and their behaviour duringthe crisis.

Demokratiska värden som varumärke. En studie om "Göteborg 2021".

Alltfler kommuner har börjat tänka och arbeta som om det vore en produkt med konkurrens. Detta innebär att många städer idag också vill marknadsföra sig. Det kräver att staden blir ett varumärke. Att lyckas med utmaningen att kombinera varumärkesarbete med demokratiska värden är en problematisk uppgift som städer ställs inför när de vill göra staden till ett varumärke. Den här uppsatsen har som syfte att undersöka hur demokratiska värden tillvaratas i varumärkesarbetet med det så kallade ?Göteborg 2021?, firandet av Göteborgs 400-årsjubileum.

Kan du bevisa det? : En enkätstudie av gymnasielärarens förhållningssätt till matematiska bevis

Practice of mathematical proof increase the understanding of mathematics anddevelop creativity skills, problem solving, communication, logical thinking andreasoning which are all important tools not only within the subject of mathematicsbut also important tools for the society in which we are living. The aim of this projectwas to investigate whether it is accurate that proof and proving has a subordinate rolein mathematic education in the upper secondary school in Sweden. This was done byconstructing of a digital survey that was sent to approximately 100 practicingmathematics teachers in a normal size city located in the middle of Sweden. Theresults of the survey show that the teachers consider themselves comfortable withtheir own skills in teaching proof. Paradoxically, the results also show that there is alack of teaching of proof and proving in the upper secondary school, although the newcurriculum puts more focus on proof and proving..

En kulturskola för några?

Is culture accessible to all in Sweden or do challenges in accessibility begin in childhood? During the academic year of 2010/2011 the Schools for Music and Arts in Göteborg participated in a project entitled En kulturskola för alla (A School for Music and Arts for All). This thesis' objective is to describe the project as well as examine the method the Schools of Music and Arts use to include children with disabilities and what suggestions can be made to further develop the project. Through En kulturskolla för alla, approximately 200 children with disabilities now haave better teachers. The project included 18 music and arts teachers from eight schools.

Individualisering i undervisningen : Fyra lärares uppfattning om och arbete med individualisering

The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of individualism also how individualism is applied in a teacher?s classroom. Based on the curriculum, teaching is tailored to each and every student?s expectations and needs.  My research has been qualitative and includes four interviews with practicing teachers in two multi-cultural schools in the city of Stockholm. I have investigated how these four teachers perceive individualism, also how they individualize when teaching to meet all students' expectations and needs according to them.

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