

1423 Uppsatser om City visions - Sida 56 av 95

NÄR SKA MAN SÄLJA SIN BOSTAD? : En multipel regressionsanalys av bostadsrätter i Stockholm

This project is made to see at which time at the year it?s best to sell an apartment inside the tolls in Stockholm city. The two types of apartments that are compared are one room and four rooms.The comparison is made at the request of Valuegard since they were interested in the result and it?s considered as a interesting comparison.This comparison can be extended to other amounts of rooms in an apartment. But in this project, only two types will be represented.The result can be used both for those who wants to sell and buy an apartment.

Kvinnodominansen inom folkbibliotekarieyrket i Sverige under 1900-talet - Uppsats baserad på en undersökning av förhållandena i Uppsala, Jönköping och Skara under åren 1938, 1958 och 1978

This essay is about possible causes to the female dominance in public libraries. We have focusedon the 20th century in Sweden and the development of public libraries during this time. Forthis purpose we have done a survey of three different cities, Uppsala, Jönköping and Skara,during three different years, 1938, 1958 and 1978. We have studied salaries, gender and titlesfor the employed at the head library in each city and then made comparisons between them.In conjunction, we have also studied how women were looked upon by the rest of society,regarding their education and work opportunities.To achieve a comprehension of the society's view of women we have, in the essay, put threedifferent theories of the so called "female nature" in center. The genderization in the labourmarket has also been set to discussion.A comparison between librarians, teachers at different levels, and postoffice employees, hasalso been made regarding their salaries during the years (1938, 1958 and 1978)..

Marmorering i nötkött : påverkan av ras och foderintensitet

The water tower in Uppsala city forest was built in the late 1950's in what is now a nature reserve. The unique place was supposed to be visited by people, which is currently not the situation. This bachelor thesis aimed to perform an analysis and make a design proposal for the environment surrounding the water tower. The analysis was performed using the methodology previously described by architect Arne Branzell. The methodology focuses on how a space is perceived by a person moving through it.

Islam som religion och skolämne - en studie om hur högstadieelever kan tala om islam

With this thesis I have sought to do a critical review on how Islam is perceived and articulated by secondary school students in a school in a larger Swedish city. The aim is to analyse how some secondary students in Sweden talk about Islam, as a religion and as a school subject. To achieve this aim, seven focus group interviews with 36 students aged 15-16 have been conducted. These focus groups have discussed the general picture of Islam depicted by the society, media and through the school. But also how, and in what way that depiction has influenced their personal view of Islam.

Med andras ögon : En intervjustudie av åsikter och värderingar om effekter och produkter av det svenska jordbruket

The majority of the Swedish population were self-provided within agriculture a hundred years ago. Times do change and today the situation is the other way around - most of us live within city boundaries and only few work with farming and related agricultural businesses. One thing that has not changed though, is the need of supplies from Swedish agriculture.What do we think of those products? Are we even aware of the connection between us and agriculture? The Federation of Swedish Farmers, LRF (Lantbrukarnas riksförbund), started their project to strengthen the link between consumers and producers in 2008.This paper is part of the project and its aim is to investigate consumers' views and values upon the effects and products from Swedish agriculture.Opinions and values have been studied through interviews influenced by phenomenology. The results show that the informants in general had a positive approach and thinking concerning the products and effects from Swedish agriculture.

Från hemtjänst till eHemtjänst

The number of elderly continues to increase in Sweden which puts pressure on the elderly care. Aproposed solution is to increase the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) inhome care to both streamline care and enable older people to manage on their own to a greaterextent. So far Västerås is the only municipality that has made a decision on an ICT solution, whichthey have chosen to call ?eHemtjänst? (eHomecare). The purpose of this paper was to investigatethe specific prerequisites and requirements for Gothenburg city regarding the potentialimplementation of eHemtjänst.

Vilddjuret sliter sig : En studie i etablissemangets och vänsterns attityder kring politiskt våld i en svensk småstad 1925.

In this Bachelor thesis I am going to look at attitudes towards political violence in a small town in Sweden in the 1920s. The town I have picked for this study is Kalmar situated on the east coast of Sweden. This study is a micro historic case study. The specific case is a strike at the city?s water and gas plants for higher salary.

Tillgänglighet i femtiotalshus : En fallstudie i tillgänglighetsbrister med åtgärdsförslag

This is a report about accessibility. For this project the accessibility of a building in the city of Halmstad was evaluated. It´s a three storey building with five apartments on each floor divided by two stairwells. These five apartments have since been divided into three different types of apartments. Each type of apartment has been assessed separately.

Den kommunala profilen och dess påverkan på den fysiska planeringen

Ronneby kommun har år 2009 antagit en ny profil, Den moderna kurorten, som ska förtydliga vad kommunen har att erbjuda och vilka mål den sätter för framtiden. Detta arbete syftar till att söka svar på om denna nyantagna profil och vad den står för har speglat av sig i kommunens fysiska planering. Detta görs genom att söka upp kommunala dokument med uttalade kopplingar till denna profil. Profilens betydelse kommer sedan att analyseras för att sedan jämföras med fallstudiernas åtgärder. På så sätt kan arbetet hitta kopplingar mellan den aktuella fysiska planeringen och kommunens profil och därmed avgöra om Den moderna kurorten har satt spår i planeringen. Arbetet kommer även undersöka fallstudiernas möjlighet, grundat i forskning, som fungerande komponenter i Ronneby kommuns marknadsföring.

En plats att minnas : om att involvera ungdomar i en skapandeprocess

This Master thesis is about how to involve young people in a creative process. The aim is to see what methods can be applied to make them reach the kind of knowledge they need to be able to contribute to the creation of a memorial place. Issues such as if a place that displays death has a right to exist in an urban environment or why young people should be involved in the creative process are brought up and discussed in this thesis.The memorial place that the young people contribute to is unique, in some sense, due to it not commemorating any special event or person. The purpose of the memorial is rather to serve the public when larger catastrophes occur or to serve individuals who do not have a grave they can visit to commemorate their loved ones. The idea is to place the memorial in an urban setting in the city of Borås.In this thesis the process that the young people participate in is reported in a form similar to a diary where the reader can follow the developments of the young participants, from how they gain knowledge to how they develop their ideas.

Praktisk Fysik : Laborationernas och demonstrationernas vara eller inte vara.

Several scenarios point toward a future where we are far more people on Earth than today, where most of those people will live in cities and where oil no longer dominates in the transport systems and in agriculture as an energy source and where less energy will be available to us. The report investigates what areas in traditional ecological knowledge that can contribute to the transition that follows a future with less energy and establishes three areas with the potential of becoming important: areaspecific biological knowledge in societies that are more dependent upon its surrounding environment and its natural prerequisitesthe local management of these biological resources, which often means a fair sharing and sustainable handling of the resources and which has been observed in Nobel price awarded Elinor Ostrom?s researchthe world views that lie behind how the environment is considered and managed, world views that can inspire and point toward how we in the future should formulate world views that do not give the destructive modern management of the environment It is also noted that the magnitude of the city living in the future is a historical news and that very little research has been done in how traditional knowledge can be transferred into this kind of living..

Balanserad samhällsbyggnad i Eslövs kommun : fördjupning av översiktsplanen för östra Eslöv

This work has been made in cooperation with the municipality of Eslöv and the inventory area is a part of the deepening of the municipality plan of east Eslöv. The aim of the work is to test the principle of balance in the overall planning. Later in the detailed planning process a more detailed calculation is made and a suggestion of suitable measures for compensation is made. Then the method with green area factors can be used. The goal is to balance the negative influence on the environment from the planned impacts to gain a sustainable development of the city. The principle of balance means that the one responsible for the development also has to compensate for the negative impacts on nature and landscape that comes with the development.

Sandgärdsgatan, Växjö : - En attraktivare gågata

Runt om Växjö återfinns många köpcentra som ständigt utökar vilket kan bli ett hot mot centrum. Växjö city domineras ur shoppinghänseende, av en enda gata, Storgatan. För att få ett mer konkurrenskraftigt centrum och dessutom ett mer spännande gatunät skulle en breddning av centrum därför vara positivt. Närmast tillhands för en vidgning är den parallella gågatan Sandgärdsgatan, vilken i dagsläget känns mer som en bakgata. Vårt projekt gick således ut på att ta fram förslag på hur man skulle kunna göra Sandgärdsgatan till en mer attraktiv gågata.

Augmented Reality i mobiltelefonen : En kunskapssammanställning med trafikinriktning

This master thesis is about Augmented Reality (AR), a phenomenon that has existed since the mid-fifties but only recently has become available for the general public. This report is a knowledge compilation about AR, focusing on AR in cell phones and the use of the technology in traffic related situations.AR is usually described as adding a digital layer of information onto the real world. There are different technologies to make virtual images; in cell phones sensor-based and camera-based technologies are the most common ones.In this report, the market of AR applications for cell phones has been investigated. Three use cases have also been investigated in order to get more knowledge about the designers' thoughts and visions.In order to analyze the technology and the applications in a broader and more scientific perspective, two theories has been used: Situation Awareness (SA) and the Service Dominant Logic (SDL). These theories seem useful when reflecting on the Swedish road administrations vision, and to investigate what the applications and the AR technology can contribute to the traffic domain.The conclusions of this thesis are that:- AR can be applied on most of the human senses, but augmenting by visualization is most common.- The market for cell phone applications is growing rapidly: AR applications are relatively new but on the rise.

Undersökning av Informationssystem i småföretag : En studie av hur Växjös små företag är nöjda med sina Informationssystem

In todays sociaty the use of information systems is wide spread and many corporations and buisnesses both in large and small spread make use of more advanced and sopisticated systems. Larger corporations have their own IT sections that maintain and updates their systems on a daily basis. They have the money and resources for it by how do the small businesses coop with it. How satisfied are the small businesses that are maybe runing on systems that might not be supplying the needs that the business is in need of. In this paper we investigate this question in the form of a questionnaire.

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