333 Uppsatser om Bluetooth Smart - Sida 7 av 23
Audio Broadcast
This report is the written part of a bachelorthesis on the computer engineering program atUniversity of Halmstad. The project was a cooperate project that where done together withFree2move Holding AB. Free2move is a company with eight employees in Sweden and four inMalaysia. The company is today developing Bluetooth modules and RFID chips. The market forthis kind of products is growing very rapidly, last year it grew 71 percent.
Book Smart eller Street Smart? : - En kvalitativ studie om lokala hotellchefers inställning och kommunikation av mjuka värden bland Umeås hotellkedjor
Hotell tillhör en bransch med svårigheten att skapa lojala kunder. Därför höjs kraven på hanteringen av mjuka värden, som kundtillfredsställelse. Genom att inkludera mjuka värden tillsammans med finansiella värden i en modell kan ledningen i hotellen balansera dem. Eftersom mjuka värden är starkt kopplade till personalens kompetens och motivation, är det svårt för en stor organisation som hotellkedjor att enbart lita till att företagsstrukturerna ska upprätthålla mjuka värden i organisationen. Den lokala ledningen har därför ett stort inflytande kring hur personalen och verksamheten närmast kunden hanterar mjuka värden.
Konstruktion och utveckling av en självbalanserande robot
This project is part of the course MF10YX, introductory mechatronics. The purpose of theproject is to integrate modules from the group members previous specializations into amechatronic system in the form of a self-balancing robot. The prototype ?Charlie? should be ableto race along a 10 - 30 m line. It should be able to start manually and autonomously detect andstop after the finishing line.
Are you smart enough to be stupid? : En receptions- och innehållsanalys av Diesels reklamkampanj BE STUPID
Reklam försöker fånga intresset hos likgiltiga och stressade mottagare. Den försöker få oss att stanna till, men vill även bli ihågkommen efter att vi har lämnat den. I den här c-uppsatsen Are you smart enough to be stupid? är syftet att få ökad förståelse för hur Diesels - ett modeföretags - image framställs i dessa annonser. Vi besvarar frågor om vilket budskap annonserna förmedlar till dess mottagare och hur orden smart och stupid tolkas.
Säkerhet och integritet i närfältskommunikation
Context. In today?s society we use smart cards in many areas, NFC is a smart card technology that allows contactless interaction between a reader and the tag, the tag is often in the form of a card. NFC can be used for various payment methods or as access card to a building which makes life easier. In previous studies, the technique has proven to be weak to attacks using an NFC reader connected to a computer.
IT-Instrument : En intervju-och observationsundersökning kring användandet av digitala instrument inom undervisningen i ämnena historia och engelska i en gymnasieskola
This essay is a study of the use of IT technology by teachers of English and History at a Swedish upper secondary school. It is based on four interviews and four observations. In my analysis of these I have made use of the theory of Social Shaping of technology, a theory which puts emphasis on a teacher´s purpose regarding the use of IT technology in order to empower the teaching process. As a researcher I aim to explore the reasoning on the part of the teacher and to that end I use the method of interviews and observations. This study shows different ways of using IT technology varying from one teacher to another.
Värdet av demand response på den svenska elmarknaden
Intelligent IT-based solutions, often called Smart Grids, are considered to be the future balancers of renewable energy sources. One area within the Smart Grid concept is called demand response, which is focused on making customers more consumption flexible by making them more active in their consumption. In this thesis the aim is to analyze a business model by investigating the income potential for a demand response solution as well as its market potential. This has been done through literature studies, interviews and development of a computational model.The use of 5000 households with flexible consumption can provide a cost reduction of 17.2% or 2.4 million SEK for a balance responsible party during an average year. If the solution is used to make strategic bids on the regulation markets the study indicates that the largest potential for revenues lies within this strategy.
HomeBT : För ett intelligentare hem
Frysar som känner av om dörren står öppen och spisar som registrerar värmeplattornas temperatur och inkopplingstid och vid fara larmar bostadsinnehavaren. De så kallade intelligenta konsumentprodukterna kommer i en snar framtid ersätta många av dagens ?dumma? apparater. Intelligensen skulle emellertid enkelt kunna kopplas till befintlig apparatur utan att något ingrepp i hårdvaran behöver göras. Baserat på en patentsökt idé av Niclas Fock på Combitech Systems har ett system konstruerats, som på ett snabbt, enkelt och kostnadseffektivt sätt möjliggör smarta produkter redan idag..
Det viktiga är inte vad man tror på, utan vad man har i hjärtat. : En studie om religionens roll i den sekulära förskolan.
This essay examines the role religion plays in kindergarten. Today, the Swedish kindergarten provides child care for a secular and multicultural society where religion is considered a private matter that should not influence government nor the policy documents of kindergarten and elementary school. According to a study by Jenny Berglund, there is a so-called Protestant bias present in the Swedish elementary school. Protestant bias is shaped by a ?marinade? of liberal Protestant Christianity and has an indirect influence on how other religions are described, how religion is defined and how concepts such as religion, tradition or culture are viwed.The study was also based on Ninian Smart?s dimensions of religion, whichcorrelates to Berglund?s theory on Protestant bias.
Trådlös styrning för hydrauldrivna maskiner
Detta examensarbete gick ut på att konstruera ett system för trådlös styrning av hydrauldrivna maskiner där den trådlösa kommunikationen sker över Bluetooth.Sändaren i systemet skulle vara en kontroller med ett antal komponenter för styrning och indikering. Mottagaren tar emot information från kontrollern och skall utifrån denna kunna ställa ett antal utgångar på olika sätt.Resultatet blev en prototyp där utgångarna på en ?CAN to 9 Output Valve Controller? trådlös eller med kabel kan ställas genom att manövrera joystickar och andra komponenter på kontrollern..
Attityder till tabuord bland amerikaner : Kognition, intensitet och frekvens.
This essay examines the role religion plays in kindergarten. Today, the Swedish kindergarten provides child care for a secular and multicultural society where religion is considered a private matter that should not influence government nor the policy documents of kindergarten and elementary school. According to a study by Jenny Berglund, there is a so-called Protestant bias present in the Swedish elementary school. Protestant bias is shaped by a ?marinade? of liberal Protestant Christianity and has an indirect influence on how other religions are described, how religion is defined and how concepts such as religion, tradition or culture are viwed.The study was also based on Ninian Smart?s dimensions of religion, whichcorrelates to Berglund?s theory on Protestant bias.
Säkerhet och integritet i närfältskommunikation
Context. In today?s society we use smart cards in many areas, NFC is a smart
card technology that allows contactless interaction between a reader and the
tag, the tag is often in the form of a card. NFC can be used for various
payment methods or as access card to a building which makes life easier. In
previous studies, the technique has proven to be weak to attacks using an NFC
reader connected to a computer.
Aktiv Förvaltning, ett smart val? : en jämförelse mellan aktiv förvaltade svenska aktiefonder kontra index
Interest for Mutual funds has been enormous in Sweden and since 1970 has savings increased from 300 million SEK to about 900 billion SEK. An important reason for this increasing is the strong development of the stock markets has got and, the impairment of the public pension and the increasing of necessity of the private saving..
Integrering av Digitala Färdskrivare och Telematik för den nya Europeiska Standarden
This Master of Science thesis project handles issues around managing data from the digital tachographsystem. European legislation states that companies must download the data of the digital tachograph systemand store it for at least one year for control purposes. The system stores data on the vehicle unit located inthe driving compartment and on smart cards personal for each driver.Acquiring data from the previous analogue tachograph was done instantaneously since the data wasphysically printed to a circular paper chart when driving. To acquire data from the digital system one mustperform a download from the vehicle unit and later transfer it to some form of backup solution for longterm storage. Data must also be downloaded from the driver smart cards.Download of data from the vehicle unit is the most time consuming task and may take up to 30minutes pervehicle.
Enabling Smart Research and Development through Knowledge Conversation
Abstract Title: Enabling Smart Research and Development through Knowledge Conversation Seminar date: 2005-06-08 Course: Master thesis in business administration, 10 Swedish credits (15 ECTS) Authors: Andreas Johnsson, Johan Rosendahl Advisors: Lars Bengtsson Key words: Knowledge management, Knowledge conversation, Research and development, Ba, Trelleborg Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to create a model that shows how knowledge management aimed at research and development processes can be used and how the theoretical fields can be connected. Methodology: The thesis is based on abductive perspective where empirical and theoretical material has been mixed to create a foundation for the analysis. Theoretical perspectives: Theories concerning knowledge management and research and development have primarily been used. These have been complemented with material about team structures and incentive systems. Empirical foundation: The empirical material is based on semi structured, mostly qualitative interviews and strictly quantitative inquiries performed at Industrial Hose within the Trelleborg group.