547 Uppsatser om Axis Communications - Sida 25 av 37
Gilla, dela och kommentera - användarnas inställning till tävlingar på Facebook
This essay is how companies are using Facebook to appear. The two companies in this study, Fritz Olsson AB Kalix and Promentum AB shows how Like, share and comment-contest communicates via Facebook. The purpose of this essay is to examine how Facebook users attitude and perception is to Like, share and comment- contest.The thesis was conducted in two parts, first a qualitative interview with the two companies that stand as examples in the paper and a quantitative online survey. The online survey was sent out to the 256 Media and Communication students at Umea? University, who read or has read the program from 2010 to 2016, via Facebook.
En deal om dagen - En kvantitativ studie om hur konsumenter uppfattar varuma rken som promotas genom dagliga deals
The relatively new phenomenon of daily deals has had an amazing explosion of growth during recent years. The concept relies on offering deeply discounted products and services that a number of customers must buy in order to acquire this discounted service. Companies spend valuable resources on marketing to get customers but the effects of daily deals on the brand do not have empirical evidence. What is the customers' attitude towards companies that communicate through daily deals How is their intention to buy from that company affected This is what is the main purpose of this study. To examine how customers perceive a company, in terms of attitude toward the brand and buying intentions, when the company markets through daily deals compared to more traditional promotion.
Monokulturell och Mångkulturell skola : Pedagogers bemötande av tvåspråkiga barn i en förskoleklass och i en förskola
Introduction: In this investigation I have illustrated, teacher treatment in a mono-cultural pre-school class and in a multicultural pre-school.Purpose: The purpose of the study was to illustrate how educators go about it when they face bilingual children to see how they work in a comparative perspective. The purpose was answered, based on four questions relating to how teachers relate to the meeting with bilingual children, the approach teachers use, which operation mode the use, if the take advantage of children's traditions, and if there is any different in the teachers? treatment of bilingual children in the mono-cultural pre-school class and in the multicultural pre-school.Theories: The theory is linked to the concepts like operation mode, inter-cultural approaches and communications.Methodology: The used methods are qualitative interviews with four pre-school, teachers where an interview guide with formulated questions and observations were used. The purpose of the working methods was to highlight teacher treatment of bilingual children to discover different approaches to meet the bilingual children.Conclusion: The study has shown that the multicultural pre-school working inter-culturally, they are taking advantage of children's home language that is lifted in the nursery and the children's background, while in the mono-cultural pre-school class, they meet bilingual children foremost to develop the Swedish language and they also show interest to the children's traditions. Teachers? treatment leads to a growing confidence in the children and knowledge for the cultural background..
Stålbalkars bärförmåga vid intryckning - orsakad av lokal momentbelastning
This master thesis deals with steel girders subjected to patch loading caused by concentrated moments. There exist no good methods to calculate by hand the ultimate resistance for this load case. In ?tunnplåtshandboken?, (Handbook for sheet metal, which is published by SSAB), one calculation method is presented. It?s however fairly difficult to use, because of many calculation steps and many graphs.
Klädda pedagoger : Om bruket av nytillverkade historiska dräkter
This thesis aims to explore the use of costumed interpreters at museums. Firstly the thesis examines how extensivethe use of historical costumes is in Sweden, along with some international comparisons. Later on the differentways that the clothes are used is examined, and the costume as a resource for learning is discussed. In the lastpart of the thesis the ?function? of the costume is examined.
Internkommunikation: En studie av kommunikationen mellan ABB:s och Ericssons moderbolag och deras kinesiska dotterbolag
Samordning av de multinationella företagens verksamheter anses vara en allt viktigare källa till konkurrensfördelar. För att en sådan samordning ska möjliggöras ställs det krav på en effektiv kommunikation inom organisationen. Detta försvåras av att de multinationella företagen består av dotterbolag som är verksamma i många olika länder och miljöer.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur ABB och Ericsson har agerat för att skapa en effektiv kommunikation mellan sitt svenska moderbolag och sina kinesiska dotterbolag. I fallet med ABB är studien avgränsad till att endast undersöka kommunikationen mellan ABB Power Systems och det kinesiska dotterbolaget ABB Chongqing Transformer Co. Ltd.
Herrljunga stationsområde - en praktisk tillämpning av tre analysmetoder
Vi reser allt mer och vi reser allt längre. Till följd av vidgade
arbetsmarknader och en ökad klimatmedvetenhet har tågresandet fått större
fokus, och orter med järnvägsstationer har fått ökat intresse både för in- och
utpendling. Ett välplanerat stationsområde kan vara avgörande för en
stationsorts attraktivitet samtidigt som de är bland de mest komplexa områdena
att planera. Sambanden mellan den fysiska utformningen av stationens närområde
och människors transportval kan vara svår att uppfatta. För att kunna
presentera planeringsförslag i ett stationsnära läge krävs därför grundliga
analyser av ortens lokala planförhållanden.
Syftet med detta kandidatarbete är att utvärdera analysmetoder för bedömning av
orter i stationsnära lägen som kan appliceras på Herrljunga tätort, genom att
studera tre handböcker från andra delar av Sverige.
Employer branding i offentlig sektor : En deskriptiv fallstudie av Örebro kommuns arbete med employer branding
Employer branding in public sectorA descriptive case study on Örebro kommuns work with employer brandingProblem: Previous literature on employer branding is normative and highlights what the work with employer branding should contain in order to succeed. Previous literature lack descriptions of how the actual work is carried out in organizations. Previous literature also takes basis in the private sector and there is a lack of studies conducted in the public sector.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe how an organization in a public sector works with employer branding and it also aims to increase the understanding of employer branding.Method: The study is a descriptive case study based on a qualitative approach with semi- structured interviews with two employees at Örebro kommun. Throughout the study previous literature on employer branding is used.Results: We have noticed different activities in the organizations work with employees, leadership and communication that contribute to employer branding. The organization has a well-developed approach for the existing employees that contribute to the employee's personal development.
Hållbarhetsredovisning : En fin fasad eller klädbranschens väg till legitimitet?
I dagens samhälle väljer många företag inom klädbranschen att presentera en hållbarhetsredovisning, angående företagets arbete för hållbar utveckling. Hållbarhetsredovisningen kan beskrivas som en viktig del av den strategi som används i syfte att profilera organisationen som socialt ansvarstagande. Däremot blir informationen som redovisas mer och mer omfattande för varje år, samtidigt som en färsk granskningsrapport visar att klädbranschens hållbarhetsarbete inte motsvarar den önskvärda utvecklingen. Den senaste tidens omfattande redovisningen kan därför diskuteras, om det är en form av fasadbygge, eller om redovisningen ändå kan uppfattas som legitim och trovärdig?Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka den interna kommunikationens betydelse för hållbarhetsredovisningens trovärdighet.
Innovating Customer Experience -from a telecom industry perspective
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to identify and analyze innovative products and services within the telecom industry, letting these findings constitute possible ways for CSPs to innovate the experience of their customers. Methodology: The research in this thesis was conducted from a qualitative approach and data were collected using primary- (expert interviews) and secondary sources (journals, articles, web sites etcetera). In addition, a research design entailing four sequential steps was created to stipulate and illustrate the logic underpinning the methodological process. Theoretical perspectives: The theories are divided in three groups. Background theories ? these intend to capture the problematic nature of the transforming telecom industry, examples of such theories are; value chain theories and ecosystem theory.
Trust within small-scale forest management - a local case study in Southern Sweden
In the forest sector, non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners commonly interact with numerous stakeholders (e.g. forest managers, timber buyers, harvesting contractors and advisors) for counseling, planning, selling and hiring. Forest management is therefore built and influenced by the
relationships between NIPF owners and other stakeholders. In the local context of a Southern Sweden, the Swedish Forest Agency (SFA) and the Southern Forest Owners Association (SÖDRA) are very influential stakeholders in small-scale forest management. Based on qualitative interviews and by means of grounded theory, an analysis of the relationships between NIPF owners and the mentioned organizations was carried out in order to understand the social context at the genesis of forest management decisions.
UML som stöd vid småskalig utveckling av ett inbyggt system
This project aims at investigating if the use of UML as a support to small-scale development ofan embedded system is relevant. The investigation is conducted by using UML during the initialphase of the development ofTelfafill, a filling machine by the company ?Telfafill AB?. The aimof the development of Telfafill is to separate the user interface from the control unit. In additionto this main objective, Telfafill AB would like possible changes to, and additions of,functionality of the filling machine to be investigated.Within the boundaries of this project, the development of Telfafill reached a full requirementspecification of the proposed system, and contact was made with potential external developers.No prototype construction had been started when the project ended.
Att finna kärleken @ Internet : en studie om hur kommunikationen mellan åtta par utvecklats från det första mötet online till det första mötet offline
Purpose/aim: The purpose is to get increased knowledge about how the communication had developed from the first contact online to the first meeting in real life and even after when it had turned into a real relationship. I also wanted to know why the eight women I interviewed experienced that the Internet is a good venue to meet and develop a real relationship at and if there existed any differences between those four women who were a bit older and those four women who were young.Material/method: When the purpose with this survey stood clear I decided to use interviews as the method to find out more about my subject. I decided to do eight interviews and I contacted eight women who all found their partners online that were willing to help me and answer my interview questions. I did six of the total eight interviews through MSN Messenger and the other two through the telephone.Main results: I found out that three of the older women had used e-mail and telephone and sometimes SMS communication to find out more about their soon to be partner and after that decided to meet the other person in real life. One of the older women and all four of the younger ones had used a Community and Instant Messenger to communicate with their soon to be partner, they also used the telephone and SMS to communicate with each other but Instant Messenger was the medium that dominated in their wish to communicate.
Cykel i stadskärnor - Möjligheter som skapar rörelse i staden
Sverige har genomgått en strukturomvandling inom stadsplaneringen, från att
vara ett samhälle där främsta transportmedlet skedde med muskelkraft till att
bli ett samhälle där bilen dominerar stadsrummen. Att behöva dela yta med alla
trafikslag kan tänkas skapa en otrygg upplevelse för såväl fotgängare,
cyklister som bilister. Idag är det självklara valet av transportmedel bilen i
många fall, vilket i sin tur kan leda till att man blir bekväm och man behöver
inte längre röra sig allt för mycket för att ta sig någonstans.
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka förutsättningar för cykeltrafik i
stadskärnor. Uppsatsen kommer att utreda planeringsprinciper och riktlinjer som
uppmuntrar rörelse med muskelkraft i staden. Hälsa är en central del i arbetet
och utgår från hur fysisk aktivitet påverkar kroppen.
Banar spår väg för framtiden? En jämförande fallstudie av tre intraurbana kollektivtrafiksatsningar.
Dagens samhälle är helt beroende av transporter. Av alla de olika typer av
transporter som finns inriktar sig denna rapport på persontransporter.
Ytterligare preciserat så handlar uppsatsen om intraurbana persontransporter
och kollektiva lösningar på detta.
Rapporten är en jämförande fallstudie och har som mål att belysa hur olika
kommuner motiverar när en större kollektivtrafiksatsning skall göras. Innan
fallen presenteras ges en bakgrund i några av de problem och förutsättningar
som finns inom ämnet.