

547 Uppsatser om Axis Communications - Sida 2 av 37

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and perinatal treatment of premature foals

The danger and vulnerability associated with a preterm birth seem to be closely correlated with a dysfunction of the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, whose maturation in the foal is without a doubt as delicate as it is important. Not only is this endocrine cascade vital for the foal in order to cope with neonatal stress, it also appears to be fundamental for the final fetal intrauterine maturation, as well as for the onset of foaling. Equine gestation exhibits some rather unique features, indicating a somewhat different significance of the endocrine changes associated with HPA maturation, compared to many other species. This hormonal cascade is rapid and confined to a narrow time during late gestation in the horse, and the risk of the foal completely missing it therefore becomes prominent. Induced parturition in the mare may be operated through uterotonic agents, which occasionally bring about premature foals. Desirable seems the ability to initiate equine labour while simultaneously enhancing fetal HPA maturation, as in humans and ruminants through perinatal glucocorticoid administration. However, similar treatment in the horse has resulted in various, sometimes fatal, outcomes. In the light of the distinctive features of equine gestation, difficulties are encountered following such administration of glucocorticoids and ACTH.

Digitala kommunikationer mellan VIDA och deras leverantörer

The Swedish forest industry has put a lot of resources in the development of digital communications in hopes of improving collaboration with suppliers. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether VIDA would benefit from using digital communication with suppliers. The survey was conducted as a questionnaire study among the company?s staff and its suppliers. The result indicated needs and interests to use digital communications in both groups. Young suppliers and suppliers on a distance showed the most interest in using digital communication. In terms of using these digital communications, the staffs and suppliers were most interested in information regarding transaction and forestmanagement plans.

Realtidsstyrning av IP-kamera

The final thesis named Tracking in Sensor Networks was created by the company Instrument control Sweden. The thesis work is to create a plug-in to an already developed software pro- gram, SkyView. Via the software program one should be able to control an IP-camera from AXIS, model 215 PTZ, with the appropriate protocol over a network.  An Application Programming Interface, API, was used to easily control the camera through SkyView. The interface is called VAPIX and is used to all cameras from AXIS.

Användning av CAD-data vid NC-programmering

The degree project is performed at Metso Kamfab. The production is aimed on machines everything from handling of fiber to paper pulp. Metso Fiber and Kamfab are using Pro/Engineer for design and blueprint production. The processing department types the NC-programs in notepad on the basis of the blueprints, the CAD-dates that already is there are not used. The aim with the work is to study if Kamfab can use CAM-system for processing and production of programs for their NC-machines.

Design och implementering av styrlagar för generisk flygplansmodell

For research purposes Saab has developed a generic mathematical model denoted VEGAS of an aircraft with a configuration similar to JAS 39 Gripen. Today parts of Gripen backup control system are used also for VEGAS making the system subject to both corporate and defense secrecy. The main objective of this master thesis is to design, verify and implement public pitch axis flight control system for VEGAS. Furthermore, simplifications regarding the design process is to be examined. Design of pitch axis flight control system for the entire flight envelope has been carried out.

En kommunikations hemlighet : En studie om externkommunikation inom en ideell organisation

My essey concern the non-profitable organization Ung företagsamhet and their extenal communication with collaborators. I have done three intervjues with three of Ung företagsamhets 24 district in Sweden, and these are Kalmar, Jönköping and Skåne. My qustions conserns their rethoric and strategic communications channales, and the focus lies in their external communications with collaborators. I have also made a secondary data analysis about their media coverage and seen how they consciously works with it.Ung Företagsamhet is a non-profit organization that need good partnerships in order to survive financially. My analysis shows that the three different regions works variously with their external communication.

Kommunikation i sociala medier : Nya utmaningar för organisationer

AbstractTitle: Communications through Social media ? new challenges for organizations Kommunikation i sociala medier ? nya utmaningar för organisationerAuthor: Jenny Lilius Location: University of Kalmar Language: Swedish Number of pages: 46 (62 including appendix) Level: BA Thesis in media and Communications StudiesAim: The main purpose of this thesis was to explore what kind of challenges organizations face when communicating through social media. Because social media is a new phenomenon the thesis also examined how organizations active in Sweden today looks upon, defines, monitoring what is said about them and uses social media today.Method: The thesis was based upon the qualitative gathering of empirical facts. Through deep interviews with five organizations and literature studies the author was able to gather the results.Theories The analysis is primarily based upon theories about organizational communications such as PR, Rogers?s diffusions of innovations and the marketing mix.

Below-the-line : En fallstudie av små företags tillämpning av marknadskommunikation med fokus på below-the-line metoder

This study aims to research how small companies that operate on the Swedish home electronic-market utilize marketing communications to communicate their message. The focus of this study has been to research these companies use of below-the-line activities in their marketing communications. Interviews have been conducted with representatives from each of the three companies Neonode, Jens of Sweden and Tonium, that compose the selection from the population in this study. The use of below-the-line activities in small companies is mainly motivated by lower cost, which suit small company budgets. Below-the-line activities are also used for branding and the creation of credibility among the consumers when the target audience does not yet know the brand.

Agera innan du reagerar : En fallstudie av myndigheters, företags och idéburna organisationers proaktiva kriskommunikationsarbete i sociala medier

The purpose of this study is to compare social media's role in the proactive crisis communication planning in two administrations, two companies and two non-profit organizations. A qualitative comparative study method has been used and people familiar with social media and crisis communications work from each business has been interviewed. The interviews have been transcribed and analyzed to discover the opinions and reasoning about how businesses work with proactive crisis communication and the role they give social media. The interviews were analyzed based on selected theories and previous research in strategic crisis communications, where issues management and crisis communication plans have a significant role. Also research on the pros and cons of social media and crisis communications channels have been used.

"Halfpipe Active Channel"- developing a secure communications protocol

With the advent of powerful multimedia capable mobile phones, the market for mobile services is flourishing. Zenterio AB's Halfpipe Active Desktop is a complete distributed mobile service platform a with a powerful server and platform-independent client. The communication between the client and server takes place over a GPRS-capable mobile network. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a secure communications protocol for use between the Halfpipe Active Desktop client and server. This is done by determining requirements, analyzing candidate protocols and then by designing the final protocol.

Den som vet bäst vinner mest - Om information i butik och hur den används.

When in the process of buying a product based high effort behavior, the consumer needs information to decide on which product that best satisfies their need. There is a wide arrange of sources where this could be found. One of the most important, due to the great influence it has on consumer choice, is in-store communications. This is also one of the least developed sources. It is not uncommon that the only facts that can be acquired are found on product packaging and from contact with the store´s staff.

Ryttarens rotation av bäcken och överliv vid ridning i trav :

The aim of this study was to determine the basic movements of the riders? pelvis and upper body when riding in trot seated. The study was preformed at a treadmill with seven high level dressage horses and their riders. The movements of the horse and rider were captured with a motion analysis system (ProReflex®) and also recorded on video. The horses were ridden in collected trot, 3.0 m/s.

Upphovsrätt i förändring? En undersökning av några upphovsrättsorganisationers remissvar på Ds 2003:35

In the year 2003 the Swedish ministry of Justice drew up a communication about the incorporation of the European Unions directive about harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the Information Society, 2001/29/EG. The communications name is Ds 2003:35. This study examines the arguments in the communications from some of the copyright organisations in Sweden. For this study we have used five referral statements from organisations who represents different types of originators. We have studied their arguments and how well they argue for their theses.

Webbsidans funktion i marknadskommunikationen: Rapport 2: Aktiva företag

Marketing communications have earlier been conducted via traditional channels. Today companies have discovered the possibility of doing much of their marketing communication in cooperation with the web at relatively low cost. This development has led to the ability for small businesses to compete with large companies independent of geographic location. The purpose with this thesis was to examine how small businesses use their website in marketing communications with their customers in the consumer market. In order to reach this purpose we have conducted interviews with five small businesses in different business trade with varying degrees of website usage, located in Piteå and Luleå.

Webbsidans funktion i marknadskommunikationen: Rapport 1: Passiva och reaktiva företag

Marketing communications have earlier been conducted via traditional channels. Today companies have discovered the possibility of doing much of their marketing communication in cooperation with the web at relatively low cost. This development has led to the ability for small businesses to compete with large companies independent of geographic location. The purpose with this thesis was to examine how small businesses use their website in marketing communications with their customers in the consumer market. In order to reach this purpose we have conducted interviews with five small businesses in different business trade with varying degrees of website usage, located in Piteå and Luleå.

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