
Den som vet bäst vinner mest - Om information i butik och hur den används.

When in the process of buying a product based high effort behavior, the consumer needs information to decide on which product that best satisfies their need. There is a wide arrange of sources where this could be found. One of the most important, due to the great influence it has on consumer choice, is in-store communications. This is also one of the least developed sources. It is not uncommon that the only facts that can be acquired are found on product packaging and from contact with the store´s staff. The purpose of this study is to examine how the stores existing informative communications influences the information search of the consumer. Our study is based on interviews and discussions with groups and individuals as well as observations conducted in-store. The results show that information in close proximity is appreciated by the consumer. A lack of information can lead to loss of sales and discontent consumers. It is also possible to alter the consumers needs and preferences with in-store information. The form in which the information should be presented varies from product to product and between individuals. Using a set of threshold values stores and manufacturers can get indications of the best way to present the information regarding a chosen product.


Douglas Iverot Pontus Mark

Lärosäte och institution

Handelshögskolan i Stockholm/Institutionen för marknadsföring och strategi


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