

829 Uppsatser om Anxiety symptoms - Sida 5 av 56

Separationsångest hos hundar : etiologi och möjliga behandlingsprotokoll

Behavioral problems are one of the leading reasons for re-homing and euthanasia in dogs. It is estimated that between 40 ? 87 % of dogs suffer from some sort of behavioural problem, making it an important animal welfare issue. Separation anxiety is one of the most common behavior problems encountered in dogs after problems related to aggression. This thesis is aimed at examining the etiology behind separation anxiety related behavior in dogs based on existing literature as well as comparing and evaluating the efficiency on suggested treatment protocols.

Stress, Konformitet, Grupptillhörighet och Självvärde hos flickor i gymnasiet

Abstract- Stress, conformity, groups and self-worth in high-school girlsThe aim of this questionnaire-survey was to investigate the experience of stress and symptomsof stress in high-school girls, and to examine if the experienced symptoms of stress could bepredicted by groups, self-worth and conformity. Another purpose of this study was to describethe girls own thoughts concerning these factors. 80 girls between the ages of 15-18 yearsanswered the questionnaire. The results showed that stress could be predicted by theexperience of conformity, but not by the experience of belonging to a group and self-worth.The most common symptoms of stress were tiredness, problems to concentrate and headache.The girls reported that they thought that girls of their own age were ?slutty and cocky?, andthey thought that it was important to look good, but at the same time many girls were happyabout themselves and they had realised that they had to live with who they are.Keywords: high-scool girls, stress, groups, self-worth, conformity.

Kartläggning av depressiva symtom hos patienter med arytmi

Objective: The aim of this study was to study the prevalence of depression among patients with arrhythmia, and to investigate if there was any gender difference in the study population regarding depression. Furthermore, differences considering depressive symptoms between patients with arrhythmia and the general population were to be investigated. Method: The self-rating scale MADRS-S was distributed during two weeks to 24 patients with arrhythmia. Twenty-one patients completed the study. Results: 28.5 % of the participants showed symptoms of some level of depression.

Barn och ungas psykosomatiska besvär : Hur tar de sig uttryck och vilka är de bakomliggande orsakerna? - en litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to examine psychosomaticsymptomsissuesamongst children and adolescents between the ages of 0-18 years and to clarify the underlying factors.Method: Literature study based on 10 scientific articles.Results: Psychosomatic issues amongst children and adolescents, due to stress, were common in Europe and Scandinavia. The symptoms varied between gender and age. The underlying factors were mainly school environmental issues, home conditions, socio-economic situations and disputes with teachers and peers. The symptoms varied from headache, gastro intestinal problems and insomnia to eating disorders, depression and pounding heart.               Conclusion: The future of children?s psychosomatic health depends on interventions on all levels of society since they are affected by everything from school environment and home conditions to unemployment and recession..

Posttraumatisk stress hos universitetsstudenter i Lund

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder resulting from exposure to a traumatic event. The purpose of this study was to examine the exposure to Potentially Traumatic Events (PTE) and the prevalence of PTSD among students at the University of Lund. Sexdifferences among these variables were also examined. Using surveys as research method, 380 students from five different faculties participated. The results indicated that these students have been more exposed to PTE than the general Swedish population.

Musikterapi för patienter med schizofreni och annan psykossjukdom

The aim of the study was to illustrate how music therapy can be used in the care of patients with schizophrenia and other psychotic illness.The method used was a literature review. Scientific articles were searched in PubMed, Cinahl, PsycINFO och Scopus databases with an outcome of ten articles, with in total 330 participants, that underwent quality and outcomes analysis.The results showed that music therapy could provide potential improvement in the patients' social functions and that it could also improve negative, some positive and general schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms in some patients. The form of music therapy used was often creative music activities with music therapist, with or without structure, or individually customized. The length of treatment varied widely. It was not possible to draw conclusions about which type of music therapy was best.

Prestationsångest : Yttre faktorer som relaterar till upplevd press i studier hos unga studerande män

I denna studie har prestationsa?ngest underso?kts i relation till tre olika typer av socialt sto?d och tva? faktorer inom tidspress. Tidigare forskning pekar pa? att socialt sto?d spelar en betydande roll fo?r minskad prestationsa?ngest i studier, samt att tidspress ger en o?kad effekt. Underso?kningen hade 151 manliga studenter fra?n tva? olika program pa? en ho?gskola.

Behandlingsalternativ för äldre med depression och ångest : - en studie av Örebro kommuns särskilda boenden

This essay aims to explore the possibilities for elderly in nursing homes in Örebro municipality toreceive other treatments besides medication in case of depression or anxiety. Issues associated withthe object in this paper and which are discussed are prevalence of drug usage, opportunities forelderlies to receive other treatments, prevalence of other treatments and the elderlies own power orinfluence over the choice of treatment. The survey has been conducted with questionnaires sent outby post to nurses at every nursing home for elderly in Örebro municipality. The results showed thatdrugs are used extensively when treating depression or anxiety among the nursing home residents,and other treatments are never or only occasionally being discussed at more than half of the nursinghomes in this study. The results also show that reminiscence therapy and problem-solving therapyhas been used occasionally, while alternative therapies are used more frequently.

?Hur ska jag kunna lära mig det här när jag inte förstår?? : Hur elever erfar lust och olust i skolmatematiken

The aim of the study is to examine factors influencing students? feelings of pleasure or pain associated with school mathematics. Own experience of students? frustration about mathematics and concern about students not reaching desired goals is the driving force in this study. It contributes with knowledge from the students' perspective.

Mindfulnessbaserad Rökavvänjning i Grupp: en explorativ studie

The aim of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a mindfulness- and acceptance-based smoking cessation program in group (MRG). MRG was developed into an intervention consisting of 6 group sessions during 35 days including individual homework assignments. 8 of 10 participants completed the program. In order to evaluate the effect of MRG a quasi-experimental design with pretest and double posttest (second posttest at 1 month) was chosen. At second posttest, 50 percent (of 8 completers) were non-smokers, and the rest showed a decrease in smoking at a rate between 45 and 75 percent.

Aortic Body Tumors in Dogs

The purpose of this essay was to review the literature and describe the patophysiology, diagnosis, microscopic and macroscopic appearance of aortic body tumors in dogs. The tumors originate from the chemoreceptor organs situated at the base of the heart. The chemoreceptor organs are neuroendocrine cells responsible for surveillance of changes in e.g. the blood pH. Aortic body tumors are rare and represent 7 % of the total cases of primary cardiac tumors in canines.

A survey of cassava plants in the coastal region of Tanzania showing severe symptoms of cassava mosaic disease

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a root crop that plays an important role in many households in Africa. It is sometimes called ?Africa´s food insurance?. The advantages with the crop are that cassava is drought-resistant and it can grow in a semi-dry land. It is a perennial crop and does not require much labor.

Identifiering av upplevelse av smärta hos patienter med cancer som får palliativ vård : en litteraturstudie

One third of all Swedish people will suffer in cancer. Pain is a common symptom in cancer patients. The pain is subjective and includes several dimensions. The dimensions of pain are the physical, psychological, social and spiritual. This is a literature review and the aim with this study was to identify the pain experience in patients with cancer receiving palliative care.

Aortainsufficiens hos häst : patofysiologi och behandling

Aortic insufficiency is a very common valve problem in horses and most often affects older individuals, but nevertheless existent within younger ones. The root cause for aortic insufficiency can be varied, for example; endocarditis, ventricular septum defect or congenital valve disease but the most common are progressive valve degeneration or elite competition. Depending on the root cause, different changes can be observed on the aorta valves, but they do all have the same effect, the valves do not seal properly and blood leaks backwards. Many horses can, even with this deficiency, perform highly without any visible impacts and there is therefore no need to treat those subjects. Most often the symptoms arise at a later stage in life and they are, more often than none, put down for other reasons. In the occurrence of the clinical symptoms showing, treatment guideline is to inhibit these symptoms since the valve degeneration is presently irreversible.

"Förlåt dem Fader, för de vet icke vad de gör" : En religionspsykologisk studie av sista uttalanden på Texas Death Row

The United States is one of few Western nations that administers capital punishment to their condemned criminals. Texas has executed the most inmates of any state in the U.S. This prompted questions about the psychological characteristics of death row inmates. The purpose of this essay is to widen the perspective on inmates serving capital sentences by analyzing their final statements. The focus of this essay was centered on acute anxiety of death among inmates, visible in their final statements, as a result of an accelerated process of dying.

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